Do you believe that you are saved or that you need saving?


VIP Member
Jan 12, 2012
Do you believe that you are saved or that you need saving?

Most religions claim that we have all been condemned by God for some reason or another, and that faith in a certain God or his revealed religion must be adhered to to gain salvation. Most religions say that you cannot save yourself without their help.

Have you been condemned? Was it a just condemnation? What evil did you do to gain that condemnation? Have you been saved from it by your own efforts of the efforts of someone else?

Could you not do it on your own and did you need to pay cash the way religions tell you is required?

I show the poor thinking of religions and their adherents with this Protestant against Catholic view, but as stated, this issue applies to all religions.

Do you believe that you are saved or that you need saving?

Most religions claim that we have all been condemned by God for some reason or another, and that faith in a certain God or his revealed religion must be adhered to to gain salvation. Most religions say that you cannot save yourself without their help.

Have you been condemned? Was it a just condemnation? What evil did you do to gain that condemnation? Have you been saved from it by your own efforts of the efforts of someone else?

Could you not do it on your own and did you need to pay cash the way religions tell you is required?

I show the poor thinking of religions and their adherents with this Protestant against Catholic view, but as stated, this issue applies to all religions.


I see you one day becoming a Priest
Do you believe that you are saved or that you need saving?

Most religions claim that we have all been condemned by God for some reason or another, and that faith in a certain God or his revealed religion must be adhered to to gain salvation. Most religions say that you cannot save yourself without their help.

Have you been condemned? Was it a just condemnation? What evil did you do to gain that condemnation? Have you been saved from it by your own efforts of the efforts of someone else?

Could you not do it on your own and did you need to pay cash the way religions tell you is required?

I show the poor thinking of religions and their adherents with this Protestant against Catholic view, but as stated, this issue applies to all religions.


I see you one day becoming a Priest

I am not a good enough liar.


Do you believe that you are saved or that you need saving?

Most religions claim that we have all been condemned by God for some reason or another, and that faith in a certain God or his revealed religion must be adhered to to gain salvation. Most religions say that you cannot save yourself without their help.

Have you been condemned? Was it a just condemnation? What evil did you do to gain that condemnation? Have you been saved from it by your own efforts of the efforts of someone else?

Could you not do it on your own and did you need to pay cash the way religions tell you is required?

I show the poor thinking of religions and their adherents with this Protestant against Catholic view, but as stated, this issue applies to all religions.


You don’t understand most religions. How can you? You are a secular humanist.
Do you believe that you are saved or that you need saving?

Most religions claim that we have all been condemned by God for some reason or another, and that faith in a certain God or his revealed religion must be adhered to to gain salvation. Most religions say that you cannot save yourself without their help.

Have you been condemned? Was it a just condemnation? What evil did you do to gain that condemnation? Have you been saved from it by your own efforts of the efforts of someone else?

Could you not do it on your own and did you need to pay cash the way religions tell you is required?

I show the poor thinking of religions and their adherents with this Protestant against Catholic view, but as stated, this issue applies to all religions.


I see you one day becoming a Priest

I am not a good enough liar.



I agree. You are not a good liar. Just a liar.
Do you believe that you are saved or that you need saving?

Most religions claim that we have all been condemned by God for some reason or another, and that faith in a certain God or his revealed religion must be adhered to to gain salvation. Most religions say that you cannot save yourself without their help.

Have you been condemned? Was it a just condemnation? What evil did you do to gain that condemnation? Have you been saved from it by your own efforts of the efforts of someone else?

Could you not do it on your own and did you need to pay cash the way religions tell you is required?

I show the poor thinking of religions and their adherents with this Protestant against Catholic view, but as stated, this issue applies to all religions.


Salvation is both the “hook” and the threat that is used by Christianity to entice converts and to threaten the believers, respectively.

Promises of eternal life and threats of eternal damnation for not believing are powerful motivators. Considering how much christianity has to lose without such coercive threats, it’s not surprising how angry and fearful the true believers ge5 when challenged with such facts as an ancient planet and a far more ancient universe. An ancient planet being true largely confirms evolution being true which in turn means there was no biblical Adam and Eve, magic snakes and fruit theft. No Adam and Eve means there is no original sin. No original sin negates any need for salvation. No need for salvation means there is no need for Heyzeus H. Christ or Christianity. This is why the fundies fight tooth and nail, using any means necessary to protect their dogma.
Do you believe that you are saved or that you need saving?

