Do We Have Any Former Republicans Here On USMB?

Are You A Former Republican?

  • I'm a former Republican, currently an Independent

    Votes: 16 38.1%
  • I'm a former Republican, currently a Democrat

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • I'm still a Republican, but I'm thinking about leaving the party

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • I'm STILL a Republican and I'm NEVER leaving the party

    Votes: 11 26.2%
  • I'm not a Republican, and I don't understand what the HELL those people are thinking

    Votes: 10 23.8%

  • Total voters
Former Democrat who became a Conservative after Democrats confiscated every raise I earned for several years in a row. Dem's are for the poor and working class, riiiiiiiiight :icon_rolleyes:
If so, what's your story?

Is it anything like this guy who was forced to leave the party he's been a part of since 1979 due to the fact that it's gone completely off the deep end?

What's your story?

Registered Republican when I was 18, But I never really voted the party line. For example, I voted for Tom Bradley for governor of California rather than the Republican candidate. I always vote for who I think will do the best job, regardless of party, any party... and I sleep like a baby...

I voted for Reagan twice, Bush twice, Clinton once, Bush once... then I started voting of brand when Bush went into Iraq... and changed my party affiliation to none... I've been considering voting for a Democrat for the open House seat, Mark Sanford's spot. The problem I'm facing is, he's as much a Pelosi/Feinstein lapdog as his opponent is a Trump lapdog... pretty slim pickins' here...

Not digging the governor here either...
Former Democrat who did a 180 and became a Republican, now former Republican who knows both parties are full of shit.
Now's the time to share that journey bruh.

I'm curious.
Child of the 60s/70s, was a democratic socialist before it was cool. Began to moderate in college then ended up in No Virginia, D.C. where I became involved in national politics. Didn't take me long to see the lies, bull shit and hypocrisy which pushed me further right. Eventually took a years worth of business classes, started a business and became born again throwing me into the religious right category, sorta. After a few years working on the inside of the national RNC I saw the same crap the I witnessed in the DNC, besides my academic background finally overcame my emotive partisanship and I moderated completely to the point that I've basically become a political agnostic.
If so, what's your story?

Is it anything like this guy who was forced to leave the party he's been a part of since 1979 due to the fact that it's gone completely off the deep end?

What's your story?

I have been a straight ticket Republican since the age of 18, and a conservative since birth. I was politically active as a member of Young Americans for Freedom long before I could vote. A As a teenager, I gave many political speeches at my state capital's legislature, and worked for two Republican congressional campaigns.

In 2006, I became disgusted with the GOP and stopped voting on the federal level.

Since then, my disgust for the hypocrites, retards, bigots, racists, liars and hucksters who have invaded and infected the party has gotten exponentially greater with each passing year.

Earlier this year, I realized the GOP is dead. Dead, dead, dead. So I changed my registration to Independent.

In my entire life, I voted for one Democrat, and that was at the behest of William F. Buckley who wanted to unseat the liberal Republican Lowell Weicker.

Most of the pseudocons on this forum don't even know who Bill Buckley is. That's how far off the reservation the conservative movement is today.

They make me sick. They have destroyed the party and the movement.

They totally deserve Trump.
i've voted for (R)s in the past but not sure if i will ever again. right now that party is tainted with cesspool stank & it's gonna be a very looooong time for it to be thoroughly disinfected.
I support fiscal conservatism, Newt style.

I left the GOP when W and a GOP Congress socialized senior drugs, in part by lying about the estimated cost... all while $10k pharma checks were passed out on the Congress floor during the vote...

Anyone still defending Traitor W needs to check a few things - this is one of them...

Inquiry Confirms Top Medicare Official Threatened Actuary Over Cost of Drug Benefits

An internal investigation by the Department of Health and Human Services confirms that the top Medicare official threatened to fire the program's chief actuary if he told Congress that drug benefits would probably cost much more than the White House acknowledged.

A report on the investigation, issued Tuesday, says the administrator of Medicare, Thomas A. Scully, issued the threat to Richard S. Foster while lawmakers were considering huge changes in the program last year. As a result, Mr. Foster's cost estimate did not become known until after the legislation was enacted.

Now, how was that "conservative?"
Always have been a Conservative Republican and would still be voting that way since the left are stark raving lunatics. Bush really disenchanted me but the other option was even worse.
Thank God Trump came along,he's the closest thing to a third party in my lifetime.
If so, what's your story?

