Do you believe in God?

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A simple yes or no will do...

How about those of us who just don't care?

This to me, is the most interesting of all answers.

Someone who denies G-d... not a big deal. Quite boring in fact.

But you don't care? Like you do not know if G-d exists, but you don't care either?

So... there could be a G-d, and there could be judgement after death, and there could be rewards and consequences for how you live your life..... but you don't care?

You have no idea how this is going to play out after you die... could be punishment, could be reward.... but you don't care?

See someone who denies, at least it makes sense that he cares, but he is confident that there is nothing after this, and thus nothing to be concerned about.

But you are saying, yeah there could be Heaven or Hell, there could be blessing or torment.... but you don't think it's worth it to consider how the rest of eternity will be for you?
A simple yes or no will do...

How about those of us who just don't care?

This to me, is the most interesting of all answers.

Someone who denies G-d... not a big deal. Quite boring in fact.

But you don't care? Like you do not know if G-d exists, but you don't care either?

So... there could be a G-d, and there could be judgement after death, and there could be rewards and consequences for how you live your life..... but you don't care?

You have no idea how this is going to play out after you die... could be punishment, could be reward.... but you don't care?

See someone who denies, at least it makes sense that he cares, but he is confident that there is nothing after this, and thus nothing to be concerned about.

But you are saying, yeah there could be Heaven or Hell, there could be blessing or torment.... but you don't think it's worth it to consider how the rest of eternity will be for you?

Very simple. Caring one way or the other has no evidence supporting if anything is next. Caring and driving toward the assumption that it does makes no difference. What happens, happens. If you believe one way or the other apparently has no bearing on the subject.

I don't care what you think about it, I don't care.
Some people - like Hollie and sparky - have to lose what they have to appreciate what they have.
Some people - like @Hollie and @sparky - have to lose what they have to appreciate what they have.
you're a joke bing, surly that would not pertain more for you, christianity than anyone here for mentioned.
But I do realize the spirit of God is within me.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

What ever you wish to believe is fine. It changes nothing.
A simple yes or no will do...

I believe in Jehovah - the God of the Jews. I do not believe in Christendom's triune God.

Deuteronomy 6:4,5
4 “Listen, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah.+ 5 You must love Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul*+ and all your strength.*+

[The Divine Name occurs 3 times here in the Hebrew text. Most of Christendom's Bible translations remove the Divine Name and substitute "Lord"]

Jesus taught that this is the greatest commandment in the Bible:

Mark 12:28-34
One of the scribes who had come up and heard them disputing, knowing that he had answered them in a fine way, asked him: “Which commandment is first* of all?”+ 29 Jesus answered: “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our God is one Jehovah, 30 and you must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength.’+ 31 The second is this, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’+ There is no other commandment greater than these.” 32 The scribe said to him: “Teacher, you spoke well, in line with truth, ‘He is One, and there is no other besides him’;+ 33 and to love him with one’s whole heart, with one’s whole understanding, and with one’s whole strength and to love one’s neighbor as oneself is worth far more than all the whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.”+ 34 At this Jesus, discerning that he had answered intelligently, said to him: “You are not far from the Kingdom of God.” But no one had the courage to question him anymore.+

Note that the Hebrew word echad is the numeral 1, the same as the Greek translation: eis/one. God is ONE - not a trinity.

Sorry - Just answering Yes would have left out which God/god.
Some people - like Hollie and sparky - have to lose what they have to appreciate what they have.
Some people - like @Hollie and @sparky - have to lose what they have to appreciate what they have.
you're a joke bing, surly that would not pertain more for you, christianity than anyone here for mentioned.
But I do realize the spirit of God is within me.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

What ever you wish to believe is fine. It changes nothing.
Attitude changes everything. In fact, it is happiness which leads to success. Success does not lead to happiness.
A simple yes or no will do...

How about those of us who just don't care?

This to me, is the most interesting of all answers.

Someone who denies G-d... not a big deal. Quite boring in fact.

But you don't care? Like you do not know if G-d exists, but you don't care either?

So... there could be a G-d, and there could be judgement after death, and there could be rewards and consequences for how you live your life..... but you don't care?

You have no idea how this is going to play out after you die... could be punishment, could be reward.... but you don't care?

See someone who denies, at least it makes sense that he cares, but he is confident that there is nothing after this, and thus nothing to be concerned about.

