Do you Believe Kavanaugh's Rape Accuser?

Do you believe Kavanaughs rape accuser?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 19.6%
  • No

    Votes: 111 80.4%

  • Total voters
It has been. Now what, an FBI investigation or 7?
If you feel it was adiquately vetted then you have reason to be frustrated. I dont particularly trust partisan senators so their “investigation” doesn’t hold much weight for me. I’m looking forward to see what the FBI finds. Having them dig in was the right move in my opinion
Your answer is Yes, the FBI should investigate you?

Let's hope the simple uncorroborated accusation from 40 years ago doesn't break you in lawyer's fees.
No need for a lawyer. A simple uncorroborated accusation won’t nudge the FBI to do anything. You like to label Fords accusation as empty but it certainly is not and everybody knows it.

You are a moron......Ford's allegations fell apart as soon as she made one said they were at this fake one that she specifically stated was there, not even her best friend, her story is falling apart under the barest scrutiny by the Sex Crimes Prosecutor which is why assshats like you are now focusing on everything except for the Ford allegations....
Kinda strange that she would make up a fake party and then name the people who were there knowing they would all contradict her story. How many years do you think she trained to pass that polygraph? You’d think with all the training and planning she would have come up with a better fake story, right?
I doubt it takes much to cheat the polygraph. All you have to do is lie when asked the baseline questions, but provide an exaggerated physiological response, then your genuine lies don’t register.

Regardless of that though, her poly was done by a retired somebody, in a hotel, and I has been said there were no baselines to compare with and only 2 or 3 vague questions were asked.

Also, psychos easily pass polys.
It has been. Now what, an FBI investigation or 7?
If you feel it was adiquately vetted then you have reason to be frustrated. I dont particularly trust partisan senators so their “investigation” doesn’t hold much weight for me. I’m looking forward to see what the FBI finds. Having them dig in was the right move in my opinion
Your answer is Yes, the FBI should investigate you?

Let's hope the simple uncorroborated accusation from 40 years ago doesn't break you in lawyer's fees.
No need for a lawyer. A simple uncorroborated accusation won’t nudge the FBI to do anything. You like to label Fords accusation as empty but it certainly is not and everybody knows it.

You are a moron......Ford's allegations fell apart as soon as she made one said they were at this fake one that she specifically stated was there, not even her best friend, her story is falling apart under the barest scrutiny by the Sex Crimes Prosecutor which is why assshats like you are now focusing on everything except for the Ford allegations....
Kinda strange that she would make up a fake party and then name the people who were there knowing they would all contradict her story. How many years do you think she trained to pass that polygraph? You’d think with all the training and planning she would have come up with a better fake story, right?
Her story didn’t need to come out smelling of roses, just good enough to delay the process and cast doubt on Kav.

And it’s not like she hasn’t tried to improve upon her story with all the constant variations.
She did her best with what she had.
Gotta give her that!
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Ok, well I guess you fail the objectivity test.

In your subjectivel opinion :poke:
Well let’s see... there are some pretty obvious conflicts on both sides yet you can only point to one side. That’s not being objective.
Nope. I was not aware, for example, that some people assert that Devils Triangle only means one thing and could not possibly be used by teenage boys to mean a drinking game.
So, not a lack of objectivity if I wasn’t familiar with the terminology, now is it?
It wasn’t a one off thing though. You have Devil’s Triangle which is a term for 2 guys having sex with 1 girl. You have boofing which is a term for anal sex, you have many statements that have to do with partying, puking, and hooking up with girls.

Then you have the Fox interview of a poor virgin teen who played sports, studied hard and drank a few beers along the way.

If it was such a serious situation it would be funny
Nope, not quite. He actually admitted he drank underage, loved and still loves beer, sometimes drank too much, and on occasion enough to make him want to go to sleep.

They were clearly trying to suggest he was some kind of out of control teen alcoholic, yet he still confessed to sometimes drinking too much.

Drinking beer does not a rapist/sexual assaulter make.

Are you sure you watched his testimony?
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You have Devil’s Triangle which is a term for 2 guys having sex with 1 girl. You have boofing which is a term for anal sex,

Unless they used the words differently in their little group.

Or it was just typical Male bravado.

Slim pickings here, methinks.
Ok, well I guess you fail the objectivity test.

How about when he said “Devils Triangle” was a drinking game like quarters? Nono, DT is a term for when two guys have sex with 1 girl.

