Do we have a right to not be discriminated against

“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem.

Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise.

But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”

Barry M. Goldwater "Mr. Conservative"

You folks are scared of God and the Christian religion.
Just as in Rome the Christians came in a put an end to that filth and perversion.

Under Christian rule
Attitudes toward same-sex behavior changed as Christianity became more prominent in the Empire. The modern perception of Roman sexual decadence can be traced to early Christian polemic.[194] Apart from measures to protect the liberty of citizens, the prosecution of homosexual acts as a general crime began in the 3rd century of the Christian era when male prostitution was banned by Philip the Arab. A series of laws regulating homosexual acts were promulgated during the social crisis of the 3rd century, from the statutory rape of minors to gay marriage.[195]

By the end of the 4th century, passive homosexual acts under the Christian Empire were punishable by burning.[196] "Death by sword" was the punishment for a "man coupling like a woman" under the Theodosian Code.[197] It can be argued, however, that legislation under Christian rule was an extension of traditional Roman views on appropriate gender roles, and not an abrupt shift based on Christian theology. It is in the 6th century, under Justinian, that legal and moral discourse on homosexuality becomes distinctly Christian:[198] all same-sex acts, passive or active, no matter who the partners, were declared contrary to nature and punishable by death.[199] Homosexual behaviors were pointed to as causes for God's wrath following a series of disasters around 542 and 559.[200]

The circumstances surrounding the massacre of Thessalonica in 390 suggest that even in the late 4th century same-sex behavior was still accepted in large parts of the population, while officially prosecuted.[citation needed] When a popular charioteer was arrested for having sexually harassed an army-commander or servant of the emperor, the people of the town were calling for his release, though this is more likely due to his popularity than to the nature of the allegation.[

Homosexuality in ancient Rome - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

What you seem to fail to realize is,these people are acting in the name of Christian religion. You keep wanting to portray religious entities as believing in mythical sky fairies like they are mental nut jobs.

I have stated this before and for your dumb ass will state it again, religions are societal road maps that tells one how to interact with a specific sub set of the general populous.
If all your childish mentality sees is a mythical sky fairy, then we all understand you are just not mentally capable of seeing the big picture.

There are many religions out there in which homosexuality is taboo, the part you are failing to realize is people do have a choice about who they associate with or not. No amount of legislation will ever change that fact.
Christians view homosexuality as an abomination, a disease of pure self pleasure from a weak person who lacks self control or an individual who is so socially retarded they don't know how to interact with the opposite sex.
Christians view the sexual acts committed by same sex couples as vile and evil with only thoughts of self indulgence or simply control over another............

By the way, I noticed you are too retarded to discuss this, you are good at putting out worthless propaganda, pretty much otherwise a dumb fuck devoid of intellectual thought.

Wiki sometimes offers one point of view that doesn't really hold up under scholarly scrutiny.

Stanford has pulled together a pretty good history of views about homosexuality and the cultures that existed over time in the Roman Empire here:
Homosexuality Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The more puritanical and restrictive laws did not come about until well into the Middle Ages when the Roman Empire was pretty much faded in anybody's memory, and what most of us would now consider archaic laws were just as restrictive on heterosexuals as they were on homosexuals. And since those laws are now a matter of history and not part of modern day culture, I'm pretty sure we can safely dismiss them as relevent to this discussion.

So far not a single brave soul has dared even acknowledge, much less address my question posed yesterday:

Why isn't there public outrage, demonstrations, protests, boycotts, etc. of Muslim bakeries, florists, flower shops etc. who refuse to provide services for same sex weddings? Why are only Christians evil if they do that?

And if the Muslims are not to be subject to the same treatment as Christians, how is that not discriminating against Christians?

Why would you do that shit??
So we are talking the same Standford University in California(land of fruit's and nut's) that has 85 Democratic teachers and only 8 Republican teachers??
You would cherry pick data from a left leaning institution to try and counter the wiki(which has no political bias)??
I smell BS, surprising you get that view point ....................

Homosexuality in Rome
See also: Roman homosexuality

After Greece, Rome is the next most significant entity in the history of homosexuality, and this cultural practice in both is understood by scholars as being what the apostle Paul is immediately referring to in condemning homosexuality in Romans 1.[25] Romans emperors were sometimes the most notorious examples of homosexuality. Edward Gibbon, in his History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, wrote that "of the first fifteen emperors Claudius was the only one whose taste in love was entirely correct (not homo-sexual].[26]

Juvenal (60-140 A.D.) and Martial (c. 40-102 A.D.) wrote of formal marriage unions between homosexuals. Some moral philosophers around the time of the apostle Paul questioned the merits of homosexual behaviors. Seneca (4 B.C-65 A.D.), a statesmen and tutor to the homosexual emperor Nero, reproved homosexual exploitation, such which which forced a slave to shave his beard, and dress and behave as a women,[27] though Nero himself castrated a boy, and dressed him as female and married him, after killing his wife.[28] Dio Chrysostom (A.D. 40) likewise condemned such exploitation, and commended natural intercourse" and union of the male and female.[29] Later, in 226 B.C., the Lex Scantinia (149 B.C.) is understood to have penalized homosexual practice.

According to psychiatrist and sexual historian Norman Sussman, "In contrast to the self-conscious and elaborate efforts of the Greeks to glorify and idealize homosexuality, the Romans simply accepted it as a matter of fact and as an inevitable part of human sexual life. Pederasty was just another sexual activity. Many of the most prominent men in Roman society were bisexual if not homosexual. Julius Caesar was called by his contemporaries every woman's man and every man's woman."[30]

Many see Rome realizing a deleterious change in aspects of social morality beginning in the second century B.C, due to the influence and adaptation of "Asiatic luxury and Greek manners", including homosexuality, resulting in a "moral crises from which she never recovered (historian D. Earl)[31]

Edward Gibbon, stated in his “History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” that marital faithfulness in the Roman Empire was virtually unknown, and that “The dignity of marriage was restored by the Christians.”[32]

History of homosexuality - Conservapedia
“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem.

Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise.

But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”

Barry M. Goldwater "Mr. Conservative"

You folks are scared of God and the Christian religion.
Just as in Rome the Christians came in a put an end to that filth and perversion.

