Do you Believe Kavanaugh's Rape Accuser?

Do you believe Kavanaughs rape accuser?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 19.6%
  • No

    Votes: 111 80.4%

  • Total voters
Stick with gang bangs and doggy style. They suit you.
Keep trying to divert away from posts that you can’t intellectually respond to and I’ll keep laughing at you.
That's what I just did to you.

So tell us exactly what you think should happen if I accuse you of rape 4 decades ago. Use the same facts as Ms. Ford.
I think your story should be vetted as should mine.
It has been. Now what, an FBI investigation or 7?
If you feel it was adiquately vetted then you have reason to be frustrated. I dont particularly trust partisan senators so their “investigation” doesn’t hold much weight for me. I’m looking forward to see what the FBI finds. Having them dig in was the right move in my opinion
Your answer is Yes, the FBI should investigate you?

Let's hope the simple uncorroborated accusation from 40 years ago doesn't break you in lawyer's fees.
Keep trying to divert away from posts that you can’t intellectually respond to and I’ll keep laughing at you.
That's what I just did to you.

So tell us exactly what you think should happen if I accuse you of rape 4 decades ago. Use the same facts as Ms. Ford.
I think your story should be vetted as should mine.
It has been. Now what, an FBI investigation or 7?
If you feel it was adiquately vetted then you have reason to be frustrated. I dont particularly trust partisan senators so their “investigation” doesn’t hold much weight for me. I’m looking forward to see what the FBI finds. Having them dig in was the right move in my opinion
Your answer is Yes, the FBI should investigate you?

Let's hope the simple uncorroborated accusation from 40 years ago doesn't break you in lawyer's fees.
No need for a lawyer. A simple uncorroborated accusation won’t nudge the FBI to do anything. You like to label Fords accusation as empty but it certainly is not and everybody knows it.
That's what I just did to you.

So tell us exactly what you think should happen if I accuse you of rape 4 decades ago. Use the same facts as Ms. Ford.
I think your story should be vetted as should mine.
It has been. Now what, an FBI investigation or 7?
If you feel it was adiquately vetted then you have reason to be frustrated. I dont particularly trust partisan senators so their “investigation” doesn’t hold much weight for me. I’m looking forward to see what the FBI finds. Having them dig in was the right move in my opinion
Your answer is Yes, the FBI should investigate you?

Let's hope the simple uncorroborated accusation from 40 years ago doesn't break you in lawyer's fees.
No need for a lawyer. A simple uncorroborated accusation won’t nudge the FBI to do anything. You like to label Fords accusation as empty but it certainly is not and everybody knows it.
What if I get 4 friends to refute my statement? Then I get you to pay to defend yourself against an FBI investigation or seven?
I think your story should be vetted as should mine.
It has been. Now what, an FBI investigation or 7?
If you feel it was adiquately vetted then you have reason to be frustrated. I dont particularly trust partisan senators so their “investigation” doesn’t hold much weight for me. I’m looking forward to see what the FBI finds. Having them dig in was the right move in my opinion
Your answer is Yes, the FBI should investigate you?

Let's hope the simple uncorroborated accusation from 40 years ago doesn't break you in lawyer's fees.
No need for a lawyer. A simple uncorroborated accusation won’t nudge the FBI to do anything. You like to label Fords accusation as empty but it certainly is not and everybody knows it.
What if I get 4 friends to refute my statement? Then I get you to pay to defend yourself against an FBI investigation or seven?
Sure, whatever floats your boat. Go for it. Test out your theory and see how far you get
It has been. Now what, an FBI investigation or 7?
If you feel it was adiquately vetted then you have reason to be frustrated. I dont particularly trust partisan senators so their “investigation” doesn’t hold much weight for me. I’m looking forward to see what the FBI finds. Having them dig in was the right move in my opinion
Your answer is Yes, the FBI should investigate you?

