Do we all agree yet that obamacare was always a single payer trojan horse?

No....socialized medicine doesn't work anywhere.....

Nope, Dick Tiny, it works just fine. You can put out all the Insurance Company propaganda you want, but the fact is, no one in any of those countries is saying, "Hey, we need to privatize the insurance industry" .

Here's the thing.. We spend more per capita than any country in the world.


yet we have the lowest life expectancy among industrialized countries.


And the highest infant mortality rate among advanced countries.


Oh, yeah, and then there's this little gem..


...But at least we ain't a bunch a damned socialists. We make sure some enterprising person gets rich off that fucking misery! Because Freedom or Founding Fathers or some such shit.

No....socialized medicine doesn't work anywhere.....

Nope, Dick Tiny, it works just fine. You can put out all the Insurance Company propaganda you want, but the fact is, no one in any of those countries is saying, "Hey, we need to privatize the insurance industry" .

Here's the thing.. We spend more per capita than any country in the world.


yet we have the lowest life expectancy among industrialized countries.


And the highest infant mortality rate among advanced countries.


Oh, yeah, and then there's this little gem..


...But at least we ain't a bunch a damned socialists. We make sure some enterprising person gets rich off that fucking misery! Because Freedom or Founding Fathers or some such shit.


Moron.....those are actual news stories from various welfare state countries.....
I remain hopeful that our "leaders" will be just barely brave enough, and believe in the value of dynamic markets just barely enough, to avoid true "socialized" Single Payer and opt instead for our already-functioning Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement system, an excellent blend of public and private payment.

I'd bet such a system would be a leader in the world and other advanced countries would gravitate towards it.
I remain hopeful that our "leaders" will be just barely brave enough, and believe in the value of dynamic markets just barely enough, to avoid true "socialized" Single Payer and opt instead for our already-functioning Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement system, an excellent blend of public and private payment.

Yes, because those Health Care CEO's are just crying that there's a pile of money they haven't been able to loot yet.

Here's a better idea. Single Payer, and we harvest the CEO's of the big insurance companies for transplant organs.

I'd bet such a system would be a leader in the world and other advanced countries would gravitate towards it.

NO, they wouldn't. The problem with a system based on greed is that if I have you over a barrel because you or someone you love is going to die if you don't get the product/service I can provide, I can pretty much rape you on cost, because you'll pay it.

this is the flaw in our current system.

The rest of the world has figured this out. single payer, health care is a public service and a right that everyone is entitled to.

America is the retard who keeps writing down '2+2=cat' and then screaming about "Freedom".

It's not "Freedom" when a big insurance company screws you after you spent six years paying premiums.
I remain hopeful that our "leaders" will be just barely brave enough, and believe in the value of dynamic markets just barely enough, to avoid true "socialized" Single Payer and opt instead for our already-functioning Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement system, an excellent blend of public and private payment.

Yes, because those Health Care CEO's are just crying that there's a pile of money they haven't been able to loot yet.

Here's a better idea. Single Payer, and we harvest the CEO's of the big insurance companies for transplant organs.

I'd bet such a system would be a leader in the world and other advanced countries would gravitate towards it.

NO, they wouldn't. The problem with a system based on greed is that if I have you over a barrel because you or someone you love is going to die if you don't get the product/service I can provide, I can pretty much rape you on cost, because you'll pay it.

this is the flaw in our current system.

The rest of the world has figured this out. single payer, health care is a public service and a right that everyone is entitled to.

America is the retard who keeps writing down '2+2=cat' and then screaming about "Freedom".

It's not "Freedom" when a big insurance company screws you after you spent six years paying premiums.
Since (a) your knowledge and understanding of the Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system is poor, and (b) you're an obedient hardcore partisan ideologue whose perceptions and thought processes are distorted by it, your opinion on this topic is of zero (0) value to me.

But I appreciate all that effort.
Since (a) your knowledge and understanding of the Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system is poor, and (b) you're an obedient hardcore partisan ideologue whose perceptions and thought processes are distorted by it, your opinion on this topic is of zero (0) value to me.

But I appreciate all that effort.

Dude, you can't defend Greed. Medicare Part C was a big boondoogle that made big insurance rich and didn't improve the care old people got.

