Do you believe OJ Simpson is guilty of murder?

In your OPINION is Simpson guilty of murder?

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Of course, just like Zimmerman, and just like OJ, Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder and should go away quietly and live out the remainder of his existence quietly, away from public view. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if he keeps fucking up and eventually winds up incarcerated. Although that might be entertaining.

Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder

Shooting a thug who is bashing your head on the concrete is not murder.

Stalking a kid with a gun is. Of he's such a pussy that a teenaged kid took him to task while he was armed he should have enough sense to keep his pudgy ass at home and let the real cops handle it. ButI'm not at all surprised this would be your take on it.

Following a suspicious person to vector the cops in is not stalking someone.

Your pretense that a 17 year old football player is a harmless kid is noted and dismissed. Please consider it ridiculed also.

Your implication that someone who is unable to defend himself in unarmed combat does not have the right to defend himself is noted. .

Of course, blacks are suspicious, what a tool. Here's my implication son, any grown as man, armed, who cannot figure out any other way of dealing with a teenager, other than murdering him, is a sorryassed excuse for a man. I think we all know where you come out on that scale. Zimmie called it in, and then kept after it after the cops told him they had it .... not to.

Your underlying reasons for your stance are obvious to even the most casual of observers.
Of course, just like Zimmerman, and just like OJ, Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder and should go away quietly and live out the remainder of his existence quietly, away from public view. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if he keeps fucking up and eventually winds up incarcerated. Although that might be entertaining.

Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder

Shooting a thug who is bashing your head on the concrete is not murder.

Stalking a kid with a gun is. Of he's such a pussy that a teenaged kid took him to task while he was armed he should have enough sense to keep his pudgy ass at home and let the real cops handle it. ButI'm not at all surprised this would be your take on it.

Following a suspicious person to vector the cops in is not stalking someone.

Your pretense that a 17 year old football player is a harmless kid is noted and dismissed. Please consider it ridiculed also.

Your implication that someone who is unable to defend himself in unarmed combat does not have the right to defend himself is noted. .

Of course, blacks are suspicious, what a tool. Here's my implication son, any grown as man, armed, who cannot figure out any other way of dealing with a teenager, other than murdering him, is a sorryassed excuse for a man. I think we all know where you come out on that scale. Zimmie called it in, and then kept after it after the cops told him they had it .... not to.

Your underlying reasons for your stance are obvious to even the most casual of observers.

I already dismissed and ridiculed your implication that a 17 year old football player is a harmless kid.

I have already dismissed and ridiculed your implication that a man who is not able to defend himself in a fight does not have the right to defend himself.

I will take you last vague snide comment as a Race Card play.

For you.

Of course, just like Zimmerman, and just like OJ, Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder and should go away quietly and live out the remainder of his existence quietly, away from public view. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if he keeps fucking up and eventually winds up incarcerated. Although that might be entertaining.

Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder

Shooting a thug who is bashing your head on the concrete is not murder.

Stalking a kid with a gun is. Of he's such a pussy that a teenaged kid took him to task while he was armed he should have enough sense to keep his pudgy ass at home and let the real cops handle it. ButI'm not at all surprised this would be your take on it.

Following a suspicious person to vector the cops in is not stalking someone.

Your pretense that a 17 year old football player is a harmless kid is noted and dismissed. Please consider it ridiculed also.

Your implication that someone who is unable to defend himself in unarmed combat does not have the right to defend himself is noted. .

Of course, blacks are suspicious, what a tool. Here's my implication son, any grown as man, armed, who cannot figure out any other way of dealing with a teenager, other than murdering him, is a sorryassed excuse for a man. I think we all know where you come out on that scale. Zimmie called it in, and then kept after it after the cops told him they had it .... not to.

Your underlying reasons for your stance are obvious to even the most casual of observers.

I already dismissed and ridiculed your implication that a 17 year old football player is a harmless kid.

I have already dismissed and ridiculed your implication that a man who is not able to defend himself in a fight does not have the right to defend himself.

I will take you last vague snide comment as a Race Card play.

For you.


You are what you are son.
Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder

Shooting a thug who is bashing your head on the concrete is not murder.

Stalking a kid with a gun is. Of he's such a pussy that a teenaged kid took him to task while he was armed he should have enough sense to keep his pudgy ass at home and let the real cops handle it. ButI'm not at all surprised this would be your take on it.

Following a suspicious person to vector the cops in is not stalking someone.

Your pretense that a 17 year old football player is a harmless kid is noted and dismissed. Please consider it ridiculed also.

Your implication that someone who is unable to defend himself in unarmed combat does not have the right to defend himself is noted. .