Let's hope the simple uncorroborated accusation from 40 years ago doesn't break you in lawyer's fees.
No need for a lawyer. A simple uncorroborated accusation won’t nudge the FBI to do anything. You like to label Fords accusation as empty but it certainly is not and everybody knows it.
What if I get 4 friends to refute my statement? Then I get you to pay to defend yourself against an FBI investigation or seven?
Sure, whatever floats your boat. Go for it. Test out your theory and see how far you get
Dat ain't no theory. Demz da facks, Jack.
Look! She mistook Kavanaugh for Paul Stanley of KISS! But I still think it was a misunderstanding.


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Strange in what way?
You seriously didn’t notice? Come on, a little objectivity test here. You called out Fords “flying and meeting” question marks... now call out some of Kavanaughs. There’s no way you were blind to them
No, I saw no inconsistencies in his testimony.
If you did, kindly point them out.
Is it so hard for you to put your money where your mouth is?
Ok, well I guess you fail the objectivity test.

How about when he said “Devils Triangle” was a drinking game like quarters? Nono, DT is a term for when two guys have sex with 1 girl.

How about when he said “boofing” was a term they used for farting... Nono, boofing is a term used for anal sex.... shall I keep going or do you already have an excuse for these blantantly false under oath statements?
Well I’m afraid you’ll have to forgive me for not being familiar with weird American sex terminology.
And Perhaps they weren’t as dirty minded as you seem to be?
Can you prove this is not how they used these terms within their group?

And how on Earth does any of this indicate he sexually attacked Blasey Fraud or was even present at the mystery party, at the unknown location, on the unspecified date?

Blasey Frauds lies point to her colluding to delay the nomination process, and other of her lies, inconsistencies and convenient memory lapses over key issues, point to her making the whole thing up.
I knew you’d have some kind of excuse lined up. How about you just give a fair minded answer and say “yeah, he did seem to stumble over those questions” perhaps he was embarrassed.... there are literally multiple references to lewd sexual acts in his yearbook but he went on fox and talked about how he was a shining virgin in school so now his answer is to make up new definitions to those words?! And you buy that shit? Come on Tilly.

On a side note, I wanted to invite you to a gang bang that my buddy’s and I are having tonight. Don’t worry that just what we call the drum circle gathering we have at the beach on Monday nights. We are doing it doggy style tonight... but that means we all have to drink out of bowls instead of cups. Wanna join?!
I didn’t have any answers lined up because I had no clue what you were going to say! I am not familiar with these phrases and when he referred to them as a drinking game I had absolutely no reason to doubt his answer - absolutely none! You are a very suspicious man!

Now, maybe he meant them in the way you are familiar with, I don’t know and it can’t be proven - after all the FFFFFFFF thingy was alleged by all and sundry to be related to sex, when it turns out it was related to his friends stutter when he used the F word.

Regarding the other phrases, I guess it’s possible he didn’t want to acknowledge them as meaning what you and others assert they mean, so either this group used them in their own slang way, or he didn’t want to say they related to sexual matters as his wife and parents were sitting behind him.

So there may well have been an element of embarrassment over the meaning of these words, but, eIther way, none of this indicates anything more than young male bravado echoing the popular teen movies of the time - a point he raised.

It also certainly doesn’t put him at the mystery party, at the unknown location, during the unspecified time period, and does absolutley nothing to support the allegation he attempted to sexually assault or rape Blasey Fraud.

Got anything else? Maybe something that trumps (no pun intended) the myriad inconsistencies and apparent lies in Blasey Frauds accusations and testimony?
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I keep hearing people say that Ford was credible......even when they know that the 4 people she named state that they were not at that party and it did not happen. They say she was credible when she says she can't remember how she got to the party or how she got home.....

Remember...Bernie Madoff was completely credible when he was lying to his investors...
You know who has been calling her credible? Trumps minions and all the republicans I hear taking about her. In one breath they say she was credible and they believe something happened to her and then they go after the Dems for sitting on the letter or they make a case for mistaken identity. Their talking points are all over the board and none really make a strong case for dismissing her accusations and moving forward with a vote
She needs corroboration sheesh.
Yes, that’s why she took a polygraph and has been asking for an FBI investigation. She seems pretty confident in her story. We will see what the FBI comes up with.

