Do we have open borders?

Federal and State governments spend billions every year on border guards, aircraft surveillance, drones, and other high-tech devices to stop tunnels and illegal immigration on our southern border, and they stop the vast majority attempts by illegal aliens from entering the USA, and of the few that do get through, most of them are eventually captured and deported.

- But according to Republicans none of this goes on, and hordes of illegal aliens are swarming across the Rio Grande and invading our country. Why do Republicans lie about this? Is it for political gain? Do they honestly think people believe this?

Did you know that by the end of Biden's term America will be 20% illegal immigrants?

Texas lieutenant governor warns 20% of people in US will be ... › ...
Texas lieutenant governor warns 20% of people in US will be illegal immigrants by end of Biden's first term. Apr. 11, 2022 - 4:05 - Texas sheriffs Brad Coe ...

20% of American population will be here illegally by the end of ... › video › 20-american-populati...
2 days ago — 20% of American population will be here illegally by the end of Biden's ... in US will be illegal immigrants by end of Biden's first term.

We do not have a closed border. We have an open border with restricted access. If we didn't, how are we able to detain and return so many back across the border?

The Neo-GOP Groomers want the flock to think Open Borders means No Borders.

Trump Administration Drastically Cuts Refugees Allowed To ...

Sep 26, 2019The new cap, which marks the third time the Trump administration has dwindled the refugee limit, would also be a more than 80% decline compared with the last year of the Obama administration, when...

Border chief: Wall cuts illegal crossings 80% - Washington ...

Border chief: Wall cuts illegal crossings 80%

Feb 27, 2020Democrats eye Trump censure as Senate acquittal all but assured "We've seen apprehensions and illegal entries and gotaways all being reduced by over 80% in that 20-mile stretch," Mr. Morgan told...

A Review Of Trump Immigration Policy - Forbes

A Review Of Trump Immigration Policy

Aug 26, 2020For FY 2020, the Trump administration established an annual ceiling for refugees 84% lower than the final year of the Obama administration (from 110,000 down to 18,000). As of July 17, 2020, only...

Illegal immigrant crossings fall 78% and once overcrowded ...

Illegal immigrant crossings fall 78% and once overcrowded cells are empty

First is daily apprehensions, a number that hit 4,600 at the height of the latest crisis in May. That has now dropped to 1,300. What's more, he said, the 21-daily average is below 1,000, a 78% cut....

Illegal immigration dropped 80 percent in El Paso due to ...

Illegal immigration dropped 80 percent in El Paso due to border wall, border chief says

Illegal immigration in one area of Texas has dropped more than 80 percent thanks to the new border wall system that includes multiple layers of fencing, roads, lights, and extra personnel, the acting commissioner of Customs and Border Protection Mark Morgan told Congress on Thursday.

Illegal crossings lowest in years as border wall expands ...

Illegal crossings lowest in years as border wall expands

Trump said the expanded border wall is helping slow illegal immigration into the United States. He noted that the last two months have seen the lowest number of illegal crossings in years, while illegal crossings from Central America are down 97 percent.

Trump Further Reduces Obama's Refugee Inflow to U.S. by 80 ...

Trump Further Reduces Obama's Refugee Inflow to U.S. by 80 Percent

Oct 1, 2020President Trump is further reducing the inflow of refugees to the United States, cutting their resettlement by 80 percent compared to former President Obama's last year in office.

Who'd you vote for?????
Trump Administration Drastically Cuts Refugees Allowed To ...

Sep 26, 2019The new cap, which marks the third time the Trump administration has dwindled the refugee limit, would also be a more than 80% decline compared with the last year of the Obama administration, when...

Border chief: Wall cuts illegal crossings 80% - Washington ...

Border chief: Wall cuts illegal crossings 80%

Feb 27, 2020Democrats eye Trump censure as Senate acquittal all but assured "We've seen apprehensions and illegal entries and gotaways all being reduced by over 80% in that 20-mile stretch," Mr. Morgan told...

