Do you believe that we are now or will soon be overpopulated?

Simple question before I head out to work. Do you believe in overpopulation, do you think it's a current problem or a very near future one, and what label would you use to identify yourself overall?
I think resource distribution is the problem, not over-population.

There is plenty of food to go around for everyone. It just doesn't get to everywhere it is needed, for various reasons.

So, no. We do not have an over-population problem at this time.

The first real crush we will feel, as far as population goes, will be sources of fresh water. We are going to need to find a way to economically desalinate ocean water in the near future, I think.

First, those who starve, come and get North America's food surplus. And don't forget to pay for it.

Second, similar "problems" were voiced 40-50 years ago, claiming that cooling of the Earth will lead to global hunger.

Third, water does not disappear. Any kid in third grade who knows about the tale of Water Drop knows this.

Fourth, desalinating sea water only works for countries who are indecently rich with natural wealth they never earned.

Additionally: If you object to coal, work on developing clean way to burn it, rather than daydreaming in wind mills and cloudy day sun panels.

BTW, where does your Prius or $80,00.00 Tesla get its power?
Every single idiotic or despotic government you can think of has one thing in common: it's a product of a collective human effort. On a global human scale everything we do, good and bad, defines us. It is quite obvious that our rate of reproduction isn't met by our ability to sustain it. Not right now, at least.
The answer is technological advancement. I cant think of a so-called first world nation that isn't at zero or negative population growth.

Stupid governments (the socialist democracies of the EU) and despotic governments (most African nations) prevent the industrious in Africa from advancing both technologically and economically.

Good point, and the reason would most likely be a combination of education and knowledge/acceptance of the limitations at hand. In less developed countries it seems that getting that fifth child when already at the breaking point keeps the negative spiral going. I wonder if the reason is that an extra pair of hands in a couple of years feels safer, especially considering the low life expectancy.
Education, economy and technology would most likely be helpful!

Africa still suffers from the European colonial history. As for the rest, I'm not that certain. What government right now is really social democratic? If EU is repressive towards African trade it's most likely because it's good business. Buy cheap, refine, sell with profit.
A simple two-step process to thwart overpopulation:

Encourage liberals belief that vaccinations are an invasion of one's safe space.

Unleash Smallpox.
Africa still suffers from the European colonial history. As for the rest, I'm not that certain. What government right now is really social democratic? If EU is repressive towards African trade it's most likely because it's good business. Buy cheap, refine, sell with profit.
The EU nations, especially France, are very economically xenophobic. They subsidize internal products and tariff the shit out of imports. Even the relatively stable nations along the Nile have a nearly impossible time getting their ag products into Euro markets because of this.
Simple question before I head out to work. Do you believe in overpopulation, do you think it's a current problem or a very near future one, and what label would you use to identify yourself overall?
I think resource distribution is the problem, not over-population.

There is plenty of food to go around for everyone. It just doesn't get to everywhere it is needed, for various reasons.

So, no. We do not have an over-population problem at this time.

The first real crush we will feel, as far as population goes, will be sources of fresh water. We are going to need to find a way to economically desalinate ocean water in the near future, I think.

First, those who starve, come and get North America's food surplus. And don't forget to pay for it.

Second, similar "problems" were voiced 40-50 years ago, claiming that cooling of the Earth will lead to global hunger.

Third, water does not disappear. Any kid in third grade who knows about the tale of Water Drop knows this.

Fourth, desalinating sea water only works for countries who are indecently rich with natural wealth they never earned.

Additionally: If you object to coal, work on developing clean way to burn it, rather than daydreaming in wind mills and cloudy day sun panels.

BTW, where does your Prius or $80,00.00 Tesla get its power?

First, those who starve, come and get North America's food surplus. And don't forget to pay for it.

With what? Their children's organs?

Second, similar "problems" were voiced 40-50 years ago, claiming that cooling of the Earth will lead to global hunger.

Yeah, just as the "problem" of cancer, the "problem" of immigration, the "problem" of getting blown up by bombs has been discussed earlier. Or, perhaps it is only a "problem" if we don't suffer?

Third, water does not disappear. Any kid in third grade who knows about the tale of Water Drop knows this.

If only the children that doesn't live to the age of three knew that, then they wouldn't have to be thirsty?

Fourth, desalinating sea water only works for countries who are indecently rich with natural wealth they never earned.

Yes, that needs to be worked on. Also, dumping the high concentrated salt back creates other accute problems for marine life which have a negative impact on fishing.

