Do we have a right to not be discriminated against

I did not intend to imply it was YOUR viewpoint. I apologize. I was referring to "sayit" as exposing his totalitarian viewpoint and intended to thank you for your confirmation of his meaning. As the kids say, my bad.

Perhaps you could clear up something for me. What is so wrong about expecting a baker with strong Christian beliefs to actually honor them regarding those who are sexually different? Isn't judging them so harshly a sin?

You're actually going to have to explain what the hell you're talking about, because you kinda lost me in the vagueness of the question.

Do you see the hypocrisy in expressing ones faith by judging another human being's sexuality and punishing them for it?

Do you see why your question is the equivalent of "When did you stop beating your wife?" and why it doesn't deserve an answer?

I take that to mean you can't see the sanctimonious hypocrisy. Feel free to wallow in your bigotry but please don't blame it on God.

You can take it to mean whatever you like. I understand that leftists aren't tied to any mundane stuff like word meanings or reading comprehension, and I'm certainly not interested in plumbing the sewers of your mind to explore your interpretations.

What I actually meant it pretty clear in the words, though.
lol I provided a quote, idiot. Every word of what Goldwater said is true.

This quote from him too: "Every good Christian should line up and kick Jerry Falwell's ass."

Dead on!

And this one: ""Well, I've spent quite a number of years carrying the flag of the 'Old Conservatism.' And I can say with conviction that the religious issues of these groups have little or nothing to do with conservative or liberal politics.

The uncompromising position of these groups is a divisive element that could tear apart the very spirit of our representative system, if they gain sufficient strength."


and this one: "The religious factions will go on imposing their will on others," { he said,} "unless the decent people connected to them recognize that religion has no place in public policy. They must learn to make their views known without trying to make their views the only alternatives. . .

We have succeeded for 205 years in keeping the affairs of state separate from the uncompromising idealism of religious groups and we mustn't stop now...

To retreat from that separation would violate the principles of conservatism and the values upon which the framers built this democratic republic."

from CHURCH & STATE July / August 1998


Too bad there aren''t more "real" Conservatives like Goldwater anymore.

Goldwater vs Religious Right

Yes, fucknut. You provided a quote that was supposed to make people go, "Oh, Goldwater said so, so that makes it true!" That's called an "appeal to authority", and it's a logical fallacy.
Hey, twit, Goldwater *is* the authority on what HE saw happening with the religious right infesting itself into the GOP, and what would happen if the extremist wing of the social conservatives get a stranglehold on the party.

And was he right? He damn sure was.

Hey, doofus. It's Goldwater's OPINION. I know you think I'm supposed to accept it like it was written in stone by the finger of God because it's Goldwater (!), but his personal opinion doesn't mean jack shit to me, any more than anyone else's does. You wanna consider him the be-all and end-all of conservative thought - of course you do, since you like what he said this time - knock yourself out. But you don't get to decide that I have to worship alongside you at the altar of his personal opinion.
Should government protect a universal right to be treated equally in "public accommodations"? In employment? Education? Any social settings?

I'm trying to get my head around the general point of view that discrimination should be illegal. I'm not sure we have much clarity on what it means, other than ad hoc provisions regarding specific circumstances.

Our government, here in the United States, is an extension of the will of the people -- manifested over time.

People are inherently fearful and bigoted, so it took a while, from slavery to the civil rights movement for our national will to evolve into something morally righteous and TRULY ALIGNED WITH OUR CORE VALUES.

If you don't like the way we do things here in the United States, you are free to leave.

I always wonder why people who obviously can't stand it here, can't stand the values in our system--why do they stick around? You can bitch and spew ignorant pseudo-intellectual b.s. all you want, but these core values are not changing. As much as the Tea Party tries to make us regress, this nation will trudge forward.
Then you expect any business to contract with the kkk if they demand it, any muslim restaurant to cater a Christian wedding and serve pork because they demand it, anyone with a gun that has a permit for open carry to be served, if they demand it? All against the beliefs of the business owner.

I expect a business to sell what it normally sells. A pizza place would be expected to sell pizza. A wedding cake bakery would be expected to sell wedding cakes.

Its really not that complicated. You're overthinking it.
yes. They are required to sell to anyone who walks through the door looking to do business.

They are NOT entitled to force you to take your business to them.
Should government protect a universal right to be treated equally in "public accommodations"? In employment? Education? Any social settings?

I'm trying to get my head around the general point of view that discrimination should be illegal. I'm not sure we have much clarity on what it means, other than ad hoc provisions regarding specific circumstances.

Our government, here in the United States, is an extension of the will of the people -- manifested over time.