A Review Of Trump Immigration Policy - Forbes

A Review Of Trump Immigration Policy

Aug 26, 2020For FY 2020, the Trump administration established an annual ceiling for refugees 84% lower than the final year of the Obama administration (from 110,000 down to 18,000). As of July 17, 2020, only...

Illegal immigrant crossings fall 78% and once overcrowded ...

Illegal immigrant crossings fall 78% and once overcrowded cells are empty

First is daily apprehensions, a number that hit 4,600 at the height of the latest crisis in May. That has now dropped to 1,300. What's more, he said, the 21-daily average is below 1,000, a 78% cut....

Illegal immigration dropped 80 percent in El Paso due to ...

Illegal immigration dropped 80 percent in El Paso due to border wall, border chief says

Illegal immigration in one area of Texas has dropped more than 80 percent thanks to the new border wall system that includes multiple layers of fencing, roads, lights, and extra personnel, the acting commissioner of Customs and Border Protection Mark Morgan told Congress on Thursday.

Illegal crossings lowest in years as border wall expands ...

Illegal crossings lowest in years as border wall expands

Trump said the expanded border wall is helping slow illegal immigration into the United States. He noted that the last two months have seen the lowest number of illegal crossings in years, while illegal crossings from Central America are down 97 percent.

Trump Further Reduces Obama's Refugee Inflow to U.S. by 80 ...

Trump Further Reduces Obama's Refugee Inflow to U.S. by 80 Percent

Oct 1, 2020President Trump is further reducing the inflow of refugees to the United States, cutting their resettlement by 80 percent compared to former President Obama's last year in office.

Who'd you vote for?????

Federal and State governments spend billions every year on border guards, aircraft surveillance, drones, and other high-tech devices to stop tunnels and illegal immigration on our southern border, and they stop the vast majority attempts by illegal aliens from entering the USA, and of the few that do get through, most of them are eventually captured and deported.

- But according to Republicans none of this goes on, and hordes of illegal aliens are swarming across the Rio Grande and invading our country. Why do Republicans lie about this? Is it for political gain? Do they honestly think people believe this?

Of course not.

But saying so scares and enrages the rubes. That's all that matters.

Well, cannibals prefer dark meat, so the Democrats want as many brown people to come here as possible. Nobody keeps track of them, and that's on purpose. That way, no one will report when illegal Mexican babies go missing and their faces are ripped off by Hillary and Hubedin and worn as masks, you know?

It also makes it possible for five million illegal Mexicans to vote like they did in 2016. Trump said they aren't sending their best, but he was wrong. I mean, these darkies are so fucking brilliant, not one of those five million illegal voters was caught! Not a trace!

We need more people with brains like that! Smart brains taste better. They are juicier.

So in the immortal words of Pink Floyd, "TEAR DOWN THE WALL!"

We do not have a closed border. We have an open border with restricted access. If we didn't, how are we able to detain and return so many back across the border?

The Neo-GOP Groomers want the flock to think Open Borders means No Borders.

I think it is indisputedly less closed than it was when Trump was potus. But we also ended legal immigration of lower skilled workers, and ironically that is one driver of inflation today.

How do you ignorant lying fools suppose 20-40 million thirdworld illegal parasites reside in a nation with defended borders?
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Federal and State governments spend billions every year on border guards, aircraft surveillance, drones, and other high-tech devices to stop tunnels and illegal immigration on our southern border, and they stop the vast majority attempts by illegal aliens from entering the USA, and of the few that do get through, most of them are eventually captured and deported.

- But according to Republicans none of this goes on, and hordes of illegal aliens are swarming across the Rio Grande and invading our country. Why do Republicans lie about this? Is it for political gain? Do they honestly think people believe this?

Why are you lying?

Federal and State governments spend billions every year on border guards, aircraft surveillance, drones, and other high-tech devices to stop tunnels and illegal immigration on our southern border, and they stop the vast majority attempts by illegal aliens from entering the USA, and of the few that do get through, most of them are eventually captured and deported.

