Do you believe OJ Simpson is guilty of murder?

In your OPINION is Simpson guilty of murder?

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Of course, just like Zimmerman, and just like OJ, Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder and should go away quietly and live out the remainder of his existence quietly, away from public view. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if he keeps fucking up and eventually winds up incarcerated. Although that might be entertaining.

Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder

Shooting a thug who is bashing your head on the concrete is not murder.

When he stalks an unarmed teenager it is, yeah. Had the kid been white, Zimmie would be taking a few in the ass even as we speak. And you know it.

I don't think he stalked him. I think it just 'happened'....stalking is usually seen as someone continuously watching you, or following you, and it goes on for more that one night. I have a problem in a way about 'stand your ground'. When nobody else is around, how do you prove who made the first move? If there's someone there that can defend what he did, who attacked first, then I could see how Stand your Ground could be used. But there wasn't. I've always thought he should have gotten manslaughter. And especially since this all happened, Zimmerman has proven what an idiot he is! Last I heard he was trying to auction off the gun he used to kill stupid is that??

Yeah, agreed. Stand your ground shit came out of ALEC, it's insane. Like the claim Martin was armed with a sidewalk. It basically comes down to "I was scared so I get to kill him". Which was why he had to be a "thug" instead of a fucking kid walking home.

I don't think Martin was innocent. I think by what I've read he WAS a wannabe thug....but he had a chance to just go home and report someone following him. He went back and DID act like a thug by confronting Zimmerman, like he was going to be the tough guy and show that "cracker" a thing or two. Martin's girlfriends testimony didn't help him at all, she was an idiot! I think they both approached this thing the wrong way. Zimmerman really had no reason to follow Martin. His excuse was that there had been breakins in their community and Martin looked suspicious. Unless he caught Martin at actually doing something, he should have stayed in his truck.
Of course, just like Zimmerman, and just like OJ, Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder and should go away quietly and live out the remainder of his existence quietly, away from public view. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if he keeps fucking up and eventually winds up incarcerated. Although that might be entertaining.

Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder

Shooting a thug who is bashing your head on the concrete is not murder.

When he stalks an unarmed teenager it is, yeah. Had the kid been white, Zimmie would be taking a few in the ass even as we speak. And you know it.

When he stalks an unarmed teenager it is, yeah.

When an unarmed teenager is bashing your head on the concrete, it's not murder when you shoot him.
Of course, just like Zimmerman, and just like OJ, Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder and should go away quietly and live out the remainder of his existence quietly, away from public view. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if he keeps fucking up and eventually winds up incarcerated. Although that might be entertaining.

Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder

Shooting a thug who is bashing your head on the concrete is not murder.

When he stalks an unarmed teenager it is, yeah. Had the kid been white, Zimmie would be taking a few in the ass even as we speak. And you know it.

I don't think he stalked him. I think it just 'happened'....stalking is usually seen as someone continuously watching you, or following you, and it goes on for more that one night. I have a problem in a way about 'stand your ground'. When nobody else is around, how do you prove who made the first move? If there's someone there that can defend what he did, who attacked first, then I could see how Stand your Ground could be used. But there wasn't. I've always thought he should have gotten manslaughter. And especially since this all happened, Zimmerman has proven what an idiot he is! Last I heard he was trying to auction off the gun he used to kill stupid is that??

I have a problem in a way about 'stand your ground'.

It was self-defense, stand your ground never came into play.
Of course, just like Zimmerman, and just like OJ, Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder and should go away quietly and live out the remainder of his existence quietly, away from public view. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if he keeps fucking up and eventually winds up incarcerated. Although that might be entertaining.

Zimmerman was well within his rights to shot the thug sitting on his chest pounding him "mma" style.
Yeah, always thought he did it, but like Casey Anthony's prosecutors, his fucked the pooch. Another question: would you have convicted him despite the fuck ups?

Yes, because I drew my conclusions of his guilt regardless of any F_ups.
Of course, just like Zimmerman, and just like OJ, Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder and should go away quietly and live out the remainder of his existence quietly, away from public view. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if he keeps fucking up and eventually winds up incarcerated. Although that might be entertaining.

Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder

Shooting a thug who is bashing your head on the concrete is not murder.

When he stalks an unarmed teenager it is, yeah. Had the kid been white, Zimmie would be taking a few in the ass even as we speak. And you know it.