How about when he said “boofing” was a term they used for farting... Nono, boofing is a term used for anal sex.... shall I keep going or do you already have an excuse for these blantantly false under oath statements?
Well I’m afraid you’ll have to forgive me for not being familiar with weird American sex terminology.
And Perhaps they weren’t as dirty minded as you seem to be?
Can you prove this is not how they used these terms within their group?

And how on Earth does any of this indicate he sexually attacked Blasey Fraud or was even present at the mystery party, at the unknown location, on the unspecified date?

Blasey Frauds lies point to her colluding to delay the nomination process, and other of her lies, inconsistencies and convenient memory lapses over key issues, point to her making the whole thing up.
I knew you’d have some kind of excuse lined up. How about you just give a fair minded answer and say “yeah, he did seem to stumble over those questions” perhaps he was embarrassed.... there are literally multiple references to lewd sexual acts in his yearbook but he went on fox and talked about how he was a shining virgin in school so now his answer is to make up new definitions to those words?! And you buy that shit? Come on Tilly.

On a side note, I wanted to invite you to a gang bang that my buddy’s and I are having tonight. Don’t worry that just what we call the drum circle gathering we have at the beach on Monday nights. We are doing it doggy style tonight... but that means we all have to drink out of bowls instead of cups. Wanna join?!
I didn’t have any answers lined up because I had no clue what you were going to say! I am not familiar with these phrases and when he referred to them as a drinking game I had absolutely no reason to doubt his answer - absolutely none! You are a very suspicious man!

Now, maybe he meant them in the way you are familiar with, I don’t know and it can’t be proven - after all the FFFFFFFF thingy was alleged by all and sundry to be related to sex, when it turns out it was related to his friends stutter when he used the F word.

Regarding the other phrases, I guess it’s possible he didn’t want to acknowledge them as meaning what you and others assert they mean, so either this group used them in their own slang way, or he didn’t want to say they related to sexual matters as his wife and parents were sitting behind him.

So there may well have been an element of embarrassment over the meaning of these words, but, eIther way, none of this indicates anything more than young male bravado echoing the popular teen movies of the time - a point he raised.

It also certainly doesn’t put him at the mystery party, at the unknown location, during the unspecified time period, and does absolutley nothing to support the allegation he attempted to sexually assault or rape Blasey Fraud.

Got anything else? Maybe something that trumps (no pun intended) the myriad inconsistencies and apparent lies in Blasey Frauds accusations and testimony?
I wasn’t implying that him lying about his yearbook quotes makes him a molester. But you brought up Fords inconsistencies with the flying statements and I asked for you to be objective and name a few from Kavanaugh. Embarrassed or not I’d think lying over stupid immature stuff during a senate hearing should shake up his credibility just a bit. He could have just said they were immature statements from immature kids. Regardless we can play the excuse games on both sides all we want. Don’t think it will get us anywhere
But the excuses game is joined at the hip with the speculation game - one of your faves! No?
Yes I do enjoy a good speculation from time to time :)
Ok, well I guess you fail the objectivity test.

How about when he said “Devils Triangle” was a drinking game like quarters? Nono, DT is a term for when two guys have sex with 1 girl.

How about when he said “boofing” was a term they used for farting... Nono, boofing is a term used for anal sex.... shall I keep going or do you already have an excuse for these blantantly false under oath statements?
Well I’m afraid you’ll have to forgive me for not being familiar with weird American sex terminology.
And Perhaps they weren’t as dirty minded as you seem to be?
Can you prove this is not how they used these terms within their group?

And how on Earth does any of this indicate he sexually attacked Blasey Fraud or was even present at the mystery party, at the unknown location, on the unspecified date?

Blasey Frauds lies point to her colluding to delay the nomination process, and other of her lies, inconsistencies and convenient memory lapses over key issues, point to her making the whole thing up.
I knew you’d have some kind of excuse lined up. How about you just give a fair minded answer and say “yeah, he did seem to stumble over those questions” perhaps he was embarrassed.... there are literally multiple references to lewd sexual acts in his yearbook but he went on fox and talked about how he was a shining virgin in school so now his answer is to make up new definitions to those words?! And you buy that shit? Come on Tilly.