Under Christian rule
Attitudes toward same-sex behavior changed as Christianity became more prominent in the Empire. The modern perception of Roman sexual decadence can be traced to early Christian polemic.[194] Apart from measures to protect the liberty of citizens, the prosecution of homosexual acts as a general crime began in the 3rd century of the Christian era when male prostitution was banned by Philip the Arab. A series of laws regulating homosexual acts were promulgated during the social crisis of the 3rd century, from the statutory rape of minors to gay marriage.[195]

By the end of the 4th century, passive homosexual acts under the Christian Empire were punishable by burning.[196] "Death by sword" was the punishment for a "man coupling like a woman" under the Theodosian Code.[197] It can be argued, however, that legislation under Christian rule was an extension of traditional Roman views on appropriate gender roles, and not an abrupt shift based on Christian theology. It is in the 6th century, under Justinian, that legal and moral discourse on homosexuality becomes distinctly Christian:[198] all same-sex acts, passive or active, no matter who the partners, were declared contrary to nature and punishable by death.[199] Homosexual behaviors were pointed to as causes for God's wrath following a series of disasters around 542 and 559.[200]

The circumstances surrounding the massacre of Thessalonica in 390 suggest that even in the late 4th century same-sex behavior was still accepted in large parts of the population, while officially prosecuted.[citation needed] When a popular charioteer was arrested for having sexually harassed an army-commander or servant of the emperor, the people of the town were calling for his release, though this is more likely due to his popularity than to the nature of the allegation.[

Homosexuality in ancient Rome - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

What you seem to fail to realize is,these people are acting in the name of Christian religion. You keep wanting to portray religious entities as believing in mythical sky fairies like they are mental nut jobs.

I have stated this before and for your dumb ass will state it again, religions are societal road maps that tells one how to interact with a specific sub set of the general populous.
If all your childish mentality sees is a mythical sky fairy, then we all understand you are just not mentally capable of seeing the big picture.

There are many religions out there in which homosexuality is taboo, the part you are failing to realize is people do have a choice about who they associate with or not. No amount of legislation will ever change that fact.
Christians view homosexuality as an abomination, a disease of pure self pleasure from a weak person who lacks self control or an individual who is so socially retarded they don't know how to interact with the opposite sex.
Christians view the sexual acts committed by same sex couples as vile and evil with only thoughts of self indulgence or simply control over another............

By the way, I noticed you are too retarded to discuss this, you are good at putting out worthless propaganda, pretty much otherwise a dumb fuck devoid of intellectual thought.

Wiki sometimes offers one point of view that doesn't really hold up under scholarly scrutiny.

Stanford has pulled together a pretty good history of views about homosexuality and the cultures that existed over time in the Roman Empire here:
Homosexuality Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The more puritanical and restrictive laws did not come about until well into the Middle Ages when the Roman Empire was pretty much faded in anybody's memory, and what most of us would now consider archaic laws were just as restrictive on heterosexuals as they were on homosexuals. And since those laws are now a matter of history and not part of modern day culture, I'm pretty sure we can safely dismiss them as relevent to this discussion.

So far not a single brave soul has dared even acknowledge, much less address my question posed yesterday:

Why isn't there public outrage, demonstrations, protests, boycotts, etc. of Muslim bakeries, florists, flower shops etc. who refuse to provide services for same sex weddings? Why are only Christians evil if they do that?

And if the Muslims are not to be subject to the same treatment as Christians, how is that not discriminating against Christians?

Why would you do that shit??
So we are talking the same Standford University in California(land of fruit's and nut's) that has 85 Democratic teachers and only 8 Republican teachers??
You would cherry pick data from a left leaning institution to try and counter the wiki(which has no political bias)??
I smell BS, surprising you get that view point ....................

Homosexuality in Rome
See also: Roman homosexuality

After Greece, Rome is the next most significant entity in the history of homosexuality, and this cultural practice in both is understood by scholars as being what the apostle Paul is immediately referring to in condemning homosexuality in Romans 1.[25] Romans emperors were sometimes the most notorious examples of homosexuality. Edward Gibbon, in his History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, wrote that "of the first fifteen emperors Claudius was the only one whose taste in love was entirely correct (not homo-sexual].[26]

Juvenal (60-140 A.D.) and Martial (c. 40-102 A.D.) wrote of formal marriage unions between homosexuals. Some moral philosophers around the time of the apostle Paul questioned the merits of homosexual behaviors. Seneca (4 B.C-65 A.D.), a statesmen and tutor to the homosexual emperor Nero, reproved homosexual exploitation, such which which forced a slave to shave his beard, and dress and behave as a women,[27] though Nero himself castrated a boy, and dressed him as female and married him, after killing his wife.[28] Dio Chrysostom (A.D. 40) likewise condemned such exploitation, and commended natural intercourse" and union of the male and female.[29] Later, in 226 B.C., the Lex Scantinia (149 B.C.) is understood to have penalized homosexual practice.

According to psychiatrist and sexual historian Norman Sussman, "In contrast to the self-conscious and elaborate efforts of the Greeks to glorify and idealize homosexuality, the Romans simply accepted it as a matter of fact and as an inevitable part of human sexual life. Pederasty was just another sexual activity. Many of the most prominent men in Roman society were bisexual if not homosexual. Julius Caesar was called by his contemporaries every woman's man and every man's woman."[30]

Many see Rome realizing a deleterious change in aspects of social morality beginning in the second century B.C, due to the influence and adaptation of "Asiatic luxury and Greek manners", including homosexuality, resulting in a "moral crises from which she never recovered (historian D. Earl)[31]

Edward Gibbon, stated in his “History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” that marital faithfulness in the Roman Empire was virtually unknown, and that “The dignity of marriage was restored by the Christians.”[32]

History of homosexuality - Conservapedia

You must not have read the Stanford article. This happens to be one of the very few areas in which I can claim a bit of expertise. For the record I am one of those ultra right wing types--you know one of those Christians who reads her Bible while she cleans her gun. The Stanford article did a very good job with the history and I detected no ideological bias.
But the non baking baker IS hurting someone. He's saying your wedding is not as worthy as another's.

Sorry, that's just a reasonable definition of hurting someone. Certainly not anything that should prompt legal action.

If we really wanted to be civil about it, imo we'd all push for orientation to be protected from any discrimination in employment and healthcare and retirement and childcare, but just leave the bigots alone except for any PRIVATE economic boycotts people want to levy in return..

That's an interesting point. Let's say the anti-discrimination laws prevail. Should people be allowed those of boycotts? Isn't that discrimination too?
Yeah, it's an insult. And, I don't really see why we should make a law against it. Now Jim Crowe, and not serving blacks was pervasive, had state legal sanctions, and it certainly was legal to hire and fire based on race. So, we have public accommodation protections for race and religion and some for women, but nobody denied service to women as they did blacks and Jews .... and Irish.

I've been busy, and kind of lost track of this thread, but I wanted to come back to this. I'm not really clear what you're saying here. You say we shouldn't make it against the law for the baker to refuse services, but then seem to be defending PA. Could you clarify? In particular, regarding the topic - do you think someone's rights are being violated if they are discriminated against in the marketplace?
“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem.

Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise.

But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”

Barry M. Goldwater "Mr. Conservative"

You folks are scared of God and the Christian religion.
Just as in Rome the Christians came in a put an end to that filth and perversion.