I don't think he stalked him. I think it just 'happened'....stalking is usually seen as someone continuously watching you, or following you, and it goes on for more that one night. I have a problem in a way about 'stand your ground'. When nobody else is around, how do you prove who made the first move? If there's someone there that can defend what he did, who attacked first, then I could see how Stand your Ground could be used. But there wasn't. I've always thought he should have gotten manslaughter. And especially since this all happened, Zimmerman has proven what an idiot he is! Last I heard he was trying to auction off the gun he used to kill stupid is that??

I have a problem in a way about 'stand your ground'.

It was self-defense, stand your ground never came into play.

I thought that's what they used in the trial. How is self defense and stand your ground any different? I don't disagree that he had a right to shoot Martin, Martin came back and confronted him and acted like a thug & as far as I know made the first move on that 'cracker'. But I thought that Stand your ground was what the defense used to get him off. I just think it opens up a big can of worms for other killings. Whatever....I think Zimmerman was wrong for following him for no good reason, and Martin was wrong for doubling back and confronting him when he could have just gone home!
Of course, just like Zimmerman, and just like OJ, Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder and should go away quietly and live out the remainder of his existence quietly, away from public view. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if he keeps fucking up and eventually winds up incarcerated. Although that might be entertaining.

Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder

Shooting a thug who is bashing your head on the concrete is not murder.

When he stalks an unarmed teenager it is, yeah. Had the kid been white, Zimmie would be taking a few in the ass even as we speak. And you know it.

I don't think he stalked him. I think it just 'happened'....stalking is usually seen as someone continuously watching you, or following you, and it goes on for more that one night. I have a problem in a way about 'stand your ground'. When nobody else is around, how do you prove who made the first move? If there's someone there that can defend what he did, who attacked first, then I could see how Stand your Ground could be used. But there wasn't. I've always thought he should have gotten manslaughter. And especially since this all happened, Zimmerman has proven what an idiot he is! Last I heard he was trying to auction off the gun he used to kill stupid is that??

I have a problem in a way about 'stand your ground'.

It was self-defense, stand your ground never came into play.

I thought that's what they used in the trial. How is self defense and stand your ground any different? I don't disagree that he had a right to shoot Martin, Martin came back and confronted him and acted like a thug & as far as I know made the first move on that 'cracker'. But I thought that Stand your ground was what the defense used to get him off. I just think it opens up a big can of worms for other killings. Whatever....I think Zimmerman was wrong for following him for no good reason, and Martin was wrong for doubling back and confronting him when he could have just gone home!

Stand your ground is for situations where you have the option of retreat, but thanks to that law, now do not have to.

This was in response to moron lefties filing charges in self defense cases where the would be victim could have run.

HOWEVER, that was all moot, because at the time of the shooting Martin was sitting on Zimmerman's cheat beating him "MMA" style.

Retreat was not an option.

Thus Zimmerman did not need the cover of the Stand Your Ground Law.

Cause he was lying on the ground at the time of the shooting.
Of course, just like Zimmerman, and just like OJ, Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder and should go away quietly and live out the remainder of his existence quietly, away from public view. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if he keeps fucking up and eventually winds up incarcerated. Although that might be entertaining.

Zimmerman was well within his rights to shot the thug sitting on his chest pounding him "mma" style.

Yes, he was. But it would never have happened if he hadn't decided to take matters into his own hands when he had no clear reason to follow Martin. I know there had been break ins in their community, but unless he saw Martin doing something wrong or acting suspicious, he had no reason to do what he did. Martin was walking far as i know (or anyone knows) he'd done nothing wrong. I think he was a thug, and wanted to be a tough he doubled back to confront Zimmerman. Nobody knows who attacked who first, and Zimmerman did have a right to shoot him because of the bashing his head into the sidewalk. They both made wrong choices that night. Zimmerman has proven himself an idiot multiple times since this happened. Do you think he's mentally sane by wanting to sell the gun he used to kill Martin on Ebay??? That's just plain stupid! He proves himself to be a moron in everything he does.
Of course, just like Zimmerman, and just like OJ, Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder and should go away quietly and live out the remainder of his existence quietly, away from public view. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if he keeps fucking up and eventually winds up incarcerated. Although that might be entertaining.