On a side note, I wanted to invite you to a gang bang that my buddy’s and I are having tonight. Don’t worry that just what we call the drum circle gathering we have at the beach on Monday nights. We are doing it doggy style tonight... but that means we all have to drink out of bowls instead of cups. Wanna join?!
I didn’t have any answers lined up because I had no clue what you were going to say! I am not familiar with these phrases and when he referred to them as a drinking game I had absolutely no reason to doubt his answer - absolutely none! You are a very suspicious man!

Now, maybe he meant them in the way you are familiar with, I don’t know and it can’t be proven - after all the FFFFFFFF thingy was alleged by all and sundry to be related to sex, when it turns out it was related to his friends stutter when he used the F word.

Regarding the other phrases, I guess it’s possible he didn’t want to acknowledge them as meaning what you and others assert they mean, so either this group used them in their own slang way, or he didn’t want to say they related to sexual matters as his wife and parents were sitting behind him.

So there may well have been an element of embarrassment over the meaning of these words, but, eIther way, none of this indicates anything more than young male bravado echoing the popular teen movies of the time - a point he raised.

It also certainly doesn’t put him at the mystery party, at the unknown location, during the unspecified time period, and does absolutley nothing to support the allegation he attempted to sexually assault or rape Blasey Fraud.

Got anything else? Maybe something that trumps (no pun intended) the myriad inconsistencies and apparent lies in Blasey Frauds accusations and testimony?
I wasn’t implying that him lying about his yearbook quotes makes him a molester. But you brought up Fords inconsistencies with the flying statements and I asked for you to be objective and name a few from Kavanaugh. Embarrassed or not I’d think lying over stupid immature stuff during a senate hearing should shake up his credibility just a bit. He could have just said they were immature statements from immature kids. Regardless we can play the excuse games on both sides all we want. Don’t think it will get us anywhere
As I stated, I couldn’t view Kavs testimony over the Devils Triangle as suspicious or conflicting as - being a girl as pure as the driven snow - I’d never even heard that phrase, and drinking game sounds like a perfectly reasonable explanation to me, and it still could be what they named a drinking game - for all any of us know!

Quick, get the FBI on what he named his drinking game!!???

Yes, I brought up Frauds flying deception, and that isnt the only inconsistency in her sorry story, nor the most alarming.

Have you read Rachel Mitchell’s report yet?

If not, you should.
Ok Snow White, I’ll check it out
If you feel it was adiquately vetted then you have reason to be frustrated. I dont particularly trust partisan senators so their “investigation” doesn’t hold much weight for me. I’m looking forward to see what the FBI finds. Having them dig in was the right move in my opinion
Your answer is Yes, the FBI should investigate you?

Let's hope the simple uncorroborated accusation from 40 years ago doesn't break you in lawyer's fees.
No need for a lawyer. A simple uncorroborated accusation won’t nudge the FBI to do anything. You like to label Fords accusation as empty but it certainly is not and everybody knows it.

You are a moron......Ford's allegations fell apart as soon as she made one said they were at this fake one that she specifically stated was there, not even her best friend, her story is falling apart under the barest scrutiny by the Sex Crimes Prosecutor which is why assshats like you are now focusing on everything except for the Ford allegations....
Kinda strange that she would make up a fake party and then name the people who were there knowing they would all contradict her story. How many years do you think she trained to pass that polygraph? You’d think with all the training and planning she would have come up with a better fake story, right?
Her story didn’t need to come out smelling of roses, just good enough to delay the process and cast doubt on Kav.

And it’s not like she hasn’t tried to improve upon her story with all the constant variations.
She did her best with what she had.
Gotta give her that!

And now? The story of her needing 2 doors is coming apart too....

(As is true of just about everything else in this story, the reasoning behind the second door remains a mystery. Evidently, its purpose was to allow Blasey Ford a means of escape if Kavanaugh landed his Harrier in front of her home and attempted to once again lay hands on her. The fact that a back or side door would serve this purpose much better has never, to my knowledge, entered the discussion.)

Well, Christine got her door. But she didn’t get in 2012, and no marriage counselor was involved. It happens that the permit for remodeling her home – including adding the door -- was obtained in 2008.

If Palo Alto is like other municipalities, the permit would be good for six months, with an option for a six-month extension. So the door must have been added at that time.

And in fact, photographic evidence exists showing the new door in place in 2011, a year before Blasey Ford claims that it nearly destroyed her marriage.

