Do you Believe Kavanaugh's Rape Accuser?

Do you believe Kavanaughs rape accuser?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 19.6%
  • No

    Votes: 111 80.4%

  • Total voters
The poll results don't reflect what seems to be the makeup of this board. 1/4 believe her. 75% DONT. At least half here "lean" left or are fully left.

Where are all the believers?
I haven’t seen enough to believe either of them at this point. But in situations like this I want to seek more info... not dismiss and move on.

What info is there on a party that did not exist decades ago? The burden of proof is on the accusers...all they have is what? One girl with very unusual memory lapses.

Has any girl ever claimed rape when there was no rape? Would someone do that? Has that ever in the history of the world been known to happen? I consulted with Tawana and al....they said no .....unless it is a white woman claiming to be raped by a negro...of course we all know dat.
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The poll results don't reflect what seems to be the makeup of this board. 1/4 believe her. 75% DONT. At least half here "lean" left or are fully left.

Where are all the believers?
I haven’t seen enough to believe either of them at this point. But in situations like this I want to seek more info... not dismiss and move on.

What info is there on a party that did not exist decades ago? The burden of proof is on the accusers...all they have is what? One girl with very unusual memory lapses.

Has any girl ever claimed rape when there was no rape? Would someone do that? Has that ever in the history of the world been known to happen? I consulted with Tawana and al....they said no.
How do you know he party didn’t exist decades ago? The FBI will check out her story and see where it leads. Let’s just see where that goes.

As for false accusations. Yes they have happened in the past and are a tragedy. We should absolutely protect people against being falsely accused which I believe our judicial system does a pretty good job at. Now let me ask you a question...

What do you think happens more frequently in this country... women getting assaulted and not coming forward because they have no evidence besides their word and they are ashamed... or men being falsely accused. How much more?
The last time liberal Democrats believed a white woman with no evidence, Emmit Till got hung from a tree.
I keep hearing people say that Ford was credible......even when they know that the 4 people she named state that they were not at that party and it did not happen. They say she was credible when she says she can't remember how she got to the party or how she got home.....

Remember...Bernie Madoff was completely credible when he was lying to his investors...
You know who has been calling her credible? Trumps minions and all the republicans I hear taking about her. In one breath they say she was credible and they believe something happened to her and then they go after the Dems for sitting on the letter or they make a case for mistaken identity. Their talking points are all over the board and none really make a strong case for dismissing her accusations and moving forward with a vote
It’s hardly surprising that men will say she’s credible enough to believe something happened to her. Particularly since the accusation has been manufactured in such a way that it can never be proved that something didn’t.
They’d be flayed alive in public in this ridiculous metoo climate if they said anything else. Or maybe just verbally assaulted in elevators by screeching harpies? Either is unpleasant.
Great point... just lie if you are going to face public scrutiny. Nice philosophy to support!
Or maybe it’s diplomacy.
You people keep whining that Trump is not diplomatic, then when he is, you whine some more!
Mitchell: "May I ask, Dr. Ford, how did you get to Washington?

Ford: "In an airplane."

Mitchell: "I ask that because its been reported by the press that you would not submit to an interview with the committee because of your fear of flying. Is that true?"

Ford: "I was hoping that they would come to me (in California) but I realized that was an unrealistic request."

Mitchell: "it would have been a quicker trip for me."

Ford: "That was certainly what I was hoping to avoid getting on an airplane. But I eventually was able to get up the gumption with the help of some friends and get on the plane."

Mitchell: "You fly fairly frequently for your hobbies and you've had to fly for your work. Is that true?"

Ford: "Correct. Unfortunately."

Mitchell read from Ford's curriculum vitae, pointing to hobbies she pursues including "surf travel." Ford then confirmed she has flown to Hawaii, Coast Rica, South Pacific Islands and French Polynesia to surf.

"It's easier for me to travel going that direction when it's a vacation," Ford said


Nice uncover. Did you notice any inconsistencies from Kavanaugh?
Thanks, there’s plenty more.
And nope, and I watched the whole thing.
Did you?
How do you know he party didn’t exist decades ago? The FBI will check out her story and see where it leads. Let’s just see where that goes.

And as has already been covered ad nausum, what will they discover? They aren't allowed to interview or talk to anyone who hasn't already given a sworn statement. The FBI has no jurisdiction to investigate 36yo state matters.