Under Christian rule
Attitudes toward same-sex behavior changed as Christianity became more prominent in the Empire. The modern perception of Roman sexual decadence can be traced to early Christian polemic.[194] Apart from measures to protect the liberty of citizens, the prosecution of homosexual acts as a general crime began in the 3rd century of the Christian era when male prostitution was banned by Philip the Arab. A series of laws regulating homosexual acts were promulgated during the social crisis of the 3rd century, from the statutory rape of minors to gay marriage.[195]

By the end of the 4th century, passive homosexual acts under the Christian Empire were punishable by burning.[196] "Death by sword" was the punishment for a "man coupling like a woman" under the Theodosian Code.[197] It can be argued, however, that legislation under Christian rule was an extension of traditional Roman views on appropriate gender roles, and not an abrupt shift based on Christian theology. It is in the 6th century, under Justinian, that legal and moral discourse on homosexuality becomes distinctly Christian:[198] all same-sex acts, passive or active, no matter who the partners, were declared contrary to nature and punishable by death.[199] Homosexual behaviors were pointed to as causes for God's wrath following a series of disasters around 542 and 559.[200]

The circumstances surrounding the massacre of Thessalonica in 390 suggest that even in the late 4th century same-sex behavior was still accepted in large parts of the population, while officially prosecuted.[citation needed] When a popular charioteer was arrested for having sexually harassed an army-commander or servant of the emperor, the people of the town were calling for his release, though this is more likely due to his popularity than to the nature of the allegation.[

Homosexuality in ancient Rome - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

What you seem to fail to realize is,these people are acting in the name of Christian religion. You keep wanting to portray religious entities as believing in mythical sky fairies like they are mental nut jobs.

I have stated this before and for your dumb ass will state it again, religions are societal road maps that tells one how to interact with a specific sub set of the general populous.
If all your childish mentality sees is a mythical sky fairy, then we all understand you are just not mentally capable of seeing the big picture.

There are many religions out there in which homosexuality is taboo, the part you are failing to realize is people do have a choice about who they associate with or not. No amount of legislation will ever change that fact.
Christians view homosexuality as an abomination, a disease of pure self pleasure from a weak person who lacks self control or an individual who is so socially retarded they don't know how to interact with the opposite sex.
Christians view the sexual acts committed by same sex couples as vile and evil with only thoughts of self indulgence or simply control over another............

By the way, I noticed you are too retarded to discuss this, you are good at putting out worthless propaganda, pretty much otherwise a dumb fuck devoid of intellectual thought.

Wiki sometimes offers one point of view that doesn't really hold up under scholarly scrutiny.

Stanford has pulled together a pretty good history of views about homosexuality and the cultures that existed over time in the Roman Empire here:
Homosexuality Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The more puritanical and restrictive laws did not come about until well into the Middle Ages when the Roman Empire was pretty much faded in anybody's memory, and what most of us would now consider archaic laws were just as restrictive on heterosexuals as they were on homosexuals. And since those laws are now a matter of history and not part of modern day culture, I'm pretty sure we can safely dismiss them as relevent to this discussion.

So far not a single brave soul has dared even acknowledge, much less address my question posed yesterday:

Why isn't there public outrage, demonstrations, protests, boycotts, etc. of Muslim bakeries, florists, flower shops etc. who refuse to provide services for same sex weddings? Why are only Christians evil if they do that?

And if the Muslims are not to be subject to the same treatment as Christians, how is that not discriminating against Christians?

Why would you do that shit??
So we are talking the same Standford University in California(land of fruit's and nut's) that has 85 Democratic teachers and only 8 Republican teachers??
You would cherry pick data from a left leaning institution to try and counter the wiki(which has no political bias)??
I smell BS, surprising you get that view point ....................

Homosexuality in Rome
See also: Roman homosexuality

After Greece, Rome is the next most significant entity in the history of homosexuality, and this cultural practice in both is understood by scholars as being what the apostle Paul is immediately referring to in condemning homosexuality in Romans 1.[25] Romans emperors were sometimes the most notorious examples of homosexuality. Edward Gibbon, in his History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, wrote that "of the first fifteen emperors Claudius was the only one whose taste in love was entirely correct (not homo-sexual].[26]

Juvenal (60-140 A.D.) and Martial (c. 40-102 A.D.) wrote of formal marriage unions between homosexuals. Some moral philosophers around the time of the apostle Paul questioned the merits of homosexual behaviors. Seneca (4 B.C-65 A.D.), a statesmen and tutor to the homosexual emperor Nero, reproved homosexual exploitation, such which which forced a slave to shave his beard, and dress and behave as a women,[27] though Nero himself castrated a boy, and dressed him as female and married him, after killing his wife.[28] Dio Chrysostom (A.D. 40) likewise condemned such exploitation, and commended natural intercourse" and union of the male and female.[29] Later, in 226 B.C., the Lex Scantinia (149 B.C.) is understood to have penalized homosexual practice.

According to psychiatrist and sexual historian Norman Sussman, "In contrast to the self-conscious and elaborate efforts of the Greeks to glorify and idealize homosexuality, the Romans simply accepted it as a matter of fact and as an inevitable part of human sexual life. Pederasty was just another sexual activity. Many of the most prominent men in Roman society were bisexual if not homosexual. Julius Caesar was called by his contemporaries every woman's man and every man's woman."[30]

Many see Rome realizing a deleterious change in aspects of social morality beginning in the second century B.C, due to the influence and adaptation of "Asiatic luxury and Greek manners", including homosexuality, resulting in a "moral crises from which she never recovered (historian D. Earl)[31]

Edward Gibbon, stated in his “History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” that marital faithfulness in the Roman Empire was virtually unknown, and that “The dignity of marriage was restored by the Christians.”[32]

History of homosexuality - Conservapedia

You must not have read the Stanford article. This happens to be one of the very few areas in which I can claim a bit of expertise. For the record I am one of those ultra right wing types--you know one of those Christians who reads her Bible while she cleans her gun. The Stanford article did a very good job with the history and I detected no ideological bias.

I scanned the article over, it covered Homosexuality in general.

The discussion I was participating in had to do with homosexuality in Rome and how the Christians were instrumental in ending it.

Now I don't give a flying fuck if you blew the fucking author it is totally IRRELEVANT TO THE CONVERSATION.

Your "expertise" would be you are gay as hell?? A conservative fag, ROFLMFAO ......................

When you get ready to participate in an adult conversation where you can exhibit comprehension skills get back to me .......................
“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem.

Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise.

But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”

Barry M. Goldwater "Mr. Conservative"

Your logical fallacy is appeal to authority

Appeal to Authority -
You said that because an authority thinks something, it must therefore be true.
It's important to note that this fallacy should not be used to dismiss the claims of experts, or scientific consensus. Appeals to authority are not valid arguments, but nor is it reasonable to disregard the claims of experts who have a demonstrated depth of knowledge unless one has a similar level of understanding and/or access to empirical evidence. However it is, entirely possible that the opinion of a person or institution of authority is wrong; therefore the authority that such a person or institution holds does not have any intrinsic bearing upon whether their claims are true or not.
lol I provided a quote, idiot. Every word of what Goldwater said is true.