Additionally: If you object to coal, work on developing clean way to burn it, rather than daydreaming in wind mills and cloudy day sun panels.

There's a need to develop an array of technologies, if you want to dig up coal, I suggest to find a better use for it than burning it.
Africa still suffers from the European colonial history. As for the rest, I'm not that certain. What government right now is really social democratic? If EU is repressive towards African trade it's most likely because it's good business. Buy cheap, refine, sell with profit.
The EU nations, especially France, are very economically xenophobic. They subsidize internal products and tariff the shit out of imports. Even the relatively stable nations along the Nile have a nearly impossible time getting their ag products into Euro markets because of this.

You could be right, I'm not sure, I live in the EU and it's hard to make an objective view on your self. At least, on a smaller scale, I know you are right (we seem to like free movement and trade as long as it beneficial to ourself)
Is see. Then it's a matter of will. Which we don't have. Because we are unable to feel enough to make the the changes needed. Unable. Lack of ability.
Necessity is the mother of invention.
. It is quite obvious that our rate of reproduction isn't met by our ability to sustain it. Not right now, at least.

Our ability to sustain is far ahead of our rate of reproduction.

Is see. Then it's a matter of will. Which we don't have. Because we are unable to feel enough to make the the changes needed. Unable. Lack of ability.

We DO have the ability.

Alright, perhaps I paint a picture too dark, but we haven't really shown what we are capable of yet. But looking ahead, I believe you might be right.
Most countries are not. For the countries that are, it is an enormous problem with no obvious solution. China tried the one child limit, what are they at 1.5 billion?
Most countries are not. For the countries that are, it is an enormous problem with no obvious solution. China tried the one child limit, what are they at 1.5 billion?

Do you know what demographic problem China is facing?
Simple question before I head out to work. Do you believe in overpopulation, do you think it's a current problem or a very near future one, and what label would you use to identify yourself overall?

That's exactly what it looks like:


Overpopulation won't be an issue.
More and more young married working couples are choosing not to have kids.they realize their employerssimp!y don't believe in they put all their energy into working and retirement. Kids and careers in america do not mix.
Simple question before I head out to work. Do you believe in overpopulation, do you think it's a current problem or a very near future one, and what label would you use to identify yourself overall?
I think resource distribution is the problem, not over-population.

There is plenty of food to go around for everyone. It just doesn't get to everywhere it is needed, for various reasons.

So, no. We do not have an over-population problem at this time.

The first real crush we will feel, as far as population goes, will be sources of fresh water. We are going to need to find a way to economically desalinate ocean water in the near future, I think.

First, those who starve, come and get North America's food surplus. And don't forget to pay for it.

Second, similar "problems" were voiced 40-50 years ago, claiming that cooling of the Earth will lead to global hunger.

Third, water does not disappear. Any kid in third grade who knows about the tale of Water Drop knows this.

Fourth, desalinating sea water only works for countries who are indecently rich with natural wealth they never earned.

Additionally: If you object to coal, work on developing clean way to burn it, rather than daydreaming in wind mills and cloudy day sun panels.

BTW, where does your Prius or $80,00.00 Tesla get its power?

Instead of just blowing bullshit out your arse why don't you occasionally post a reference......if you have any!
The present excess of human population will inevitably lead to sudden reduction of numbers, doubtlessly involving widespread suffering.
Simple question before I head out to work. Do you believe in overpopulation, do you think it's a current problem or a very near future one, and what label would you use to identify yourself overall?
I think resource distribution is the problem, not over-population.

There is plenty of food to go around for everyone. It just doesn't get to everywhere it is needed, for various reasons.

So, no. We do not have an over-population problem at this time.

The first real crush we will feel, as far as population goes, will be sources of fresh water. We are going to need to find a way to economically desalinate ocean water in the near future, I think.
I'd agree with this, at least in the mid to short term. We have enough food, water, and energy. We just do a piss poor job of getting those resources around to folks. Or moving folks around to those resources.

In the long term, we are probably screwed if we don't figure out how to get off the planet and colonize more. The Earth is by definition finite. Population growth is logistic when you have limited resources. Folks won't like what happens when you start to hit that sustainability threshold. There's a reason we have hunting seasons for deer. It's because what happens when nature reigns in their population is far far crueler than a hunter with a gun. As people we need to either expand our resources or take control of our growth because if nature solves the problem, it will get ugly fast.

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