Do you agree with government incentives to buy the Chevy Volt?

Do you agree with government incentives to buy the Chevy Volt?

  • Yes, I believe in tax cuts for the rich

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .
You left out two options: "I Blame Bush" and "The Evil Jews". :lol:

That being said:

No. Gubamint shouldn't subsidize Chevy Volt sales and no, I'll probably never buy one.

EDIT: Link Added
President Obama introduces the Chevy Volt: Announces pricing, tax incentives | RedState
The Volt costs $41,000 and is based on the $17,000 Chevy Cruze platform. President Obama reportedly will provide up to a $7,500 tax credit to purchasers of the new Volt. That will reduce the cost of this latest hybrid to $33,500. That would assure it to be more costly than Ford Motor Company’s highly acclaimed Fusion Hybrid which costs several thousand dollars less as well as many sedans that are even cheaper. According to the LA Times, in anticipation of huge demand, President Obama, through his Board of Directors at GM, announced they would boost production of the electric car by 50%, despite having made no sales or deliveries as of yet. With President Obama’s seal of approval, the car will be released in seven states now, up from the three that had been planned by executives at General Motors.

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The poll choices are in adequate.

No. The government should not pick winners and losers by subsidizing industries, companies, or specific products. The tax credit for the Chevy Volt is Crony Capitalism for the benefit of the UAW and the investment bankers that are in on the GM IPO.
No, it unfairly helps one sector out over others with tax dollars, for example, if I own stock in Ford, I may lose value in them due to government helping my competitor and using my tax dollar in the process.
Yes, it will help set our nations energy policy of towards one of conserving energy. This is not simply a "hybrid", this is an electric car (the only drive motor is electric, and a hot looking one to boot!). The cost of new technology is always higher and I want the government which I help pay for to set policy in this area. I don't give a damn what the brain dead righties want or "think".

With the proper incentives this will be the wave of the future, it's time to stop letting the oil lobby and their symbiotic entities from standing in the way.

When the last internal combustion car is removed from the road, Americans will wonder what took so long. They can then read these posts from the naysayers.
Yes, it will help set our nations energy policy of towards one of conserving energy. This is not simply a "hybrid", this is an electric car (the only drive motor is electric, and a hot looking one to boot!). The cost of new technology is always higher and I want the government which I help pay for to set policy in this area. I don't give a damn what the brain dead righties want or "think".

With the proper incentives this will be the wave of the future, it's time to stop letting the oil lobby and their symbiotic entities from standing in the way.

When the last internal combustion car is removed from the road, Americans will wonder what took so long. They can then read these posts from the naysayers.

So you agree with tax cuts for the rich in the area then correct?
GM is dead to me, and a lot of America as well.

Bank this:

They will be back again with their hand out, within the next 10 years.
I think they should have incentives to buy any American made hybrid car.
Hahahaaaa...I think Poll choices are a good indicator of the intelligence of the pollmaker.
I think they should have incentives to buy any American made hybrid car.

Where's the yes vote in favor of this tax cut for the rich then?

How is a tax cut for the rich? The car will be $33,000 not $330,000 dollars. Most of the people I know who have hybrids are middle class or upper middle class. They also are in the group that usually gets screwed by taxes.

And this could also help the factory workers, and right now we need to supporting American workers, not foreign ones. I also didn't answer you question, because you didn't provide enough options.
Yes, it will help set our nations energy policy of towards one of conserving energy. This is not simply a "hybrid", this is an electric car (the only drive motor is electric, and a hot looking one to boot!). The cost of new technology is always higher and I want the government which I help pay for to set policy in this area. I don't give a damn what the brain dead righties want or "think".

With the proper incentives this will be the wave of the future, it's time to stop letting the oil lobby and their symbiotic entities from standing in the way.

When the last internal combustion car is removed from the road, Americans will wonder what took so long. They can then read these posts from the naysayers.

Taking money from poor people to supply rich pretenders who will park the Volt in their driveway while driving their SUVs helps our energy policy? Could you explain that logic to me please?
Yes, it will help set our nations energy policy of towards one of conserving energy. This is not simply a "hybrid", this is an electric car (the only drive motor is electric, and a hot looking one to boot!). The cost of new technology is always higher and I want the government which I help pay for to set policy in this area. I don't give a damn what the brain dead righties want or "think".

With the proper incentives this will be the wave of the future, it's time to stop letting the oil lobby and their symbiotic entities from standing in the way.