It's all a political ploy to put it off until after the midterms.
I keep hearing people say that Ford was credible......even when they know that the 4 people she named state that they were not at that party and it did not happen. They say she was credible when she says she can't remember how she got to the party or how she got home.....

Remember...Bernie Madoff was completely credible when he was lying to his investors...
You know who has been calling her credible? Trumps minions and all the republicans I hear taking about her. In one breath they say she was credible and they believe something happened to her and then they go after the Dems for sitting on the letter or they make a case for mistaken identity. Their talking points are all over the board and none really make a strong case for dismissing her accusations and moving forward with a vote
It’s hardly surprising that men will say she’s credible enough to believe something happened to her. Particularly since the accusation has been manufactured in such a way that it can never be proved that something didn’t.
They’d be flayed alive in public in this ridiculous metoo climate if they said anything else. Or maybe just verbally assaulted in elevators by screeching harpies? Either is unpleasant.
Great point... just lie if you are going to face public scrutiny. Nice philosophy to support!
Or maybe it’s diplomacy.
You people keep whining that Trump is not diplomatic, then when he is, you whine some more!
There you go with the dramatic language again. So by your standards are you Whining about me whining?

It is possible to be diplomatic and honest. Are you trying to claim that it is necessary to lie if you want to diplomatic?
Mitchell: "May I ask, Dr. Ford, how did you get to Washington?

Ford: "In an airplane."

Mitchell: "I ask that because its been reported by the press that you would not submit to an interview with the committee because of your fear of flying. Is that true?"

Ford: "I was hoping that they would come to me (in California) but I realized that was an unrealistic request."

Mitchell: "it would have been a quicker trip for me."

Ford: "That was certainly what I was hoping to avoid getting on an airplane. But I eventually was able to get up the gumption with the help of some friends and get on the plane."

Mitchell: "You fly fairly frequently for your hobbies and you've had to fly for your work. Is that true?"

Ford: "Correct. Unfortunately."

Mitchell read from Ford's curriculum vitae, pointing to hobbies she pursues including "surf travel." Ford then confirmed she has flown to Hawaii, Coast Rica, South Pacific Islands and French Polynesia to surf.

"It's easier for me to travel going that direction when it's a vacation," Ford said


Nice uncover. Did you notice any inconsistencies from Kavanaugh?
Thanks, there’s plenty more.
And nope, and I watched the whole thing.
Did you?
Yes, I watched all of Fords and about 60% of kavanaughs... he was acting quite strange when talking about beer and his yearbook statements don’t you think?
How do you know he party didn’t exist decades ago? The FBI will check out her story and see where it leads. Let’s just see where that goes.

And as has already been covered ad nausum, what will they discover? They aren't allowed to interview or talk to anyone who hasn't already given a sworn statement. The FBI has no jurisdiction to investigate 36yo state matters.

It's all a political ploy to put it off until after the midterms.
There is plenty they can get from interviewing Fords named witnesses. Much more than a letter from a lawyer can tell us. Wouldn’t you agree?
How do you know he party didn’t exist decades ago? The FBI will check out her story and see where it leads. Let’s just see where that goes.

And as has already been covered ad nausum, what will they discover? They aren't allowed to interview or talk to anyone who hasn't already given a sworn statement. The FBI has no jurisdiction to investigate 36yo state matters.

It's all a political ploy to put it off until after the midterms.
There is plenty they can get from interviewing Fords named witnesses. Much more than a letter from a lawyer can tell us. Wouldn’t you agree?

Nope. They aren't allowed to. It's already been stated they can only talk to the people that were discussed in the hearing. They cannot expand it. They have a week, now just a few days left. That's why it's pointless. Everyone the FBI is allowed to talk to has given sworn statements. Meaning if the FBI discovers they say anything different, they have perjured themselves and are liars.
I keep hearing people say that Ford was credible......even when they know that the 4 people she named state that they were not at that party and it did not happen. They say she was credible when she says she can't remember how she got to the party or how she got home.....

