Do we actually think hillary will be going to prison?

Do we really think hillary will be going to prison?

  • Yes, there is too much evidence.

    Votes: 9 56.3%
  • No, you are crazy if you think this will happen.

    Votes: 7 43.8%

  • Total voters
If the Clinton witch - scum doesn't die first of Parkison

she has to answer to America inside a prison.

Criminals like her have died in the electric chair for much less.

Lock The Bitch Up!
Again, "all polls" basically show Hillary winning the popular vote. The electoral advantage she had from the winter of 2015 is still firmly in tact.

Yes, I do think you have all night to post.

From your very own, the Communist News Network:

WashingtonThere are very few things that the Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton campaigns agree on these days, but one point of total agreement is that this race has tightened over the last 10-14 days. That tightening is reflected in our new CNN "Road to 270" map.

The latest snapshot of the Electoral College map heading into the final days is a little more favorable to Trump, but Clinton still holds a clear advantage.

What's changed?

-- Maine's 2nd Congressional District moves from "battleground" to "lean Republican"
-- New Hampshire moves from "lean Democrat" to "battleground"
-- Ohio moves from from "battleground" to "lean Republican"
-- Utah from "battleground" to "lean Republican"

Road to 270: CNN's general election map -

And this post was from two days ago. The trend is Donald all the way, and we don't elect Presidents based on the popular vote.
I am sticking with the notion that the fix is clearly in for hillary. If and when hillary wins it, that is it. Nothing will come of it. Nothing.

I know I am too cynical about it. Look, if she has NOT been indicted and in prison for ALL of the things she has been ALLOWED to get away with, how can we think this will happen?

Trust me, hoping she goes to prison and Trump wins. I hope he appoints a special prosecutor to bust the whole lot of them.

Really cannot see it happening.
Her campaign is to keep her out. It's personal now.
Pardons are given AFTER conviction. Trial wont happen before Obama leaves office.. She will rot in jail.

Pardons, yes, clemencies, no. He can issue them ahead of time from what I understand.

Clemencies require the surrender of the ill gotten gains from the crime.. I doubt the Clinton's can come up with 170 billion dollars... IF they can not return the fruits of the crime they can not be granted clemency.
Again, "all polls" basically show Hillary winning the popular vote. The electoral advantage she had from the winter of 2015 is still firmly in tact.

Yes, I do think you have all night to post.

From your very own, the Communist News Network:

WashingtonThere are very few things that the Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton campaigns agree on these days, but one point of total agreement is that this race has tightened over the last 10-14 days. That tightening is reflected in our new CNN "Road to 270" map.

The latest snapshot of the Electoral College map heading into the final days is a little more favorable to Trump, but Clinton still holds a clear advantage.

What's changed?

-- Maine's 2nd Congressional District moves from "battleground" to "lean Republican"
-- New Hampshire moves from "lean Democrat" to "battleground"
-- Ohio moves from from "battleground" to "lean Republican"
-- Utah from "battleground" to "lean Republican"

Road to 270: CNN's general election map -

And this post was from two days ago. The trend is Donald all the way, and we don't elect Presidents based on the popular vote.

CNN had their electoral college map up a little while ago and had trump winning at 272 and Clinton 268. The Host was livid..
Clemencies require the surrender of the ill gotten gains from the crime.. I doubt the Clinton's can come up with 170 billion dollars... IF they can not return the fruits of the crime they can not be granted clemency.

That I'm not sure of, I'm no expert on clemencies. Maybe I'll have time this weekend to look it up. But remember Nixon was granted a pardon from Ford and he was not sentenced to anything.
CNN had their electoral college map up a little while ago and had trump winning at 272 and Clinton 268. The Host was livid..

I believe it, and the tide is getting stronger by the day. By Tuesday, it may very well be a Trump win before any state is counted. People are just sick and tired of this kind of politics. Plus Wiki promised us a November surprise on top of the October surprise, and God only knows what that could be.
Clemencies require the surrender of the ill gotten gains from the crime.. I doubt the Clinton's can come up with 170 billion dollars... IF they can not return the fruits of the crime they can not be granted clemency.

That I'm not sure of, I'm no expert on clemencies. Maybe I'll have time this weekend to look it up. But remember Nixon was granted a pardon from Ford and he was not sentenced to anything.
He had been tried and found guilty. He resigned to avoid punishment but he had been convicted.
Clemency: Trended on September 22, 2011
Examples of clemency in a sentence
  1. The President has granted clemency to several people this month.