People are inherently fearful and bigoted, so it took a while, from slavery to the civil rights movement for our national will to evolve into something morally righteous and TRULY ALIGNED WITH OUR CORE VALUES.

If you don't like the way we do things here in the United States, you are free to leave.

I always wonder why people who obviously can't stand it here, can't stand the values in our system--why do they stick around? You can bitch and spew ignorant pseudo-intellectual b.s. all you want, but these core values are not changing. As much as the Tea Party tries to make us regress, this nation will trudge forward.

I am free to work to effect change so that the country more closely aligns with the values of its majority. Win or lose, that IS My right as an American Citizen.
Should government protect a universal right to be treated equally in "public accommodations"? In employment? Education? Any social settings?

I'm trying to get my head around the general point of view that discrimination should be illegal. I'm not sure we have much clarity on what it means, other than ad hoc provisions regarding specific circumstances.

Our government, here in the United States, is an extension of the will of the people -- manifested over time.

People are inherently fearful and bigoted, so it took a while, from slavery to the civil rights movement for our national will to evolve into something morally righteous and TRULY ALIGNED WITH OUR CORE VALUES.

If you don't like the way we do things here in the United States, you are free to leave.

I always wonder why people who obviously can't stand it here, can't stand the values in our system--why do they stick around? You can bitch and spew ignorant pseudo-intellectual b.s. all you want, but these core values are not changing. As much as the Tea Party tries to make us regress, this nation will trudge forward.

America, love it or leave it. LOL!

It's America, you intolerant asses don't get to say who comes or goes.

I have freedom of thought and expression and bigots like yourself don't get to dictate my freedoms to me.
lol I provided a quote, idiot. Every word of what Goldwater said is true.

This quote from him too: "Every good Christian should line up and kick Jerry Falwell's ass."

Dead on!

And this one: ""Well, I've spent quite a number of years carrying the flag of the 'Old Conservatism.' And I can say with conviction that the religious issues of these groups have little or nothing to do with conservative or liberal politics.

The uncompromising position of these groups is a divisive element that could tear apart the very spirit of our representative system, if they gain sufficient strength."


and this one: "The religious factions will go on imposing their will on others," { he said,} "unless the decent people connected to them recognize that religion has no place in public policy. They must learn to make their views known without trying to make their views the only alternatives. . .

We have succeeded for 205 years in keeping the affairs of state separate from the uncompromising idealism of religious groups and we mustn't stop now...

To retreat from that separation would violate the principles of conservatism and the values upon which the framers built this democratic republic."

from CHURCH & STATE July / August 1998


Too bad there aren''t more "real" Conservatives like Goldwater anymore.

Goldwater vs Religious Right

Yes, fucknut. You provided a quote that was supposed to make people go, "Oh, Goldwater said so, so that makes it true!" That's called an "appeal to authority", and it's a logical fallacy.
Hey, twit, Goldwater *is* the authority on what HE saw happening with the religious right infesting itself into the GOP, and what would happen if the extremist wing of the social conservatives get a stranglehold on the party.

And was he right? He damn sure was.

Hey, doofus. It's Goldwater's OPINION. I know you think I'm supposed to accept it like it was written in stone by the finger of God because it's Goldwater (!), but his personal opinion doesn't mean jack shit to me, any more than anyone else's does. You wanna consider him the be-all and end-all of conservative thought - of course you do, since you like what he said this time - knock yourself out. But you don't get to decide that I have to worship alongside you at the altar of his personal opinion.
What in the actual fuck??

You are so self-centered and vain to think the quote was posted just for you - I wasn't even quoting you. You just blared in ...

Here's something else: I don't give a shit what means "jack shit" to you.

It's not all about you.

Get the fuck over yourself lady.
Should government protect a universal right to be treated equally in "public accommodations"? In employment? Education? Any social settings?

I'm trying to get my head around the general point of view that discrimination should be illegal. I'm not sure we have much clarity on what it means, other than ad hoc provisions regarding specific circumstances.

Our government, here in the United States, is an extension of the will of the people -- manifested over time.

People are inherently fearful and bigoted, so it took a while, from slavery to the civil rights movement for our national will to evolve into something morally righteous and TRULY ALIGNED WITH OUR CORE VALUES.

If you don't like the way we do things here in the United States, you are free to leave.

I always wonder why people who obviously can't stand it here, can't stand the values in our system--why do they stick around? You can bitch and spew ignorant pseudo-intellectual b.s. all you want, but these core values are not changing. As much as the Tea Party tries to make us regress, this nation will trudge forward.