Zimmerman was well within his rights to shot the thug sitting on his chest pounding him "mma" style.

Yes, he was. But it would never have happened if he hadn't decided to take matters into his own hands when he had no clear reason to follow Martin. I know there had been break ins in their community, but unless he saw Martin doing something wrong or acting suspicious, he had no reason to do what he did. Martin was walking far as i know (or anyone knows) he'd done nothing wrong. I think he was a thug, and wanted to be a tough he doubled back to confront Zimmerman. Nobody knows who attacked who first, and Zimmerman did have a right to shoot him because of the bashing his head into the sidewalk. They both made wrong choices that night. Zimmerman has proven himself an idiot multiple times since this happened. Do you think he's mentally sane by wanting to sell the gun he used to kill Martin on Ebay??? That's just plain stupid! He proves himself to be a moron in everything he does.

He had clear reason to follow Martin. He was a stranger that Zimmerman did not recognize in a gated community that had had breakins.

A stranger BEING in a gated community was "doing something wrong".
Of course, just like Zimmerman, and just like OJ, Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder and should go away quietly and live out the remainder of his existence quietly, away from public view. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if he keeps fucking up and eventually winds up incarcerated. Although that might be entertaining.

Zimmerman was well within his rights to shot the thug sitting on his chest pounding him "mma" style.

Yes, he was. But it would never have happened if he hadn't decided to take matters into his own hands when he had no clear reason to follow Martin. I know there had been break ins in their community, but unless he saw Martin doing something wrong or acting suspicious, he had no reason to do what he did. Martin was walking far as i know (or anyone knows) he'd done nothing wrong. I think he was a thug, and wanted to be a tough he doubled back to confront Zimmerman. Nobody knows who attacked who first, and Zimmerman did have a right to shoot him because of the bashing his head into the sidewalk. They both made wrong choices that night. Zimmerman has proven himself an idiot multiple times since this happened. Do you think he's mentally sane by wanting to sell the gun he used to kill Martin on Ebay??? That's just plain stupid! He proves himself to be a moron in everything he does.

He had clear reason to follow Martin. He was a stranger that Zimmerman did not recognize in a gated community that had had breakins.

A stranger BEING in a gated community was "doing something wrong".

A stranger just BEING in a gated community was doing something wrong? He was staying with his father! Zimmerman didnt' see him peeking into windows, or sneaking around the homes, so he had no clear reason to follow him. He was walking home. He MAY have been scoping things out, but nobody knows that. Martin was wrong for not just going straight home. Him being shot was his fault, it didn't have to happen.
Of course, just like Zimmerman, and just like OJ, Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder and should go away quietly and live out the remainder of his existence quietly, away from public view. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if he keeps fucking up and eventually winds up incarcerated. Although that might be entertaining.

Zimmerman was well within his rights to shot the thug sitting on his chest pounding him "mma" style.

Yes, he was. But it would never have happened if he hadn't decided to take matters into his own hands when he had no clear reason to follow Martin. I know there had been break ins in their community, but unless he saw Martin doing something wrong or acting suspicious, he had no reason to do what he did. Martin was walking far as i know (or anyone knows) he'd done nothing wrong. I think he was a thug, and wanted to be a tough he doubled back to confront Zimmerman. Nobody knows who attacked who first, and Zimmerman did have a right to shoot him because of the bashing his head into the sidewalk. They both made wrong choices that night. Zimmerman has proven himself an idiot multiple times since this happened. Do you think he's mentally sane by wanting to sell the gun he used to kill Martin on Ebay??? That's just plain stupid! He proves himself to be a moron in everything he does.

But it would never have happened if he hadn't decided to take matters into his own hands when he had no clear reason to follow Martin.

And never would have happened if Martin hadn't been suspended from school.
And if Martin wasn't a thug.
And if Martin's "girlfriend" hadn't told him to go back and beat that cracka.
Of course, just like Zimmerman, and just like OJ, Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder and should go away quietly and live out the remainder of his existence quietly, away from public view. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if he keeps fucking up and eventually winds up incarcerated. Although that might be entertaining.

Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder

Shooting a thug who is bashing your head on the concrete is not murder.

When he stalks an unarmed teenager it is, yeah. Had the kid been white, Zimmie would be taking a few in the ass even as we speak. And you know it.

