Do you believe OJ Simpson is guilty of murder?

In your OPINION is Simpson guilty of murder?

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Only if you are an animal who shouldn't be walking among us.

Please remember who we are really talking about here: Trayvon! amirite?

I have seen it a thousand times already. People are gleeful he is six feet under. If you want to go for the alien-from-outer-space award, you might want to characterize the subject of this discussion just a little bit more. :lol:
I'm not following you. This seems more like deflection to me. I am certainly not happy the boy is dead in fact I think Zimmerman is responsible because his actions negligible but I'm asking did Trayvon Martin strike George Zimmerman because he was offended that he was being followed because he was black? I think we're getting a little tired of this it's because I'm black thing that blacks keep doing

All you libs believe that Martin was being followed because he was black.

It is extremely likely that Martin believed that he was being followed because he was black.

If he thought that Zimmerman was a racist cracker, that would have been extremely provocative to him.

Though it is interesting to note that that did not match the testimony of his friend he was talking to on the phone.

Not that she is credible.
To assume Z did not follow M because of the latter's boggles the mind.

Z not following the guidance to stand down and not follow by dispatch reveals much more than poor judgment.

The Alt Right tries to use Stand Your Ground as an excuse to kill minorities. If one minority kills another minority, all the better.
A stranger just BEING in a gated community was doing something wrong? He was staying with his father! Zimmerman didnt' see him peeking into windows, or sneaking around the homes, so he had no clear reason to follow him. He was walking home. He MAY have been scoping things out, but nobody knows that. Martin was wrong for not just going straight home. Him being shot was his fault, it didn't have to happen.

Yes. A stranger just being in a gated community is doing something wrong, if they are not guests of a resident.

Zimmerman was reckless in following a possible bad actor.

Martin was very brutal and criminal in attacking and viciously beating Zimmerman.

Martin was staying there at his fathers house!, so ya.....he was a GUEST. He made the mistake of not going straight to his fathers house once he saw Zimmerman. But no, he decided to go back and confront him! I'm saying I don't like these 'stand your ground" laws because people can use them and get away with something they shouldn't. I don't like that Zimmerman didn't at least get manslaughter, maybe he'd think about things first before he follows someone again and it ends up with someone dead.

The Neighborhood watch guy did not know that Martin was a guest of a resident. It is not like he arrested Martin. He followed him and wanted to be able to tell the cops where the stranger was.

If Martin had not reacted like a thug, the MOST that would have happened would have been that cops would have asked Martin if he was a guest of a resident.

Martin's decision to commit a criminal assault, with possibly deadly force, was the primary cause of Martin's death.

THe willingness of lefties to put someone in jail for defending themselves from a vicious attack, is why we need laws like Stand Your Ground.
Yes and no. If you aren't smart enough to understand why Zimmerman was negligible in this homicide, I don't think you'll pass the test to conceal carry.

But chances are you're not going to be a high profile case and prosecutors are going to charge and put it this way. Most people who pull the trigger wish they didn't. And had aa gun not been present things would have went down much different. Zimmy wouldn't have chased tre

1 Your assumption that carrying made Zimmerman more aggressive is unsupported and the belief of someone without experience carrying, or exposure to people who carry.

2. Zimmerman did nothing negligent. HE did nothing illegal. He did nothing immoral. He did nothing unethical. He was well within his rights every step of the way. MARTIN is the one that committed the crime. He is responsible for what occurred that night.

3. THe willingness of lefties to put someone in jail for defending themselves from a vicious attack, is why we need laws like Stand Your Ground.
Like I said, yes and no. I see both sides of this argument. You should too. Stand your ground needs to be tweeked. I looked into all the facts of this case last night and yes Martin was negligent. No he would not have gotten into this situation had he not been carrying a gun. And I think Zimmerman should have been charged. Guilty? That's for a jury to decide. But there was enough evidence to put him on trial. Who knows if his side of the story is accurate. Seems a little fishy to me.