This quote from him too: "Every good Christian should line up and kick Jerry Falwell's ass."

Dead on!

And this one: ""Well, I've spent quite a number of years carrying the flag of the 'Old Conservatism.' And I can say with conviction that the religious issues of these groups have little or nothing to do with conservative or liberal politics.

The uncompromising position of these groups is a divisive element that could tear apart the very spirit of our representative system, if they gain sufficient strength."


and this one: "The religious factions will go on imposing their will on others," { he said,} "unless the decent people connected to them recognize that religion has no place in public policy. They must learn to make their views known without trying to make their views the only alternatives. . .

We have succeeded for 205 years in keeping the affairs of state separate from the uncompromising idealism of religious groups and we mustn't stop now...

To retreat from that separation would violate the principles of conservatism and the values upon which the framers built this democratic republic."

from CHURCH & STATE July / August 1998


Too bad there aren''t more "real" Conservatives like Goldwater anymore.

Goldwater vs Religious Right
... Isn't it just a little hypocritical to condemn a bakery run by someone with a deep moral conviction that homosexuality is wrong for refusing to participate in the planning of a homosexual marriage...

Except no one is requiring any bakery to "participate in the planning of a homosexual marriage." That is the responsibility of those to be wed. The baker is being asked to do only what he does for other weddings .. bake a fucking cake! The bakery should be required to not discriminate against consumers on the basis of their sexual orientation and anyone with "deep moral conviction" should know that to do so is not just wrong but also deeply hypocritical. Woo.

Ah, so what you're REALLY saying is that people should not be allowed to own and operate a business unless you agree with how they run that business.

That's pretty much it, yeah. The idea is that operating a business is, essentially, a joint venture, wherein the government has a vested interested in how the business is run.

It is refreshing to see a totalitarian expose his/her real viewpoint. Thank you.
But the non baking baker IS hurting someone. He's saying your wedding is not as worthy as another's. Further, he's using his religion hypocritically so as to act on his bigotry, because he has no idea of hetero marriages don't involve relationships that begin in adultery. However, I don't believe there's really any valid comparison to that bigotry and racial bigotry. That is no one really considers jailing homosexuals who marry, but they certainly did consider that in the South back when the Lovings fell in love.

But then again its rather a different story when a state like Indiana passes a law that specifically allows a private employer to hire and fire over orientation.

If we really wanted to be civil about it, imo we'd all push for orientation to be protected from any discrimination in employment and healthcare and retirement and childcare, but just leave the bigots alone except for any PRIVATE economic boycotts people want to levy in return..

The Christian baker is hurting nobody. He isn't protesting anybody's wedding. He isn't refusing anybody the privilege of having a wedding. He isn't interferring with the wedding in any way. He is simply exercising his own moral choice not to participate in it.

Does it hurt somebody to come in and want swaztikas on cup cakes for a birthday party, even in jest, and be refused that? No. Anymore than such person would be hurt if there was no bakery in business at all.

Does it hurt somebody when the baker refuses to inscribe "God hates gays" on a cake? I am pretty much 100% certain that the Christian baker would have refused to do that too.

Tolerance is a two way street or it is 100% hypocrtical.

If you see a valid factual comparison to saying I won't bake a gay wedding cake to saying I would bake a god hates fags cake, you need new glasses.

The baker is a bigot, and he's acting like a bigot. He's singling ONE sin to make a statement about. He may not actively be saying to himself "I'm gonna single out sodomy as sin ONE, but that is what he's doing, whether he admits it or not. But, I don't see how that is a reason to shut down his business. Boycott it? I wouldn't buy anything from him.

You are perfectly within your right to choose not to buy anything from the baker. Nobody is requiring you to. But unless you allow the baker the strength of his convictions in peace, you are a hypocrite when you demand the right to express your convictions and views without consequences of being physically or materially punished because you hold them.

How is the baker being punished? Imo, there shouldn't be any law against saying I won't serve people with more than one body piercing or tattoo. There would most likely be a negative economic consequence if I did no. I'm not a hypocrite, I'm simply biased against people who don't serve gays. There's no hypocrisy there. And, the only hypocrisy by the baker is that he's elevating sodomy to be the one sin he excludes from service. Apparently, he's cool with adultery.

ROFLMFAO, it's fairly easy to spot gays, especially when one is flaming............
How is this baker supposed to know who are adulterer's??
What's the key thing we need to look for??

Dude your moronic shit is so funny, now I'ma gonna make fun of your dumb ass ......................
That's the point The baker makes no effort to see who's a sinner. You couldn't make fun of yourself, ahole
“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem.

Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise.

But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”

Barry M. Goldwater "Mr. Conservative"

You folks are scared of God and the Christian religion.
Just as in Rome the Christians came in a put an end to that filth and perversion.

Under Christian rule
Attitudes toward same-sex behavior changed as Christianity became more prominent in the Empire. The modern perception of Roman sexual decadence can be traced to early Christian polemic.[194] Apart from measures to protect the liberty of citizens, the prosecution of homosexual acts as a general crime began in the 3rd century of the Christian era when male prostitution was banned by Philip the Arab. A series of laws regulating homosexual acts were promulgated during the social crisis of the 3rd century, from the statutory rape of minors to gay marriage.[195]

By the end of the 4th century, passive homosexual acts under the Christian Empire were punishable by burning.[196] "Death by sword" was the punishment for a "man coupling like a woman" under the Theodosian Code.[197] It can be argued, however, that legislation under Christian rule was an extension of traditional Roman views on appropriate gender roles, and not an abrupt shift based on Christian theology. It is in the 6th century, under Justinian, that legal and moral discourse on homosexuality becomes distinctly Christian:[198] all same-sex acts, passive or active, no matter who the partners, were declared contrary to nature and punishable by death.[199] Homosexual behaviors were pointed to as causes for God's wrath following a series of disasters around 542 and 559.[200]

The circumstances surrounding the massacre of Thessalonica in 390 suggest that even in the late 4th century same-sex behavior was still accepted in large parts of the population, while officially prosecuted.[citation needed] When a popular charioteer was arrested for having sexually harassed an army-commander or servant of the emperor, the people of the town were calling for his release, though this is more likely due to his popularity than to the nature of the allegation.[

Homosexuality in ancient Rome - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

What you seem to fail to realize is,these people are acting in the name of Christian religion. You keep wanting to portray religious entities as believing in mythical sky fairies like they are mental nut jobs.

I have stated this before and for your dumb ass will state it again, religions are societal road maps that tells one how to interact with a specific sub set of the general populous.
If all your childish mentality sees is a mythical sky fairy, then we all understand you are just not mentally capable of seeing the big picture.