Remember...Bernie Madoff was completely credible when he was lying to his investors...
You know who has been calling her credible? Trumps minions and all the republicans I hear taking about her. In one breath they say she was credible and they believe something happened to her and then they go after the Dems for sitting on the letter or they make a case for mistaken identity. Their talking points are all over the board and none really make a strong case for dismissing her accusations and moving forward with a vote
It’s hardly surprising that men will say she’s credible enough to believe something happened to her. Particularly since the accusation has been manufactured in such a way that it can never be proved that something didn’t.
They’d be flayed alive in public in this ridiculous metoo climate if they said anything else. Or maybe just verbally assaulted in elevators by screeching harpies? Either is unpleasant.
Great point... just lie if you are going to face public scrutiny. Nice philosophy to support!
Or maybe it’s diplomacy.
You people keep whining that Trump is not diplomatic, then when he is, you whine some more!
There you go with the dramatic language again. So by your standards are you Whining about me whining?

It is possible to be diplomatic and honest. Are you trying to claim that it is necessary to lie if you want to diplomatic?
You think my use of the word whining is dramatic? Lol. Drama queen!

And diplomacy often seems to involve employing white lies and half truths, yes.
Haven’t you ever noticed that?
And what is the point in calling her out, since the nature of the allegations are such that it is impossible to prove either way?

If I were a man I too would be very careful how I answered questions about her - who wants to see the unhinged screaming harpies out on the streets because a man had the temerity to say Blasey Frauds performance was unconvincing?

Would it be worth it?
Absolutely not.

Would it be wise?
Absolutely not.
Mitchell: "May I ask, Dr. Ford, how did you get to Washington?

Ford: "In an airplane."

Mitchell: "I ask that because its been reported by the press that you would not submit to an interview with the committee because of your fear of flying. Is that true?"

Ford: "I was hoping that they would come to me (in California) but I realized that was an unrealistic request."

Mitchell: "it would have been a quicker trip for me."

Ford: "That was certainly what I was hoping to avoid getting on an airplane. But I eventually was able to get up the gumption with the help of some friends and get on the plane."

Mitchell: "You fly fairly frequently for your hobbies and you've had to fly for your work. Is that true?"

Ford: "Correct. Unfortunately."

Mitchell read from Ford's curriculum vitae, pointing to hobbies she pursues including "surf travel." Ford then confirmed she has flown to Hawaii, Coast Rica, South Pacific Islands and French Polynesia to surf.

"It's easier for me to travel going that direction when it's a vacation," Ford said


Nice uncover. Did you notice any inconsistencies from Kavanaugh?
Thanks, there’s plenty more.
And nope, and I watched the whole thing.
Did you?
Yes, I watched all of Fords and about 60% of kavanaughs... he was acting quite strange when talking about beer and his yearbook statements don’t you think?
Strange in what way?
How do you know he party didn’t exist decades ago? The FBI will check out her story and see where it leads. Let’s just see where that goes.

And as has already been covered ad nausum, what will they discover? They aren't allowed to interview or talk to anyone who hasn't already given a sworn statement. The FBI has no jurisdiction to investigate 36yo state matters.

It's all a political ploy to put it off until after the midterms.
There is plenty they can get from interviewing Fords named witnesses. Much more than a letter from a lawyer can tell us. Wouldn’t you agree?

Nope. They aren't allowed to. It's already been stated they can only talk to the people that were discussed in the hearing. They cannot expand it. They have a week, now just a few days left. That's why it's pointless. Everyone the FBI is allowed to talk to has given sworn statements. Meaning if the FBI discovers they say anything different, they have perjured themselves and are liars.
So maybe that’s what they find. Maybe they find a new lead that they feel is important to the case and they can include that in their findings. Who knows, it’s a bunch of what ifs, but it is better than nothing.
How do you know he party didn’t exist decades ago? The FBI will check out her story and see where it leads. Let’s just see where that goes.

And as has already been covered ad nausum, what will they discover? They aren't allowed to interview or talk to anyone who hasn't already given a sworn statement. The FBI has no jurisdiction to investigate 36yo state matters.

It's all a political ploy to put it off until after the midterms.
There is plenty they can get from interviewing Fords named witnesses. Much more than a letter from a lawyer can tell us. Wouldn’t you agree?