Most religions claim that we have all been condemned by God for some reason or another, and that faith in a certain God or his revealed religion must be adhered to to gain salvation. Most religions say that you cannot save yourself without their help.

Have you been condemned? Was it a just condemnation? What evil did you do to gain that condemnation? Have you been saved from it by your own efforts of the efforts of someone else?

Could you not do it on your own and did you need to pay cash the way religions tell you is required?

I show the poor thinking of religions and their adherents with this Protestant against Catholic view, but as stated, this issue applies to all religions.


You don’t understand most religions. How can you? You are a secular humanist.

religion is man makes it all up = no god/etc
Promises of eternal life and threats of eternal damnation for not believing are powerful motivators. Considering how much christianity has to lose without such coercive threats, it’s not surprising how angry and fearful the true believers ge5 when challenged with such facts as an ancient planet and a far more ancient universe. An ancient planet being true largely confirms evolution being true which in turn means there was no biblical Adam and Eve, magic snakes and fruit theft. No Adam and Eve means there is no original sin. No original sin negates any need for salvation. No need for salvation means there is no need for Heyzeus H. Christ or Christianity. This is why the fundies fight tooth and nail, using any means necessary to protect their dogma.
That is one way of looking at it, which is the path to atheism. People who took their eyes off God and following His ways of the soul/spirit to count beans (so-to-speak) are going to get lost among the stars if they don't start out by getting lost on the mountains or in the canyons here on earth. Of course, those who chose God for His "magic" qualities were already lost.

"Eternal" isn't just a word for timeless. "Eternal" also means enduring--what works and keeps on working throughout time whether our own existence continues here on earth or not. How can we live, how can we treat others, so that our own life keeps on enduring long after we have passed...

Scripture is truth, and many of these truths are presented in story form. Wander away from the truth in a story and you will end up following (or looking for) a talking snake or a donkey. How will either help anyone live an Eternal life, whether that definition is something that endures, or something that is timeless?

If all anyone sees in scripture--if all anyone is taught in Church, Temple, Synagogue--is reward and damnation, they need to approach scripture from a different angle, and perhaps explore other places. I know for a fact that neither Catholicism nor Judaism spends much time on either rewards or damnation--but rather how to live a life that is pleasing not only to God, but to others. If these two major denominations are pointing in this direction it is hard for me to believe that the majority of what is left are not also doing much the same.
Do you believe that you are saved or that you need saving?

Most religions claim that we have all been condemned by God for some reason or another, and that faith in a certain God or his revealed religion must be adhered to to gain salvation. Most religions say that you cannot save yourself without their help.

Have you been condemned? Was it a just condemnation? What evil did you do to gain that condemnation? Have you been saved from it by your own efforts of the efforts of someone else?

Could you not do it on your own and did you need to pay cash the way religions tell you is required?

I show the poor thinking of religions and their adherents with this Protestant against Catholic view, but as stated, this issue applies to all religions.


Salvation is both the “hook” and the threat that is used by Christianity to entice converts and to threaten the believers, respectively.

Promises of eternal life and threats of eternal damnation for not believing are powerful motivators. Considering how much christianity has to lose without such coercive threats, it’s not surprising how angry and fearful the true believers ge5 when challenged with such facts as an ancient planet and a far more ancient universe. An ancient planet being true largely confirms evolution being true which in turn means there was no biblical Adam and Eve, magic snakes and fruit theft. No Adam and Eve means there is no original sin. No original sin negates any need for salvation. No need for salvation means there is no need for Heyzeus H. Christ or Christianity. This is why the fundies fight tooth and nail, using any means necessary to protect their dogma.

You gave me nothing to argue against as you seem to see 20/20 on the carrot stick mentality that religions use to con their sheeple with.

I will add you to my intelligent list.