Of course, blacks are suspicious, what a tool. Here's my implication son, any grown as man, armed, who cannot figure out any other way of dealing with a teenager, other than murdering him, is a sorryassed excuse for a man. I think we all know where you come out on that scale. Zimmie called it in, and then kept after it after the cops told him they had it .... not to.

Your underlying reasons for your stance are obvious to even the most casual of observers.

I already dismissed and ridiculed your implication that a 17 year old football player is a harmless kid.

I have already dismissed and ridiculed your implication that a man who is not able to defend himself in a fight does not have the right to defend himself.

I will take you last vague snide comment as a Race Card play.

For you.


You are what you are son.


You are also what you are old man.
Of course, just like Zimmerman, and just like OJ, Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder and should go away quietly and live out the remainder of his existence quietly, away from public view. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if he keeps fucking up and eventually winds up incarcerated. Although that might be entertaining.

Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder

Shooting a thug who is bashing your head on the concrete is not murder.

Stalking a kid with a gun is. Of he's such a pussy that a teenaged kid took him to task while he was armed he should have enough sense to keep his pudgy ass at home and let the real cops handle it. ButI'm not at all surprised this would be your take on it.

Stalking a kid with a gun is.

You'll have to post your definition of stalking.
I'm sure it doesn't fit the legal definition.

And how is stalking murder? I've heard meat is murder.....but that's nutty too.

Of he's such a pussy that a teenaged kid took him to task

You mean if a teenaged thug beat his head on the sidewalk?
All you libs believe that Martin was being followed because he was black.

It is extremely likely that Martin believed that he was being followed because he was black.

If he thought that Zimmerman was a racist cracker, that would have been extremely provocative to him.

Though it is interesting to note that that did not match the testimony of his friend he was talking to on the phone.

Not that she is credible.
He was being followed because he was a young black male. Z said, "I think he's black". Z sure wasn't chasing a little old white lady.

That was in response to the dispatcher asking for a description.
I think we shouldn't put the neighborhood watch in prison is some young black kid decides he's offended for being called out. Sorry young black guys but unless you are working I don't know any person white or black that's comfortable when an unknown black male is in the area. Sorry but you have a track record that can't be denied.

Why don't we just throw up our hands and give the neighborhood watch the same authority and eventually the power to impose check-points, as they have in the West Bank.

Don't some gated communities have guarded gates?

I would love to have that level of protection.

Especially if the community was big enough that the child could wander in the neighborhood without being in the wider world.
And what's wrong with a gated community wanting to have armed guards? Do you have a problem with being able to conceal carry?
Neither Zimmerman nor Martin could be proven to have intent to attack or kill anyone going into the struggle over the gun, but there is reason and room to believe that both men were afraid the other was attacking them with the intent or threat to kill, and were both fighting to defend themselves from a perceived attacker they feared was trying to kill them.

Except one thing. I can't imagine Zimmerman threw the first punch. Are you telling me I have the right to beat the shit out of someone chasing after me? I don't. Even if I'm offended and feel threatened I have to find out what's going on before I start attacking.

Notice I didn't say defending myself? Because if Zimmerman wasn't attacking, trevon couldn't be defending himself.

If I freaked out because a black guy was running towards me you'd call me racist. Maybe I forgot my change or dropped my wallet? Blacks are always saying it's racist that we fear young black men. Why did treyvon fear Zimmerman? Just fell him you are a guest

Dear sealybobo Were you there? I wasn't.
I have no way to confirm who threw the first punch.

As many accounts say that Martin was the one who confronted Zimmerman.
But I think that was also because he thought Zimmerman was stalking him.
Who knows.

All I can surmise is that both men were deathly afraid of the other.
They didn't know each other, or each other's intent.

They both got into a fight.
And one of them died, the other survived.
They both could have survived or both could have died.

The cause was that there was NOT a prearranged agreement
on what procedure is used to confront people similar to a set process that police are supposed to use.

The cure to these problems is for each community and resident to meet with police
and train and agree what the procedures are for everyone to sign on in agreement
in order to live in that district and for the police to agree to work there. If anyone
disagrees, they either need to be fired or banned from living there. And only
have people per neighborhood or precinct who are trained and agree to follow procedures.
(Anyone who is mentally disabled or impaired should agree to have accommodations, counseling or supervision to prevent mentally ill or mood disorder disruptions from becoming deadly confrontations by having a preset process for calling in specially trained help.)

This goes for both police and civilians, and any others acting as security patrols.
Anyone's guests who enter that area must be informed by a posted sign and agree to the policies. If every community did this, it would become the norm. People would ask what are the rules for guests and ID of people in this area? BEFORE getting in conflict with anyone.