There are many religions out there in which homosexuality is taboo, the part you are failing to realize is people do have a choice about who they associate with or not. No amount of legislation will ever change that fact.
Christians view homosexuality as an abomination, a disease of pure self pleasure from a weak person who lacks self control or an individual who is so socially retarded they don't know how to interact with the opposite sex.
Christians view the sexual acts committed by same sex couples as vile and evil with only thoughts of self indulgence or simply control over another............

By the way, I noticed you are too retarded to discuss this, you are good at putting out worthless propaganda, pretty much otherwise a dumb fuck devoid of intellectual thought.

Wiki sometimes offers one point of view that doesn't really hold up under scholarly scrutiny.

Stanford has pulled together a pretty good history of views about homosexuality and the cultures that existed over time in the Roman Empire here:
Homosexuality Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The more puritanical and restrictive laws did not come about until well into the Middle Ages when the Roman Empire was pretty much faded in anybody's memory, and what most of us would now consider archaic laws were just as restrictive on heterosexuals as they were on homosexuals. And since those laws are now a matter of history and not part of modern day culture, I'm pretty sure we can safely dismiss them as relevent to this discussion.

So far not a single brave soul has dared even acknowledge, much less address my question posed yesterday:

Why isn't there public outrage, demonstrations, protests, boycotts, etc. of Muslim bakeries, florists, flower shops etc. who refuse to provide services for same sex weddings? Why are only Christians evil if they do that?

And if the Muslims are not to be subject to the same treatment as Christians, how is that not discriminating against Christians?

I don't see any difference in a Muslim choosing not to participate (or service) a gay wedding than a Christian choosing not to service one because he/she finds that contrary to his/her moral beliefs.

Everyone should be free to follow their moral beliefs.
“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem.

Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise.

But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”

Barry M. Goldwater "Mr. Conservative"

You folks are scared of God and the Christian religion.
Just as in Rome the Christians came in a put an end to that filth and perversion.

Under Christian rule
Attitudes toward same-sex behavior changed as Christianity became more prominent in the Empire. The modern perception of Roman sexual decadence can be traced to early Christian polemic.[194] Apart from measures to protect the liberty of citizens, the prosecution of homosexual acts as a general crime began in the 3rd century of the Christian era when male prostitution was banned by Philip the Arab. A series of laws regulating homosexual acts were promulgated during the social crisis of the 3rd century, from the statutory rape of minors to gay marriage.[195]

By the end of the 4th century, passive homosexual acts under the Christian Empire were punishable by burning.[196] "Death by sword" was the punishment for a "man coupling like a woman" under the Theodosian Code.[197] It can be argued, however, that legislation under Christian rule was an extension of traditional Roman views on appropriate gender roles, and not an abrupt shift based on Christian theology. It is in the 6th century, under Justinian, that legal and moral discourse on homosexuality becomes distinctly Christian:[198] all same-sex acts, passive or active, no matter who the partners, were declared contrary to nature and punishable by death.[199] Homosexual behaviors were pointed to as causes for God's wrath following a series of disasters around 542 and 559.[200]

The circumstances surrounding the massacre of Thessalonica in 390 suggest that even in the late 4th century same-sex behavior was still accepted in large parts of the population, while officially prosecuted.[citation needed] When a popular charioteer was arrested for having sexually harassed an army-commander or servant of the emperor, the people of the town were calling for his release, though this is more likely due to his popularity than to the nature of the allegation.[

Homosexuality in ancient Rome - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

What you seem to fail to realize is,these people are acting in the name of Christian religion. You keep wanting to portray religious entities as believing in mythical sky fairies like they are mental nut jobs.

I have stated this before and for your dumb ass will state it again, religions are societal road maps that tells one how to interact with a specific sub set of the general populous.
If all your childish mentality sees is a mythical sky fairy, then we all understand you are just not mentally capable of seeing the big picture.

There are many religions out there in which homosexuality is taboo, the part you are failing to realize is people do have a choice about who they associate with or not. No amount of legislation will ever change that fact.
Christians view homosexuality as an abomination, a disease of pure self pleasure from a weak person who lacks self control or an individual who is so socially retarded they don't know how to interact with the opposite sex.
Christians view the sexual acts committed by same sex couples as vile and evil with only thoughts of self indulgence or simply control over another............

By the way, I noticed you are too retarded to discuss this, you are good at putting out worthless propaganda, pretty much otherwise a dumb fuck devoid of intellectual thought.

Wiki sometimes offers one point of view that doesn't really hold up under scholarly scrutiny.

Stanford has pulled together a pretty good history of views about homosexuality and the cultures that existed over time in the Roman Empire here:
Homosexuality Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The more puritanical and restrictive laws did not come about until well into the Middle Ages when the Roman Empire was pretty much faded in anybody's memory, and what most of us would now consider archaic laws were just as restrictive on heterosexuals as they were on homosexuals. And since those laws are now a matter of history and not part of modern day culture, I'm pretty sure we can safely dismiss them as relevent to this discussion.

So far not a single brave soul has dared even acknowledge, much less address my question posed yesterday:

Why isn't there public outrage, demonstrations, protests, boycotts, etc. of Muslim bakeries, florists, flower shops etc. who refuse to provide services for same sex weddings? Why are only Christians evil if they do that?

And if the Muslims are not to be subject to the same treatment as Christians, how is that not discriminating against Christians?

I don't see any difference in a Muslim choosing not to participate (or service) a gay wedding than a Christian choosing not to service one because he/she finds that contrary to his/her moral beliefs.

Everyone should be free to follow their moral beliefs.

So now you are agreeing that the Christian bakers are not discriminating against a gay person but are exercising a right to their moral beliefs about not participating in an event?

What changed your mind?
That's the point The baker makes no effort to see who's a sinner. You couldn't make fun of yourself, ahole

Once again you judgmental asshole, it is none of the bakers business what your life style is, but if you wear it on your cuff, such as a SAME SEX MARRIAGE, then it is evident and the baker needs to ask no questions.

Sin is in the eyes of the lord, you don't get to make those calls your fucking moron .................
“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem.

Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise.

But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”

Barry M. Goldwater "Mr. Conservative"

You folks are scared of God and the Christian religion.
Just as in Rome the Christians came in a put an end to that filth and perversion.