Is it anything like this guy who was forced to leave the party he's been a part of since 1979 due to the fact that it's gone completely off the deep end?

What's your story?

Former Democrat who did a 180 and became a Republican, now former Republican who knows both parties are full of shit.

I wouldn't disagree with you but the only way to push the pendulum the other way is to vote Democratic on November 6.
The 'Pubes have become the party of bloated, old, fat, bigoted, misogynistic white men.
Always have been a Conservative Republican and would still be voting that way since the left are stark raving lunatics. Bush really disenchanted me but the other option was even worse.
Thank God Trump came along,he's the closest thing to a third party in my lifetime.

Goddamn, third party??? LOLOLOLOLOL!
There are plenty of him running around in places like Oklahoma, Georgia and Kentucky, honey.
Except they aren't wearing Gucci suits and they don't dye their hair platinum blonde and buy hair spray by the case.
But they DO agree with Donald that women are worthless vessels to be exploited.

("third party"...bahahahahahahaha)
I was a Republican/Independent up until Dubya started vanity wars in the Middle East under the guise of going after Al Queda and making it all about Saddam Hussein.
I watched Bill O'Reilly every night and thought he was telling the truth.
By 2004 I was done with the Republicans after the fucking idiots re-elected Bush.
By 2006 I was a protestor, not paid, on the National Mall calling for an end to the wars and Bush and Cheney were nothing but war criminals.
They left a stain on this country that has become worse than soiled diapers with the BIG FUCKING BABY in the Oval Office now.
Always have been a Conservative Republican and would still be voting that way since the left are stark raving lunatics. Bush really disenchanted me but the other option was even worse.
Thank God Trump came along,he's the closest thing to a third party in my lifetime.

Goddamn, third party??? LOLOLOLOLOL!
There are plenty of him running around in places like Oklahoma, Georgia and Kentucky, honey.
Except they aren't wearing Gucci suits and they don't dye their hair platinum blonde and buy hair spray by the case.
But they DO agree with Donald that women are worthless vessels to be exploited.

("third party"...bahahahahahahaha)

So state the cases where Trump claimed women were useless.
You cant stand the fact that Trump has done amazing things with our economy and jobless rates.
You'd rather see America fail than to see Trump succeed.
If so, what's your story?

Is it anything like this guy who was forced to leave the party he's been a part of since 1979 due to the fact that it's gone completely off the deep end?

What's your story?

Former Democrat who did a 180 and became a Republican, now former Republican who knows both parties are full of shit.

I wouldn't disagree with you but the only way to push the pendulum the other way is to vote Democratic on November 6.
The 'Pubes have become the party of bloated, old, fat, bigoted, misogynistic white men.

You guys stay focused on this please.

Then you'll know why you've been booted and kept out for several cycles.
Always have been a Conservative Republican and would still be voting that way since the left are stark raving lunatics. Bush really disenchanted me but the other option was even worse.
Thank God Trump came along,he's the closest thing to a third party in my lifetime.

Goddamn, third party??? LOLOLOLOLOL!
There are plenty of him running around in places like Oklahoma, Georgia and Kentucky, honey.
Except they aren't wearing Gucci suits and they don't dye their hair platinum blonde and buy hair spray by the case.
But they DO agree with Donald that women are worthless vessels to be exploited.

("third party"...bahahahahahahaha)

So state the cases where Trump claimed women were useless.
You cant stand the fact that Trump has done amazing things with our economy and jobless rates.
You'd rather see America fail than to see Trump succeed.

Guess you missed that Hollywood Access tape.
If I thought you were nothing more than a (tiny) dick in a Speedo, and called you a pig or a dog, what would your impression be?
What if I said you were "bleeding from your eyes and your...whatever" as he said of Megyn Kelly?
Sorry if you're so fucking stupid you need more information than that.

Trump did not start out with a full blown recession when he took office. He started out at the top of an 8-year recovery with the Dow at 20,000. Not 7900 as Obama did.
And pay attention to something besides Fox and his rallies.
He's fucking things up grandly.

The U.S.-China Trade Battle Spawns a New Era of Tariff Dodges

U.S.-China Tensions Break Out in Beijing

And he's a total fucking fraud, too. He was handed everything, not a self-made man.

