Do you Believe Kavanaugh's Rape Accuser?

Do you believe Kavanaughs rape accuser?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 19.6%
  • No

    Votes: 111 80.4%

  • Total voters
How did the professor get home from the party? Oh....she claims she forgot. Could a more likely explanation be that she was not even at the party if there was one?

How could a sane person forget such a detail? Not even to mention no one has come forward to claim that they drove her home or to back up her story at any level.

If she was at the party she had to get home some convienient for her to claim she forgot ---yet another very important item.

To many supposed lapses of memory of very critical details for her to be considered credible.

Nolte: Christine Blasey Ford Brought No Evidence but Plenty of Contradictions
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How did the professor get home from the party? Oh....she claims she forgot. Could a more likely explanation be that she was not even at the party if there was one?

How could a sane person forget such a detail? Not even to mention no one has come forward to claim that they drove her home or to back up her story at any level.

If she was at the party she had to get home some convienient for her to claim she forgot ---yet another very important item.

To many supposed lapses of memory of very critical details for her to be considered credible.

Nolte: Christine Blasey Ford Brought No Evidence but Plenty of Contradictions

And wouldn't that person be someone who should be talked to? Was it allegedly her friend? Someone else? How is it she can't remember that person?

She is a liar...... she is vile.
How did the professor get home from the party? Oh....she claims she forgot. Could a more likely explanation be that she was not even at the party if there was one?

How could a sane person forget such a detail? Not even to mention no one has come forward to claim that they drove her home or to back up her story at any level.

If she was at the party she had to get home some convienient for her to claim she forgot ---yet another very important item.

To many supposed lapses of memory of very critical details for her to be considered credible.

Nolte: Christine Blasey Ford Brought No Evidence but Plenty of Contradictions

And wouldn't that person be someone who should be talked to? Was it allegedly her friend? Someone else? How is it she can't remember that person?

She is a liar...... she is vile.
She’s a liar and she’s vile? Wow you sound like a real winner. Plus the fact that you are ingnorant to the facts like we all are on this matter yet you presume to know the truth just shows how much of a hack you are. Thanks for showing your true colors
How did the professor get home from the party? Oh....she claims she forgot. Could a more likely explanation be that she was not even at the party if there was one?

How could a sane person forget such a detail? Not even to mention no one has come forward to claim that they drove her home or to back up her story at any level.

If she was at the party she had to get home some convienient for her to claim she forgot ---yet another very important item.

To many supposed lapses of memory of very critical details for her to be considered credible.

Nolte: Christine Blasey Ford Brought No Evidence but Plenty of Contradictions

And wouldn't that person be someone who should be talked to? Was it allegedly her friend? Someone else? How is it she can't remember that person?

She is a liar...... she is vile.
She’s a liar and she’s vile? Wow you sound like a real winner. Plus the fact that you are ingnorant to the facts like we all are on this matter yet you presume to know the truth just shows how much of a hack you are. Thanks for showing your true colors

You may be ignorant of the facts of the case but not all are. So in regards to 'ignorance' speak for yourself.

Anyone who watched her being questioned understands very well that her alleged memory lapses are much too convenient to allow her to have credibilty. If her memory was or is that bad she should have recused herself.
How did the professor get home from the party? Oh....she claims she forgot. Could a more likely explanation be that she was not even at the party if there was one?

How could a sane person forget such a detail? Not even to mention no one has come forward to claim that they drove her home or to back up her story at any level.

If she was at the party she had to get home some convienient for her to claim she forgot ---yet another very important item.

To many supposed lapses of memory of very critical details for her to be considered credible.

Nolte: Christine Blasey Ford Brought No Evidence but Plenty of Contradictions

And wouldn't that person be someone who should be talked to? Was it allegedly her friend? Someone else? How is it she can't remember that person?

She is a liar...... she is vile.

Exactly. If she can remember she only had one beer...her memory should be good enough to know how she got to the party and how she got home. To try and claim she does not remember simply does not wash.

Add to that...whoever brought her to the party or took her home would remember that....but no one has come forward.

Most do not have such a bad memory as the professor claims to have.