Under Christian rule
Attitudes toward same-sex behavior changed as Christianity became more prominent in the Empire. The modern perception of Roman sexual decadence can be traced to early Christian polemic.[194] Apart from measures to protect the liberty of citizens, the prosecution of homosexual acts as a general crime began in the 3rd century of the Christian era when male prostitution was banned by Philip the Arab. A series of laws regulating homosexual acts were promulgated during the social crisis of the 3rd century, from the statutory rape of minors to gay marriage.[195]

By the end of the 4th century, passive homosexual acts under the Christian Empire were punishable by burning.[196] "Death by sword" was the punishment for a "man coupling like a woman" under the Theodosian Code.[197] It can be argued, however, that legislation under Christian rule was an extension of traditional Roman views on appropriate gender roles, and not an abrupt shift based on Christian theology. It is in the 6th century, under Justinian, that legal and moral discourse on homosexuality becomes distinctly Christian:[198] all same-sex acts, passive or active, no matter who the partners, were declared contrary to nature and punishable by death.[199] Homosexual behaviors were pointed to as causes for God's wrath following a series of disasters around 542 and 559.[200]

The circumstances surrounding the massacre of Thessalonica in 390 suggest that even in the late 4th century same-sex behavior was still accepted in large parts of the population, while officially prosecuted.[citation needed] When a popular charioteer was arrested for having sexually harassed an army-commander or servant of the emperor, the people of the town were calling for his release, though this is more likely due to his popularity than to the nature of the allegation.[

Homosexuality in ancient Rome - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

What you seem to fail to realize is,these people are acting in the name of Christian religion. You keep wanting to portray religious entities as believing in mythical sky fairies like they are mental nut jobs.

I have stated this before and for your dumb ass will state it again, religions are societal road maps that tells one how to interact with a specific sub set of the general populous.
If all your childish mentality sees is a mythical sky fairy, then we all understand you are just not mentally capable of seeing the big picture.

There are many religions out there in which homosexuality is taboo, the part you are failing to realize is people do have a choice about who they associate with or not. No amount of legislation will ever change that fact.
Christians view homosexuality as an abomination, a disease of pure self pleasure from a weak person who lacks self control or an individual who is so socially retarded they don't know how to interact with the opposite sex.
Christians view the sexual acts committed by same sex couples as vile and evil with only thoughts of self indulgence or simply control over another............

By the way, I noticed you are too retarded to discuss this, you are good at putting out worthless propaganda, pretty much otherwise a dumb fuck devoid of intellectual thought.

Wiki sometimes offers one point of view that doesn't really hold up under scholarly scrutiny.

Stanford has pulled together a pretty good history of views about homosexuality and the cultures that existed over time in the Roman Empire here:
Homosexuality Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The more puritanical and restrictive laws did not come about until well into the Middle Ages when the Roman Empire was pretty much faded in anybody's memory, and what most of us would now consider archaic laws were just as restrictive on heterosexuals as they were on homosexuals. And since those laws are now a matter of history and not part of modern day culture, I'm pretty sure we can safely dismiss them as relevent to this discussion.

So far not a single brave soul has dared even acknowledge, much less address my question posed yesterday:

Why isn't there public outrage, demonstrations, protests, boycotts, etc. of Muslim bakeries, florists, flower shops etc. who refuse to provide services for same sex weddings? Why are only Christians evil if they do that?

And if the Muslims are not to be subject to the same treatment as Christians, how is that not discriminating against Christians?

I don't see any difference in a Muslim choosing not to participate (or service) a gay wedding than a Christian choosing not to service one because he/she finds that contrary to his/her moral beliefs.

Everyone should be free to follow their moral beliefs.

So now you are agreeing that the Christian bakers are not discriminating against a gay person but are exercising a right to their moral beliefs about not participating in an event?

What changed your mind?

The little faggot is trying to out dance me, while looking like a total fucking moron.
lol I provided a quote, idiot. Every word of what Goldwater said is true.

This quote from him too: "Every good Christian should line up and kick Jerry Falwell's ass."

Dead on!

And this one: ""Well, I've spent quite a number of years carrying the flag of the 'Old Conservatism.' And I can say with conviction that the religious issues of these groups have little or nothing to do with conservative or liberal politics.

The uncompromising position of these groups is a divisive element that could tear apart the very spirit of our representative system, if they gain sufficient strength."


and this one: "The religious factions will go on imposing their will on others," { he said,} "unless the decent people connected to them recognize that religion has no place in public policy. They must learn to make their views known without trying to make their views the only alternatives. . .

We have succeeded for 205 years in keeping the affairs of state separate from the uncompromising idealism of religious groups and we mustn't stop now...

To retreat from that separation would violate the principles of conservatism and the values upon which the framers built this democratic republic."

from CHURCH & STATE July / August 1998


Too bad there aren''t more "real" Conservatives like Goldwater anymore.

Goldwater vs Religious Right

And there are no real liberals like Kennedy, not seeing you stupid point.
“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem.

Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise.

But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”

Barry M. Goldwater "Mr. Conservative"

You folks are scared of God and the Christian religion.
Just as in Rome the Christians came in a put an end to that filth and perversion.

Under Christian rule
Attitudes toward same-sex behavior changed as Christianity became more prominent in the Empire. The modern perception of Roman sexual decadence can be traced to early Christian polemic.[194] Apart from measures to protect the liberty of citizens, the prosecution of homosexual acts as a general crime began in the 3rd century of the Christian era when male prostitution was banned by Philip the Arab. A series of laws regulating homosexual acts were promulgated during the social crisis of the 3rd century, from the statutory rape of minors to gay marriage.[195]

By the end of the 4th century, passive homosexual acts under the Christian Empire were punishable by burning.[196] "Death by sword" was the punishment for a "man coupling like a woman" under the Theodosian Code.[197] It can be argued, however, that legislation under Christian rule was an extension of traditional Roman views on appropriate gender roles, and not an abrupt shift based on Christian theology. It is in the 6th century, under Justinian, that legal and moral discourse on homosexuality becomes distinctly Christian:[198] all same-sex acts, passive or active, no matter who the partners, were declared contrary to nature and punishable by death.[199] Homosexual behaviors were pointed to as causes for God's wrath following a series of disasters around 542 and 559.[200]

The circumstances surrounding the massacre of Thessalonica in 390 suggest that even in the late 4th century same-sex behavior was still accepted in large parts of the population, while officially prosecuted.[citation needed] When a popular charioteer was arrested for having sexually harassed an army-commander or servant of the emperor, the people of the town were calling for his release, though this is more likely due to his popularity than to the nature of the allegation.[

Homosexuality in ancient Rome - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

What you seem to fail to realize is,these people are acting in the name of Christian religion. You keep wanting to portray religious entities as believing in mythical sky fairies like they are mental nut jobs.

I have stated this before and for your dumb ass will state it again, religions are societal road maps that tells one how to interact with a specific sub set of the general populous.
If all your childish mentality sees is a mythical sky fairy, then we all understand you are just not mentally capable of seeing the big picture.

There are many religions out there in which homosexuality is taboo, the part you are failing to realize is people do have a choice about who they associate with or not. No amount of legislation will ever change that fact.
Christians view homosexuality as an abomination, a disease of pure self pleasure from a weak person who lacks self control or an individual who is so socially retarded they don't know how to interact with the opposite sex.
Christians view the sexual acts committed by same sex couples as vile and evil with only thoughts of self indulgence or simply control over another............

By the way, I noticed you are too retarded to discuss this, you are good at putting out worthless propaganda, pretty much otherwise a dumb fuck devoid of intellectual thought.

Wiki sometimes offers one point of view that doesn't really hold up under scholarly scrutiny.

