Do you believe the official 911 story?

The single column " theory" if ridiculous. There are literally hundreds of columns in a structure like that. It's like saying if a single stud was removed from a wood frame building it would fall down. It's laughable. Believe me, I've demoed wood frame structures ( a garage and a 60 year old UN-permitted guest house). They don't just fall down and the column/beam connections are far more rugged in steel frames than wood.

Uh-huh. And how many 47 story buildings did you design and build in the mid 1960s?

I've never designed any steel framed buildings but I have a basic knowledge of them, enough to know they can't just fall down.

Obviously no buildings just fell down on 9/11 and just claiming that to be the case exposes you as a dishonest player, just like the rest of the loony CTs.

And from your question I can see you can't quite follow a thought. I said I demolished an Un-permitted guest house that was 60years old. The point about it being un- permitted was that it was a sub standard structure and even as such it didn't just fall down, it took a crew of four and a skid steer tractor most of a day to take it down.
Buildings don't just fall down, especially steel frame high rises, the most engineered buildings in history.

There is no comparison between your guest house demo and the collapse of any building on 9/11. Clearly you have inflated delusions of self-importance.
Did that plane crash at full speed?

It crashed while taking off, don't know what speed. Don't know what speed the plane that supposedly hit the pentagon was going either.

The fact remains that a wood framed structure is going to offer a lot less resistance than what is essentially a concrete and steel fortress.

Still cant explain the DNA being there? Doesnt that prove the plane that crashed was AA77?

Unless someone proves otherwise yes.

If there was a real investigation there would be proof one way or the other.

When something unprecedented happens there should be an examination. When extraordinary claims are made extraordinary proof is required.

You are lying to yourself if you say that all the questions have been answered.

It's time for the real investigation... Or we can keep on living the lie.

We may never have an investigation that will satisfy you CTs. In fact from what I've seen on this board nothing will ever satisfy you.
The fact remains is there is no proof of explosives, none of some secret super stuff which could have melted that steel kept it molten for weeks. None.

Well I can't speak for others but I would be satisfied with a real independent investigation by a special prosecutor with subpoena power.

As for proof of explosives, since none were looked for, would you really expect to find any? There is however evidence of thermite (an incendiary) in every sample of the dust examined by those looking for it.

You can of course ridicule this but the fact remains that there was never a prosecutor to investigate 911.

It's time... Or we can keep on living the lie.
not even close to the truth multiple reports from credible witlessness of both molten metal and excessive temperatures after the event

Not even close to the truth. As with your molten steel claims there is no evidence of temps high enough to melt steel. There are observations of molten materials but no proof of molten steel or temps high enough to melt it. Period.

No evidence? You can clearly see the melted off stumps of the columns in many photos from ground zero. By the way the columns are melted off at an angle so as to facilitate the movement downward of the upper portion of the column, just as is done inCONTROLLED DEMOLITION!!!!!!

Typical CTBS. You are becoming increasingly shrill and desperate, Princess. Try to imagine how many people would be required just to rig those buildings for demo, how long it would take them and how much explosive mats would be required. Now try doing it in a union controlled environment without anyone noticing. When you wrap your head around all that try to imagine getting our courts and media to cooperate with the necessary cover-up and when you are done with that try getting your head out of your ass.
not even close to the truth multiple reports from credible witlessness of both molten metal and excessive temperatures after the event

not even close to the truth. As with your molten steel claims there is no evidence of temps high enough to melt steel. There are observations of molten materials but no proof of molten steel or temps high enough to melt it. Period.

no evidence for the temperatures required to weaken steel..

NIST report says you are lying again, Princess. Of course, you believe America should ditch that report and follow foil-hatted loons like you down the yellow brick road because you say so. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Not even close to the truth. As with your molten steel claims there is no evidence of temps high enough to melt steel. There are observations of molten materials but no proof of molten steel or temps high enough to melt it. Period.

No evidence? You can clearly see the melted off stumps of the columns in many photos from ground zero. By the way the columns are melted off at an angle so as to facilitate the movement downward of the upper portion of the column, just as is done inCONTROLLED DEMOLITION!!!!!!

Typical CTBS. You are becoming increasingly shrill and desperate, Princess. Try to imagine how many people would be required just to rig those buildings for demo, how long it would take them and how much explosive mats would be required. Now try doing it in a union controlled environment without anyone noticing. When you wrap your head around all that try to imagine getting our courts and media to cooperate with the necessary cover-up and when you are done with that try getting your head out of your ass.

Calling me names now? Talk about getting shrill.

There are many pictures of ground zero in which the melted off columns are visible. Steel can not snap off. Had it broken off there would be evidence of bending and tearing but that is not what can be seen. What can be seen is the angled, melted off stumps of columns.

As I have been saying repeatedly since no investigation by an independent prosecutor was done the facts have not been established as to who or how.