Furthermore, there is evidence suggesting that the house in question was rented out by Blasey Ford to “Google interns” and that no one in her family lived there. In addition, somebody was running a business there (a “couples therapy” clinic, ironically enough – the “Couples Research Center.” There’s that word “research” again.), and that the door was added as an entrance to the business, rather than as a Kavanaugh-evasion device.

While these claims might appear minor in isolation, together they form a pattern recognizable and undeniable. There will no doubt be others coming, but three is all we need, according to the wisdom of Auric Goldfinger: “Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action.”
Well I’m afraid you’ll have to forgive me for not being familiar with weird American sex terminology.
And Perhaps they weren’t as dirty minded as you seem to be?
Can you prove this is not how they used these terms within their group?

And how on Earth does any of this indicate he sexually attacked Blasey Fraud or was even present at the mystery party, at the unknown location, on the unspecified date?

Blasey Frauds lies point to her colluding to delay the nomination process, and other of her lies, inconsistencies and convenient memory lapses over key issues, point to her making the whole thing up.
I knew you’d have some kind of excuse lined up. How about you just give a fair minded answer and say “yeah, he did seem to stumble over those questions” perhaps he was embarrassed.... there are literally multiple references to lewd sexual acts in his yearbook but he went on fox and talked about how he was a shining virgin in school so now his answer is to make up new definitions to those words?! And you buy that shit? Come on Tilly.

On a side note, I wanted to invite you to a gang bang that my buddy’s and I are having tonight. Don’t worry that just what we call the drum circle gathering we have at the beach on Monday nights. We are doing it doggy style tonight... but that means we all have to drink out of bowls instead of cups. Wanna join?!
I didn’t have any answers lined up because I had no clue what you were going to say! I am not familiar with these phrases and when he referred to them as a drinking game I had absolutely no reason to doubt his answer - absolutely none! You are a very suspicious man!

Now, maybe he meant them in the way you are familiar with, I don’t know and it can’t be proven - after all the FFFFFFFF thingy was alleged by all and sundry to be related to sex, when it turns out it was related to his friends stutter when he used the F word.

Regarding the other phrases, I guess it’s possible he didn’t want to acknowledge them as meaning what you and others assert they mean, so either this group used them in their own slang way, or he didn’t want to say they related to sexual matters as his wife and parents were sitting behind him.

So there may well have been an element of embarrassment over the meaning of these words, but, eIther way, none of this indicates anything more than young male bravado echoing the popular teen movies of the time - a point he raised.

It also certainly doesn’t put him at the mystery party, at the unknown location, during the unspecified time period, and does absolutley nothing to support the allegation he attempted to sexually assault or rape Blasey Fraud.

Got anything else? Maybe something that trumps (no pun intended) the myriad inconsistencies and apparent lies in Blasey Frauds accusations and testimony?
I wasn’t implying that him lying about his yearbook quotes makes him a molester. But you brought up Fords inconsistencies with the flying statements and I asked for you to be objective and name a few from Kavanaugh. Embarrassed or not I’d think lying over stupid immature stuff during a senate hearing should shake up his credibility just a bit. He could have just said they were immature statements from immature kids. Regardless we can play the excuse games on both sides all we want. Don’t think it will get us anywhere
As I stated, I couldn’t view Kavs testimony over the Devils Triangle as suspicious or conflicting as - being a girl as pure as the driven snow - I’d never even heard that phrase, and drinking game sounds like a perfectly reasonable explanation to me, and it still could be what they named a drinking game - for all any of us know!

Quick, get the FBI on what he named his drinking game!!???

Yes, I brought up Frauds flying deception, and that isnt the only inconsistency in her sorry story, nor the most alarming.

Have you read Rachel Mitchell’s report yet?

If not, you should.
Ok Snow White, I’ll check it out
Rachel Mitchell S Analysis
I knew you’d have some kind of excuse lined up. How about you just give a fair minded answer and say “yeah, he did seem to stumble over those questions” perhaps he was embarrassed.... there are literally multiple references to lewd sexual acts in his yearbook but he went on fox and talked about how he was a shining virgin in school so now his answer is to make up new definitions to those words?! And you buy that shit? Come on Tilly.