Thus the best analysis of this is that there was no party or she did not attend...thus she is a liar and a despicable one at that...willing to destroy the life of an innocent man for purely political reasons.
How did the professor get home from the party? Oh....she claims she forgot. Could a more likely explanation be that she was not even at the party if there was one?

How could a sane person forget such a detail? Not even to mention no one has come forward to claim that they drove her home or to back up her story at any level.

If she was at the party she had to get home some convienient for her to claim she forgot ---yet another very important item.

To many supposed lapses of memory of very critical details for her to be considered credible.

Nolte: Christine Blasey Ford Brought No Evidence but Plenty of Contradictions

And wouldn't that person be someone who should be talked to? Was it allegedly her friend? Someone else? How is it she can't remember that person?

She is a liar...... she is vile.

Exactly. If she can remember she only had one beer...her memory should be good enough to know how she got to the party and how she got home. To try and claim she does not remember simply does not wash.

Add to that...whoever brought her to the party or took her home would remember that....but no one has come forward.

Most do not have such a bad memory as the professor claims to have.

Thus the best analysis of this is that there was no party or she did not attend...thus she is a liar and a despicable one at that...willing to destroy the life of an innocent man for purely political reasons.

Honestly, I don't know whether something happened to her at some place at some time that is emerging in bits and pieces of memory. I have things like that in my own memory--good things, some really bad things including inappropriate behavior from boys and men--that I can only remember bits and pieces of and though there were other people involved who I did know, I cannot remember their names or in some cases their faces now.

But I have had improper advances from men as a teenager, one that I do remember quite well and maybe could have ruined the man if I had spoken if he had run for office in my state. And I did have witnesses at the time who I believe would corroborate the story should I tell it now. I would not tell it now because a) he took no for an answer; b) I was not harmed in any way other than strong feelings of discomfort and embarrassment and being somewhat fearful; c) I do believe this was not a pattern and a man who went on to have a good life and was a good husband and father should not be forever punished for a lapse in judgment or maybe an honest attraction. I don't know what his motives were but so far as I know, he did not commit any other such offense.

Nor do I believe Dr. Ford was so traumatized in the event she described, even if it happened as she described it, so as to ruin her life, her relationships, or so that she has needed so much therapy. I think she must have other long standing problems. And her story that she was 'afraid to fly' for the original hearing date given her simply doesn't wash given that she is such a frequent flyer for business, for personal reasons, for pleasure. Or that she had no idea that the Senate had offered to come to her to hear her story when everybody in the free world knew they had offered.

So there is enough discrepancy in the 'truth' to demand strong evidence for her story before it is believed to be as she told it. And even if it is exactly as she told it, since there was no harm done other than fear and embarrassment and the boys did leave once she went into the bathroom without making any threats or demands for her silence, etc., I don't think Brett Kavanaugh, even if guilty, should have to do penance for it. But I believed him that he was not the one who did that to her if it in fact happened.
For Christ's sake, why would she wait for 40+ years to do anything about it?

This kind of nonsense is unbelievable, IMO.

Here is a problem for the democrats....There are currently two men who say they, not Kavanaugh and Judge are the actual attackers......they simply submitted one interview by phone and one written statement. Their story was ignored by the democrat press because it would have undermined Ford's story. They were not vetted by FBI investigators because the background check was over....


These two men will be interviewed by the FBI, hopefully. What happens if they can demonstrate that they know the house, the date and the time of this party......? And having told the FBI, they will have done so under oath and threat of perjury...would the democrats have opened up Ford's story to that kind of mistake?
How did the professor get home from the party? Oh....she claims she forgot. Could a more likely explanation be that she was not even at the party if there was one?

How could a sane person forget such a detail? Not even to mention no one has come forward to claim that they drove her home or to back up her story at any level.

If she was at the party she had to get home some convienient for her to claim she forgot ---yet another very important item.

To many supposed lapses of memory of very critical details for her to be considered credible.

Nolte: Christine Blasey Ford Brought No Evidence but Plenty of Contradictions

And wouldn't that person be someone who should be talked to? Was it allegedly her friend? Someone else? How is it she can't remember that person?

She is a liar...... she is vile.
She’s a liar and she’s vile? Wow you sound like a real winner. Plus the fact that you are ingnorant to the facts like we all are on this matter yet you presume to know the truth just shows how much of a hack you are. Thanks for showing your true colors

You may be ignorant of the facts of the case but not all are. So in regards to 'ignorance' speak for yourself.