The responses of people like you are exactly what the perpetrators were counting on to carry this out.
It crashed while taking off, don't know what speed. Don't know what speed the plane that supposedly hit the pentagon was going either.

The fact remains that a wood framed structure is going to offer a lot less resistance than what is essentially a concrete and steel fortress.

Still cant explain the DNA being there? Doesnt that prove the plane that crashed was AA77?

DNA but no bodies? Like I said, check out the plane crash in Nigeria. Right into the side of a much less stout building. Fuel exploded, plane burned but there are bodies. And as would be expected the tail section is essentially untouched. Look with your own eyes.
Again DNA "found" only goes to show that the deception was well planned.

More silly CTBS. Humans remains were certainly found at the Pentagon. I sure hope you are a better builder of structures than you are of conspiracy theories because everything is say is laughable BS. Everything. Are you by chance a troll who job it is to make the 9/11 CT Movement appear silly because that seems something you do well?
No evidence? You can clearly see the melted off stumps of the columns in many photos from ground zero. By the way the columns are melted off at an angle so as to facilitate the movement downward of the upper portion of the column, just as is done inCONTROLLED DEMOLITION!!!!!!

Typical CTBS. You are becoming increasingly shrill and desperate, Princess. Try to imagine how many people would be required just to rig those buildings for demo, how long it would take them and how much explosive mats would be required. Now try doing it in a union controlled environment without anyone noticing. When you wrap your head around all that try to imagine getting our courts and media to cooperate with the necessary cover-up and when you are done with that try getting your head out of your ass.

Calling me names now? Talk about getting shrill.

There are many pictures of ground zero in which the melted off columns are visible. Steel can not snap off. Had it broken off there would be evidence of bending and tearing but that is not what can be seen. What can be seen is the angled, melted off stumps of columns.

As I have been saying repeatedly since no investigation by an independent prosecutor was done the facts have not been established as to who or how.

The responses of people like you are exactly what the perpetrators were counting on to carry this out.

I have seen pics of beams having been cut for removal. I have seen none of "melted of columns."
I repeat; Try to imagine how many people would be required just to rig those buildings for demo, how long it would take them and how much explosive mats would be required. Now try doing it in a union controlled environment without anyone noticing. When you wrap your head around all that try to imagine getting our courts and media to cooperate with the necessary cover-up and when you are done with that try getting your head out of your ass.
Still cant explain the DNA being there? Doesnt that prove the plane that crashed was AA77?

DNA but no bodies? Like I said, check out the plane crash in Nigeria. Right into the side of a much less stout building. Fuel exploded, plane burned but there are bodies. And as would be expected the tail section is essentially untouched. Look with your own eyes.
Again DNA "found" only goes to show that the deception was well planned.

More silly CTBS. Humans remains were certainly found at the Pentagon. I sure hope you are a better builder of structures than you are of conspiracy theories because everything is say is laughable BS. Everything. Are you by chance a troll who job it is to make the 9/11 CT Movement appear silly because that seems something you do well?

And yes I am a very good builder having been a license GC since 1982. Nothing I've built since then has ever failed.
No I'm not a troll. Are you paid to try to refute the observations of people like me?
DNA but no bodies? Like I said, check out the plane crash in Nigeria. Right into the side of a much less stout building. Fuel exploded, plane burned but there are bodies. And as would be expected the tail section is essentially untouched. Look with your own eyes.
Again DNA "found" only goes to show that the deception was well planned.

More silly CTBS. Humans remains were certainly found at the Pentagon. I sure hope you are a better builder of structures than you are of conspiracy theories because everything is say is laughable BS. Everything. Are you by chance a troll who job it is to make the 9/11 CT Movement appear silly because that seems something you do well?

And yes I am a very good builder having been a license GC since 1982. Nothing I've built since then has ever failed.
No I'm not a troll. Are you paid to try to refute the observations of people like me?

So how do you explain your lying about the bodies at the Pentagon. Is that just how you roll?
not even close to the truth. As with your molten steel claims there is no evidence of temps high enough to melt steel. There are observations of molten materials but no proof of molten steel or temps high enough to melt it. Period.

no evidence for the temperatures required to weaken steel..

NIST report says you are lying again, Princess. Of course, you believe America should ditch that report and follow foil-hatted loons like you down the yellow brick road because you say so. :lol: :lol: :lol:

although the key elements of the core steel were demographically labeled. A careful reading of the NIST report shows that they have no evidence that the temperatures they predict as necessary for failure are corroborated by findings

OpEdNews - Page 2 of Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation
no evidence for the temperatures required to weaken steel..