On a side note, I wanted to invite you to a gang bang that my buddy’s and I are having tonight. Don’t worry that just what we call the drum circle gathering we have at the beach on Monday nights. We are doing it doggy style tonight... but that means we all have to drink out of bowls instead of cups. Wanna join?!
I didn’t have any answers lined up because I had no clue what you were going to say! I am not familiar with these phrases and when he referred to them as a drinking game I had absolutely no reason to doubt his answer - absolutely none! You are a very suspicious man!

Now, maybe he meant them in the way you are familiar with, I don’t know and it can’t be proven - after all the FFFFFFFF thingy was alleged by all and sundry to be related to sex, when it turns out it was related to his friends stutter when he used the F word.

Regarding the other phrases, I guess it’s possible he didn’t want to acknowledge them as meaning what you and others assert they mean, so either this group used them in their own slang way, or he didn’t want to say they related to sexual matters as his wife and parents were sitting behind him.

So there may well have been an element of embarrassment over the meaning of these words, but, eIther way, none of this indicates anything more than young male bravado echoing the popular teen movies of the time - a point he raised.

It also certainly doesn’t put him at the mystery party, at the unknown location, during the unspecified time period, and does absolutley nothing to support the allegation he attempted to sexually assault or rape Blasey Fraud.

Got anything else? Maybe something that trumps (no pun intended) the myriad inconsistencies and apparent lies in Blasey Frauds accusations and testimony?
I wasn’t implying that him lying about his yearbook quotes makes him a molester. But you brought up Fords inconsistencies with the flying statements and I asked for you to be objective and name a few from Kavanaugh. Embarrassed or not I’d think lying over stupid immature stuff during a senate hearing should shake up his credibility just a bit. He could have just said they were immature statements from immature kids. Regardless we can play the excuse games on both sides all we want. Don’t think it will get us anywhere
As I stated, I couldn’t view Kavs testimony over the Devils Triangle as suspicious or conflicting as - being a girl as pure as the driven snow - I’d never even heard that phrase, and drinking game sounds like a perfectly reasonable explanation to me, and it still could be what they named a drinking game - for all any of us know!

Quick, get the FBI on what he named his drinking game!!???

Yes, I brought up Frauds flying deception, and that isnt the only inconsistency in her sorry story, nor the most alarming.

Have you read Rachel Mitchell’s report yet?

If not, you should.
Ok Snow White, I’ll check it out
Rachel Mitchell S Analysis
I think all of that is a fair analysis and I fully understand why people have questions and doubt. Do you know if she is writing a similar analysis of Kavanaughs testimony?
I didn’t have any answers lined up because I had no clue what you were going to say! I am not familiar with these phrases and when he referred to them as a drinking game I had absolutely no reason to doubt his answer - absolutely none! You are a very suspicious man!

Now, maybe he meant them in the way you are familiar with, I don’t know and it can’t be proven - after all the FFFFFFFF thingy was alleged by all and sundry to be related to sex, when it turns out it was related to his friends stutter when he used the F word.

Regarding the other phrases, I guess it’s possible he didn’t want to acknowledge them as meaning what you and others assert they mean, so either this group used them in their own slang way, or he didn’t want to say they related to sexual matters as his wife and parents were sitting behind him.

So there may well have been an element of embarrassment over the meaning of these words, but, eIther way, none of this indicates anything more than young male bravado echoing the popular teen movies of the time - a point he raised.

It also certainly doesn’t put him at the mystery party, at the unknown location, during the unspecified time period, and does absolutley nothing to support the allegation he attempted to sexually assault or rape Blasey Fraud.

Got anything else? Maybe something that trumps (no pun intended) the myriad inconsistencies and apparent lies in Blasey Frauds accusations and testimony?
I wasn’t implying that him lying about his yearbook quotes makes him a molester. But you brought up Fords inconsistencies with the flying statements and I asked for you to be objective and name a few from Kavanaugh. Embarrassed or not I’d think lying over stupid immature stuff during a senate hearing should shake up his credibility just a bit. He could have just said they were immature statements from immature kids. Regardless we can play the excuse games on both sides all we want. Don’t think it will get us anywhere
As I stated, I couldn’t view Kavs testimony over the Devils Triangle as suspicious or conflicting as - being a girl as pure as the driven snow - I’d never even heard that phrase, and drinking game sounds like a perfectly reasonable explanation to me, and it still could be what they named a drinking game - for all any of us know!

Quick, get the FBI on what he named his drinking game!!???

Yes, I brought up Frauds flying deception, and that isnt the only inconsistency in her sorry story, nor the most alarming.

