Do you Believe Kavanaugh's Rape Accuser?

Do you believe Kavanaughs rape accuser?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 19.6%
  • No

    Votes: 111 80.4%

  • Total voters
Good moral people don't generally seek political power. A few do, but it's seldom.

Mostly sleazballs seek political power.
This entire hearing is about high school. All of it. A page by page analysis of comments in the year book and why flatulence was funny. Examination of a high school calendar. High school parties and a bus trip to Fenway Park. Kavanaugh's entire career has been dismissed. One would think he graduated last week.

Why aren't democrats embarrassed? This is absurdly disgraceful.
Usually the next step to a he said she said situation is to check each persons story. So why the pushback for the profession investigators from the FBI to get involved? Aren’t you interested in exposing as many facts as possible?

Because calling for the FBI is a asshats want them involved so they take months to get us to the same point we are at now, in the hope the democrats win the is a scam and the 3 liars need to be called out as liars and the vote taken.
Months?! How long did it take for them to vet hill? How long did it take for them to do the previous BG checks for Kav. Again you are confusing a criminal investigation and background checks. Stop the spin

Does anyone really think a background check that doesn't reveal anything would be accepted? There would be screams for a criminal investigation before the ink dried on the report.

At least, that's my opinion.

There were 6 in depth, FBI investigations into Kavanaugh, he worked in the White House......and you have a community that they invaded in investigating this guy and they found nothing....
No, there was not 6 in depth investigations......

There was ONE in depth investigation up to the age of 18.

Done in the early to mid 1990's

Wrong...there were 6.....each time he went up for a Federal moron.
A nice demonstration of loses on the left.
Enough with white men.

As it is being said, if you have sons, pray for them they are not safe and never will be safe just as your brothers, uncles, fathers, , cousins etc.

They will be prosecuted without due process, no proof just words.

How will that happen well imagine these lower IQ status of ppl on a Jury?

There is a war on men the lesser IQ's just can't face the music.
Every time Kavanaugh is asked a question he meanders around until every bit of time is used up and Democrats are letting him do it. And Republicans aren’t even asking him a question, they’re just going after Democrats.
Again, I refer to the statement made on September 17th:

"The Justice Department says the sexual assault allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh "does not involve any potential federal crime" for the FBI to investigate."
What are you not understanding about the difference between a background check and a federal criminal investigation. I’m beginning to think you have a learning disability. How many times do I need to repeat myself?

Look kid, it's not my fault you don't get what's in black and fucking white here. Don't blame your apparent inability to put this together on me.

We'll try again:

1. The FBI has done SIX background checks on Kavanaugh over the years - came up with NOTHING.

2. The FBI received Ford's allegation letter on September 12th - they declined investigating it.

3. DOJ explained that the allegation does not involve any potential federal crime for the FBI to investigate on September 17th - telling everyone /why/ the FBI would not be investigating it.

All of this == The FBI is not going to investigate Ford's allegations. And this reality was put in the media and politicians lap the day /after/ Ford went public. This /reality/ has been known the entire time the media and politicians have been crying and demanding that the FBI /should/ investigate this - all the while they know full well that the FBI isn't going to investigate it.

One last time here, then I leave you to your stupidity. You had best wisen up kido and stop letting the MSM and politicians lead you around by the nose...
It has nothing to do with the media it is just common sense and an ability to look at this situation objectively.

The FBI got the letter and passed it along to the White House. No crime so no criminal investigation, got it. But the FBI can easily do an additional background check on this new intel at the request of congress or the president. They would interview the subjects and chase down any leads then present that information to congress so congress can make their decision about the SCOTUS nomination.
Seeing that this new info has delayed a vote, caused a special hearing and has consumed the nation conversation for over a week now, i think its probably a good idea to have the pros take a look. It would make sense to you if you werent so deep in the partisan bag.

What partisan bag kido? I don't like R's or D's and I've been a registered "Independent" for nearly 30 years. Didn't you read my sig? I'm pretty close to a dead centrist.