Anyone who watched her being questioned understands very well that her alleged memory lapses are much too convenient to allow her to have credibilty. If her memory was or is that bad she should have recused herself.
The fact is that NONE of us have enough info to draw a firm conclusion. I would agree if you said you haven’t heard enough to believe her. But you also haven’t heard enough to say that her accusations are lies. Her accusations could very well be true which is why it is being investigated. So yes we are all ignorant to the truth at this point
There is no reason not to believe her. People remember what happened 40-50 years ago, when there was no one around to complain to. The current ongoing campaign to smear anyone who comes forward, having lived in anonymity for decades, when they realize that someone who did something evil to them years ago is about to be given a position of power shows that the problem still continues to this day.

BTW: she stopped short of accusing him of rape.
If Kavanaugh's accuser actually sent a letter to comrade Feinstein, insisting and expecting that it be kept secret, it would serve no purpose. Feinstein was already clear that she would never vote for any Supreme Candidate that Trump put forward, so the letter would change nothing in that respect. Ford was photographed in an anti-Trump march, wearing a pink hat. If a letter was sent to comrade Feinstein, it was intended to be made public. The nut job Ford, is just making up crap to stop a nominee and delay the process until after the November elections. If Kavanaugh were withdrawn, any new candidate put forth by Trump, any new recommended candidate would be accused of similar actions by obscure individuals coming out of the woodwork.
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There is no reason not to believe her. People remember what happened 40-50 years ago, when there was no one around to complain to. The current ongoing campaign to smear anyone who comes forward, having lived in anonymity for decades, when they realize that someone who did something evil to them years ago is about to be given a position of power shows that the problem still continues to this day.

BTW: she stopped short of accusing him of rape.
If Kavanaugh's accuser actually sent a letter to comrade Feinstein, insisting and expecting that it be kept secret, it would serve no purpose. Feinstein was already clear that she would never vote for any Supreme Candidate that Trump put forward, so the letter would change nothing in that respect. Ford was photographed in an anti-Trump march, wearing a pink hat. If a letter was sent to comrade Feinstein, it was intended to be made public. The nut job Ford, is just making up crap to stop a nominee and delay the process until after the November elections. If Kavanaugh were withdrawn, any new candidate put forth by Trump, any new recommended candidate would be accused of similar actions by obscure individuals coming out of the woodwork.
Do you see the irony in your made up theory about democrats making up accusations? How about we all really grow up and start going off facts instead of making presumptions about things that we simply don’t know.
It's a likely scenario. The Marxist Democrats are taking any and all avenues to resist the current administration and its actions.
If Kavanaugh's accuser actually sent a letter to comrade Feinstein, insisting and expecting that it be kept secret, it would serve no purpose. Feinstein was already clear that she would never vote for any Supreme Candidate that Trump put forward, so the letter would change nothing in that respect. Ford was photographed in an anti-Trump march, wearing a pink hat. If a letter was sent to comrade Feinstein, it was intended to be made public. The nut job Ford, is just making up crap to stop a nominee and delay the process until after the November elections. If Kavanaugh were withdrawn, any new candidate put forth by Trump, any new recommended candidate would be accused of similar actions by obscure individuals coming out of the woodwork.
I dont think Dr Ford is making anything uip.

I suspect something did in fact happen to her, but the perpetrators were two men who have already confessed to being the guilty party, not Kavanaugh and Judge.

Her memory of it being Kavanaugh that did it is a 'recovered memory' which is another way of saying she is suggestible and weak minded and likely being used by political operatives.
There is no reason not to believe her. People remember what happened 40-50 years ago, when there was no one around to complain to. The current ongoing campaign to smear anyone who comes forward, having lived in anonymity for decades, when they realize that someone who did something evil to them years ago is about to be given a position of power shows that the problem still continues to this day.

