Do you believe that we are now or will soon be overpopulated?

We will NEVER use all the fresh water on this planet.

So sayeth an idiot with no clue or basis to comment initially...
I dont think it has to be said that Unkotare is not exactly my greatest mentor on this forum but, in this case he is 100% correct. We can NEVER use all the fresh water on this planet. We can pollute it to a point that it will be hard to use, but the water will always be there in the same quantity as it is today. Even the water that end up being converted to salt water end up back at the head of the rivers and streams eventually.
we are drinking the same water the dinosaurs drank


We are taking too much fresh water from nature, and that is causing fires in areas where there is no warming...

The larger the human population grows, the more it will consume, and the less for everything else. The Syrian civil war started over water, and in an area of the world that has religious idiots cheering on big families...
Is science not your strong point?
Simple question before I head out to work. Do you believe in overpopulation, do you think it's a current problem or a very near future one, and what label would you use to identify yourself overall?
I sure hope we don't become over populated and tip over!!

Fucking democrats. I just had to throw that in there. :laugh:
We make things worse with our good natured but I'll advised attempt to feed the hungry. The more we feed them, the more children they make.

Not so.


As standards of living improve, fertility rates decline so, no.

Not talking about standards of living. We have been giving food to starving nations in Africa for decades and their standard of living has not improved, they just had more babies.
We can NEVER use all the fresh water on this planet

Yeah, just continue to steal it from plants, trees, and... nevermind...

Like the Federal debt, the general public is way too stupid to understand these type of issues, and won't learn until someone is shooting at them for a small parcel of land to use... or the government check bounces at the liquor store...
Glances around home [Alaska]... Nope.
High IQ Inventors Saved Humans From Dying Out, But Are Treated Like Freaks and Losers

If Alaska had the same population density as Texas, it would have 700 million people. And you don't need global warming to make that happen, just improved heating technology.
Is science not your strong point?

The actual H2O molecules consumes by dinosaurs are all over the planet, in glaciers, in trees, in mud etc.

We live on a finite planet with a finite amount of sustainable life. When we ignore the warning signs and just sing a song, it doesn't make the problem go away..

Where is habitable land where no humans live?

That's the first problem...
Simple question before I head out to work. Do you believe in overpopulation, do you think it's a current problem or a very near future one, and what label would you use to identify yourself overall?
On a serious note, the taxpayers can only afford so much. There is a limit to how many people we can help.
If the definition of overpopulation is that we, as humans, are no longer able to sustain all human life to a certain standard, then yes.

And it's not like "we could, if we wanted ". On a global scale our abilities are bounded by our "will", inherited limitations to the human mind if you like. Or instinct to survival.
Glances around home [Alaska]... Nope.
High IQ Inventors Saved Humans From Dying Out, But Are Treated Like Freaks and Losers

If Alaska had the same population density as Texas, it would have 700 million people. And you don't need global warming to make that happen, just improved heating technology.
and illegals to shovel the cars out.

I meant to write "same population density as New Jersey." Texas is in the middle of population density, so Alaska would have 70 million then.
New Jersey does not self sustain. You are taking a piece of overpopulated land that eats food made in CA and other states and saying we can pack every inch of the planet that way. It doesn't work. You need land to grow crops and feed the animals we eat. Your idiocy doesn't account for that.
The Sage of Main Street I think you might not realize just how huge Alaska is. 663,267 sq miles for 70,000,000 folks is 105 persons per square mile... or roughly the population density of the state of Ohio, and still not at the top density for the US (New Jersey)
Simple question before I head out to work. Do you believe in overpopulation, do you think it's a current problem or a very near future one, and what label would you use to identify yourself overall?
I would say that some countries are over populated, but not the earth as a whole.
Alaska is mostly frozen mountains.

If you would like to experience -40F with 50 mph winds, then move there and give it a try...
I've lived here in Alaska 40+ years, I regularly note that I don't want to live anywhere else. It actually can get to -70F but that's why they make insulation heh

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