Have you read Rachel Mitchell’s report yet?

If not, you should.
Ok Snow White, I’ll check it out
Rachel Mitchell S Analysis
I think all of that is a fair analysis and I fully understand why people have questions and doubt. Do you know if she is writing a similar analysis of Kavanaughs testimony?

Nope......she was there to question Ford, not Kavanaugh...the accuser, not the accused........and all 3 of the accusers and their fake stories are falling apart......even the democrats in the media can't keep lying about them....
I didn’t have any answers lined up because I had no clue what you were going to say! I am not familiar with these phrases and when he referred to them as a drinking game I had absolutely no reason to doubt his answer - absolutely none! You are a very suspicious man!

Now, maybe he meant them in the way you are familiar with, I don’t know and it can’t be proven - after all the FFFFFFFF thingy was alleged by all and sundry to be related to sex, when it turns out it was related to his friends stutter when he used the F word.

Regarding the other phrases, I guess it’s possible he didn’t want to acknowledge them as meaning what you and others assert they mean, so either this group used them in their own slang way, or he didn’t want to say they related to sexual matters as his wife and parents were sitting behind him.

So there may well have been an element of embarrassment over the meaning of these words, but, eIther way, none of this indicates anything more than young male bravado echoing the popular teen movies of the time - a point he raised.

It also certainly doesn’t put him at the mystery party, at the unknown location, during the unspecified time period, and does absolutley nothing to support the allegation he attempted to sexually assault or rape Blasey Fraud.

Got anything else? Maybe something that trumps (no pun intended) the myriad inconsistencies and apparent lies in Blasey Frauds accusations and testimony?
I wasn’t implying that him lying about his yearbook quotes makes him a molester. But you brought up Fords inconsistencies with the flying statements and I asked for you to be objective and name a few from Kavanaugh. Embarrassed or not I’d think lying over stupid immature stuff during a senate hearing should shake up his credibility just a bit. He could have just said they were immature statements from immature kids. Regardless we can play the excuse games on both sides all we want. Don’t think it will get us anywhere
As I stated, I couldn’t view Kavs testimony over the Devils Triangle as suspicious or conflicting as - being a girl as pure as the driven snow - I’d never even heard that phrase, and drinking game sounds like a perfectly reasonable explanation to me, and it still could be what they named a drinking game - for all any of us know!

Quick, get the FBI on what he named his drinking game!!???

Yes, I brought up Frauds flying deception, and that isnt the only inconsistency in her sorry story, nor the most alarming.

Have you read Rachel Mitchell’s report yet?

If not, you should.
Ok Snow White, I’ll check it out
Rachel Mitchell S Analysis
I think all of that is a fair analysis and I fully understand why people have questions and doubt. Do you know if she is writing a similar analysis of Kavanaughs testimony?

I have no idea. She was there to ascertain the veracity of the allegation, she found none.
So I’m not sure what she’s supposed to conclude from questioning someone who is even prevented from providing an alibi because the accuser can’t provide any details of when and where, other than - I have never sexually assaulted or attempted to sexually assault any woman, ever.
There’s no evidence that he did anything so not much she can evaluate, imho.
What would you expect in a report on Kav?
I wasn’t implying that him lying about his yearbook quotes makes him a molester. But you brought up Fords inconsistencies with the flying statements and I asked for you to be objective and name a few from Kavanaugh. Embarrassed or not I’d think lying over stupid immature stuff during a senate hearing should shake up his credibility just a bit. He could have just said they were immature statements from immature kids. Regardless we can play the excuse games on both sides all we want. Don’t think it will get us anywhere
As I stated, I couldn’t view Kavs testimony over the Devils Triangle as suspicious or conflicting as - being a girl as pure as the driven snow - I’d never even heard that phrase, and drinking game sounds like a perfectly reasonable explanation to me, and it still could be what they named a drinking game - for all any of us know!

Quick, get the FBI on what he named his drinking game!!???

Yes, I brought up Frauds flying deception, and that isnt the only inconsistency in her sorry story, nor the most alarming.

Have you read Rachel Mitchell’s report yet?

If not, you should.
Ok Snow White, I’ll check it out
Rachel Mitchell S Analysis
I think all of that is a fair analysis and I fully understand why people have questions and doubt. Do you know if she is writing a similar analysis of Kavanaughs testimony?