It did lead to this funny ass stuff.

between single payer and what France does hell yes and FYI people in France still have to buy additional health insurance because their government crap doesn't cover everything
The crazies won't get their way on this, we'll avoid true Single Payer. Even Democrats know that you have to have a market element in it, they just won't admit it publicly, and they won't vote for it. The "progressives" don't seem to get it, but that's okay, they're crazed..
The crazies won't get their way on this, we'll avoid true Single Payer. Even Democrats know that you have to have a market element in it, they just won't admit it publicly, and they won't vote for it. The "progressives" don't seem to get it, but that's okay, they're crazed..

single payer in inevitable.. it's just a matter of how m uch we are going to let the Insurance Industry loot us before we get there.
No....socialized medicine doesn't work anywhere.....

Nope, Dick Tiny, it works just fine. You can put out all the Insurance Company propaganda you want, but the fact is, no one in any of those countries is saying, "Hey, we need to privatize the insurance industry" .

Here's the thing.. We spend more per capita than any country in the world.


yet we have the lowest life expectancy among industrialized countries.


And the highest infant mortality rate among advanced countries.


Oh, yeah, and then there's this little gem..


...But at least we ain't a bunch a damned socialists. We make sure some enterprising person gets rich off that fucking misery! Because Freedom or Founding Fathers or some such shit.


And of course the first graph is a lie since other developed countries count the death of babies differently than we do.....
This country could never afford single pay, not even close…Fact
Been saying it since it happened. The one thing that you cannot do politically is take away something from millions of people that have been GIVEN something. We know obama counted on this. They knew it would be next to impossible to take the insurance away from millions of people who have it. We also know that it is impossible to be sustained. Both things counted on and Grubber admitted this.
I agree to disagree. We can always end our War on Drugs.
We never had a war on drugs.
Nixon gave us a, War on Drugs; not any form of Mission to Mars.
Been saying it since it happened. The one thing that you cannot do politically is take away something from millions of people that have been GIVEN something. We know obama counted on this. They knew it would be next to impossible to take the insurance away from millions of people who have it. We also know that it is impossible to be sustained. Both things counted on and Grubber admitted this.
I agree to disagree. We can always end our War on Drugs.
We never had a war on drugs.
Nixon gave us a, War on Drugs; not any form of Mission to Mars.
A real war on drugs would be war, house to house searches and shoot them in the streets. House captives in warehouses. Aircraft dropping bombs on crack houses. That's war.

What we did wasn't war. We made drug use comfortable. Rehab clinics, doctors, counseling, group homes. We had World War II. Would you have put captured Nazis in rehab and petted their confused brows? We have never had a war on drugs.
And of course the first graph is a lie since other developed countries count the death of babies differently than we do.....

No, they don't. This is another right wing lie. Everyone counts infant mortality the same way, and ours is up there with third world countries.

Hey, news flash, when 25% of the population doesn't have easy access to health care, and that's slanted more towards the young, more babies are going to die of things that were easily preventable.
Do we all agree yet that obamacare was always a single payer trojan horse?

No. O-care, for all it's ills is not a single-payer insurance system. "Single-payer" insurance systems discard and drive out of business for-profit health insurance policies and replaces them with a public, universal plan.

Medicare is the closest thing we have to that; however, it works in concert with insurance coverage offered by for-profit companies. Indeed, it's not at all driven such companies out of business, not even close seeing as the health insurance industry continues to see capital growth year after year; thus one cannot credibly assert even that Medicare poses a threat in the guise of an O-care "Trojan horse" that portends the demise of the health insurance industry in the U.S.
No. O-care, for all it's ills is not a single-payer insurance system. "Single-payer" insurance systems discard and drive out of business for-profit health insurance policies and replaces them with a public, universal plan.

Medicare is the closest thing we have to that; however, it works in concert with insurance coverage offered by for-profit companies. Indeed, it's not at all driven such companies out of business, not even close seeing as the health insurance industry continues to see capital growth year after year; thus one cannot credibly assert even that Medicare poses a threat in the guise of an O-care "Trojan horse" that portends the demise of the health insurance industry in the U.S.

And this is the problem. ObamaCare works just fine in the big cities. Its' the rural areas where there aren't enough young people signing up that the insurance companies don't want to be bothered with if the government doesn't subsidize them.

This is why when they realized that the rural areas would be hurt the worst by an ACA repeal, the Republicans did this...


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