And this will screen out criminals with ill intent not to follow the law and procedures.
That's how to do it. To save lives, prevent abuse and violence, and deter/screen out criminal influences. The more communities have agreements with their police, anyone with other intent will STAY AWAY!
Reminds me of Switzerland. Lots of rules but a beautiful place.
He was being followed because he was a young black male. Z said, "I think he's black". Z sure wasn't chasing a little old white lady.

That was in response to the dispatcher asking for a description.
I think we shouldn't put the neighborhood watch in prison is some young black kid decides he's offended for being called out. Sorry young black guys but unless you are working I don't know any person white or black that's comfortable when an unknown black male is in the area. Sorry but you have a track record that can't be denied.

Why don't we just throw up our hands and give the neighborhood watch the same authority and eventually the power to impose check-points, as they have in the West Bank.

Don't some gated communities have guarded gates?

I would love to have that level of protection.

Especially if the community was big enough that the child could wander in the neighborhood without being in the wider world.
And what's wrong with a gated community wanting to have armed guards? Do you have a problem with being able to conceal carry?

Nothing and no.
Of course, just like Zimmerman, and just like OJ, Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder and should go away quietly and live out the remainder of his existence quietly, away from public view. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if he keeps fucking up and eventually winds up incarcerated. Although that might be entertaining.

Zimmie is too stupid to understand he got away with murder

Shooting a thug who is bashing your head on the concrete is not murder.

Stalking a kid with a gun is. Of he's such a pussy that a teenaged kid took him to task while he was armed he should have enough sense to keep his pudgy ass at home and let the real cops handle it. ButI'm not at all surprised this would be your take on it.
He's the neighborhood watch and he has a right to carry a gun.

Now let's say tre was offended and no longer afraid and he attacked zim, which is what I believe happened, this gave Zimmerman the right to use stand your ground.

Do you think Zimmerman would have shot tre if tre just used his words?

Here's what sucks about black people. They may be great neighbors but they date a guy like tres dad and she invites tre over to go out stealing. And if he was innocent, that's no reason to get in a fight. We are more civilized or at least we aspire to be
That was in response to the dispatcher asking for a description.
I think we shouldn't put the neighborhood watch in prison is some young black kid decides he's offended for being called out. Sorry young black guys but unless you are working I don't know any person white or black that's comfortable when an unknown black male is in the area. Sorry but you have a track record that can't be denied.

Why don't we just throw up our hands and give the neighborhood watch the same authority and eventually the power to impose check-points, as they have in the West Bank.

Don't some gated communities have guarded gates?

I would love to have that level of protection.

Especially if the community was big enough that the child could wander in the neighborhood without being in the wider world.
And what's wrong with a gated community wanting to have armed guards? Do you have a problem with being able to conceal carry?

Nothing and no.
That question was for quickhit
I think we shouldn't put the neighborhood watch in prison is some young black kid decides he's offended for being called out. Sorry young black guys but unless you are working I don't know any person white or black that's comfortable when an unknown black male is in the area. Sorry but you have a track record that can't be denied.

Why don't we just throw up our hands and give the neighborhood watch the same authority and eventually the power to impose check-points, as they have in the West Bank.

Don't some gated communities have guarded gates?

I would love to have that level of protection.

Especially if the community was big enough that the child could wander in the neighborhood without being in the wider world.
And what's wrong with a gated community wanting to have armed guards? Do you have a problem with being able to conceal carry?

Nothing and no.
That question was for quickhit

Ah, that makes sense.
Fuck public access. If we can't fix social problems the least we can do it allow people to protect themselves from them.

This sounds like a veiled attack on gun ownership.

Like you said here, if we cannot fix our social problems, fuck it. However, the many millions of guns in private ownership are an awesome protection, but when it comes to free movement, only zombies could move around town without running into blockages. It is simply today's modern demands and coincidence... Nobody's fault really. Americans are workaholics and when they get free time, they rush around trying to buy what they need or have a good time. This makes walking down the street quite dangerous unless you are cautious. Cities, counties, states or even the feds won't have to make a whole bunch of new laws to restrict people's movement. It will be by their own doing and selfishness: Looking out for #1.