But you are saying, yeah there could be Heaven or Hell, there could be blessing or torment.... but you don't think it's worth it to consider how the rest of eternity will be for you?

Very simple. Caring one way or the other has no evidence supporting if anything is next. Caring and driving toward the assumption that it does makes no difference. What happens, happens. If you believe one way or the other apparently has no bearing on the subject.

I don't care what you think about it, I don't care.
Bullshit, their is 100,000 threads here, why post on this one and not answer the simple question?
Some people - like Hollie and sparky - have to lose what they have to appreciate what they have.
Some people - like @Hollie and @sparky - have to lose what they have to appreciate what they have.
you're a joke bing, surly that would not pertain more for you, christianity than anyone here for mentioned.
But I do realize the spirit of God is within me.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

What ever you wish to believe is fine. It changes nothing.
Attitude changes everything. In fact, it is happiness which leads to success. Success does not lead to happiness.

If you believe that, fine for you. You should not force others to agree with you. I still don't care.
A simple yes or no will do...

How about those of us who just don't care?

This to me, is the most interesting of all answers.

Someone who denies G-d... not a big deal. Quite boring in fact.

But you don't care? Like you do not know if G-d exists, but you don't care either?

So... there could be a G-d, and there could be judgement after death, and there could be rewards and consequences for how you live your life..... but you don't care?

You have no idea how this is going to play out after you die... could be punishment, could be reward.... but you don't care?

See someone who denies, at least it makes sense that he cares, but he is confident that there is nothing after this, and thus nothing to be concerned about.

But you are saying, yeah there could be Heaven or Hell, there could be blessing or torment.... but you don't think it's worth it to consider how the rest of eternity will be for you?

Very simple. Caring one way or the other has no evidence supporting if anything is next. Caring and driving toward the assumption that it does makes no difference. What happens, happens. If you believe one way or the other apparently has no bearing on the subject.

I don't care what you think about it, I don't care.
Bullshit, their is 100,000 threads here, why post on this one and not answer the simple question?

First, I did answer the question. I don't care is an answer.

Why I posted here is because the question begged an answer.
Some people - like Hollie and sparky - have to lose what they have to appreciate what they have.
Some people - like @Hollie and @sparky - have to lose what they have to appreciate what they have.
you're a joke bing, surly that would not pertain more for you, christianity than anyone here for mentioned.
But I do realize the spirit of God is within me.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

What ever you wish to believe is fine. It changes nothing.
Attitude changes everything. In fact, it is happiness which leads to success. Success does not lead to happiness.

If you believe that, fine for you. You should not force others to agree with you. I still don't care.
Who am I forcing? Is that even possible?
Some people - like Hollie and sparky - have to lose what they have to appreciate what they have.
Some people - like @Hollie and @sparky - have to lose what they have to appreciate what they have.
you're a joke bing, surly that would not pertain more for you, christianity than anyone here for mentioned.
But I do realize the spirit of God is within me.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

What ever you wish to believe is fine. It changes nothing.
Attitude changes everything. In fact, it is happiness which leads to success. Success does not lead to happiness.

If you believe that, fine for you. You should not force others to agree with you. I still don't care.
Who am I forcing? Is that even possible?

Siting the wonders you feel and singing the praiss of your beliefs, urging others to believe as you do and questioning others who disagree with you, that is how it is possible.
Some people - like Hollie and sparky - have to lose what they have to appreciate what they have.
Some people - like @Hollie and @sparky - have to lose what they have to appreciate what they have.
you're a joke bing, surly that would not pertain more for you, christianity than anyone here for mentioned.
But I do realize the spirit of God is within me.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

What ever you wish to believe is fine. It changes nothing.
Attitude changes everything. In fact, it is happiness which leads to success. Success does not lead to happiness.

If you believe that, fine for you. You should not force others to agree with you. I still don't care.
Who am I forcing? Is that even possible?

Siting the wonders you feel and singing the praiss of your beliefs, urging others to believe as you do and questioning others who disagree with you, that is how it is possible.
So by my doing those things I am forcing others to believe as me?

So I guess that must mean you believe as me, since I forced you to, right?

In the context of this discussion force means to make someone do something against their will. Is that what I did to you?
Some people - like Hollie and sparky - have to lose what they have to appreciate what they have.
Some people - like @Hollie and @sparky - have to lose what they have to appreciate what they have.
you're a joke bing, surly that would not pertain more for you, christianity than anyone here for mentioned.
But I do realize the spirit of God is within me.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

What ever you wish to believe is fine. It changes nothing.
Attitude changes everything. In fact, it is happiness which leads to success. Success does not lead to happiness.