I am free to work to effect change so that the country more closely aligns with the values of its majority. Win or lose, that IS My right as an American Citizen.

Yes. And the majority value requiring public accommodations to adhere to certain American values.-- This is will never change.

Look what happened in Indiana when the homophobes there tried to legalize hatred and discrimination under the guise of "religious freedom". The backlash was immediate and profound.

What's troubling about all this "religious freedom" b.s. justification for hatred and bigotry, even though it gets shot down, these stupid laws still give the bigoted and ignorant permission to continue being backwards hateful assholes.

Public shaming, like we did with the segregationists, is the only way to flush these turds down the sewer.
Should government protect a universal right to be treated equally in "public accommodations"? In employment? Education? Any social settings?

I'm trying to get my head around the general point of view that discrimination should be illegal. I'm not sure we have much clarity on what it means, other than ad hoc provisions regarding specific circumstances.

Our government, here in the United States, is an extension of the will of the people -- manifested over time.

People are inherently fearful and bigoted, so it took a while, from slavery to the civil rights movement for our national will to evolve into something morally righteous and TRULY ALIGNED WITH OUR CORE VALUES.

If you don't like the way we do things here in the United States, you are free to leave.

I always wonder why people who obviously can't stand it here, can't stand the values in our system--why do they stick around? You can bitch and spew ignorant pseudo-intellectual b.s. all you want, but these core values are not changing. As much as the Tea Party tries to make us regress, this nation will trudge forward.

America, love it or leave it. LOL!

It's America, you intolerant asses don't get to say who comes or goes.

I have freedom of thought and expression and bigots like yourself don't get to dictate my freedoms to me.

I didn't tell you to stay or go, jackwad.

I just don't understand why people who hate the things we Americans value, stick around.

Find a country where you would be happier.

Nothing bigoted about pointing out the exit door. Just being neighborly.
Should government protect a universal right to be treated equally in "public accommodations"? In employment? Education? Any social settings?

I'm trying to get my head around the general point of view that discrimination should be illegal. I'm not sure we have much clarity on what it means, other than ad hoc provisions regarding specific circumstances.

Our government, here in the United States, is an extension of the will of the people -- manifested over time.

People are inherently fearful and bigoted, so it took a while, from slavery to the civil rights movement for our national will to evolve into something morally righteous and TRULY ALIGNED WITH OUR CORE VALUES.

If you don't like the way we do things here in the United States, you are free to leave.

I always wonder why people who obviously can't stand it here, can't stand the values in our system--why do they stick around? You can bitch and spew ignorant pseudo-intellectual b.s. all you want, but these core values are not changing. As much as the Tea Party tries to make us regress, this nation will trudge forward.

I am free to work to effect change so that the country more closely aligns with the values of its majority. Win or lose, that IS My right as an American Citizen.

Yes. And the majority value requiring public accommodations to adhere to certain American values.-- This is will never change.

Look what happened in Indiana when the homophobes there tried to legalize hatred and discrimination under the guise of "religious freedom". The backlash was immediate and profound.

What's troubling about all this "religious freedom" b.s. justification for hatred and bigotry, even though it gets shot down, these stupid laws still give the bigoted and ignorant permission to continue being backwards hateful assholes.

Public shaming, like we did with the segregationists, is the only way to flush these turds down the sewer.
Of course it will change. It changed to begin with. Let us hope that it will be sensible change the next time around.

Religious freedom is not, in any rational thought process, considered B.S. Conscientious and moral objections to lifestyles are more than reasonable. It isnt as if allowing people to freely practice their religion is going to suddenly plunge the USA into the dark ages.

But if we are going to start talking about legitimizing hatred and bigotry, then we're going to have to ensure that librealism and the Democrat party are outlawed.
Should government protect a universal right to be treated equally in "public accommodations"? In employment? Education? Any social settings?

I'm trying to get my head around the general point of view that discrimination should be illegal. I'm not sure we have much clarity on what it means, other than ad hoc provisions regarding specific circumstances.

Our government, here in the United States, is an extension of the will of the people -- manifested over time.

People are inherently fearful and bigoted, so it took a while, from slavery to the civil rights movement for our national will to evolve into something morally righteous and TRULY ALIGNED WITH OUR CORE VALUES.

If you don't like the way we do things here in the United States, you are free to leave.

I always wonder why people who obviously can't stand it here, can't stand the values in our system--why do they stick around? You can bitch and spew ignorant pseudo-intellectual b.s. all you want, but these core values are not changing. As much as the Tea Party tries to make us regress, this nation will trudge forward.

America, love it or leave it. LOL!