But after saying all that, I believe Treyvon put his hands on Zimmerman first. So Zimmerman has the right to defend himself. I don't like it that he was chasing after him or stalking him though but it was a gated community and I believe Trevon, in his head, was playing the "it's because I'm black" card. He probably was stealing and peeping and probably did look suspect. Well guess what kid? You're in a gated community with a neighborhood watch. Get over it. Answer the man's questions and don't put your hands on him.

And again, blacks would be screaming racism if I beat up a black guy that was chasing me. They would assume I was stereotyping him and that I should have waited to hear what he had to say before I jumped him and pounded him into the ground. Blacks need to learn how to live in a civilized society. And stop peeping in windows while wearing a hoodie in the middle of the night.

Black young men go around stealing and then get offended when you accuse them of stealing. Maybe if so many of them weren't stealing we wouldn't be so paranoid.
To assume Z did not follow M because of the latter's boggles the mind.

Z not following the guidance to stand down and not follow by dispatch reveals much more than poor judgment.

The Alt Right tries to use Stand Your Ground as an excuse to kill minorities. If one minority kills another minority, all the better.

Do you think if I approach a black young man and question him for being in my gated community in the middle of the night by himself, do you think that gives him a right to hit me?
Only if you are an animal who shouldn't be walking among us.

Please remember who we are really talking about here: Trayvon! amirite?

I have seen it a thousand times already. People are gleeful he is six feet under. If you want to go for the alien-from-outer-space award, you might want to characterize the subject of this discussion just a little bit more. :lol:
I'm not following you. This seems more like deflection to me. I am certainly not happy the boy is dead in fact I think Zimmerman is responsible because his actions negligible but I'm asking did Trayvon Martin strike George Zimmerman because he was offended that he was being followed because he was black? I think we're getting a little tired of this it's because I'm black thing that blacks keep doing

All you libs believe that Martin was being followed because he was black.

It is extremely likely that Martin believed that he was being followed because he was black.

If he thought that Zimmerman was a racist cracker, that would have been extremely provocative to him.

Though it is interesting to note that that did not match the testimony of his friend he was talking to on the phone.

Not that she is credible.
He was being followed because he was a young black male. Z said, "I think he's black". Z sure wasn't chasing a little old white lady.
To assume Z did not follow M because of the latter's boggles the mind.

Z not following the guidance to stand down and not follow by dispatch reveals much more than poor judgment.

The Alt Right tries to use Stand Your Ground as an excuse to kill minorities. If one minority kills another minority, all the better.

Do you think if I approach a black young man and question him for being in my gated community in the middle of the night by himself, do you think that gives him a right to hit me?
If you have been following him and he feels threatened, particularly if he sees you have a gun, he has every right to stand his ground and thump you.

However, as I believe happened, TM shed that right when he went into the condo and came back out intending to assault TM.

If I were a were a member of that jury, I would have found "not guilty". Do understand that I despise GZ as a human being.
Yes. A stranger just being in a gated community is doing something wrong, if they are not guests of a resident.

Zimmerman was reckless in following a possible bad actor.

Martin was very brutal and criminal in attacking and viciously beating Zimmerman.

Martin was staying there at his fathers house!, so ya.....he was a GUEST. He made the mistake of not going straight to his fathers house once he saw Zimmerman. But no, he decided to go back and confront him! I'm saying I don't like these 'stand your ground" laws because people can use them and get away with something they shouldn't. I don't like that Zimmerman didn't at least get manslaughter, maybe he'd think about things first before he follows someone again and it ends up with someone dead.

The Neighborhood watch guy did not know that Martin was a guest of a resident. It is not like he arrested Martin. He followed him and wanted to be able to tell the cops where the stranger was.

If Martin had not reacted like a thug, the MOST that would have happened would have been that cops would have asked Martin if he was a guest of a resident.

Martin's decision to commit a criminal assault, with possibly deadly force, was the primary cause of Martin's death.

THe willingness of lefties to put someone in jail for defending themselves from a vicious attack, is why we need laws like Stand Your Ground.
Yes and no. If you aren't smart enough to understand why Zimmerman was negligible in this homicide, I don't think you'll pass the test to conceal carry.