Zimmerman did not stalk Martin, he merely followed him for a brief time. Stalking is a crime, whereas following someone is not. Those who accuse Zimmerman of stalking do not know the legal definition of the word. Here is the Florida Statute pertaining to stalking:

Florida Statute 784.084
(2) Any person who willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows, harasses, or cyberstalks another person commits the offense of stalking, a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
(3) Any person who willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows, harasses, or cyberstalks another person, and makes a credible threat with the intent to place that person in reasonable fear of death or bodily injury of the person, or the person’s child, sibling, spouse, parent, or dependent, commits the offense of aggravated stalking, a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

(NOTE: Emphasis my own.)

Chapter 784 Section 048 - 2011 Florida Statutes - The Florida Senate

Stalking involves “repeatedly” following an individual and since Martin and Zimmerman had no interactions prior to that fatal night the anti-stalking statute is not applicable. Further, to be guilty of stalking one must not only follow another person repeatedly but must do so “maliciously.” The word “maliciously” means “having or showing a desire to cause harm to someone.” Therefore, in order for Zimmerman to be convicted of stalking, it must be shown that he repeatedly followed Martin with the intent to harm him and there is no evidence to support such a charge. There is no evidence that Zimmerman followed Martin for any reason other than his concern for the safety of his neighborhood. Zimmerman simply wanted to see where Martin had gone so he could help police find him. If Zimmerman followed Martin with the intent to kill him - as some Zimmerman haters have suggested - I question why he didn't fire his weapon until after he had been knocked to the ground and pummeled. The allegation that Zimmerman followed Martin for the purpose of killing him is contrary to all the evidence of record and is totally inconsistent with Zimmerman's entire history which shows he went out of his way to help Black men, women and children.

Based on the law and the evidence the only crime committed that night was by Trayvon Martin and the crime was either attempted murder or aggravated battery. The evidence shows that Martin cold-cocked Zimmerman then straddled him while he pummeled his head against the concrete. Zimmerman was no physical match for the younger, stronger Martin and was apparently unable to defend himself. It was only after Zimmerman had already received injuries and had called for help that he used deadly force against Martin. A jury who admitted they tried to find something – anything – to convict Zimmerman could find no evidence of wrongdoing.

I want to remind you and others that in order to find George Zimmerman not guilty, the jury had to make two specific determinations: (1) That a reasonably prudent person in the same situation would have believed the use of deadly force was necessary to avoid death or serious bodily injury; and (2) Zimmerman did nothing which would have justified Martin's attack upon him. In other words, to find Zimmerman not guilty they had to conclude that Martin was guilty of a crime.
I'm completely satisfied not to hold an opinion on the matter. At the time I was busy raising a family and I didn't follow the trial beyond the daily headlines.
Um... yes.

He's basically admitted it.


Of course, just like Zimmerman, and just like OJ, Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder and should go away quietly and live out the remainder of his existence quietly, away from public view. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if he keeps fucking up and eventually winds up incarcerated. Although that might be entertaining.

Zimmerman was well within his rights to shot the thug sitting on his chest pounding him "mma" style.

Yes, he was. But it would never have happened if he hadn't decided to take matters into his own hands when he had no clear reason to follow Martin. I know there had been break ins in their community, but unless he saw Martin doing something wrong or acting suspicious, he had no reason to do what he did. Martin was walking far as i know (or anyone knows) he'd done nothing wrong. I think he was a thug, and wanted to be a tough he doubled back to confront Zimmerman. Nobody knows who attacked who first, and Zimmerman did have a right to shoot him because of the bashing his head into the sidewalk. They both made wrong choices that night. Zimmerman has proven himself an idiot multiple times since this happened. Do you think he's mentally sane by wanting to sell the gun he used to kill Martin on Ebay??? That's just plain stupid! He proves himself to be a moron in everything he does.

He had clear reason to follow Martin. He was a stranger that Zimmerman did not recognize in a gated community that had had breakins.

A stranger BEING in a gated community was "doing something wrong".

A stranger just BEING in a gated community was doing something wrong
? He was staying with his father! Zimmerman didnt' see him peeking into windows, or sneaking around the homes, so he had no clear reason to follow him. He was walking home. He MAY have been scoping things out, but nobody knows that. Martin was wrong for not just going straight home. Him being shot was his fault, it didn't have to happen.

