Do Walls work everywhere EXCEPT for on our southern border?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Do Mexicans want in the U.S. more than inmates in prisons want out of prison?
I mean, I suppose one could make that argument...huh?
what wall ?

(Bloomberg) -- President Donald Trump invited the top congressional leaders from both parties to a White House briefing on border security Wednesday and suggested he wants to “make a deal” to end the government shutdown.
what wall ?

(Bloomberg) -- President Donald Trump invited the top congressional leaders from both parties to a White House briefing on border security Wednesday and suggested he wants to “make a deal” to end the government shutdown.

Hold on, so in your tiny little twisted mind “make a deal” means “concede to your filthy request”?
I’m thinking Trump changes the deal in the next meeting and requests $7.5B
what wall ?

(Bloomberg) -- President Donald Trump invited the top congressional leaders from both parties to a White House briefing on border security Wednesday and suggested he wants to “make a deal” to end the government shutdown.

Hold on, so in your tiny little twisted mind “make a deal” means “concede to your filthy request”?
I’m thinking Trump changes the deal in the next meeting and requests $7.5B

you're thinking ?


since when?

Goldilocks is going to cave just exactly like he always does.

Democrats' flip-flop on border security has everything to do with 2020 (and nothing to do with immigration)

Democrats' flip-flop on border security has everything to do with 2020 (and nothing to do with immigration)

In 2009, while speaking at Georgetown University, Sen. Schumer, D-NY, said “illegal immigration is wrong, plain and simple.” Indirectly referencing over 600 miles of border fence that had already been built, he literally claimed it was a “significant barrier to illegal immigration.” This is exactly President Trump’s position about completing the border wall, almost word for word.

Schumer is also on record, and on video, as having said, "One of the most effective things we do on the border is turn people back … they get up to the border and we find them and say, 'go home!’" Again, this is President Trump’s position, almost word for word.


House Minority Leader and incoming Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., also had a different position on borders. In 2008 she said, “Because we do need to address the issue of immigration and the challenge we have of undocumented people in our country. We certainly do not want any more coming in.”

Even Hillary Clinton, the Democratic frontrunner for president took a hard line on illegal immigration as late as 2014 saying, “We have to send a clear message that just because your child gets across the border, that doesn’t mean your child gets to stay. We don’t want to send a message that is contrary to our laws or encourage more children to make that dangerous journey.”

Nancy and Hillary sound a lot like President Trump, again almost verbatim.

In 2013 every single Democrat in the Senate — all 54 of them — voted for $46 billion in border security, which included 700 miles in border fencing. Yet today, the Democrats are willing to shut down the government over just $5 billion dollars.

That’s weird, two filthy LefTard politicians love their Jerry ‘loves em’ Brown did here in Mexifornia...Cuomo plays to his base by rewarding criminals.
Democrats' flip-flop on border security has everything to do with 2020 (and nothing to do with immigration)

Democrats' flip-flop on border security has everything to do with 2020 (and nothing to do with immigration)

In 2009, while speaking at Georgetown University, Sen. Schumer, D-NY, said “illegal immigration is wrong, plain and simple.” Indirectly referencing over 600 miles of border fence that had already been built, he literally claimed it was a “significant barrier to illegal immigration.” This is exactly President Trump’s position about completing the border wall, almost word for word.

Schumer is also on record, and on video, as having said, "One of the most effective things we do on the border is turn people back … they get up to the border and we find them and say, 'go home!’" Again, this is President Trump’s position, almost word for word.


House Minority Leader and incoming Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., also had a different position on borders. In 2008 she said, “Because we do need to address the issue of immigration and the challenge we have of undocumented people in our country. We certainly do not want any more coming in.”

Even Hillary Clinton, the Democratic frontrunner for president took a hard line on illegal immigration as late as 2014 saying, “We have to send a clear message that just because your child gets across the border, that doesn’t mean your child gets to stay. We don’t want to send a message that is contrary to our laws or encourage more children to make that dangerous journey.”