But chances are you're not going to be a high profile case and prosecutors are going to charge and put it this way. Most people who pull the trigger wish they didn't. And had aa gun not been present things would have went down much different. Zimmy wouldn't have chased tre

1 Your assumption that carrying made Zimmerman more aggressive is unsupported and the belief of someone without experience carrying, or exposure to people who carry.

2. Zimmerman did nothing negligent. HE did nothing illegal. He did nothing immoral. He did nothing unethical. He was well within his rights every step of the way. MARTIN is the one that committed the crime. He is responsible for what occurred that night.

3. THe willingness of lefties to put someone in jail for defending themselves from a vicious attack, is why we need laws like Stand Your Ground.
Like I said, yes and no. I see both sides of this argument. You should too. Stand your ground needs to be tweeked. I looked into all the facts of this case last night and yes Martin was negligent. No he would not have gotten into this situation had he not been carrying a gun. And I think Zimmerman should have been charged. Guilty? That's for a jury to decide. But there was enough evidence to put him on trial. Who knows if his side of the story is accurate. Seems a little fishy to me.

But after saying all that, I believe Treyvon put his hands on Zimmerman first. So Zimmerman has the right to defend himself. I don't like it that he was chasing after him or stalking him though but it was a gated community and I believe Trevon, in his head, was playing the "it's because I'm black" card. He probably was stealing and peeping and probably did look suspect. Well guess what kid? You're in a gated community with a neighborhood watch. Get over it. Answer the man's questions and don't put your hands on him.

And again, blacks would be screaming racism if I beat up a black guy that was chasing me. They would assume I was stereotyping him and that I should have waited to hear what he had to say before I jumped him and pounded him into the ground. Blacks need to learn how to live in a civilized society. And stop peeping in windows while wearing a hoodie in the middle of the night.

Black young men go around stealing and then get offended when you accuse them of stealing. Maybe if so many of them weren't stealing we wouldn't be so paranoid.

1. Your assumption that carrying makes people more aggressive is just your unsupported opinion, that does not match with my personal knowledge and experience.

2. If Martin attacked Zimmerman, then Zimmerman had the Right to Defend himself.

Your support for putting someone in jail for defending himself is why we need Stand your Ground laws.

3. Thank you for admitting that it was probably Martin that started the fight. That is very intellectually honest of you.
Only if you are an animal who shouldn't be walking among us.

Please remember who we are really talking about here: Trayvon! amirite?

I have seen it a thousand times already. People are gleeful he is six feet under. If you want to go for the alien-from-outer-space award, you might want to characterize the subject of this discussion just a little bit more. :lol:
I'm not following you. This seems more like deflection to me. I am certainly not happy the boy is dead in fact I think Zimmerman is responsible because his actions negligible but I'm asking did Trayvon Martin strike George Zimmerman because he was offended that he was being followed because he was black? I think we're getting a little tired of this it's because I'm black thing that blacks keep doing

All you libs believe that Martin was being followed because he was black.

It is extremely likely that Martin believed that he was being followed because he was black.

If he thought that Zimmerman was a racist cracker, that would have been extremely provocative to him.

Though it is interesting to note that that did not match the testimony of his friend he was talking to on the phone.

Not that she is credible.
He was being followed because he was a young black male. Z said, "I think he's black". Z sure wasn't chasing a little old white lady.

That was in response to the dispatcher asking for a description.
Any assumption that carrying makes people less aggressive is merely unsupported opinion. In this matter, personal anecdotes don't matter as to the truth of the statement.

If Martin attacked Zimmerman, then Zimmerman had the Right to Defend himself is not an absolute fact. If Z was pointing a gun at M, then M had the right to attack Z.

The facts are clear that M lost his right to stand his ground when he into the condo and then came out to attack Z.
Only if you are an animal who shouldn't be walking among us.

Please remember who we are really talking about here: Trayvon! amirite?