It's America, you intolerant asses don't get to say who comes or goes.

I have freedom of thought and expression and bigots like yourself don't get to dictate my freedoms to me.

I didn't tell you to stay or go, jackwad.

I just don't understand why people who hate the things we Americans value, stick around.

Find a country where you would be happier.

Nothing bigoted about pointing out the exit door. Just being neighborly.

Then leave when you wish, I am here to stay. I embrace the values of this country and the freedom to think and to speak.

And yes you are a bigot, you want people that you don't think are American to leave. You have no say as to who and who isn't an American.
Both groups want their beliefs to be the rule of law.
I'm pretty sure every political group does. You could compare either major party in this country to the Taliban by that standard.

Only up to a point. Some of us only want to be allowed our beliefs and convictions in peace. The only thing we want from the law is to protect our right to our beliefs and convictions so long as we do not violate anybody else's rights and/or do not require involuntary participation or contribution by anybody else.

That means that the law would protect the right of the gay person to express whatever came into his/her head and do whatever he/she wanted to do so long as it did not violate anybody else's rights and required no involuntary participation or contribution by anybody else.

Likewise, the law would protect the right of the Christian to express whatever came into his/her head and do whatever he/she wanted to do so long as it did not violate anybody else's rights and required no involuntary participation or contribution by anybody else.

And THAT would make illegal these hateful organized boycotts, protests, and demonstrations done as an effort to FORCE people to speak and behave as somebody else demands..
lol I provided a quote, idiot. Every word of what Goldwater said is true.

This quote from him too: "Every good Christian should line up and kick Jerry Falwell's ass."

Dead on!

And this one: ""Well, I've spent quite a number of years carrying the flag of the 'Old Conservatism.' And I can say with conviction that the religious issues of these groups have little or nothing to do with conservative or liberal politics.

The uncompromising position of these groups is a divisive element that could tear apart the very spirit of our representative system, if they gain sufficient strength."


and this one: "The religious factions will go on imposing their will on others," { he said,} "unless the decent people connected to them recognize that religion has no place in public policy. They must learn to make their views known without trying to make their views the only alternatives. . .

We have succeeded for 205 years in keeping the affairs of state separate from the uncompromising idealism of religious groups and we mustn't stop now...

To retreat from that separation would violate the principles of conservatism and the values upon which the framers built this democratic republic."

from CHURCH & STATE July / August 1998


Too bad there aren''t more "real" Conservatives like Goldwater anymore.

Goldwater vs Religious Right

Yes, fucknut. You provided a quote that was supposed to make people go, "Oh, Goldwater said so, so that makes it true!" That's called an "appeal to authority", and it's a logical fallacy.
Hey, twit, Goldwater *is* the authority on what HE saw happening with the religious right infesting itself into the GOP, and what would happen if the extremist wing of the social conservatives get a stranglehold on the party.

And was he right? He damn sure was.

Hey, doofus. It's Goldwater's OPINION. I know you think I'm supposed to accept it like it was written in stone by the finger of God because it's Goldwater (!), but his personal opinion doesn't mean jack shit to me, any more than anyone else's does. You wanna consider him the be-all and end-all of conservative thought - of course you do, since you like what he said this time - knock yourself out. But you don't get to decide that I have to worship alongside you at the altar of his personal opinion.
What in the actual fuck??

You are so self-centered and vain to think the quote was posted just for you - I wasn't even quoting you. You just blared in ...

Here's something else: I don't give a shit what means "jack shit" to you.

It's not all about you.

Get the fuck over yourself lady.

Dumbass, you replied to and quoted MY POST. That means you were addressing me. If you're not addressing someone, don't quote them.

Welcome to Conversation for Adults 101, Mensa Girl. And move along, because I only teach the advanced courses.
lol I provided a quote, idiot. Every word of what Goldwater said is true.

This quote from him too: "Every good Christian should line up and kick Jerry Falwell's ass."

Dead on!

And this one: ""Well, I've spent quite a number of years carrying the flag of the 'Old Conservatism.' And I can say with conviction that the religious issues of these groups have little or nothing to do with conservative or liberal politics.

The uncompromising position of these groups is a divisive element that could tear apart the very spirit of our representative system, if they gain sufficient strength."


and this one: "The religious factions will go on imposing their will on others," { he said,} "unless the decent people connected to them recognize that religion has no place in public policy. They must learn to make their views known without trying to make their views the only alternatives. . .

We have succeeded for 205 years in keeping the affairs of state separate from the uncompromising idealism of religious groups and we mustn't stop now...