BTW: she stopped short of accusing him of rape.
If Kavanaugh's accuser actually sent a letter to comrade Feinstein, insisting and expecting that it be kept secret, it would serve no purpose. Feinstein was already clear that she would never vote for any Supreme Candidate that Trump put forward, so the letter would change nothing in that respect. Ford was photographed in an anti-Trump march, wearing a pink hat. If a letter was sent to comrade Feinstein, it was intended to be made public. The nut job Ford, is just making up crap to stop a nominee and delay the process until after the November elections. If Kavanaugh were withdrawn, any new candidate put forth by Trump, any new recommended candidate would be accused of similar actions by obscure individuals coming out of the woodwork.
Do you see the irony in your made up theory about democrats making up accusations? How about we all really grow up and start going off facts instead of making presumptions about things that we simply don’t know.
You’ve spent most of your time in this thread demanding posters speculate on stuff - like you do.
Now you demand people stick with facts only!

You’re really very amusing.Lol.
There is no reason not to believe her. People remember what happened 40-50 years ago, when there was no one around to complain to. The current ongoing campaign to smear anyone who comes forward, having lived in anonymity for decades, when they realize that someone who did something evil to them years ago is about to be given a position of power shows that the problem still continues to this day.

BTW: she stopped short of accusing him of rape.
If Kavanaugh's accuser actually sent a letter to comrade Feinstein, insisting and expecting that it be kept secret, it would serve no purpose. Feinstein was already clear that she would never vote for any Supreme Candidate that Trump put forward, so the letter would change nothing in that respect. Ford was photographed in an anti-Trump march, wearing a pink hat. If a letter was sent to comrade Feinstein, it was intended to be made public. The nut job Ford, is just making up crap to stop a nominee and delay the process until after the November elections. If Kavanaugh were withdrawn, any new candidate put forth by Trump, any new recommended candidate would be accused of similar actions by obscure individuals coming out of the woodwork.
Do you see the irony in your made up theory about democrats making up accusations? How about we all really grow up and start going off facts instead of making presumptions about things that we simply don’t know.
You’ve spent most of your time in this thread demanding posters speculate on stuff - like you do.
Now you demand people stick with facts only!

You’re really very amusing.Lol.

All I've seen on this thread is rampant speculation, based on nothing, that Ford is lying. She has no motive to do so. She originally wanted to remain anonymous. She had to fly across the country to testify. She's been given all sorts of flack. She's an accomplished professional.

Kavanaugh's buddy wrote a book about his exploits at the time when they palled around together, which included references to hitting women. Hmmm.
What I get out of this is when they were in high school he tried to cop a feel one night

Shit if that makes you a sexual predator then every guy on the planet is guilty

It sounds like he did more than cop a feel. He pinned her to a bed and tried to get her clothes off.
It sounds like he did more than cop a feel. He pinned her to a bed and tried to get her clothes off.
If he had her pinned to the bed,
how was he able to try to get her clothes off?
...Does he have an extra set of arms?

See, her initial version was,
she didn't know if she was pushed
into the bedroom or if they were already
at the top of the stairs, outside the bedroom

Then, it was, they corralled her into the bedroom

By Thursday, she figured out
she was pushed from behind....

Funny, she didn't hear them right behind her,
but she could here them leaving the bedroom
bouncing off the walls, on their way down the stairs,
and knew they weren't coming back for her,
cause she didn't hear them coming back up the stairs

Her initial version was, Brett pinned her on the bed
On Thursday, he got on top of her

She has stated that when she tried to yell for help,
Brett covered her mouth...what I find interesting is,
NEVER ONCE did she say she was telling him to stop,
get off of her, she was trying to hit him...none of that

If he was so drunk he was bouncing off walls,
and just got on top off her, even if he had covered her mouth,
she could have bit his hand, or at least tried,
kicked her legs, pulled his hair....

If he has her pinned down, he can't cover her mouth
grope her and try to take her clothes off....
Not possible

If he's just on top of her, she could have fought back
She never said he kept his hand on her mouth

Her initial version was, mark jumped on top of them,
the second time he jumped ON TOP OF THEM
they all tumbled to the floor...really!?

Can we do a Bill Nye, the science guy, experiment...Anyhoo
On Thursday, it was, Mark jumped ON THE BED twice,
the second time sent them tumbling...again,
Can we do a Bill Bye, the science guy, experiment

She had 10 days to come up with better bullshit,
instead, she came up with different bullshit

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