I have seen it a thousand times already. People are gleeful he is six feet under. If you want to go for the alien-from-outer-space award, you might want to characterize the subject of this discussion just a little bit more. :lol:
I'm not following you. This seems more like deflection to me. I am certainly not happy the boy is dead in fact I think Zimmerman is responsible because his actions negligible but I'm asking did Trayvon Martin strike George Zimmerman because he was offended that he was being followed because he was black? I think we're getting a little tired of this it's because I'm black thing that blacks keep doing

All you libs believe that Martin was being followed because he was black.

It is extremely likely that Martin believed that he was being followed because he was black.

If he thought that Zimmerman was a racist cracker, that would have been extremely provocative to him.

Though it is interesting to note that that did not match the testimony of his friend he was talking to on the phone.

Not that she is credible.
He was being followed because he was a young black male. Z said, "I think he's black". Z sure wasn't chasing a little old white lady.

That was in response to the dispatcher asking for a description.
That was the REASON Z was following M.
Only if you are an animal who shouldn't be walking among us.

Please remember who we are really talking about here: Trayvon! amirite?

I have seen it a thousand times already. People are gleeful he is six feet under. If you want to go for the alien-from-outer-space award, you might want to characterize the subject of this discussion just a little bit more. :lol:
I'm not following you. This seems more like deflection to me. I am certainly not happy the boy is dead in fact I think Zimmerman is responsible because his actions negligible but I'm asking did Trayvon Martin strike George Zimmerman because he was offended that he was being followed because he was black? I think we're getting a little tired of this it's because I'm black thing that blacks keep doing

All you libs believe that Martin was being followed because he was black.

It is extremely likely that Martin believed that he was being followed because he was black.

If he thought that Zimmerman was a racist cracker, that would have been extremely provocative to him.

Though it is interesting to note that that did not match the testimony of his friend he was talking to on the phone.

Not that she is credible.
He was being followed because he was a young black male. Z said, "I think he's black". Z sure wasn't chasing a little old white lady.

That was in response to the dispatcher asking for a description.
I think we shouldn't put the neighborhood watch in prison is some young black kid decides he's offended for being called out. Sorry young black guys but unless you are working I don't know any person white or black that's comfortable when an unknown black male is in the area. Sorry but you have a track record that can't be denied.
Please remember who we are really talking about here: Trayvon! amirite?

I have seen it a thousand times already. People are gleeful he is six feet under. If you want to go for the alien-from-outer-space award, you might want to characterize the subject of this discussion just a little bit more. :lol:
I'm not following you. This seems more like deflection to me. I am certainly not happy the boy is dead in fact I think Zimmerman is responsible because his actions negligible but I'm asking did Trayvon Martin strike George Zimmerman because he was offended that he was being followed because he was black? I think we're getting a little tired of this it's because I'm black thing that blacks keep doing

All you libs believe that Martin was being followed because he was black.

It is extremely likely that Martin believed that he was being followed because he was black.

If he thought that Zimmerman was a racist cracker, that would have been extremely provocative to him.

Though it is interesting to note that that did not match the testimony of his friend he was talking to on the phone.

Not that she is credible.
He was being followed because he was a young black male. Z said, "I think he's black". Z sure wasn't chasing a little old white lady.

That was in response to the dispatcher asking for a description.
I think we shouldn't put the neighborhood watch in prison is some young black kid decides he's offended for being called out. Sorry young black guys but unless you are working I don't know any person white or black that's comfortable when an unknown black male is in the area. Sorry but you have a track record that can't be denied.

Why don't we just throw up our hands and give the neighborhood watch the same authority and eventually the power to impose check-points, as they have in the West Bank.
Please remember who we are really talking about here: Trayvon! amirite?

I have seen it a thousand times already. People are gleeful he is six feet under. If you want to go for the alien-from-outer-space award, you might want to characterize the subject of this discussion just a little bit more. :lol:
I'm not following you. This seems more like deflection to me. I am certainly not happy the boy is dead in fact I think Zimmerman is responsible because his actions negligible but I'm asking did Trayvon Martin strike George Zimmerman because he was offended that he was being followed because he was black? I think we're getting a little tired of this it's because I'm black thing that blacks keep doing

All you libs believe that Martin was being followed because he was black.

It is extremely likely that Martin believed that he was being followed because he was black.