Stanford has pulled together a pretty good history of views about homosexuality and the cultures that existed over time in the Roman Empire here:
Homosexuality Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The more puritanical and restrictive laws did not come about until well into the Middle Ages when the Roman Empire was pretty much faded in anybody's memory, and what most of us would now consider archaic laws were just as restrictive on heterosexuals as they were on homosexuals. And since those laws are now a matter of history and not part of modern day culture, I'm pretty sure we can safely dismiss them as relevent to this discussion.

So far not a single brave soul has dared even acknowledge, much less address my question posed yesterday:

Why isn't there public outrage, demonstrations, protests, boycotts, etc. of Muslim bakeries, florists, flower shops etc. who refuse to provide services for same sex weddings? Why are only Christians evil if they do that?

And if the Muslims are not to be subject to the same treatment as Christians, how is that not discriminating against Christians?

I don't see any difference in a Muslim choosing not to participate (or service) a gay wedding than a Christian choosing not to service one because he/she finds that contrary to his/her moral beliefs.

Everyone should be free to follow their moral beliefs.

So now you are agreeing that the Christian bakers are not discriminating against a gay person but are exercising a right to their moral beliefs about not participating in an event?

What changed your mind?

I didn't change my mind. I think I said, or tried to say, that I don't doubt a Christian baker who says he/she cannot provide a cake without effectively participating in the gay wedding. I personally believe they are discriminating, but I'm not judging them or saying they're intentionally being untruthful.

Again, everyone should be free to follow their own moral beliefs. I think our disagreement arose because, imo, if anyone is morally offended by the baker's moral stance, then they too should be free to buy cakes from elsewhere.

I am perhaps confused on the Muslim angle. If a Muslim baker chooses not to sell a cake to a gay wedding, and does so because homosexuality is against his moral beliefs, and selling the cake would, in his view, require him to participate in the wedding, then I don't see a difference.
“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem.

Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise.

But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”

Barry M. Goldwater "Mr. Conservative"

You folks are scared of God and the Christian religion.
Just as in Rome the Christians came in a put an end to that filth and perversion.

Under Christian rule
Attitudes toward same-sex behavior changed as Christianity became more prominent in the Empire. The modern perception of Roman sexual decadence can be traced to early Christian polemic.[194] Apart from measures to protect the liberty of citizens, the prosecution of homosexual acts as a general crime began in the 3rd century of the Christian era when male prostitution was banned by Philip the Arab. A series of laws regulating homosexual acts were promulgated during the social crisis of the 3rd century, from the statutory rape of minors to gay marriage.[195]

By the end of the 4th century, passive homosexual acts under the Christian Empire were punishable by burning.[196] "Death by sword" was the punishment for a "man coupling like a woman" under the Theodosian Code.[197] It can be argued, however, that legislation under Christian rule was an extension of traditional Roman views on appropriate gender roles, and not an abrupt shift based on Christian theology. It is in the 6th century, under Justinian, that legal and moral discourse on homosexuality becomes distinctly Christian:[198] all same-sex acts, passive or active, no matter who the partners, were declared contrary to nature and punishable by death.[199] Homosexual behaviors were pointed to as causes for God's wrath following a series of disasters around 542 and 559.[200]

The circumstances surrounding the massacre of Thessalonica in 390 suggest that even in the late 4th century same-sex behavior was still accepted in large parts of the population, while officially prosecuted.[citation needed] When a popular charioteer was arrested for having sexually harassed an army-commander or servant of the emperor, the people of the town were calling for his release, though this is more likely due to his popularity than to the nature of the allegation.[

Homosexuality in ancient Rome - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

What you seem to fail to realize is,these people are acting in the name of Christian religion. You keep wanting to portray religious entities as believing in mythical sky fairies like they are mental nut jobs.

I have stated this before and for your dumb ass will state it again, religions are societal road maps that tells one how to interact with a specific sub set of the general populous.
If all your childish mentality sees is a mythical sky fairy, then we all understand you are just not mentally capable of seeing the big picture.

There are many religions out there in which homosexuality is taboo, the part you are failing to realize is people do have a choice about who they associate with or not. No amount of legislation will ever change that fact.
Christians view homosexuality as an abomination, a disease of pure self pleasure from a weak person who lacks self control or an individual who is so socially retarded they don't know how to interact with the opposite sex.
Christians view the sexual acts committed by same sex couples as vile and evil with only thoughts of self indulgence or simply control over another............

By the way, I noticed you are too retarded to discuss this, you are good at putting out worthless propaganda, pretty much otherwise a dumb fuck devoid of intellectual thought.

Wiki sometimes offers one point of view that doesn't really hold up under scholarly scrutiny.

Stanford has pulled together a pretty good history of views about homosexuality and the cultures that existed over time in the Roman Empire here:
Homosexuality Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The more puritanical and restrictive laws did not come about until well into the Middle Ages when the Roman Empire was pretty much faded in anybody's memory, and what most of us would now consider archaic laws were just as restrictive on heterosexuals as they were on homosexuals. And since those laws are now a matter of history and not part of modern day culture, I'm pretty sure we can safely dismiss them as relevent to this discussion.

So far not a single brave soul has dared even acknowledge, much less address my question posed yesterday:

Why isn't there public outrage, demonstrations, protests, boycotts, etc. of Muslim bakeries, florists, flower shops etc. who refuse to provide services for same sex weddings? Why are only Christians evil if they do that?

And if the Muslims are not to be subject to the same treatment as Christians, how is that not discriminating against Christians?

I don't see any difference in a Muslim choosing not to participate (or service) a gay wedding than a Christian choosing not to service one because he/she finds that contrary to his/her moral beliefs.

Everyone should be free to follow their moral beliefs.

So now you are agreeing that the Christian bakers are not discriminating against a gay person but are exercising a right to their moral beliefs about not participating in an event?

What changed your mind?

The little faggot is trying to out dance me, while looking like a total fucking moron.

A dead dog could outdance you, facefuk
“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem.

Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise.

But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”

Barry M. Goldwater "Mr. Conservative"

You folks are scared of God and the Christian religion.
Just as in Rome the Christians came in a put an end to that filth and perversion.