  2. <the judge chose to show clemency to the truly repentant embezzler>

15th Century

First Known Use of clemency
15th century

clemency Synonyms
charity, mercy, forbearance, lenience, leniency, lenity, mercifulness, quarter
Related Words
humanitarianism, philanthropy; empathy, pity, sympathy, understanding; commiseration, favor, grace; benevolence, care, compassion, gentleness, goodness, goodwill, humaneness, kindliness, kindness, meekness, mildness, niceness, softness, tenderness; altruism, generosity, magnanimity, nobility; affection, devotion, love, worship
Near Antonyms
hard-heartedness, mercilessness, pitilessness, ruthlessness, uncharitableness; reprisal, requital, retaliation, retribution, revenge, vengeance; venom, vindictiveness, virulence, vitriol; atrocity, barbarity, brutality, cruelty, sadism, savageness, savagery, truculence, viciousness, violence, wantonness; castigation, chastisement, discipline, punishment, scolding; abhorrence, abomination, detestation, execration, hate, hatred, loathing; cattiness, malevolence, malice, maliciousness, malignancy, malignity, meanness, nastiness, spite, spitefulness, spleen; animosity, antagonism, antipathy, bitterness, enmity, gall, grudge, hostility, jealousy, pique, resentment; bile, jaundice, rancor; hatefulness, invidiousness; coarseness, hardness, harshness, roughness

Synonym Discussion of clemency
mercy, charity, clemency, grace, leniency mean a disposition to show kindness or compassion. mercy implies compassion that forbears punishing even when justice demands it <threw himself on the mercy of the court>. charity stresses benevolence and goodwill shown in broad understanding and tolerance of others <show a little charity for the less fortunate>. clemency implies a mild or merciful disposition in one having the power or duty of punishing <the judge refused to show clemency>. grace implies a benign attitude and a willingness to grant favors or make concessions <by the grace of God>. leniency implies lack of severity in punishing <criticized the courts

Law Dictionary

noun clem·en·cy \ˈkle-mən-sē\
Legal Definition of clemency
  1. 1 : willingness or ability to moderate the severity of a punishment (as a sentence)

  2. 2 : an act or instance of mercy, compassion, or forgiveness — see also amnesty, commute, pardon, reprieve
Clemency requires a conviction to precede its use. Obama will be long gone before she see's trial.
I don't want her dead I just want her to go away and once an for all free the US from the Clintons.

BTW, you posted a quote that looks like I made, which I did not. Honest mistake or outright lie? Since you defend Hillary I think I know the answer.

If leftist parasites can't lie, they have nothing to say.

Hillary going to prison? Why? To visit Chris Christie?

I doubt it.

Yet you believe my pick up truck causes more "global warming" that algore's fleet of up armored SUV's and private jet.

Looks like the totalitarian sociopath hag going to prison might actually be plausible.


I seem to recall the director of the FBI saying that the malfeasance they found doesn't rise to the level of being serious enough to pursue or something like that.

Yes, the fate of a person's guilt or innocence/incarceration/freedom often rises and falls on what is found on a aide's estranged husband's laptop. :cuckoo:
96 hours until the election.... I'd start making my excuses for why your guys lost and begin working on the "Christmas is under attack" threads if I were you.

I seem to recall the director of the FBI saying that the malfeasance they found doesn't rise to the level of being serious enough to pursue or something like that.

Yes, with the evidence he had at the time. Apparently, new evidence suggests differently.

Yes, the fate of a person's guilt or innocence/incarceration/freedom often rises and falls on what is found on a aide's estranged husband's laptop. :cuckoo:
96 hours until the election.... I'd start making my excuses for why your guys lost and begin working on the "Christmas is under attack" threads if I were you.

Really, because all polls are showing a quick switch to Trump and I don't think it will stop anytime soon.
That you've chose not to disclose "all polls" with links speaks volumes as to the truthfulness of your story there loser. Don't you ever get tired of lying?

Hil-liars emails were on Weeners computer. How did that happen? There are only a few ways in which it could have. One is that she sent them to his laptop, the other is that Huma used his computer to access Hil-Liars email account and they were downloaded without her knowledge.

Either way, sensitive and classified material was being tossed around like playing cards at a poker table. And that's not why they reopened the case, it's more likely that they found incriminating evidence of Pay-For-Play with the Clinton Crime Foundation.

Sounds pretty serious *not*. You guys should really pursue that for another 30 years.

96 hours...tick tock.

Sounds pretty serious *not*. You guys should really pursue that for another 30 years.

96 hours...tick tock.

Yep, and with every tick and every tock, Hillary loses ground. Let's hope for a lot of tick tocks this weekend.

