Do you agree with the following statement? Only "work" can create wealth.

Only "work" can create wealth.

  • Yes I agree with the statement

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • No , I don't agree with the statement

    Votes: 6 54.5%

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Senior Member
Mar 11, 2023
Here I am using the work as understood by "physics". A plant growing using solar energy represents work by the plant, an animal pulling a cart is also work, so is regular labor and machines using any source of energy to operate.
Here I am using the work as understood by "physics". A plant growing using solar energy represents work by the plant, an animal pulling a cart is also work, so is regular labor and machines using any source of energy to operate.
I would use the word effort instead of work,,
Here I am using the work as understood by "physics". A plant growing using solar energy represents work by the plant, an animal pulling a cart is also work, so is regular labor and machines using any source of energy to operate.

It's not always work that creates wealth, FOOD creates wealth. Imagine you lived in a place which was so abundant in food, that you didn't really need to do any work other than picking that food when ripe and you could sell it to your desert neighbor for huge sums of money.
Gold, remember Spain going to Latin America, Spain because immensely rich, not because of work, because because it found loads of gold.
It's not always work that creates wealth, FOOD creates wealth. Imagine you lived in a place which was so abundant in food, that you didn't really need to do any work other than picking that food when ripe and you could sell it to your desert neighbor for huge sums of money.
Gold, remember Spain going to Latin America, Spain because immensely rich, not because of work, because because it found loads of gold.
As I put it in the OP "A plant growing using solar energy represents work by the plant".
Spanish didn't find "loads of gold" they stole it. Regardless someone had to "work" to get that gold.
Only work creates wealth that doesn't mean you have to be the one doing the work. Planation owners got rich because slaves did the work.
Money, in itself, is not wealth by the best use of the term. As Lincoln said, "Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration."
Here I am using the work as understood by "physics". A plant growing using solar energy represents work by the plant, an animal pulling a cart is also work, so is regular labor and machines using any source of energy to operate.
Takes a lot more than "work", even using your vague definition in the OP title.

Lets start with a basic definition of wealth.

Wealth equals goods and/or services that have a market value. Means others are willing to exchange the goods and/or services they produce for what you produce. This assumes that you produce something others will want in the first place. Produce something few others will not want, and you haven't produced much of "wealth". You might even have produced something of negative value if you can't even give it away. So big hint here is "Wealth" is an aspect of Supply and Demand.

Supply something that has no Demand, you wasted your efforts and resources.

That basic established, let's move on to next post on "Wealth Creation".
Money, in itself, is not wealth by the best use of the term. As Lincoln said, "Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration."
Money is basically two things.
1) A device to simplify the barter process by being an agreed medium of exchange for Goods and Services.
2) A device to measure the value of Goods and/or Services.

It can become a third "thing" once Economies have evolved into more complex structure where Money could become a commodity(Good) itself. But this is a topic for another post to deal with the complexities and nuances this introduces.
Money is basically two things.
1) A device to simplify the barter process by being an agreed medium of exchange for Goods and Services.
2) A device to measure the value of Goods and/or Services.

It can become a third "thing" once Economies have evolved into more complex structure where Money could become a commodity(Good) itself. But this is a topic for another post to deal with the complexities and nuances this introduces.
So, by confirming the post you called "fake news" you make your own comment "fake".

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