To retreat from that separation would violate the principles of conservatism and the values upon which the framers built this democratic republic."

from CHURCH & STATE July / August 1998


Too bad there aren''t more "real" Conservatives like Goldwater anymore.

Goldwater vs Religious Right

Yes, fucknut. You provided a quote that was supposed to make people go, "Oh, Goldwater said so, so that makes it true!" That's called an "appeal to authority", and it's a logical fallacy.
Hey, twit, Goldwater *is* the authority on what HE saw happening with the religious right infesting itself into the GOP, and what would happen if the extremist wing of the social conservatives get a stranglehold on the party.

And was he right? He damn sure was.

Hey, doofus. It's Goldwater's OPINION. I know you think I'm supposed to accept it like it was written in stone by the finger of God because it's Goldwater (!), but his personal opinion doesn't mean jack shit to me, any more than anyone else's does. You wanna consider him the be-all and end-all of conservative thought - of course you do, since you like what he said this time - knock yourself out. But you don't get to decide that I have to worship alongside you at the altar of his personal opinion.
What in the actual fuck??

You are so self-centered and vain to think the quote was posted just for you - I wasn't even quoting you. You just blared in ...

Here's something else: I don't give a shit what means "jack shit" to you.

It's not all about you.

Get the fuck over yourself lady.

Dumbass, you replied to and quoted MY POST. That means you were addressing me. If you're not addressing someone, don't quote them.

Welcome to Conversation for Adults 101, Mensa Girl. And move along, because I only teach the advanced courses.
Hey twit: The post I made with the Goldwater quote did not quote you, you liar.

Do we have a right to not be discriminated against Page 12 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You then responded to me, making a fallacious logical fallacy comment.

And even then, I didn't quote you --

Do we have a right to not be discriminated against Page 12 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I did respond, but it was you who quoted me -- I wasn't addressing you when I placed the Goldwater quote in the thread - you vane, lying nitwit.
You'd have been smart if you looked it up first before making that stupid, lying comment.

But you're not.

Now you look more foolish than ever.


Dodge, dodge, dodge, redefine, rewrite. *yawn* Whatever keeps you from blowing your brains out in utter despair at having to be you the rest of your life. I'm not sure I'd consider it worth the bother.
You'd have been smart if you looked it up first before making that stupid, lying comment.

But you're not.

Now you look more foolish than ever.


Dodge, dodge, dodge, redefine, rewrite. *yawn* Whatever keeps you from blowing your brains out in utter despair at having to be you the rest of your life. I'm not sure I'd consider it worth the bother.
That's I suppose the best you can do when confronted with your lie.

No, honeypie, it's not all about you.
Should government protect a universal right to be treated equally in "public accommodations"? In employment? Education? Any social settings?

I'm trying to get my head around the general point of view that discrimination should be illegal. I'm not sure we have much clarity on what it means, other than ad hoc provisions regarding specific circumstances.

Our government, here in the United States, is an extension of the will of the people -- manifested over time.

People are inherently fearful and bigoted, so it took a while, from slavery to the civil rights movement for our national will to evolve into something morally righteous and TRULY ALIGNED WITH OUR CORE VALUES.

If you don't like the way we do things here in the United States, you are free to leave.

I always wonder why people who obviously can't stand it here, can't stand the values in our system--why do they stick around? You can bitch and spew ignorant pseudo-intellectual b.s. all you want, but these core values are not changing. As much as the Tea Party tries to make us regress, this nation will trudge forward.
Do you have any opinions on the topic?
I did not intend to imply it was YOUR viewpoint. I apologize. I was referring to "sayit" as exposing his totalitarian viewpoint and intended to thank you for your confirmation of his meaning. As the kids say, my bad.

Perhaps you could clear up something for me. What is so wrong about expecting a baker with strong Christian beliefs to actually honor them regarding those who are sexually different? Isn't judging them so harshly a sin?

I would expect a baker with strong Christian beliefs to actually honor their beliefs regarding in every situation. I might not agree with their beliefs, but they should be free to honor their beliefs in every situation.
I did not intend to imply it was YOUR viewpoint. I apologize. I was referring to "sayit" as exposing his totalitarian viewpoint and intended to thank you for your confirmation of his meaning. As the kids say, my bad.

Perhaps you could clear up something for me. What is so wrong about expecting a baker with strong Christian beliefs to actually honor them regarding those who are sexually different? Isn't judging them so harshly a sin?

I would expect a baker with strong Christian beliefs to actually honor their beliefs regarding in every situation. I might not agree with their beliefs, but they should be free to honor their beliefs in every situation.

Do those beliefs not usually include love for thy neighbor and judging not lest ye be judged?

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