NIST report says you are lying again, Princess. Of course, you believe America should ditch that report and follow foil-hatted loons like you down the yellow brick road because you say so. :lol: :lol: :lol:

although the key elements of the core steel were demographically labeled. A careful reading of the NIST report shows that they have no evidence that the temperatures they predict as necessary for failure are corroborated by findings

OpEdNews - Page 2 of Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation

OK, so let me get this straight. From one side of your mouth you argue for molten (melted) steel at GZ weeks after 9/11 and from the other side you now argue that the fires did not get hot enough to even weaken steel? What will you be arguing from the middle of your mouth?

Based on its comprehensive investigation, NIST concluded that the WTC towers collapsed because: (1) the impact of the planes severed and damaged support columns, dislodged fireproofing insulation coating the steel floor trusses and steel columns, and widely dispersed jet fuel over multiple floors; and (2) the subsequent unusually large number of jet-fuel ignited multi-floor fires (which reached temperatures as high as 1,000 degrees Celsius, or 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit) significantly weakened the floors and columns with dislodged fireproofing to the point where floors sagged and pulled inward on the perimeter columns. This led to the inward bowing of the perimeter columns and failure of the south face of WTC 1 and the east face of WTC 2, initiating the collapse of each of the towers. Both photographic and video evidence—as well as accounts from the New York City Police Department aviation unit during a half-hour period prior to collapse—support this sequence for each tower.
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It crashed while taking off, don't know what speed. Don't know what speed the plane that supposedly hit the pentagon was going either.

The fact remains that a wood framed structure is going to offer a lot less resistance than what is essentially a concrete and steel fortress.

Still cant explain the DNA being there? Doesnt that prove the plane that crashed was AA77?

DNA but no bodies? Like I said, check out the plane crash in Nigeria. Right into the side of a much less stout building. Fuel exploded, plane burned but there are bodies. And as would be expected the tail section is essentially untouched. Look with your own eyes.
Again DNA "found" only goes to show that the deception was well planned.

Actually bodies were found as was presented in evidence at the Moussaui trial. But lets play your game since I am undefeated at it as did the DNA from the passengers get there?
Explain the wreckage and the light poles...

If you cant explain how they got there then maybe you should listen to logic a little.
I assume you are talking about the light poles at the pentagon (my post was about building seven) and what wreckage are you talking about?
I can't tell you how the light poles were knocked down. Are you saying the only way they could have been knocked down was by an airplane?

Yes, that is what I am saying. The wreckage of AA77 outside the Pentagon and the DNA of the passengers. Explain how they got there

Well, what took down the light poles?
Let's assume that you could find a smoking gun PROVING WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT that our government caused 911.

What would you do with it?

The newpapers and MSM wouldn't touch it. They'd spend as much media power as necessary proving that you are nuts.

The government obviously wouldn't do crap about it, either. (except, maybe, kill you).

So even if you could get the news out to the American people, (and even if they believed you 100%) what do you expect them to do about it?

Do you think the armed citizens are going to start a revolution? They haven't so far despite all the revelations about the police state, corrupt economics, open borders and on and on and on. tThe only thing they will go to war over is their precious guns.

Do you expect the military would create a coup d' etat? That's never gonna happen, either.

Are the State governments going to stand up to the Federal government? With what? national guard and state militias are federalized.

Here's my point...your most paranoid fear MIGHT be right.

So what?

Where are you going to find honest men with the power to challenge the system?

Let's assume that you could find a smoking gun PROVING WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT that our government caused 911.

What would you do with it?

The newpapers and MSM wouldn't touch it. They'd spend as much media power as necessary proving that you are nuts.

The government obviously wouldn't do crap about it, either. (except, maybe, kill you).

So even if you could get the news out to the American people, (and even if they believed you 100%) what do you expect them to do about it?

Do you think the armed citizens are going to start a revolution? They haven't so far despite all the revelations about the police state, corrupt economics, open borders and on and on and on. tThe only thing they will go to war over is their precious guns.

Do you expect the military would create a coup d' etat? That's never gonna happen, either.

Are the State governments going to stand up to the Federal government? With what? national guard and state militias are federalized.

Here's my point...your most paranoid fear MIGHT be right.

So what?

Where are you going to find honest men with the power to challenge the system?



you mentioned the part of except maybe kill you.Matter of fact there HAVE been people who have come forward who talked about hearing explosions going off whos version of events did not fit the governments.Like Barry Jennings whos testimony of bld 7 is the smoking gun of the coverup.He mentioned in an interview how he heard explosions going off in the basemnet of building 7 in the MORNING that day.Obviously mistimed explosions.

They occured just before the twin towers collapsed as well.How conveinent for the government that he died in a hospital just two days before the NIST report came out.Convieneint since his testimony would have shreaded to pieces the NIST coverup story.