I have no idea. She was there to ascertain the veracity of the allegation, she found none.
So I’m not sure what she’s supposed to conclude from questioning someone who is even prevented from providing an alibi because the accuser can’t provide any details of when and where, other than - I have never sexually assaulted or attempted to sexually assault any woman, ever.
There’s no evidence that he did anything so not much she can evaluate, imho.
What would you expect in a report on Kav?

Excellent points....
I wasn’t implying that him lying about his yearbook quotes makes him a molester. But you brought up Fords inconsistencies with the flying statements and I asked for you to be objective and name a few from Kavanaugh. Embarrassed or not I’d think lying over stupid immature stuff during a senate hearing should shake up his credibility just a bit. He could have just said they were immature statements from immature kids. Regardless we can play the excuse games on both sides all we want. Don’t think it will get us anywhere
As I stated, I couldn’t view Kavs testimony over the Devils Triangle as suspicious or conflicting as - being a girl as pure as the driven snow - I’d never even heard that phrase, and drinking game sounds like a perfectly reasonable explanation to me, and it still could be what they named a drinking game - for all any of us know!

Quick, get the FBI on what he named his drinking game!!???

Yes, I brought up Frauds flying deception, and that isnt the only inconsistency in her sorry story, nor the most alarming.

Have you read Rachel Mitchell’s report yet?

If not, you should.
Ok Snow White, I’ll check it out
Rachel Mitchell S Analysis
I think all of that is a fair analysis and I fully understand why people have questions and doubt. Do you know if she is writing a similar analysis of Kavanaughs testimony?

Nope......she was there to question Ford, not Kavanaugh...the accuser, not the accused........and all 3 of the accusers and their fake stories are falling apart......even the democrats in the media can't keep lying about them....
Naw, y’all are just getting more time and traction with your discrediting talking points, and it’s doaking into the partisan puppets spongy brains. If you say something enough people will believe it. Let’s just stick to the facts, there is an investigation by the FBI so let’s see what it turn up.
I wasn’t implying that him lying about his yearbook quotes makes him a molester. But you brought up Fords inconsistencies with the flying statements and I asked for you to be objective and name a few from Kavanaugh. Embarrassed or not I’d think lying over stupid immature stuff during a senate hearing should shake up his credibility just a bit. He could have just said they were immature statements from immature kids. Regardless we can play the excuse games on both sides all we want. Don’t think it will get us anywhere
As I stated, I couldn’t view Kavs testimony over the Devils Triangle as suspicious or conflicting as - being a girl as pure as the driven snow - I’d never even heard that phrase, and drinking game sounds like a perfectly reasonable explanation to me, and it still could be what they named a drinking game - for all any of us know!

Quick, get the FBI on what he named his drinking game!!???

Yes, I brought up Frauds flying deception, and that isnt the only inconsistency in her sorry story, nor the most alarming.

Have you read Rachel Mitchell’s report yet?

If not, you should.
Ok Snow White, I’ll check it out
Rachel Mitchell S Analysis
I think all of that is a fair analysis and I fully understand why people have questions and doubt. Do you know if she is writing a similar analysis of Kavanaughs testimony?

I have no idea. She was there to ascertain the veracity of the allegation, she found none.
So I’m not sure what she’s supposed to conclude from questioning someone who is even prevented from providing an alibi because the accuser can’t provide any details of when and where, other than - I have never sexually assaulted or attempted to sexually assault any woman, ever.
There’s no evidence that he did anything so not much she can evaluate, imho.
What would you expect in a report on Kav?
Well his testimony could be taken with the same scrutiny to determine if it is factual and credible. Why shouldn’t that be done?
As I stated, I couldn’t view Kavs testimony over the Devils Triangle as suspicious or conflicting as - being a girl as pure as the driven snow - I’d never even heard that phrase, and drinking game sounds like a perfectly reasonable explanation to me, and it still could be what they named a drinking game - for all any of us know!

Quick, get the FBI on what he named his drinking game!!???

Yes, I brought up Frauds flying deception, and that isnt the only inconsistency in her sorry story, nor the most alarming.

Have you read Rachel Mitchell’s report yet?

If not, you should.
Ok Snow White, I’ll check it out
Rachel Mitchell S Analysis
hedI think all of that is a fair analysis and I fully understand why people have questions and doubt. Do you know if she is writing a similar analysis of Kavanaughs testimony?