She took the polygraph when she was insisting she wanted to be anonymous. If Kavanaugh did something like that, the usual suspects would be shrieking that he lied.
I would very much welcome BK to take a polygraph I think that would be a great idea.
Polygraphas aren’t reliable enough to be of any use here.
We know what you think should happen. You will automatically be convicted and lose your livelihood. You've been arguing that outcome for pages now.
Not even close. Although I do understand why you want to pretend that I’m makimg that argument. I guess when you can’t keep up with an honest debate you digress to lies. Nice try, but rather pathetic tactic.
Stick with gang bangs and doggy style. They suit you.
Keep trying to divert away from posts that you can’t intellectually respond to and I’ll keep laughing at you.
That's what I just did to you.

So tell us exactly what you think should happen if I accuse you of rape 4 decades ago. Use the same facts as Ms. Ford.
I think your story should be vetted as should mine.
It has been and the witnesses named by your accuser have no recollection of anything like the allegation ever happening, and assert they’ve never seen you behave that way in all the years they’ve known you.
FBI repeats the process, gets same answers.
What now?
You know who has been calling her credible? Trumps minions and all the republicans I hear taking about her. In one breath they say she was credible and they believe something happened to her and then they go after the Dems for sitting on the letter or they make a case for mistaken identity. Their talking points are all over the board and none really make a strong case for dismissing her accusations and moving forward with a vote
She needs corroboration sheesh.
Yes, that’s why she took a polygraph and has been asking for an FBI investigation. She seems pretty confident in her story. We will see what the FBI comes up with.

She took the polygraph when she was insisting she wanted to be anonymous. If Kavanaugh did something like that, the usual suspects would be shrieking that he lied.
I would very much welcome BK to take a polygraph I think that would be a great idea.
Polygraphas aren’t reliable enough to be of any use here.

Did you read the prosecutors report to the Judiciary committee? Mark Levin read it on his show tonight.....Ford is lying...since she is lying this whole house of cards crap falls apart.....

It was noted by several radio hosts how the democrats are now focusing on beer instead of the sex acts...because those stories, including Ford's have fallen apart completely.......she is lying.......but now she is a millionaire for destroying a man's life....
On a side note, I wanted to invite you to a gang bang that my buddy’s and I are having tonight. Don’t worry that just what we call the drum circle gathering we have at the beach on Monday nights. We are doing it doggy style tonight... but that means we all have to drink out of bowls instead of cups. Wanna join?!

If I was in your circle of friends I’d know exactly that you meant - let’s form a drum circle and drink out of bowls. Yay! you know the date, time and location of the partaaaayyyyy, or do I have to guess?

Also, you’d better document the entire event ....
.......just in case .........
.......36 years from now......:eusa_shifty:
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That's what I just did to you.

So tell us exactly what you think should happen if I accuse you of rape 4 decades ago. Use the same facts as Ms. Ford.
I think your story should be vetted as should mine.
It has been. Now what, an FBI investigation or 7?
If you feel it was adiquately vetted then you have reason to be frustrated. I dont particularly trust partisan senators so their “investigation” doesn’t hold much weight for me. I’m looking forward to see what the FBI finds. Having them dig in was the right move in my opinion
Your answer is Yes, the FBI should investigate you?

Let's hope the simple uncorroborated accusation from 40 years ago doesn't break you in lawyer's fees.
No need for a lawyer. A simple uncorroborated accusation won’t nudge the FBI to do anything. You like to label Fords accusation as empty but it certainly is not and everybody knows it.

You are a moron......Ford's allegations fell apart as soon as she made one said they were at this fake one that she specifically stated was there, not even her best friend, her story is falling apart under the barest scrutiny by the Sex Crimes Prosecutor which is why assshats like you are now focusing on everything except for the Ford allegations....
I keep hearing people say that Ford was credible......even when they know that the 4 people she named state that they were not at that party and it did not happen. They say she was credible when she says she can't remember how she got to the party or how she got home.....

Remember...Bernie Madoff was completely credible when he was lying to his investors...
You know who has been calling her credible? Trumps minions and all the republicans I hear taking about her. In one breath they say she was credible and they believe something happened to her and then they go after the Dems for sitting on the letter or they make a case for mistaken identity. Their talking points are all over the board and none really make a strong case for dismissing her accusations and moving forward with a vote
She needs corroboration sheesh.
Yes, that’s why she took a polygraph and has been asking for an FBI investigation. She seems pretty confident in her story. We will see what the FBI comes up with.