What's especially ironic in your assumptions of me, is that I don't even particularly like Kavanaugh. Specifically because of his rulings on the Patriot Act's bulk collection when he said it was not a violation of 4A and argued that even if it /was/ a violation of 4A it should be allowed because national security outweighed individual privacy - which has massively far reaching implications. For example, "right to privacy" is how legalized pot was enshrined in the Alaska Constitution - the feds /forced/ Alaska to criminalize and change our state constitution by threatening to withhold funds for plowing highways (which perhaps ironically the state had to concede in order to protect national fucking security because our highways literally protect half the fucking planet via connection to military bases and facilities across the state.) As another example of what this fucks, according to Mr. Kavanaugh the government has every right to collect my personal private emails, texts, etc. I'm not keen on his opinions that the government is trust worthy with this shit, and even less keen after what I've seen from the IRS, FBI, and DOJ being weaponized by political parties. Now we've got serious talk about getting Google, FB, YouTube, and Twitter under Gov regulation - and a political party who's already using those platforms as political weapons. Sooo much dangerous going on with that shit...

But, yes, lets look at the situation objectively - ignore the fact that everyone she says was present denies her claim of attempted rape, ignore the fact that her story has changed at least four times since she first told it to her therapist, ignore the fact that despite it being "seared into her mind" and her only having one beer she can't remember much of anything about the party. Lets also ignore the fact that she conveniently can't fly and will have to drive to DC to testify so it needs to be delayed a week (I find this one especially curious considering she made it to Maryland to take a polygraph in August, and she said was somewhere "in the mid-Atlantic" when she sent her letter back in July.) Let's also ignore the fact that Kavanaugh has gone through six background checks and not a single smell of sexual problems turned up, the fact that 65 women have come forward on their own accord to vouch that they have never seen any kind of untoward behavior from Kavanaugh, lets ignore the timing of this accusation as well.

I mean we might as well ignore everything at this point. From now on, every single person in this country can be utterly destroyed by the slightest accusation, regardless of holes, regardless of how utterly ridiculous it sounds, regardless of everything. No one is safe because we're are all guilty until proven innocent and if you cannot prove your innocence, because of the passage of time, or the fact that there were no witnesses, your life, and your family, can be destroyed by anyone, anywhere, at any time. We might as well live in 1930 Germany at this point. Don't speak, don't move, don't ever be alone with anyone ever again, and pray young lady, pray that you were never ever alone with anyone who might find you a convenient stepping stone to their personal goals... It's almost a shame that I'm retired... I've spent my entire life pretending to give a shit about societies morals and trying to be a good person but now it seems we've decided such things are worthless. I could allege anything and every lie detector on the planet would back my lies 100% thanks to my synesthesia (crossed senses, I "feel" in color washes.) If only I could hate, then I'd have someone to go fuck over just for kicks...

EDIT - actually, this has got me thinking... I mean since we've thrown logic out the window now... I have a nerve tracer from sound - like I hear normal (or well I think at least) but there's an after-effect of sensation. Does that mean I can sue Enigma for sexual assault? (Like seriously, I can't listen to it when I'm driving :p)
Apologies for the partisan label, what I should have said is biased. You seem to have your mind made up before even exploring the facts. All we’ve been going off of here is a letter and a news report. I’d think any fair minded individual would want more than that to draw their conclusions. Like hearing testimony from the accuser herself, an investigation into her claims etc. any people that pretend to know that she is lying or telling the truth are acting out of presumption that I can only assume is a result of political bias.

I'm "biased" in that I do believe in innocent until proven guilty.
In that I do not believe people simply because they have a vagina.
In that I don't think anyone's life should be destroyed by accusations.

And yea, especially not where there of the accusers own proclaimed witnesses come out to the public with signed affidavits to deny her accounts, when her stories changing left and right and yet "she can't remember" a crap ton of stuff -- at that point, her "testimony" isn't exactly going to help all that much, so you are a bit correct that I'm biased on that. Still, I did intend to, and have, listened to Ford's entire testimony and frankly it's not done her any favors in the credibility department - more holes in her story (my favorite has to be "I'm scared to fly" - "I travel the world ~grins~", has no credible evidence/witnesses at the party, etc.
Every time Kavanaugh is asked a question he meanders around until every bit of time is used up and Democrats are letting him do it. And Republicans aren’t even asking him a question, they’re just going after Democrats.

That’s because the Democrats are the real criminals
Even if she is telling the truth, I don't believe its a big deal that he tried to dry hump a girl when he was 17...