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father
Always have been a Conservative Republican and would still be voting that way since the left are stark raving lunatics. Bush really disenchanted me but the other option was even worse.
Thank God Trump came along,he's the closest thing to a third party in my lifetime.

Goddamn, third party??? LOLOLOLOLOL!
There are plenty of him running around in places like Oklahoma, Georgia and Kentucky, honey.
Except they aren't wearing Gucci suits and they don't dye their hair platinum blonde and buy hair spray by the case.
But they DO agree with Donald that women are worthless vessels to be exploited.

("third party"...bahahahahahahaha)

So state the cases where Trump claimed women were useless.
You cant stand the fact that Trump has done amazing things with our economy and jobless rates.
You'd rather see America fail than to see Trump succeed.

Guess you missed that Hollywood Access tape.
If I thought you were nothing more than a (tiny) dick in a Speedo, and called you a pig or a dog, what would your impression be?
What if I said you were "bleeding from your eyes and your...whatever" as he said of Megyn Kelly?
Sorry if you're so fucking stupid you need more information than that.

Trump did not start out with a full blown recession when he took office. He started out at the top of an 8-year recovery with the Dow at 20,000. Not 7900 as Obama did.
And pay attention to something besides Fox and his rallies.
He's fucking things up grandly.

The U.S.-China Trade Battle Spawns a New Era of Tariff Dodges

U.S.-China Tensions Break Out in Beijing

And he's a total fucking fraud, too. He was handed everything, not a self-made man.

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

For being such a shithead he sure is Making America Great Again.
So whats that say about Barry?
If so, what's your story?

Is it anything like this guy who was forced to leave the party he's been a part of since 1979 due to the fact that it's gone completely off the deep end?

What's your story?

Former Democrat who did a 180 and became a Republican, now former Republican who knows both parties are full of shit.

I wouldn't disagree with you but the only way to push the pendulum the other way is to vote Democratic on November 6.
The 'Pubes have become the party of bloated, old, fat, bigoted, misogynistic white men.

You guys stay focused on this please.

Then you'll know why you've been booted and kept out for several cycles.

WTF are you talking about?
These posts are on topic.

If so, what's your story?

Is it anything like this guy who was forced to leave the party he's been a part of since 1979 due to the fact that it's gone completely off the deep end?

What's your story?

Former Democrat who did a 180 and became a Republican, now former Republican who knows both parties are full of shit.

I wouldn't disagree with you but the only way to push the pendulum the other way is to vote Democratic on November 6.
The 'Pubes have become the party of bloated, old, fat, bigoted, misogynistic white men.

Trite, pathetic and expected.
Always have been a Conservative Republican and would still be voting that way since the left are stark raving lunatics. Bush really disenchanted me but the other option was even worse.
Thank God Trump came along,he's the closest thing to a third party in my lifetime.

Goddamn, third party??? LOLOLOLOLOL!
There are plenty of him running around in places like Oklahoma, Georgia and Kentucky, honey.
Except they aren't wearing Gucci suits and they don't dye their hair platinum blonde and buy hair spray by the case.
But they DO agree with Donald that women are worthless vessels to be exploited.

("third party"...bahahahahahahaha)

So state the cases where Trump claimed women were useless.
You cant stand the fact that Trump has done amazing things with our economy and jobless rates.
You'd rather see America fail than to see Trump succeed.

Guess you missed that Hollywood Access tape.
If I thought you were nothing more than a (tiny) dick in a Speedo, and called you a pig or a dog, what would your impression be?
What if I said you were "bleeding from your eyes and your...whatever" as he said of Megyn Kelly?
Sorry if you're so fucking stupid you need more information than that.

Trump did not start out with a full blown recession when he took office. He started out at the top of an 8-year recovery with the Dow at 20,000. Not 7900 as Obama did.
And pay attention to something besides Fox and his rallies.
He's fucking things up grandly.

The U.S.-China Trade Battle Spawns a New Era of Tariff Dodges

U.S.-China Tensions Break Out in Beijing

And he's a total fucking fraud, too. He was handed everything, not a self-made man.

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

For being such a shithead he sure is Making America Great Again.
So whats that say about Barry?

He knows how to drill a slogan into your head and make you believe it.
Why are individual tax breaks temporary and corporate ones are permanent?
Want to explain that logic of his?
That's just for starters.
The sugar rush of the tax reform is going to turn into full blown diabetes.

Check how Trump has run the national debt up another trillion.
He's great at spending someone else's money.


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