Nope. They aren't allowed to. It's already been stated they can only talk to the people that were discussed in the hearing. They cannot expand it. They have a week, now just a few days left. That's why it's pointless. Everyone the FBI is allowed to talk to has given sworn statements. Meaning if the FBI discovers they say anything different, they have perjured themselves and are liars.
So maybe that’s what they find. Maybe they find a new lead that they feel is important to the case and they can include that in their findings. Who knows, it’s a bunch of what ifs, but it is better than nothing.

What new lead can they find? All they can do is interview the people who have already been interviewed. It's not like they can go to this house and still find cum wet on the bedsheets. This shit happened under Jimmy Carter I believe.

Also, any and everyone can refuse to speak to the FBI and there is nothing they can do about it.

What the FBI SHOULD BE investigating:

1. Who leaked the letter? Why? Was it a crime to violate her right to privacy?
2. Why did Ford say her attorneys never told that the committee would meet her anywhere in the country? That was public information. Even I knew that.
3. Why did she state she was scared to fly, yet seemed to have more hours than me, a private pilot?
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How do you know he party didn’t exist decades ago? The FBI will check out her story and see where it leads. Let’s just see where that goes.

And as has already been covered ad nausum, what will they discover? They aren't allowed to interview or talk to anyone who hasn't already given a sworn statement. The FBI has no jurisdiction to investigate 36yo state matters.

It's all a political ploy to put it off until after the midterms.
There is plenty they can get from interviewing Fords named witnesses. Much more than a letter from a lawyer can tell us. Wouldn’t you agree?

Nope. They aren't allowed to. It's already been stated they can only talk to the people that were discussed in the hearing. They cannot expand it. They have a week, now just a few days left. That's why it's pointless. Everyone the FBI is allowed to talk to has given sworn statements. Meaning if the FBI discovers they say anything different, they have perjured themselves and are liars.
So maybe that’s what they find. Maybe they find a new lead that they feel is important to the case and they can include that in their findings. Who knows, it’s a bunch of what ifs, but it is better than nothing.

What new lead can they find? All they can do is interview the people who have already been interviewed. It's not like they can go to this house and still find cum wet on the bedsheets. This shit happened under Jimmy Carter I believe.
And Which house?
She doesn’t even know where it allegedly happened.
Mitchell: "May I ask, Dr. Ford, how did you get to Washington?

Ford: "In an airplane."

Mitchell: "I ask that because its been reported by the press that you would not submit to an interview with the committee because of your fear of flying. Is that true?"

Ford: "I was hoping that they would come to me (in California) but I realized that was an unrealistic request."

Mitchell: "it would have been a quicker trip for me."

Ford: "That was certainly what I was hoping to avoid getting on an airplane. But I eventually was able to get up the gumption with the help of some friends and get on the plane."

Mitchell: "You fly fairly frequently for your hobbies and you've had to fly for your work. Is that true?"

Ford: "Correct. Unfortunately."

Mitchell read from Ford's curriculum vitae, pointing to hobbies she pursues including "surf travel." Ford then confirmed she has flown to Hawaii, Coast Rica, South Pacific Islands and French Polynesia to surf.

"It's easier for me to travel going that direction when it's a vacation," Ford said


Nice uncover. Did you notice any inconsistencies from Kavanaugh?
Thanks, there’s plenty more.
And nope, and I watched the whole thing.
Did you?
Yes, I watched all of Fords and about 60% of kavanaughs... he was acting quite strange when talking about beer and his yearbook statements don’t you think?
Strange in what way?
You seriously didn’t notice? Come on, a little objectivity test here. You called out Fords “flying and meeting” question marks... now call out some of Kavanaughs. There’s no way you were blind to them
10 Reasons The FBI Will Clear Kavanaugh