She took the polygraph when she was insisting she wanted to be anonymous. If Kavanaugh did something like that, the usual suspects would be shrieking that he lied.
I would very much welcome BK to take a polygraph I think that would be a great idea.

How about Ford take a real polygraph test......instead of the fake one she took where she answered two questions that weren't relevant to the topic at hand.....

You should read the prosecutor's explains how she is lying and you are buying those lies...
Ok, well I guess you fail the objectivity test.

In your subjectivel opinion :poke:
Well let’s see... there are some pretty obvious conflicts on both sides yet you can only point to one side. That’s not being objective.
Nope. I was not aware, for example, that some people assert that Devils Triangle only means one thing and could not possibly be used by teenage boys to mean a drinking game.
So, not a lack of objectivity if I wasn’t familiar with the terminology, now is it?
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Ok, well I guess you fail the objectivity test.

In your subjectivel opinion :poke:
Well let’s see... there are some pretty obvious conflicts on both sides yet you can only point to one side. That’s not being objective.
Nope. I was not aware, for example, that some people assert that Devils Triangle only means one thing and could not possibly be used by teenage boys to mean a drinking game. Not a lack of objectivity if I wasn’t familiar with the terminology, now is it?

The third accuser's story is falling apart even faster than Ford's.....the threat of lying to the FBI will do that to a fake story...

WATCH: Kavanaugh Accuser Swetnick Walks Back Some Of Her Explosive Allegations

NBC News' Kate Snow noted that the network could not verify any of Swetnick's salacious claims before she highlighted how Swetnick's claims during the interview varied from her written declaration.

Swetnick had claimed that she "became aware of efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh, and others to 'spike' the 'punch' at house parties" she attended.

Snow noted that in the NBC News interview, Swetnick claimed that she saw them near the punch but did not actually see them "spike" the punch with alcohol.

NBC News also noted that Swetnick appeared to change her initial statement about Kavanaugh being involved in gang rapes. Swetnick initially claimed: "I also witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be 'gang raped' in a side room or bedroom by a 'train' of numerous boys. I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their 'turn' with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh."

However, in the interview with NBC News, Swetnick said they did not stand in lines but "huddled by doors," and that she "didn't understand what it could possibly be."

Swetnick said that she had no idea what the boys were doing outside the doors until she claims she was raped, and then in hindsight claimed that it was "just too coincidental."
Ok, well I guess you fail the objectivity test.

In your subjectivel opinion :poke:
Well let’s see... there are some pretty obvious conflicts on both sides yet you can only point to one side. That’s not being objective.
Nope. I was not aware, for example, that some people assert that Devils Triangle only means one thing and could not possibly be used by teenage boys to mean a drinking game. Not a lack of objectivity if I wasn’t familiar with the terminology, now is it?

The third accuser's story is falling apart even faster than Ford's.....the threat of lying to the FBI will do that to a fake story...

WATCH: Kavanaugh Accuser Swetnick Walks Back Some Of Her Explosive Allegations

NBC News' Kate Snow noted that the network could not verify any of Swetnick's salacious claims before she highlighted how Swetnick's claims during the interview varied from her written declaration.

Swetnick had claimed that she "became aware of efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh, and others to 'spike' the 'punch' at house parties" she attended.

Snow noted that in the NBC News interview, Swetnick claimed that she saw them near the punch but did not actually see them "spike" the punch with alcohol.

NBC News also noted that Swetnick appeared to change her initial statement about Kavanaugh being involved in gang rapes. Swetnick initially claimed: "I also witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be 'gang raped' in a side room or bedroom by a 'train' of numerous boys. I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their 'turn' with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh."

However, in the interview with NBC News, Swetnick said they did not stand in lines but "huddled by doors," and that she "didn't understand what it could possibly be."