Under Christian rule
Attitudes toward same-sex behavior changed as Christianity became more prominent in the Empire. The modern perception of Roman sexual decadence can be traced to early Christian polemic.[194] Apart from measures to protect the liberty of citizens, the prosecution of homosexual acts as a general crime began in the 3rd century of the Christian era when male prostitution was banned by Philip the Arab. A series of laws regulating homosexual acts were promulgated during the social crisis of the 3rd century, from the statutory rape of minors to gay marriage.[195]

By the end of the 4th century, passive homosexual acts under the Christian Empire were punishable by burning.[196] "Death by sword" was the punishment for a "man coupling like a woman" under the Theodosian Code.[197] It can be argued, however, that legislation under Christian rule was an extension of traditional Roman views on appropriate gender roles, and not an abrupt shift based on Christian theology. It is in the 6th century, under Justinian, that legal and moral discourse on homosexuality becomes distinctly Christian:[198] all same-sex acts, passive or active, no matter who the partners, were declared contrary to nature and punishable by death.[199] Homosexual behaviors were pointed to as causes for God's wrath following a series of disasters around 542 and 559.[200]

The circumstances surrounding the massacre of Thessalonica in 390 suggest that even in the late 4th century same-sex behavior was still accepted in large parts of the population, while officially prosecuted.[citation needed] When a popular charioteer was arrested for having sexually harassed an army-commander or servant of the emperor, the people of the town were calling for his release, though this is more likely due to his popularity than to the nature of the allegation.[

Homosexuality in ancient Rome - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

What you seem to fail to realize is,these people are acting in the name of Christian religion. You keep wanting to portray religious entities as believing in mythical sky fairies like they are mental nut jobs.

I have stated this before and for your dumb ass will state it again, religions are societal road maps that tells one how to interact with a specific sub set of the general populous.
If all your childish mentality sees is a mythical sky fairy, then we all understand you are just not mentally capable of seeing the big picture.

There are many religions out there in which homosexuality is taboo, the part you are failing to realize is people do have a choice about who they associate with or not. No amount of legislation will ever change that fact.
Christians view homosexuality as an abomination, a disease of pure self pleasure from a weak person who lacks self control or an individual who is so socially retarded they don't know how to interact with the opposite sex.
Christians view the sexual acts committed by same sex couples as vile and evil with only thoughts of self indulgence or simply control over another............

By the way, I noticed you are too retarded to discuss this, you are good at putting out worthless propaganda, pretty much otherwise a dumb fuck devoid of intellectual thought.

Wiki sometimes offers one point of view that doesn't really hold up under scholarly scrutiny.

Stanford has pulled together a pretty good history of views about homosexuality and the cultures that existed over time in the Roman Empire here:
Homosexuality Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The more puritanical and restrictive laws did not come about until well into the Middle Ages when the Roman Empire was pretty much faded in anybody's memory, and what most of us would now consider archaic laws were just as restrictive on heterosexuals as they were on homosexuals. And since those laws are now a matter of history and not part of modern day culture, I'm pretty sure we can safely dismiss them as relevent to this discussion.

So far not a single brave soul has dared even acknowledge, much less address my question posed yesterday:

Why isn't there public outrage, demonstrations, protests, boycotts, etc. of Muslim bakeries, florists, flower shops etc. who refuse to provide services for same sex weddings? Why are only Christians evil if they do that?

And if the Muslims are not to be subject to the same treatment as Christians, how is that not discriminating against Christians?

I don't see any difference in a Muslim choosing not to participate (or service) a gay wedding than a Christian choosing not to service one because he/she finds that contrary to his/her moral beliefs.

Everyone should be free to follow their moral beliefs.

So now you are agreeing that the Christian bakers are not discriminating against a gay person but are exercising a right to their moral beliefs about not participating in an event?

What changed your mind?

I didn't change my mind. I think I said, or tried to say, that I don't doubt a Christian baker who says he/she cannot provide a cake without effectively participating in the gay wedding. I personally believe they are discriminating, but I'm not judging them or saying they're intentionally being untruthful.

Again, everyone should be free to follow their own moral beliefs. I think our disagreement arose because, imo, if anyone is morally offended by the baker's moral stance, then they too should be free to buy cakes from elsewhere.

I am perhaps confused on the Muslim angle. If a Muslim baker chooses not to sell a cake to a gay wedding, and does so because homosexuality is against his moral beliefs, and selling the cake would, in his view, require him to participate in the wedding, then I don't see a difference.

There isn't a difference. According to the video I posted some of the Muslim bakers agreed to bake a cake for a gay wedding. Some did not.

Some Christians agree to bake cakes for gay weddings. Some do not.

The difference comes in the degree and focus of outrage. The militant activists organized to punish a Christian baker and literally drove him out of business not because he discriminated against gays. He didn't and never had. They drove him out of business because he chose to not participate in an acivity he believed to be against his Christian convictions.

And the hypocrisy comes in when the Christian is punished but the Muslims get a pass. Nobody is organizing to drive them out of business because they wouldn't bake a wedding cake for a gay wedding.
"Do we have a right to not be discriminated against?"

Well if we do then there must be a correlating responsibility that sustains such... So what would that or those responsibilities be?

And if we do not, then the Left is fucked!

Given that the Left discriminates against me everyday and in every way.
... Isn't it just a little hypocritical to condemn a bakery run by someone with a deep moral conviction that homosexuality is wrong for refusing to participate in the planning of a homosexual marriage...

Except no one is requiring any bakery to "participate in the planning of a homosexual marriage." That is the responsibility of those to be wed. The baker is being asked to do only what he does for other weddings .. bake a fucking cake! The bakery should be required to not discriminate against consumers on the basis of their sexual orientation and anyone with "deep moral conviction" should know that to do so is not just wrong but also deeply hypocritical. Woo.

Ah, so what you're REALLY saying is that people should not be allowed to own and operate a business unless you agree with how they run that business.

That's pretty much it, yeah. The idea is that operating a business is, essentially, a joint venture, wherein the government has a vested interested in how the business is run.

It is refreshing to see a totalitarian expose his/her real viewpoint. Thank you.

That's not MY viewpoint. At all.
dblack, I think you were being thanked for exposing that viewpoint expressed by a third party. I suspect you and hunarcy see things similarly.

foxfyre, I agree. And, I'm not quite sure what you were trying to get at with the Stanford philosophy encyclopedia, but it seemed pretty unbiased to me.
lol I provided a quote, idiot. Every word of what Goldwater said is true.

This quote from him too: "Every good Christian should line up and kick Jerry Falwell's ass."

Dead on!

And this one: ""Well, I've spent quite a number of years carrying the flag of the 'Old Conservatism.' And I can say with conviction that the religious issues of these groups have little or nothing to do with conservative or liberal politics.

The uncompromising position of these groups is a divisive element that could tear apart the very spirit of our representative system, if they gain sufficient strength."


and this one: "The religious factions will go on imposing their will on others," { he said,} "unless the decent people connected to them recognize that religion has no place in public policy. They must learn to make their views known without trying to make their views the only alternatives. . .

We have succeeded for 205 years in keeping the affairs of state separate from the uncompromising idealism of religious groups and we mustn't stop now...

To retreat from that separation would violate the principles of conservatism and the values upon which the framers built this democratic republic."

from CHURCH & STATE July / August 1998


Too bad there aren''t more "real" Conservatives like Goldwater anymore.

Goldwater vs Religious Right

Yes, fucknut. You provided a quote that was supposed to make people go, "Oh, Goldwater said so, so that makes it true!" That's called an "appeal to authority", and it's a logical fallacy.

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