That you've chose not to disclose "all polls" with links speaks volumes as to the truthfulness of your story there loser. Don't you ever get tired of lying?

Do you ever get tired of making ridiculous statements like that? Do you think I have all night to copy/ paste poll results from every outlet? It's in the news all over the country. You should try reading it sometime.

Again, "all polls" basically show Hillary winning the popular vote. The electoral advantage she had from the winter of 2015 is still firmly in tact.

Yes, I do think you have all night to post.
Yo must be a MSDNC watcher.. they believe the same baseless tripe

Happy to say I don't know their exact channel on my system. I do watch 538 and closely. Hillary is winning by a mile. If you don't think so, that is your right. I wouldn't make any wagers if I were you though.
Again, "all polls" basically show Hillary winning the popular vote. The electoral advantage she had from the winter of 2015 is still firmly in tact.

Yes, I do think you have all night to post.

From your very own, the Communist News Network:

WashingtonThere are very few things that the Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton campaigns agree on these days, but one point of total agreement is that this race has tightened over the last 10-14 days. That tightening is reflected in our new CNN "Road to 270" map.

The latest snapshot of the Electoral College map heading into the final days is a little more favorable to Trump, but Clinton still holds a clear advantage.

What's changed?

-- Maine's 2nd Congressional District moves from "battleground" to "lean Republican"
-- New Hampshire moves from "lean Democrat" to "battleground"
-- Ohio moves from from "battleground" to "lean Republican"
-- Utah from "battleground" to "lean Republican"

Road to 270: CNN's general election map -

And this post was from two days ago. The trend is Donald all the way, and we don't elect Presidents based on the popular vote.

Good for you (anyway) you stopped reading your source. Here is what the rest of it says.

Leans Democratic:
Colorado (9), Michigan (16), Pennsylvania (20), Virginia (13), Wisconsin (10), (68 total)
Solid Democratic:
California (55), Connecticut (7), Delaware (3), DC (3), Hawaii (4), Illinois (20), Maine (3), Maryland (10), Massachusetts (11), New Jersey (14), New York (29), Oregon (7), Rhode Island (4), Vermont (3), Washington (12), Minnesota (10), New Mexico (5) (200 total)

So, yeah, Donald has to win every swing state to deprive HRC of 271 according to your source. Odds of that happening? Zilch. Thanks for playing our game.
Clemency requires a conviction to precede its use. Obama will be long gone before she see's trial.

Factually incorrect (not that it will matter--no such "clemency" would be needed. See Caspar Weinberger for proof.
I am sticking with the notion that the fix is clearly in for hillary. If and when hillary wins it, that is it. Nothing will come of it. Nothing.

I know I am too cynical about it. Look, if she has NOT been indicted and in prison for ALL of the things she has been ALLOWED to get away with, how can we think this will happen?

Trust me, hoping she goes to prison and Trump wins. I hope he appoints a special prosecutor to bust the whole lot of them.

Really cannot see it happening.

Public opinion needs to turn before something will happen. Of course, that means the lib media would have to start reporting on this. They won't until it gets really nasty. We'll see what future leaked emails show. Some are actually starting to mention it.
Good for you (anyway) you stopped reading your source. Here is what the rest of it says.

Leans Democratic:
Colorado (9), Michigan (16), Pennsylvania (20), Virginia (13), Wisconsin (10), (68 total)
Solid Democratic:
California (55), Connecticut (7), Delaware (3), DC (3), Hawaii (4), Illinois (20), Maine (3), Maryland (10), Massachusetts (11), New Jersey (14), New York (29), Oregon (7), Rhode Island (4), Vermont (3), Washington (12), Minnesota (10), New Mexico (5) (200 total)

So, yeah, Donald has to win every swing state to deprive HRC of 271 according to your source. Odds of that happening? Zilch. Thanks for playing our game.

Not my source actually, it's just if I posted any other, you would be crying foul, so I used one of your sources.

As stated, that was two days ago (now three since it's Saturday) and the trend keeps swinging our way. Other sources (reported yesterday) that Trump is slightly in the lead when it comes to actual college numbers.

Plus the reports of where Hil-Liar is in the lead are statistical dead heats when you include the tolerances.
There is only one way Hillary gets clemency or a pardon. She would have to plead guilty to all charges, at which time Obama could grant clemency or a pardon. Don't know if that could happen in 94 days..

That action would make her ineligible for the POTUS office.
Happy to say I don't know their exact channel on my system. I do watch 538 and closely. Hillary is winning by a mile. If you don't think so, that is your right. I wouldn't make any wagers if I were you though.


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