His death was about as much not a murder as that women Palfrey was her last name I remember,who went on alex jones show talking about hearing explosives going off in the towers and telling Jones she would never take her own life.The of course in later months she allegedly DOES take her own life hanging hersefl.Yep no murder and coverup there in either one of these cases.:cuckoo:

9/11 follows the same pattern of the Jfk assassination.In both cases,many witnesses dying who gave versions of what happened different than the governments winding up dying in mysterious deatyhs later on.

In the JFK assassination,there were some that talked about seeing Oswald and Ruby together in prior months before the event and seeing a second shooter behind the picket fence who wound up dying mystewriously after that. History repeats itself again.
I believe that the story is 100 percent true in what occurred that day. What might be being withheld is the intelligence they had prior to the evemt. Not that any of it would have ended what happened but in looking back may look bad. For example, it is said that Bush was warned that something bad was going to happen and something did and he was complicit in not doing anything because he wanted to go to war with Iraq. Of course that is so stupid it is hardly worth comment but the 9/11s say it anyway.

Boy have you been brainwashed and programmed by the corporate media.:lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

you sound like paid shill candyass.:cuckoo:

these five videos myself and politician posted in our first two posts on this thread show just how badly you have been brainwashed.You of course wont watch them.None of the trolls like agents candyass or rightwinger ever have an answer for these facts in this videos.

You have NEVER told us what YOU believe happened or how it happened. You have parroted convoluted videos that don't even agree with one another.

Go ahead, without someones Utube video tells what YOU claimed happened.

No I have,its just you are pulling what agent candyass does,all of a sudden getting alzheimers diseace and not remembering cause i have stated that MULTIPLE times just to watch you ignore it and run off.:cuckoo:

oh and I rest my case.thinks for proving for me with your post like you ALWAYS do,that I am correct,that you have NO answers for the facts contained in those videos and no evidence to refute them.:clap2:
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Sure move it to the conspiracy section because this event has had no effect on our politics, oh well, living the lie.

yeah the logic of the mods here somehow have a warped view that facts are considered conspiracy theories.:cuckoo:
The 9/11 Report spells it all out.

Who wouldn't believe it? :confused:

members of the committee that wrote the report to name a few

that seems to be a fact these pro government trolls always ignore all the time.:lmao:

funny how members of the committe themselves have said they dont accept the report and were lied to but the official conspiracy theory apologists defend the official version till the crows come home.:lmao:
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Debris from the twin towers damaged building 7, taking down at least one of its support beams. A fire fed from internal oil and gas supplies burned for 7 or 8 HOURS and it is assumed that it weakened the central support which caused the collapse. There is absolutely NO EVIDENCE explosives were used. No evidence that someone was in the building before or during the emergency lacing it with explosives. In fact the fires would have destroyed any control runs to said explosives as well as prevented systematic lacing during the event. THAT is common sense.

As to the plane.... watch a couple videos on what happens to a plane when it flies into a reinforced concrete wall. And there was debris just not a lot survived.

perhaps you can explain how the DNA from the passengers and crew got INSIDE the Pentagon? Or where the plane went if it did not hit the Pentagon? Where the known passengers went if not into the Pentagon?

In order for any explosives to have been used in New York would have required City, County and State, as well as Federal Investigators to have lied about what happened. In order for no plane to have hit the pentagon the actually plane would have had to fly away, no record of that happening. The Plane would have had to land somewhere, no record of that. The Passengers and crew would have to have been removed from the plane, guarded and murdered and with in 40 minutes of the supposed crash body parts and DNA delivered to be dispersed through out the pentagon.

That would have required the cooperation of the Local and federal investigators and the police and military securing the scene.

Literally HUNDREDS of people would have to have known about the set up. Yet after 12 years NOT a single soul as said a thing. Perhaps you can explain what leverage the Government had over all those people to keep them silent this long or to have ever agreed to participate in the cover up?
Damage from the towers...oils gas?
BS you don't even know the official narrative. Why do you bother to comment if you don't know what the "OCT is?
It would be easier for someone like you to either study some of the thread in this section, look up what the objections are to the OCT, or just leave this topic alone, as it can not be explained in short little bites like the CT that you believe in does...

To answer your question in the OP. NO.Fuck no. Now that your thread has been placed here you might want to check a few of the threads out to see the level of denial and ignorance that exists on this topic. People want to just believe the OCT and pretend that the explanations are sufficient and make sense, others who have studied the results and read the bogus reports and testing by the investigative agencies can legitimately call them bullshit.
When you watch a video of the "collapses" it should be clear that tons of debris was forcibly ejected AWAY from the buildings, explosions in the sub basements, and molten steel reported by numerous eyewitnesses..Diffuse flame office fires can not produce this kind of damage that resulted in collapses of 1/4 mile high steel towers in just over FF acceleration.
There's the small matter of conservation of momentum, and laws of physics that expose the OCT narrative as a fraud...Some people don't bother to dig that deep, so they find comfort and security in believing fairy tales...Good luck..
Those who can make you

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