If he thought that Zimmerman was a racist cracker, that would have been extremely provocative to him.

Though it is interesting to note that that did not match the testimony of his friend he was talking to on the phone.

Not that she is credible.
He was being followed because he was a young black male. Z said, "I think he's black". Z sure wasn't chasing a little old white lady.

That was in response to the dispatcher asking for a description.
I think we shouldn't put the neighborhood watch in prison is some young black kid decides he's offended for being called out. Sorry young black guys but unless you are working I don't know any person white or black that's comfortable when an unknown black male is in the area. Sorry but you have a track record that can't be denied.


There should not be strangers wandering around.

The neighborhood watch guy saw a stranger.

A stranger that matched a description of a suspected burglar operating in the area.

A stranger acting suspiciously looking at/into houses.

Any one of those facts would be reason for a neighbor hood watch guy to take interest.

Would Zimmerman have followed a black kid that he knew lived in the area that was not looking at/into houses and that did NOT match a suspected burglar?

I don't know. If that was the story, then this would be a different conversation.
I'm not following you. This seems more like deflection to me. I am certainly not happy the boy is dead in fact I think Zimmerman is responsible because his actions negligible but I'm asking did Trayvon Martin strike George Zimmerman because he was offended that he was being followed because he was black? I think we're getting a little tired of this it's because I'm black thing that blacks keep doing

All you libs believe that Martin was being followed because he was black.

It is extremely likely that Martin believed that he was being followed because he was black.

If he thought that Zimmerman was a racist cracker, that would have been extremely provocative to him.

Though it is interesting to note that that did not match the testimony of his friend he was talking to on the phone.

Not that she is credible.
He was being followed because he was a young black male. Z said, "I think he's black". Z sure wasn't chasing a little old white lady.

That was in response to the dispatcher asking for a description.
I think we shouldn't put the neighborhood watch in prison is some young black kid decides he's offended for being called out. Sorry young black guys but unless you are working I don't know any person white or black that's comfortable when an unknown black male is in the area. Sorry but you have a track record that can't be denied.

Why don't we just throw up our hands and give the neighborhood watch the same authority and eventually the power to impose check-points, as they have in the West Bank.

Don't some gated communities have guarded gates?

I would love to have that level of protection.

Especially if the community was big enough that the child could wander in the neighborhood without being in the wider world.
All you libs believe that Martin was being followed because he was black.

It is extremely likely that Martin believed that he was being followed because he was black.

If he thought that Zimmerman was a racist cracker, that would have been extremely provocative to him.

Though it is interesting to note that that did not match the testimony of his friend he was talking to on the phone.

Not that she is credible.
He was being followed because he was a young black male. Z said, "I think he's black". Z sure wasn't chasing a little old white lady.

That was in response to the dispatcher asking for a description.
I think we shouldn't put the neighborhood watch in prison is some young black kid decides he's offended for being called out. Sorry young black guys but unless you are working I don't know any person white or black that's comfortable when an unknown black male is in the area. Sorry but you have a track record that can't be denied.

Why don't we just throw up our hands and give the neighborhood watch the same authority and eventually the power to impose check-points, as they have in the West Bank.

Don't some gated communities have guarded gates?

I would love to have that level of protection.

Especially if the community was big enough that the child could wander in the neighborhood without being in the wider world.

Actually, I live in a gated community. However, that isn't what I was talking about. I meant the free movement of vehicle and foot traffic on city streets.
Neither Zimmerman nor Martin could be proven to have intent to attack or kill anyone going into the struggle over the gun, but there is reason and room to believe that both men were afraid the other was attacking them with the intent or threat to kill, and were both fighting to defend themselves from a perceived attacker they feared was trying to kill them.

Except one thing. I can't imagine Zimmerman threw the first punch. Are you telling me I have the right to beat the shit out of someone chasing after me? I don't. Even if I'm offended and feel threatened I have to find out what's going on before I start attacking.

Notice I didn't say defending myself? Because if Zimmerman wasn't attacking, trevon couldn't be defending himself.