  1. In a supplemental background check the witnesses involved will be interviewed. All have agreed to cooperate fully. They will answer the questions asked, and in all likelihood give the same answers they’ve already given under oath and under penalty of felony perjury if their answers differ from what they previously said.
  2. The FBI (will for the second time) along with Maryland authorities, as well as every prosecutor that has looked at this evidence admit there is no felony/federal jurisdiction here.
  3. After the Democratic Party attempted to have Kavanaugh arrested on Saturday, Maryland officials reiterated their findings that by their standards, the worst charges possible, would carry with them a one year statute of limitations.
  4. Additional prosecutors are on the record citing the evidence as insufficient to even merit a basis for a search warrant—much less an arrest.
  5. What all of the law enforcement bodies continue to point to is lack of a time and place. And while the accuser is 100% sure that something happened. The accused and 3 witnesses are 100% sure they were not witness to any event resembling its description.
  6. The FBI will also highlight greater amounts of exculpatory evidence against Dr. Ford. Her “fear” of flying, her “misremembering” her 100% clear account at the mysterious Safeway “second door” (it only had one,) her complete inability to figure out how she got to or from the “incident,” and the continued refutation by her best friend that such a gathering occurred with her present is likely the tip of the iceberg.
  7. Therapy notes will likely be required to be turned over. Why they were not turned over to the Senate Judiciary is inexplicable especially since she uses that as “corroboration” of her first “telling” of the mysterious incident.
  8. Dr. Ford’s own family—not a one—was capable of coming to her support for this dreadful season. Why weren’t they? The FBI may need to ask given that she was living with her parents at the time.
  9. The FBI may also need to probe possible motives for Dr. Ford. Her work on RU-486 (the abortion pill) would certainly be in jeopardy if he is named to the court. Her five go-fund-me accounts with alleged links to Soros and a now blossoming $1 million dollar surplus were established why? To pay her pro-bono lawyers? (Remember it was her lawyers that testified they were pro-bono — if it turns out a Democratic staffer is paying them then they committed perjury.) Are the go-fund-me crowdsourcing efforts really a way to pay off a witness for coming before a Senate committee (in itself a felony crime?)
  10. The FBI may very well uncover a coordinated effort between the Senate staffer who leaked Dr Ford’s name (against her wishes,) the law firm recommended by the ranking member, and the links to others making accusations....

10 Reasons The FBI Will Clear Kavanaugh
Mitchell: "May I ask, Dr. Ford, how did you get to Washington?

Ford: "In an airplane."

Mitchell: "I ask that because its been reported by the press that you would not submit to an interview with the committee because of your fear of flying. Is that true?"

Ford: "I was hoping that they would come to me (in California) but I realized that was an unrealistic request."

Mitchell: "it would have been a quicker trip for me."

Ford: "That was certainly what I was hoping to avoid getting on an airplane. But I eventually was able to get up the gumption with the help of some friends and get on the plane."

Mitchell: "You fly fairly frequently for your hobbies and you've had to fly for your work. Is that true?"

Ford: "Correct. Unfortunately."

Mitchell read from Ford's curriculum vitae, pointing to hobbies she pursues including "surf travel." Ford then confirmed she has flown to Hawaii, Coast Rica, South Pacific Islands and French Polynesia to surf.

"It's easier for me to travel going that direction when it's a vacation," Ford said


Nice uncover. Did you notice any inconsistencies from Kavanaugh?
Thanks, there’s plenty more.
And nope, and I watched the whole thing.
Did you?
Yes, I watched all of Fords and about 60% of kavanaughs... he was acting quite strange when talking about beer and his yearbook statements don’t you think?
Strange in what way?
You seriously didn’t notice? Come on, a little objectivity test here. You called out Fords “flying and meeting” question marks... now call out some of Kavanaughs. There’s no way you were blind to them
No, I saw no inconsistencies in his testimony.
If you did, kindly point them out.
Is it so hard for you to put your money where your mouth is?
Nice uncover. Did you notice any inconsistencies from Kavanaugh?
Thanks, there’s plenty more.
And nope, and I watched the whole thing.
Did you?
Yes, I watched all of Fords and about 60% of kavanaughs... he was acting quite strange when talking about beer and his yearbook statements don’t you think?
Strange in what way?
You seriously didn’t notice? Come on, a little objectivity test here. You called out Fords “flying and meeting” question marks... now call out some of Kavanaughs. There’s no way you were blind to them
No, I saw no inconsistencies in his testimony.
If you did, kindly point them out.
Is it so hard for you to put your money where your mouth is?
Ok, well I guess you fail the objectivity test.

How about when he said “Devils Triangle” was a drinking game like quarters? Nono, DT is a term for when two guys have sex with 1 girl.

How about when he said “boofing” was a term they used for farting... Nono, boofing is a term used for anal sex.... shall I keep going or do you already have an excuse for these blantantly false under oath statements?

Hart Slager on Twitter

I'm guessing it can be proven true or not by doing the same thing this guy did go look it up.

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