What we really need is people to slow down and hopefully work less like they do in Europe. Having bicycled a lot and done hundreds of long walks, I know all too well how dangerous the streets are. That is why we don't see more people exercising outdoors, instead of in gyms. We need the police to enforce the most important traffic laws once in awhile, which they almost never do; rather than usually giving people chickenshit tickets. My idea of the what driving laws are just as important as going at a safe speed limit is knowing the 60-second rule and safe following distances. You can get a good idea of what is a safe following distance in the city by going on the freeway and setting cruise control at 60MPH. Pick a familiar landmark on the right of the freeway, and when you pass it, start counting to sixty in seconds. Then pretend a visible landmark a mile ahead is a car. If you get to the object in the distance in nearly one minute, you will have a better idea of what are good following distances on the freeway, which can be applied to driving around the city. I am not sure if I explained this rule fully correct, because I learned it when I was a kid, when my dad explained it me. I may have omitted one or two steps. :dunno:

I would be grateful if someone could fill in the gaps. Maybe, ShootSpeeders :lol:

Nevertheless, this rule is important because not having safe following distances driving in town creates strife, tension and an unsafe environment for small children.

If people would just slow down in the city and give just a little bit more room to the car ahead of them, the atmosphere would greatly improve, and consequently, we would not need self-proclaimed neighborhood watch moguls like George Zimmerman.
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Fuck public access. If we can't fix social problems the least we can do it allow people to protect themselves from them.

This sounds like a veiled attack on gun ownership.

Like you said here, if we cannot fix our social problems, fuck it. However, the many millions of guns in private ownership are an awesome protection, but when it comes to free movement, only zombies could move around town without running into blockages. It is simply today's modern demands and coincidence... Nobody's fault really. Americans are workaholics and when they get free time, they rush around trying to buy what they need or have a good time. This makes walking down the street quite dangerous unless you are cautious. Cities, counties, states or even the feds won't have to make a whole bunch of new laws to restrict people's movement. It will be by their own doing and selfishness: Looking out for #1.

What we really need is people to slow down and hopefully work less like they do in Europe. Having bicycled a lot and done hundreds of long walks, I know all too well how dangerous the streets are. That is why we don't see more people exercising outdoors, instead of in gyms. We need the police to enforce the most important traffic laws, rather than usually giving people chickenshit tickets. My idea of the what driving laws are just as important as going at a safe speed limit is allowing the 60-second rule and safe following distances. You can get a good idea of what is a safe following distance in the city by going on the freeway and setting cruise control at 60MPH. Pick a familiar landmark on the right of the freeway, and when you pass it, start counting to sixty in seconds. Then pretend a visible landmark a mile ahead is a car. If you get to the object in the distance in nearly one minute, you have a good idea of what are good following distances. I am not sure if I explained this rule fully correct, because I learned it when I was a kid, when my dad explained it me. I may have omitted one or two steps. :dunno:

I would be grateful if someone could fill in the gaps. Maybe, ShootSpeeders :lol:

Nevertheless, this rule is important because not having safe following distances driving in town creates strife, tension and an unsafe environment for small children.

If people would just slow down in the city and give just a little bit more room to the car ahead of them, the atmosphere would greatly improve, and consequently, we would not need self-proclaimed neighborhood watch moguls like George Zimmerman.

It is not a veiled attack on gun ownership.

Your strong belief on the value of safe following distance is new to me.

Personally I consider other factors as major causes of danger in our society.

Neighborhood watches will be valuable contributers to local communities for the foreseeable future.
Especially if the community was big enough that the child could wander in the neighborhood without being in the wider world.

I do not know much about gated communities that, for instance, are comprised of townhouses. My gated community is a 3-story condo, and when walking around inside, yes, it is a much safer environment. If you live in a gated community like this one for very long, you find out though, that safety is bought with a price. My HOA is very strict about basic rules. Simply riding your bicycle in the parking lot is against the rules. Having your dog off a leash while inside the community is forbidden. I cannot think of any more examples, but you may see what I am getting at.
It is not a veiled attack on gun ownership.

Your strong belief on the value of safe following distance is new to me.

Ok, I didn't think it was, but others can use that type of wording for their various agendas. I fully support gun ownership, and I guess you are an ardent supporter of the 2nd Amendment.

Yep, before I found out how fun internet forums can be, I drove thousands upon thousands of hours on a daily basis for a pastime and to make observations for my research work.

Driving that much usually going nowhere much, I would drive very slowly. With my rule of almost never going on the freeway during all that time, the slow driving maintained an incredible feeling of peace within. Of course, it would not have worked, if I had not owned large cars.

The vast majority of the time I did stop at one place or another and at many parks on each outing for a couple of hours at a time.

Having people driving so closely behind you maybe 10 to 15% of the time, really makes you think about that subject. I never did let it get to me, but of course, it compromised the peace I had inside and did not allow it to flourish. Yea, it is a sort of personal crusade of mine; one that I very rarely discuss with anyone.

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