I know that the Democrats are trying to derail any SC pick that Trump makes -- but..................Merrick Garland......the end...
See I agree with you there. I don’t think the accusation is a deal killer. But once he denied being at the party and I’m essence called Ford a liar he picked his side and if it comes out that the allegations are true he loses all credibility for truth telling and that IMO is disqualifying.
Graham stated my thoughts right on the head, and more. This whole can of crap is what the Progressive are pushing and the Troll falls right into it and throw it out. Anyone who knows about this delay trick has never taken Political Theory in College and understood everything from Ham bone, to the Slippery slope that they use. It is the same as using the Nuke on a chicken coup.
That’s a bunch of partisan crap. Yes the Dems are playing dirty political games. That’s true but you and Graham’s outrage is only valid if all three accusers are flat out fabricating their stories. If any of their claims are true then you are sticking up for a guy who assaulted girls and is now lying about it. I truly did feel bad for Kavanaugh during that hearing. I believed him when he was talking except he did get weird about the beer stuff. But I also believed Ford when she was talking and felt bad for her. Personally I could t leave the hearing with a solid answer. If it were up to me I’d ask for the pros to investigate and vet out their claims.
Christine Ford raises a lot of eyebrows when she waffles on who paid for polygraph test
BizPac Review ^ | September 27, 2018 | Frieda Powers

Christine Blasey Ford admitted taking a polygraph test last month was “extremely stressful” but she was unable to tell the Senate Judiciary Committee who paid for it.
Mitchell: Did you pay for the polygraph yourself?

Ford: I don’t — I don’t think so.

Mitchell: Okay. You know who did pay for the polygraph?

Ford: Not yet, no.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
He said she said....
Usually the next step to a he said she said situation is to check each persons story. So why the pushback for the profession investigators from the FBI to get involved? Aren’t you interested in exposing as many facts as possible?

Because calling for the FBI is a asshats want them involved so they take months to get us to the same point we are at now, in the hope the democrats win the is a scam and the 3 liars need to be called out as liars and the vote taken.
Months?! How long did it take for them to vet hill? How long did it take for them to do the previous BG checks for Kav. Again you are confusing a criminal investigation and background checks. Stop the spin

How long has the fake Russian investigation gone on? Sorry, the democrats would drag this on for months, and each Sunday, a new fake accuser would come out, and then added to the list of people who need FBI investigation.....we know how this goes, we know who the democrats are...they will lie and destroy anyone for power.

None of the 3 women has anyone to back up their stories.....they named people...and those people said it never happened.....and you asshats still believe them....
The Russian investigation is a criminal investigation. Totally different
He said she said....
Usually the next step to a he said she said situation is to check each persons story. So why the pushback for the profession investigators from the FBI to get involved? Aren’t you interested in exposing as many facts as possible?

Because calling for the FBI is a asshats want them involved so they take months to get us to the same point we are at now, in the hope the democrats win the is a scam and the 3 liars need to be called out as liars and the vote taken.
Months?! How long did it take for them to vet hill? How long did it take for them to do the previous BG checks for Kav. Again you are confusing a criminal investigation and background checks. Stop the spin

How long has the fake Russian investigation gone on? Sorry, the democrats would drag this on for months, and each Sunday, a new fake accuser would come out, and then added to the list of people who need FBI investigation.....we know how this goes, we know who the democrats are...they will lie and destroy anyone for power.

None of the 3 women has anyone to back up their stories.....they named people...and those people said it never happened.....and you asshats still believe them....
The Russian investigation is a criminal investigation. Totally different

No.... the Russian investigation is an intelligence investigation.....totally different.
my father wisely told me to believe nothing of what you hear and half of what you see

She does not know where it happened.

She does not know when it happened.

She doesn't know how she got there, though she was too young to drive.

She doesn't know how she made it home though she was too young to drive...which means someone had to drive her home when she was in an emotional state.

She named 3 people who were supposed to be at the of them her good, and now lifelong, friend....none of them say the party happened.

She told the Judiciary committee she could not testify in a week because she was afraid of flying, she would have to drive.....we find out that when it comes to fun and vacations...she flies easily.

They need to vote Judge Kavanaugh onto the Supreme Court.
Read the stories of actual rape victims...they remember everything that happened, in great detail...they don't need therapy to remember what happened, they need therapy to let it go ........

Again....she didn't say where or when it happened because she didn't know where Kavanaugh was that any attempt to name a specific time and place was a risk...he likely had proof he couldn't be at that location......

As a side note...has the judge ever mentioned his a story about him, in any of his writings..? Because if he did, that would likely be the reason she refused to name a time and place...she didn't have access to those calendars...

Now? The democrats now have those calendars....this means the next fake accuser can give a more specific time and place of the next allegations....... which is one reason they want the extra work on her story.....

Also, they want Senators to forget Kavanughs statements and Graham's speech, another reason they want an extra week...

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