Do you anti-Trump people realize how badly you've been deceived?

Trump took the label and brand of anti-immigrant at the beginning of his campaign when he told the malicious lie about seeing thousands of Muslim American immigrants dancing and celebrating on television news in the streets of New Jersey. No such television news broadcast was ever broadcast and Trump has never apologized or redacted.

Yup... I agree Trump exaggerated no question. Yes there were people in New Jersey who celebrated the 9/11 attack and here is the proof.
EXCLUSIVE: Some Jersey City Muslims did celebrate 9/11, cop and residents say
Were there thousands? No.
But YOU've take this ONE singular event and based your opinion Trump is anti-immigrant.
Using YOUR basis then check out these LIES by Obama and tell me Obama is NOT only ANTI-American but an out right liar who used LIES to get elected.
Remember he told you in his 1995 autobiography "Dreams of My Father".... that he was an ANGRY black man but he used Tricks and tactics to fool people.

Trump took the label and brand of anti-immigrant at the beginning of his campaign when he told the malicious lie about seeing thousands of Muslim American immigrants dancing and celebrating on television news in the streets of New Jersey. No such television news broadcast was ever broadcast and Trump has never apologized or redacted.

Yup... I agree Trump exaggerated no question. Yes there were people in New Jersey who celebrated the 9/11 attack and here is the proof.
EXCLUSIVE: Some Jersey City Muslims did celebrate 9/11, cop and residents say
Were there thousands? No.
But YOU've take this ONE singular event and based your opinion Trump is anti-immigrant.
Using YOUR basis then check out these LIES by Obama and tell me Obama is NOT only ANTI-American but an out right liar who used LIES to get elected.
Remember he told you in his 1995 autobiography "Dreams of My Father".... that he was an ANGRY black man but he used Tricks and tactics to fool people.

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Wow, 20 whole lies in 8 years?

Great, now compare that to 1,628 trump lies in 1 year.

Analysis | President Trump has made 1,628 false or misleading claims over 298 days

G’head, keep trying to establish moral equivalence... :badgrin:
She's attempting to take away people's 1st amendment rights which is against the law and she has the nerve to point a finger at Trump supporters?
She’s allowed to, she’s a private citizen, not the government. When are you idiots gonna learn that?

LOL no she's not, you flunked high school apparently.
Idiot, the First Amendment prevents the government from shutting you up. A private individual is not the government; thus, this is not a First Amendment issue. Jeez, you conservatives are dumb as shit.

A licensed attorney says you are wrong.
A licensed attorney says Trump and his attorney owes Stormy Daniels money for defamation of character — since when do you take the word of a licensed attorney as gospel?

You libs are just butthurt.
Trump took the label and brand of anti-immigrant at the beginning of his campaign when he told the malicious lie about seeing thousands of Muslim American immigrants dancing and celebrating on television news in the streets of New Jersey. No such television news broadcast was ever broadcast and Trump has never apologized or redacted.

Yup... I agree Trump exaggerated no question. Yes there were people in New Jersey who celebrated the 9/11 attack and here is the proof.
EXCLUSIVE: Some Jersey City Muslims did celebrate 9/11, cop and residents say
Were there thousands? No.
But YOU've take this ONE singular event and based your opinion Trump is anti-immigrant.
Using YOUR basis then check out these LIES by Obama and tell me Obama is NOT only ANTI-American but an out right liar who used LIES to get elected.
Remember he told you in his 1995 autobiography "Dreams of My Father".... that he was an ANGRY black man but he used Tricks and tactics to fool people.

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You are using campaign promises that were not realized and counting them as lies. If you count the over 1,500 compiled by the foreign published Toronto Tribune during Trump's campaign. Trump's misstatements, lies, and falsehoods number over 3,500. You are comparing an 8-year Presidency and two campaigns of Obama to Trump's single campaign and less than a year of a Presidency. Over 3,500 vs. 20.
I believe the lady is on legal high ground. Don't believe political preferences are included in anti-discrimination statutes.
She’s allowed to, she’s a private citizen, not the government. When are you idiots gonna learn that?

LOL no she's not, you flunked high school apparently.
Idiot, the First Amendment prevents the government from shutting you up. A private individual is not the government; thus, this is not a First Amendment issue. Jeez, you conservatives are dumb as shit.

A licensed attorney says you are wrong.
A licensed attorney says Trump and his attorney owes Stormy Daniels money for defamation of character — since when do you take the word of a licensed attorney as gospel?

You libs are just butthurt.
Nope, bitchslapping you with your own argument, as evidenced by your non-sequitur ad-hominem. I accept your unconditional surrender.
Trump took the label and brand of anti-immigrant at the beginning of his campaign when he told the malicious lie about seeing thousands of Muslim American immigrants dancing and celebrating on television news in the streets of New Jersey. No such television news broadcast was ever broadcast and Trump has never apologized or redacted.

Yup... I agree Trump exaggerated no question. Yes there were people in New Jersey who celebrated the 9/11 attack and here is the proof.
EXCLUSIVE: Some Jersey City Muslims did celebrate 9/11, cop and residents say
Were there thousands? No.
But YOU've take this ONE singular event and based your opinion Trump is anti-immigrant.
Using YOUR basis then check out these LIES by Obama and tell me Obama is NOT only ANTI-American but an out right liar who used LIES to get elected.
Remember he told you in his 1995 autobiography "Dreams of My Father".... that he was an ANGRY black man but he used Tricks and tactics to fool people.

View attachment 185311
You are using campaign promises that were not realized and counting them as lies. If you count the over 1,500 compiled by the foreign published Toronto Tribune during Trump's campaign. Trump's misstatements, lies, and falsehoods number over 3,500. You are comparing an 8-year Presidency and two campaigns of Obama to Trump's single campaign and less than a year of a Presidency. Over 3,500 vs. 20.

Actually what you are saying is correct in that the counting of Trump's lies unlike Obama's was each time Trump said it... was counted as part of the 3,500!
So when you count how many times Obama told millions of people they could keep their health plan...Obama FAR out numbers Trump!
And unlike you I provide proof for my statement!

Case in
Now just look at a couple of these and you'll see they double, triple and even more count each as a "LIE"!
Look at Jan 26 The Times said Trump said "I cut off hundreds...." then when Trump repeats on Feb 6..."I have already saved more than $700 million"... They counted that statement as a separate LIE!
Or Jan 28.."The coverages about me in the NYT.... they apologized"... The NYT counts that as a lie... Then on Feb 4 Trump says "being forced to apologize".. The NYT counts that as distinct lie BOTH statements made but counted twice!
Trump made some statement about the NYT apologizing at least 3 distinct TIMES yet the NYT counts EACH AS A LIE and that is wrong!
Some of them they NEVER substantiated!
And LOOK at the Quality of NYT substantiation! The NYT's proof that Trump lied? "Terrorism has been reported" DUH????

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