When the last internal combustion car is removed from the road, Americans will wonder what took so long. They can then read these posts from the naysayers.

Taking money from poor people to supply rich pretenders who will park the Volt in their driveway while driving their SUVs helps our energy policy? Could you explain that logic to me please?
I think helping the American Autoworker is pretty important.
I think they should have incentives to buy any American made hybrid car.

Where's the yes vote in favor of this tax cut for the rich then?

How is a tax cut for the rich? The car will be $33,000 not $330,000 dollars. Most of the people I know who have hybrids are middle class or upper middle class. They also are in the group that usually gets screwed by taxes.

And this could also help the factory workers, and right now we need to supporting American workers, not foreign ones. I also didn't answer you question, because you didn't provide enough options.

The car will be $41,000, of which you will pay $7,500, and the idiot that buys it will pay $33,500. this will get them a underpowered glorified golf cart with a lawnmower engine to run an electric engine.

Friday NY Times rare gem: “G.M.?s Electric Lemon” (Chevy Volt) | RedState

In other words, it is an overpriced toy. The average American family is not going to sink enough money in this to buy 3 other cars of the same size, that are actually bigger in size. The only people it helps are the union workers who bought Obama during the primaries.

RealClearPolitics - Video - Krauthammer: "The Chevy Volt Is A Disaster"

You are nothing more than a partisan hack if you are buying into the party line about this abortion.
Where's the yes vote in favor of this tax cut for the rich then?

How is a tax cut for the rich? The car will be $33,000 not $330,000 dollars. Most of the people I know who have hybrids are middle class or upper middle class. They also are in the group that usually gets screwed by taxes.

And this could also help the factory workers, and right now we need to supporting American workers, not foreign ones. I also didn't answer you question, because you didn't provide enough options.

The car will be $41,000, of which you will pay $7,500, and the idiot that buys it will pay $33,500. this will get them a underpowered glorified golf cart with a lawnmower engine to run an electric engine.

Friday NY Times rare gem: “G.M.?s Electric Lemon” (Chevy Volt) | RedState

In other words, it is an overpriced toy. The average American family is not going to sink enough money in this to buy 3 other cars of the same size, that are actually bigger in size. The only people it helps are the union workers who bought Obama during the primaries.

RealClearPolitics - Video - Krauthammer: "The Chevy Volt Is A Disaster"

You are nothing more than a partisan hack if you are buying into the party line about this abortion.
I think they should have tax incentives for every hybrid car. And I have three family members, all middle class, who have $30,000+ hybrid cars. My parents who are middle class, plan on buying one next year. If you drive often, it is worth the money you save on gas.
I do think they are not worth it, if you don't.
How is a tax cut for the rich? The car will be $33,000 not $330,000 dollars. Most of the people I know who have hybrids are middle class or upper middle class. They also are in the group that usually gets screwed by taxes.

And this could also help the factory workers, and right now we need to supporting American workers, not foreign ones. I also didn't answer you question, because you didn't provide enough options.

The car will be $41,000, of which you will pay $7,500, and the idiot that buys it will pay $33,500. this will get them a underpowered glorified golf cart with a lawnmower engine to run an electric engine.

Friday NY Times rare gem: “G.M.?s Electric Lemon” (Chevy Volt) | RedState

In other words, it is an overpriced toy. The average American family is not going to sink enough money in this to buy 3 other cars of the same size, that are actually bigger in size. The only people it helps are the union workers who bought Obama during the primaries.

RealClearPolitics - Video - Krauthammer: "The Chevy Volt Is A Disaster"

You are nothing more than a partisan hack if you are buying into the party line about this abortion.
I think they should have tax incentives for every hybrid car. And I have three family members, all middle class, who have $30,000+ hybrid cars. My parents who are middle class, plan on buying one next year. If you drive often, it is worth the money you save on gas.
I do think they are not worth it, if you don't.

I drive a 72 Ford Bronco Sport with a 351W we dropped into it 2 years ago. It gets 7mpg, 8 on the highway with a tailwind.

I drive it because I like it. I "get" people who like hybrids for the green factor, and the fuel savings, but it just isn't me. I'm old school, and want to hear and feel what I'm driving, and I make enough money to afford the extra gas I burn. Plus, I go off road a good bit, and the hybrid ain't going to get me to many of the places I choose to go.

But GM is dead to me. No one in my family will ever own another GM product (and I did love my Tahoe) again unless they pay for it with their own money. It's Ford or foreign for us (wife loves her Acura, but that little rice burner is too cramped for me!)

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