Swetnick said that she had no idea what the boys were doing outside the doors until she claims she was raped, and then in hindsight claimed that it was "just too coincidental."
Ha ha ha! No doubt she is walking it way back because otherwise, as the only adult, she would be an accessory to a crime - or whatever legalese is appropriate - several times over.

Maybe she will be charged, or maybe Kav will sue her for defamation or slander etc?

She should NOT be allowed to get away with this!
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Ok, well I guess you fail the objectivity test.

In your subjectivel opinion :poke:
Well let’s see... there are some pretty obvious conflicts on both sides yet you can only point to one side. That’s not being objective.
Nope. I was not aware, for example, that some people assert that Devils Triangle only means one thing and could not possibly be used by teenage boys to mean a drinking game. Not a lack of objectivity if I wasn’t familiar with the terminology, now is it?

The third accuser's story is falling apart even faster than Ford's.....the threat of lying to the FBI will do that to a fake story...

WATCH: Kavanaugh Accuser Swetnick Walks Back Some Of Her Explosive Allegations

NBC News' Kate Snow noted that the network could not verify any of Swetnick's salacious claims before she highlighted how Swetnick's claims during the interview varied from her written declaration.

Swetnick had claimed that she "became aware of efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh, and others to 'spike' the 'punch' at house parties" she attended.

Snow noted that in the NBC News interview, Swetnick claimed that she saw them near the punch but did not actually see them "spike" the punch with alcohol.

NBC News also noted that Swetnick appeared to change her initial statement about Kavanaugh being involved in gang rapes. Swetnick initially claimed: "I also witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be 'gang raped' in a side room or bedroom by a 'train' of numerous boys. I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their 'turn' with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh."

However, in the interview with NBC News, Swetnick said they did not stand in lines but "huddled by doors," and that she "didn't understand what it could possibly be."

Swetnick said that she had no idea what the boys were doing outside the doors until she claims she was raped, and then in hindsight claimed that it was "just too coincidental."
Ha ha ha! No doubt she is walking it way back becuase otherwise, as the only adult, she would be an accessory to a crime - or whatever legalese is appropriate - several times. Maybe she will be charged, or maybe Kav will sue her for defamation or slander etc?
She should not be allowed to get away with this!

All of their stories are falling apart.....that is why they are now focusing on beer and year books....
In your subjectivel opinion :poke:
Well let’s see... there are some pretty obvious conflicts on both sides yet you can only point to one side. That’s not being objective.
Nope. I was not aware, for example, that some people assert that Devils Triangle only means one thing and could not possibly be used by teenage boys to mean a drinking game. Not a lack of objectivity if I wasn’t familiar with the terminology, now is it?

The third accuser's story is falling apart even faster than Ford's.....the threat of lying to the FBI will do that to a fake story...

WATCH: Kavanaugh Accuser Swetnick Walks Back Some Of Her Explosive Allegations

NBC News' Kate Snow noted that the network could not verify any of Swetnick's salacious claims before she highlighted how Swetnick's claims during the interview varied from her written declaration.

Swetnick had claimed that she "became aware of efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh, and others to 'spike' the 'punch' at house parties" she attended.

Snow noted that in the NBC News interview, Swetnick claimed that she saw them near the punch but did not actually see them "spike" the punch with alcohol.

NBC News also noted that Swetnick appeared to change her initial statement about Kavanaugh being involved in gang rapes. Swetnick initially claimed: "I also witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be 'gang raped' in a side room or bedroom by a 'train' of numerous boys. I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their 'turn' with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh."

However, in the interview with NBC News, Swetnick said they did not stand in lines but "huddled by doors," and that she "didn't understand what it could possibly be."

Swetnick said that she had no idea what the boys were doing outside the doors until she claims she was raped, and then in hindsight claimed that it was "just too coincidental."
Ha ha ha! No doubt she is walking it way back becuase otherwise, as the only adult, she would be an accessory to a crime - or whatever legalese is appropriate - several times. Maybe she will be charged, or maybe Kav will sue her for defamation or slander etc?
She should not be allowed to get away with this!

All of their stories are falling apart.....that is why they are now focusing on beer and year books....
They are so transparent. It’s utterly despicable.

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