Nancy and Hillary sound a lot like President Trump, again almost verbatim.

In 2013 every single Democrat in the Senate — all 54 of them — voted for $46 billion in border security, which included 700 miles in border fencing. Yet today, the Democrats are willing to shut down the government over just $5 billion dollars.

in 09 & 013 ?


pssssstttt - well Gomer its 019 if you havent heard.
in 09 & 013 ?


pssssstttt - well Gomer its 019 if you havent heard.

Maybe you should read the entire article and understand the implications before cramming your pin head up your ass?

Oh wait, comprehension from you is asking too much.

My bad.
Do Mexicans want in the U.S. more than inmates in prisons want out of prison?
I mean, I suppose one could make that argument...huh?
How about Great Walls of America tax rates so our Great Walls can generate revenue from Inception.
I think that a wall/fence in strategic locations along the border is a good idea, anywhere close to a population cluster, however in the areas in between I think it would be ineffective.

Every time I see pictures of the large groups of people trying to cross into the USA, it is at a place where there is already a fence. Why wouldn't they just cross somewhere where there was no barrier. Maybe it's harder than we think to travel across the desert?

OK, so building a fence/wall in the wide open inhabited sections of the border isn't to stop the caravans, since they actually try to cross at border crossings, so who is left? Small groups, drug mules, terrorists?

A wall/fence on it's own will not stop everyone. It will surely stop people who weren't expecting a wall to be in their way, or did not plan at all for it. But drug trafficking? Terrorists? There is nothing I could type which would convince you that it would be possible to traverse any wall/fence given enough time if the people trying to cross were determined enough. As far as the prison analogy, the comparison can't be made about inmates getting out of prison, but people outside getting in. Inmates on the inside don't have access to building materials, privacy, free time. Without prison guards watching the wall, give me a couple hours and ill get over the wall and into the prison.

So then let's say that someone starts to try and scale the wall, sensors on it alert border control agents and they are dispatched to the section of the wall to stop whoever it is from entering. Is the wall then just some elaborate expensive attachment point for sensors? If there was some way to track the entirety of the border with drones, could the drones then report the location of anyone within a mile? of the border and alert border control agents to the location.

And then we have drones........ There are already drones which can easily lift the weight of a human. If along the wall they had signal jamming equipment, no problem, just pre program it go 50' vertical, 30' horizontal then descend 50', and you have an autonomous drone which can't be stopped.

As a sovereign nation you have every right to build a wall along your entire border, just do so knowing that it won't stop what you think it will.
Do Mexicans want in the U.S. more than inmates in prisons want out of prison?
I mean, I suppose one could make that argument...huh?

There is a MAJOR part of this equation your tend to ignore:

The Israelis are waging a war
The Wall of China protects a nationality
The United States is engaged in neither, so we do not need a wall.

The dealings with those from south of the border and Americans is mutually beneficial and those come here from south of the border because Americans willingly engage in business with them.

Your comparisons have to be equal across the board in order to be comparable. We don't need a wall. We need a permanent to a problem that those wanting a wall have failed to articulate.
border crossings and arrests are at a 10 year low ... there is no emergency, and the borders arent OPEN.

of course we need a wall - A 72 YEAR OLD EX TV REALITY SHOW HOST SAYS WE DO !
Do Mexicans want in the U.S. more than inmates in prisons want out of prison?
I mean, I suppose one could make that argument...huh?
A wall around Tijuana would probably keep undocumented Mexicans from coming from Tijuana.
border crossings and arrests are at a 10 year low ... there is no emergency, and the borders arent OPEN.

of course we need a wall - A 72 YEAR OLD EX TV REALITY SHOW HOST SAYS WE DO !

There’s this little website located at
Please use it before making a fool of yourself in public.
Border arrests surged to highest levels of Trump presidency in October

Some fully LefTarded twisted up unAmerican degenerate in cyberspace said we don’t need a wall so we don’t.

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