Do you believe that non-whites should be able to immigrate legally to America?

Are you ok with non-whites coming legally to our country?

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Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Do you believe that non-whites should be able to immigrate legally to America? I believe as long as people are legally coming here I don't care about the race.

Do you agree?
One of Matthews more weirder questions since when did we not allow legals in?

Since Carter? Guess..

Again trump was on the barium and Baily circuit.. The guy has a heart tough but a heart

Trust me.
Who beside that fuck head gusto has a problem with "non whites" immigrating legally?

As long as they are vetted and pass that vetting, they should be welcomed.
There is only one thing that matters, and that is the desire to become an American.

Any person who wants to create a pocket of their own culture instead of ours should stay where they are.
Since Trump is working on an infrastructure bill, mattie must be going back to his racist days
Matthew is there a point to your damn question or will you drop this question quickly because you're not catching the sucker fish you were looking for?

As long as they come here legally who the hell cares where they come from and this includes Muslims which some are white!

Skin color matter to you for some reason and maybe you need to address why you wrote the opinion poll and question but my guess you will leave this alone because again it does not fit into your agenda of looking for those few assholes that are even against legal immigration...
Do you believe that non-whites should be able to immigrate legally to America? I believe as long as people are legally coming here I don't care about the race.

Do you agree?
With our cities and roads congested, family farms disappearing daily due to urban sprawl, our forests being cut down and our wildlife being killed off, I think it really doesn't matter what the race is, rather, we should end immigration, except for small numbers of highly skilled/trained individuals.
If we allow immigration and it is done legally through the proper channels, then I see no reason to exclude anyone that applies and meets the requirements.
except for midgets.
Do you believe that non-whites should be able to immigrate legally to America? I believe as long as people are legally coming here I don't care about the race.

Do you agree?
With our cities and roads congested, family farms disappearing daily due to urban sprawl, our forests being cut down and our wildlife being killed off, I think it really doesn't matter what the race is, rather, we should end immigration, except for small numbers of highly skilled/trained individuals.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leaving race out of the issue , i think that Lucky Duck has it correct . I grew up to 18 years of age in a country in 1970 and population was about 200 million . And of course when i was born in 1949 population was maybe 170 million or less . Now at last census in 2010 the USA population was about 310 million not counting the mostly uncounted illegal aliens . I don't understand people that want more people coming into the USA no matter if they are white or any other color as that wanting more people or immigration makes no sense to me . Anyway , in closing , LuckyDuck has the correct thinking .
Do you believe that non-whites should be able to immigrate legally to America? I believe as long as people are legally coming here I don't care about the race.

Do you agree?
With our cities and roads congested, family farms disappearing daily due to urban sprawl, our forests being cut down and our wildlife being killed off, I think it really doesn't matter what the race is, rather, we should end immigration, except for small numbers of highly skilled/trained individuals.
Its sad but, recently (last year actually) a liberal co-worker was telling me that I was being irresponsible for owing a large 5 acres of land for just my one house and family. Evidently I should live in a city where everything is walking distance and where that 5 acres could house hundreds of people instead of just me, my wife and my daughter. He said that he thought it would be a good idea for property purchases like that be illegal except for strict agricultural purposes.
He was serious.
I agree that immigration needs to be slowed way down to just people that we actually need, that can help make society better in technological ways. It might end the kind of thinking that the guy I worked with suffered from.
and 5 acres is actually a small piece of land, its not like the Ponderosa, trust me.
Do you believe that non-whites should be able to immigrate legally to America? I believe as long as people are legally coming here I don't care about the race.

Do you agree?
With our cities and roads congested, family farms disappearing daily due to urban sprawl, our forests being cut down and our wildlife being killed off, I think it really doesn't matter what the race is, rather, we should end immigration, except for small numbers of highly skilled/trained individuals.
Its sad but, recently (last year actually) a liberal co-worker was telling me that I was being irresponsible for owing a large 5 acres of land for just my one house and family. Evidently I should live in a city where everything is walking distance and where that 5 acres could house hundreds of people instead of just me, my wife and my daughter. He said that he thought it would be a good idea for property purchases like that be illegal except for strict agricultural purposes.
He was serious.
I agree that immigration needs to be slowed way down to just people that we actually need, that can help make society better in technological ways. It might end the kind of thinking that the guy I worked with suffered from.
and 5 acres is actually a small piece of land, its not like the Ponderosa, trust me.
Clearly, your co-worker has Marxist ideas. No doubt the individual will also advocate, at some point, ending private ownership of property altogether. If he or she has attended a university, then some or all of his/her instructors were either socialists or communists.
Do you believe that non-whites should be able to immigrate legally to America? I believe as long as people are legally coming here I don't care about the race.

Do you agree?
With our cities and roads congested, family farms disappearing daily due to urban sprawl, our forests being cut down and our wildlife being killed off, I think it really doesn't matter what the race is, rather, we should end immigration, except for small numbers of highly skilled/trained individuals.
Its sad but, recently (last year actually) a liberal co-worker was telling me that I was being irresponsible for owing a large 5 acres of land for just my one house and family. Evidently I should live in a city where everything is walking distance and where that 5 acres could house hundreds of people instead of just me, my wife and my daughter. He said that he thought it would be a good idea for property purchases like that be illegal except for strict agricultural purposes.
He was serious.
I agree that immigration needs to be slowed way down to just people that we actually need, that can help make society better in technological ways. It might end the kind of thinking that the guy I worked with suffered from.
and 5 acres is actually a small piece of land, its not like the Ponderosa, trust me.
Clearly, your co-worker has Marxist ideas. No doubt the individual will also advocate, at some point, ending private ownership of property altogether. If he or she has attended a university, then some or all of his/her instructors were either socialists or communists.
actually he did say that property ownership was wrong. all land belonged to the citizens (country) and those with large parcels of property should not be allowed to keep people off of their land.
He is hunter and I think that argument came after some land owner refused to give him rights to hunt the property. LOL Not sure if he really believes that or not but he did say it.
Hmmm, maybe thats why I should give up my house in the woods and move to an apartment in the city. would open more land for hunting.
Do you believe that non-whites should be able to immigrate legally to America? I believe as long as people are legally coming here I don't care about the race.

Do you agree?

If they aren't White, we should keep them the hell out!

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