If I freaked out because a black guy was running towards me you'd call me racist. Maybe I forgot my change or dropped my wallet? Blacks are always saying it's racist that we fear young black men. Why did treyvon fear Zimmerman? Just fell him you are a guest

Dear sealybobo Were you there? I wasn't.
I have no way to confirm who threw the first punch.

As many accounts say that Martin was the one who confronted Zimmerman.
But I think that was also because he thought Zimmerman was stalking him.
Who knows.

All I can surmise is that both men were deathly afraid of the other.
They didn't know each other, or each other's intent.

They both got into a fight.
And one of them died, the other survived.
They both could have survived or both could have died.

The cause was that there was NOT a prearranged agreement
on what procedure is used to confront people similar to a set process that police are supposed to use.

The cure to these problems is for each community and resident to meet with police
and train and agree what the procedures are for everyone to sign on in agreement
in order to live in that district and for the police to agree to work there. If anyone
disagrees, they either need to be fired or banned from living there. And only
have people per neighborhood or precinct who are trained and agree to follow procedures.
(Anyone who is mentally disabled or impaired should agree to have accommodations, counseling or supervision to prevent mentally ill or mood disorder disruptions from becoming deadly confrontations by having a preset process for calling in specially trained help.)

This goes for both police and civilians, and any others acting as security patrols.
Anyone's guests who enter that area must be informed by a posted sign and agree to the policies. If every community did this, it would become the norm. People would ask what are the rules for guests and ID of people in this area? BEFORE getting in conflict with anyone.

And this will screen out criminals with ill intent not to follow the law and procedures.
That's how to do it. To save lives, prevent abuse and violence, and deter/screen out criminal influences. The more communities have agreements with their police, anyone with other intent will STAY AWAY!
He was being followed because he was a young black male. Z said, "I think he's black". Z sure wasn't chasing a little old white lady.

That was in response to the dispatcher asking for a description.
I think we shouldn't put the neighborhood watch in prison is some young black kid decides he's offended for being called out. Sorry young black guys but unless you are working I don't know any person white or black that's comfortable when an unknown black male is in the area. Sorry but you have a track record that can't be denied.

Why don't we just throw up our hands and give the neighborhood watch the same authority and eventually the power to impose check-points, as they have in the West Bank.

Don't some gated communities have guarded gates?

I would love to have that level of protection.

Especially if the community was big enough that the child could wander in the neighborhood without being in the wider world.

Actually, I live in a gated community. However, that isn't what I was talking about. I meant the free movement of vehicle and foot traffic on city streets.

THen you raise an interesting question.

Should a local community, have the right to take steps to protect itself even if that means interfering with public access to public roads and sidewalks?

i would say yes. As long as major transportation arteries are not in question.

Fuck public access. If we can't fix social problems the least we can do it allow people to protect themselves from them.
Of course, just like Zimmerman, and just like OJ, Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder and should go away quietly and live out the remainder of his existence quietly, away from public view. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if he keeps fucking up and eventually winds up incarcerated. Although that might be entertaining.

Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder

Shooting a thug who is bashing your head on the concrete is not murder.

Stalking a kid with a gun is. Of he's such a pussy that a teenaged kid took him to task while he was armed he should have enough sense to keep his pudgy ass at home and let the real cops handle it. ButI'm not at all surprised this would be your take on it.
Of course, just like Zimmerman, and just like OJ, Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder and should go away quietly and live out the remainder of his existence quietly, away from public view. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if he keeps fucking up and eventually winds up incarcerated. Although that might be entertaining.

Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder

Shooting a thug who is bashing your head on the concrete is not murder.

Stalking a kid with a gun is. Of he's such a pussy that a teenaged kid took him to task while he was armed he should have enough sense to keep his pudgy ass at home and let the real cops handle it. ButI'm not at all surprised this would be your take on it.

Following a suspicious person to vector the cops in is not stalking someone.

Your pretense that a 17 year old football player is a harmless kid is noted and dismissed. Please consider it ridiculed also.

Your implication that someone who is unable to defend himself in unarmed combat does not have the right to defend himself is noted. .

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