Yes. A stranger just being in a gated community is doing something wrong, if they are not guests of a resident.

Zimmerman was reckless in following a possible bad actor.

Martin was very brutal and criminal in attacking and viciously beating Zimmerman.
Of course, just like Zimmerman, and just like OJ, Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder and should go away quietly and live out the remainder of his existence quietly, away from public view. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if he keeps fucking up and eventually winds up incarcerated. Although that might be entertaining.

Zimmerman was well within his rights to shot the thug sitting on his chest pounding him "mma" style.

Yes, he was. But it would never have happened if he hadn't decided to take matters into his own hands when he had no clear reason to follow Martin. I know there had been break ins in their community, but unless he saw Martin doing something wrong or acting suspicious, he had no reason to do what he did. Martin was walking far as i know (or anyone knows) he'd done nothing wrong. I think he was a thug, and wanted to be a tough he doubled back to confront Zimmerman. Nobody knows who attacked who first, and Zimmerman did have a right to shoot him because of the bashing his head into the sidewalk. They both made wrong choices that night. Zimmerman has proven himself an idiot multiple times since this happened. Do you think he's mentally sane by wanting to sell the gun he used to kill Martin on Ebay??? That's just plain stupid! He proves himself to be a moron in everything he does.

He had clear reason to follow Martin. He was a stranger that Zimmerman did not recognize in a gated community that had had breakins.

A stranger BEING in a gated community was "doing something wrong".

A stranger just BEING in a gated community was doing something wrong
? He was staying with his father! Zimmerman didnt' see him peeking into windows, or sneaking around the homes, so he had no clear reason to follow him. He was walking home. He MAY have been scoping things out, but nobody knows that. Martin was wrong for not just going straight home. Him being shot was his fault, it didn't have to happen.

Yes. A stranger just being in a gated community is doing something wrong, if they are not guests of a resident.

Zimmerman was reckless in following a possible bad actor.

Martin was very brutal and criminal in attacking and viciously beating Zimmerman.

You can tell who's side your on when you say Martin was "viciously beating Zimmerman"

Pretty powerful adjective
Zimmerman was well within his rights to shot the thug sitting on his chest pounding him "mma" style.

Yes, he was. But it would never have happened if he hadn't decided to take matters into his own hands when he had no clear reason to follow Martin. I know there had been break ins in their community, but unless he saw Martin doing something wrong or acting suspicious, he had no reason to do what he did. Martin was walking far as i know (or anyone knows) he'd done nothing wrong. I think he was a thug, and wanted to be a tough he doubled back to confront Zimmerman. Nobody knows who attacked who first, and Zimmerman did have a right to shoot him because of the bashing his head into the sidewalk. They both made wrong choices that night. Zimmerman has proven himself an idiot multiple times since this happened. Do you think he's mentally sane by wanting to sell the gun he used to kill Martin on Ebay??? That's just plain stupid! He proves himself to be a moron in everything he does.

He had clear reason to follow Martin. He was a stranger that Zimmerman did not recognize in a gated community that had had breakins.

A stranger BEING in a gated community was "doing something wrong".

A stranger just BEING in a gated community was doing something wrong
? He was staying with his father! Zimmerman didnt' see him peeking into windows, or sneaking around the homes, so he had no clear reason to follow him. He was walking home. He MAY have been scoping things out, but nobody knows that. Martin was wrong for not just going straight home. Him being shot was his fault, it didn't have to happen.

Yes. A stranger just being in a gated community is doing something wrong, if they are not guests of a resident.

Zimmerman was reckless in following a possible bad actor.

Martin was very brutal and criminal in attacking and viciously beating Zimmerman.

You can tell who's side your on when you say Martin was "viciously beating Zimmerman"

Pretty powerful adjective

It fits the description of the fight by a credible witness.

And I am on Zimmerman's side in this. Because he was the victim of a criminal assault.
OJ guilty as hell of a double murder. Then after a black jury gives him a get-out-of-jail- free card, the clown ends up in jail because of his stupidity. Karma on steroids. Hope he dies in the slammer.

The dead thug Trayvon Martin was the author of his own misfortune. One of the few things he got right in life.

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