Promises of eternal life and threats of eternal damnation for not believing are powerful motivators. Considering how much christianity has to lose without such coercive threats, it’s not surprising how angry and fearful the true believers ge5 when challenged with such facts as an ancient planet and a far more ancient universe. An ancient planet being true largely confirms evolution being true which in turn means there was no biblical Adam and Eve, magic snakes and fruit theft. No Adam and Eve means there is no original sin. No original sin negates any need for salvation. No need for salvation means there is no need for Heyzeus H. Christ or Christianity. This is why the fundies fight tooth and nail, using any means necessary to protect their dogma.
That is one way of looking at it, which is the path to atheism. People who took their eyes off God and following His ways of the soul/spirit to count beans (so-to-speak) are going to get lost among the stars if they don't start out by getting lost on the mountains or in the canyons here on earth. Of course, those who chose God for His "magic" qualities were already lost.

"Eternal" isn't just a word for timeless. "Eternal" also means enduring--what works and keeps on working throughout time whether our own existence continues here on earth or not. How can we live, how can we treat others, so that our own life keeps on enduring long after we have passed...

Scripture is truth, and many of these truths are presented in story form. Wander away from the truth in a story and you will end up following (or looking for) a talking snake or a donkey. How will either help anyone live an Eternal life, whether that definition is something that endures, or something that is timeless?

If all anyone sees in scripture--if all anyone is taught in Church, Temple, Synagogue--is reward and damnation, they need to approach scripture from a different angle, and perhaps explore other places. I know for a fact that neither Catholicism nor Judaism spends much time on either rewards or damnation--but rather how to live a life that is pleasing not only to God, but to others. If these two major denominations are pointing in this direction it is hard for me to believe that the majority of what is left are not also doing much the same.

Christianity is not the first (and likely wont be the last religion), to offer the promise of “eternal life”. But like the others, it’s a promise made by the inventors of the religion. Not a single god or gods in all of human history have ever made such a promise.

As to what happens you die, why do you think you’re going to some place called "heaven", because you read it in a book? I mean, that’s it?

It seems to me that these theistic rigmaroles are in place because religionists are afraid of death. You want eternal life and yet because of the happenstance of your place of birth and parentage, you are convinced that one conception of the gods is the "correct" one. I'd say this desire for eternal life is egotism run rampant. If you didn't think you’d get the brass ring from this whole thing, you wouldn't believe it. You think you're right, you think you're saved, and that's all right with you because you are gonna’ live forever.

How egotistical. The egotism of theism, that we somehow must "live forever!" there’s no reason to conjure an existence that has no reality and now, as mankind grows out of its childish infancy and is beginning to understand his place in the universe more and more, stands in the way of his true progress. A maturing child condemned to believe in the fairy tales of infancy is never said to have never grown up... and that is what mankind collectively stands shackled with, and that is why he responds so violently and with tantrums towards his brothers and sisters who believe differently-- he so does not want to give up his comforting childhood fairytales. He will kill to keep them.
Scripture is truth

Some are. Especially the ones that say you cannot trust the prophets, especially the ones whom God intentionally put lies into, and if you wish to perfect your wisdom, you have to get away from the Christian dogma.

Which truth do you see in Eden? The Jewish truth of it being man's elevation or the Christian truth that says that Eden was where man fell?

Do you believe the authors view or the Christian usurpers view? Which of these contradictory position are true to you?

Do you believe that you are saved or that you need saving?

Most religions claim that we have all been condemned by God for some reason or another, and that faith in a certain God or his revealed religion must be adhered to to gain salvation. Most religions say that you cannot save yourself without their help.

Have you been condemned? Was it a just condemnation? What evil did you do to gain that condemnation? Have you been saved from it by your own efforts of the efforts of someone else?

Could you not do it on your own and did you need to pay cash the way religions tell you is required?

I show the poor thinking of religions and their adherents with this Protestant against Catholic view, but as stated, this issue applies to all religions.


You don’t understand most religions. How can you? You are a secular humanist.

religion is man makes it all up = no god/etc

At the heart of this debate is whether spirit created the material world or the material world created spirit.

How do you believe the material world was created if not by spirit? Do you even have a clue?
If you didn't think you’d get the brass ring from this whole thing,
It is not about some future event. It is about living my life today, this minute, this moment. Death will take care of itself.

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