If you believe that, fine for you. You should not force others to agree with you. I still don't care.
Who am I forcing? Is that even possible?

Siting the wonders you feel and singing the praiss of your beliefs, urging others to believe as you do and questioning others who disagree with you, that is how it is possible.
So by my doing those things I am forcing others to believe as me?

So I guess that must mean you believe as me, since I forced you to, right?

In the context of this discussion force means to make someone do something against their will. Is that what I did to you?

You certainly attempted to do so with your constant babble of how great you are for your beliefs.

BTW, you should note that I have not downgraded what you believe, I just don't care and you seem to have a major problem with that. That is on you.
Some people - like Hollie and sparky - have to lose what they have to appreciate what they have.
Some people - like @Hollie and @sparky - have to lose what they have to appreciate what they have.
you're a joke bing, surly that would not pertain more for you, christianity than anyone here for mentioned.
But I do realize the spirit of God is within me.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

What ever you wish to believe is fine. It changes nothing.
Attitude changes everything. In fact, it is happiness which leads to success. Success does not lead to happiness.

If you believe that, fine for you. You should not force others to agree with you. I still don't care.
Who am I forcing? Is that even possible?

Siting the wonders you feel and singing the praiss of your beliefs, urging others to believe as you do and questioning others who disagree with you, that is how it is possible.
So by my doing those things I am forcing others to believe as me?

So I guess that must mean you believe as me, since I forced you to, right?

In the context of this discussion force means to make someone do something against their will. Is that what I did to you?

You certainly attempted to do so with your constant babble of how great you are for your beliefs.

BTW, you should note that I have not downgraded what you believe, I just don't care and you seem to have a major problem with that. That is on you.
So now you are saying I attempted to force you? Is that correct?

What makes you believe I have a major problem with you believing differently than me?
Some people - like Hollie and sparky - have to lose what they have to appreciate what they have.
Some people - like @Hollie and @sparky - have to lose what they have to appreciate what they have.
you're a joke bing, surly that would not pertain more for you, christianity than anyone here for mentioned.
But I do realize the spirit of God is within me.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

What ever you wish to believe is fine. It changes nothing.
Attitude changes everything. In fact, it is happiness which leads to success. Success does not lead to happiness.

If you believe that, fine for you. You should not force others to agree with you. I still don't care.
Who am I forcing? Is that even possible?

Siting the wonders you feel and singing the praiss of your beliefs, urging others to believe as you do and questioning others who disagree with you, that is how it is possible.
So by my doing those things I am forcing others to believe as me?

So I guess that must mean you believe as me, since I forced you to, right?

In the context of this discussion force means to make someone do something against their will. Is that what I did to you?

You certainly attempted to do so with your constant babble of how great you are for your beliefs.

BTW, you should note that I have not downgraded what you believe, I just don't care and you seem to have a major problem with that. That is on you.
So now you are saying I attempted to force you? Is that correct?

What makes you believe I have a major problem with you believing differently than me?

Your replies to my posts indicate your problems.

Perfhaps "forced" is to strong of a word. Tricked is a better choice.

And I still don't care, no matter what you claim.
Some people - like Hollie and sparky - have to lose what they have to appreciate what they have.
Some people - like @Hollie and @sparky - have to lose what they have to appreciate what they have.
you're a joke bing, surly that would not pertain more for you, christianity than anyone here for mentioned.
But I do realize the spirit of God is within me.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

What ever you wish to believe is fine. It changes nothing.
Attitude changes everything. In fact, it is happiness which leads to success. Success does not lead to happiness.

Yes it does

I was a lot less happy when I was struggling to get by.
Some people - like Hollie and sparky - have to lose what they have to appreciate what they have.
Some people - like @Hollie and @sparky - have to lose what they have to appreciate what they have.
you're a joke bing, surly that would not pertain more for you, christianity than anyone here for mentioned.
But I do realize the spirit of God is within me.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

What ever you wish to believe is fine. It changes nothing.
Attitude changes everything. In fact, it is happiness which leads to success. Success does not lead to happiness.

Yes it does

I was a lot less happy when I was struggling to get by.

If that is what you wish to believe, fine. But it is not necessarily attributable to there being a god or not. It is more to your personal mental state.
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