I have no idea. She was there to ascertain the veracity of the allegation, she found none.
So I’m not sure what she’s supposed to conclude from questioning someone who is even prevented from providing an alibi because the accuser can’t provide any details of when and where, other than - I have never sexually assaulted or attempted to sexually assault any woman, ever.
There’s no evidence that he did anything so not much she can evaluate, imho.
What would you expect in a report on Kav?
Well his testimony could be taken with the same scrutiny to determine if it is factual and credible. Why shouldn’t that be done?
Because Dums didn't hire anyone to do that. Instead they pranced and preached their time away.
As I stated, I couldn’t view Kavs testimony over the Devils Triangle as suspicious or conflicting as - being a girl as pure as the driven snow - I’d never even heard that phrase, and drinking game sounds like a perfectly reasonable explanation to me, and it still could be what they named a drinking game - for all any of us know!

Quick, get the FBI on what he named his drinking game!!???

Yes, I brought up Frauds flying deception, and that isnt the only inconsistency in her sorry story, nor the most alarming.

Have you read Rachel Mitchell’s report yet?

If not, you should.
Ok Snow White, I’ll check it out
Rachel Mitchell S Analysis
I think all of that is a fair analysis and I fully understand why people have questions and doubt. Do you know if she is writing a similar analysis of Kavanaughs testimony?

I have no idea. She was there to ascertain the veracity of the allegation, she found none.
So I’m not sure what she’s supposed to conclude from questioning someone who is even prevented from providing an alibi because the accuser can’t provide any details of when and where, other than - I have never sexually assaulted or attempted to sexually assault any woman, ever.
There’s no evidence that he did anything so not much she can evaluate, imho.
What would you expect in a report on Kav?
Well his testimony could be taken with the same scrutiny to determine if it is factual and credible. Why shouldn’t that be done?
Can you provide some examples from his testimony you think she should evaluate for ‘facts’ and ‘credibility’?
And you do know why Mitchell was there, right?
hedI think all of that is a fair analysis and I fully understand why people have questions and doubt. Do you know if she is writing a similar analysis of Kavanaughs testimony?

I have no idea. She was there to ascertain the veracity of the allegation, she found none.
So I’m not sure what she’s supposed to conclude from questioning someone who is even prevented from providing an alibi because the accuser can’t provide any details of when and where, other than - I have never sexually assaulted or attempted to sexually assault any woman, ever.
There’s no evidence that he did anything so not much she can evaluate, imho.
What would you expect in a report on Kav?
Well his testimony could be taken with the same scrutiny to determine if it is factual and credible. Why shouldn’t that be done?
Because Dums didn't hire anyone to do that. Instead they pranced and preached their time away.
They wasted most of their time trying to prove Kav was a drunk 36 years ago. But of course their task was a difficult one, having no alibi to probe and literally no details whatsoever!
As I stated, I couldn’t view Kavs testimony over the Devils Triangle as suspicious or conflicting as - being a girl as pure as the driven snow - I’d never even heard that phrase, and drinking game sounds like a perfectly reasonable explanation to me, and it still could be what they named a drinking game - for all any of us know!

Quick, get the FBI on what he named his drinking game!!???

Yes, I brought up Frauds flying deception, and that isnt the only inconsistency in her sorry story, nor the most alarming.

Have you read Rachel Mitchell’s report yet?

If not, you should.
Ok Snow White, I’ll check it out
Rachel Mitchell S Analysis
I think all of that is a fair analysis and I fully understand why people have questions and doubt. Do you know if she is writing a similar analysis of Kavanaughs testimony?

Nope......she was there to question Ford, not Kavanaugh...the accuser, not the accused........and all 3 of the accusers and their fake stories are falling apart......even the democrats in the media can't keep lying about them....
Naw, y’all are just getting more time and traction with your discrediting talking points, and it’s doaking into the partisan puppets spongy brains. If you say something enough people will believe it. Let’s just stick to the facts, there is an investigation by the FBI so let’s see what it turn up.

Seems like that might be wrapped up soon and DiFi wants the report sealed :eusa_think:
Oh the irony!

.@SenFeinstein indicates that the FBI report on Kavanaugh should NOT be made public: “It would seem to me that if people are going to be identified this ought to be held very close and not."

"I think the investigation ought to be closely held," she reiterated.

6:09 PM - Oct 2, 2018

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