- But according to Republicans none of this goes on, and hordes of illegal aliens are swarming across the Rio Grande and invading our country. Why do Republicans lie about this? Is it for political gain? Do they honestly think people believe this?
You run on that, Brandon.
Saying 2 million illegals caught a year is meaningless since most were released into the US with a *promise* they’ll show up in court.
Why are you lying?

All the Leftards have are lies.
How do you ignorant lying fools suppose 20-40 million thirdworld illegal parasites reside in a nation with defended borders?

Actually....50 to 80 million prospective Democrat voters invited in by the, Democrats.

Illegals are here because of invitations and enticements by the Democrat Party.

"Fat And Furious: Obama Pushes Food Stamps In Mexico"

Fat And Furious: Obama Pushes Food Stamps In Mexico | Investor's Business Daily

And here is the result that the Democrats planned when they enticed millions of illegals into the nation:

"The 10-year surge in illegal and legal immigration has exploded the populations of mostly Democratic states enough that the 2020 census is likely to result in the redistribution of 24 House seats in states President Trump won, according to a new population analysis released Thursday morning.

The prediction from the Center for Immigration Studies said that 26 seats overall will shift due to immigration increases since the last census was taken. And it said that a minimum of 19 of those seats will be added to Democratic states.

“Immigration profoundly redistributes political power at the federal level by changing the apportionment of House seats and votes in the Electoral College,” said the report compiled by Steven A. Camarota, the center’s director of research, and demographer Karen Zeigler."
Decades of immigration may have taken 24 House seats from Trump states

It has always been Democrat policy to attract any who would vote Democrat:
"Judicial Watch Uncovers USDA Records Sponsoring U.S. Food Stamp Program for Illegal Aliens
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released documents detailing how the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is working with the Mexican government to promote participation by illegal aliens in the U.S. food stamp program.

The promotion of the food stamp program, now known as “SNAP” (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), includes a Spanish-language flyer provided to the Mexican Embassy by the USDA with a statement advising Mexicans in the U.S. that they do not need to declare their immigration status in order to receive financial assistance. Emphasized in bold and underlined, the statement reads, “You need not divulge information regarding your immigration status in seeking this benefit for your children.”
Judicial Watch Uncovers USDA Records Sponsoring U.S. Food Stamp Program for Illegal Aliens - Judicial Watch

Putting their interests before those of America and Americans is nothing new for Democrats.....

If you hate America, you'll cheer.
Wow. A lot of bullshit for one post.

Those buses to DC? There have been, what, two buses? Less than half full. Your imaginary image of Mexicans scrambling to go to DC is a delusion. Abbot is putting on a a pandering hoax for you rubes.

Fox News documents THOUSANDS crossing daily? Link?

Fox News: Confirmation Bias is our middle name.

"Unaccompanied MEN get shipped off to locations all over the US?" Actually, it's men, women, and children.

And it is a practice Trump started. I bet your Fox News propagandists didn't tell you that part, did they. They are hardcore liars of omission.

The United States is for the first time sending illegal border-crossers to other cities for processing, transporting more than 3,000 each week from southern Texas and Arizona to other locations as the government struggles to deal with surging numbers of nearly 100,000 migrants a month crossing the southern border.

The Trump administration is flying migrants to San Diego and Del Rio, Texas, and busing them to El Centro, Calif., and Laredo, Texas, according to a U.S. Customs and Border Protection official familiar with the plan. There, they are being processed — which includes photographs, health screenings, fingerprints and background checks — before they are often released and told to return for a court hearing at a later date.

Where was your Faux News outrage then? IT'S OKAY WHEN TRUMP DOES IT!

"Yeahbut...were they shipping them in the DEAD OF NIGHT?" (cue doom music)
What is wrong with you? To many facts for your little pointed head to take in?

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