Do you believe the official 911 story?

This really does sum it all up. Pay close attention to the end of the video. It truly does sum up the loyal Goose Stepper mentality...

[ame=]Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The 9/11 Conspiracy Theory In Under 5 Minutes - YouTube[/ame]
I don't believe anything the government says anymore.
The have been caught in too many lies to be thought of as a reliable source.
This really does sum it all up. Pay close attention to the end of the video. It truly does sum up the loyal Goose Stepper mentality...

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The 9/11 Conspiracy Theory In Under 5 Minutes - YouTube
that would be a great video to show if they would actually watch it, but you saw what happened the first time you created this thread and showed this video,not one of these agent trolls that have penetrated this site or any of the frady cat deniars who only see what they want to see like Retired sargent for instance,NEVER has any answers for it even though just like they have no answers or rebuttals for the facts in the videos I posted on page one even though THIS video is just a SHORT five minute video.:D

they never had any answers or rebutalls to the facts in this SHORT five minute video back then when you created the thread,you dont REALLY expect them to have any for you NOW do you?:D:lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

well we can try though.the other videos I referred them to are 40 minutes and longer.Just a little too complicated for them with way too much logic for them to comprehend and to understand.tto much of that can override and fry their brains,so might as well give it one last try,maybe just a SHORT 5 minute video like this one just MIGHT not have too much logic and common sense in it for people like retired sargent and other frady cat deniars to comprehend this time.somehow I doubt it though.:lol::D

Like I said,they never had any answers for it back then,no reason to think that they will all of a sudden now.:lol::lol::D
I don't believe anything the government says anymore.
The have been caught in too many lies to be thought of as a reliable source.


a pesky little fact like that is way too much logic and common sense for people like retired sargent and other official conspiracy theory apologists to'll overload and fry their brain with too much common sense logical posts like this of yours.:lmao:
I believe that the story is 100 percent true in what occurred that day. What might be being withheld is the intelligence they had prior to the evemt. Not that any of it would have ended what happened but in looking back may look bad. For example, it is said that Bush was warned that something bad was going to happen and something did and he was complicit in not doing anything because he wanted to go to war with Iraq. Of course that is so stupid it is hardly worth comment but the 9/11s say it anyway.

Boy have you been brainwashed and programmed by the corporate media.:lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

you sound like paid shill candyass.:cuckoo:

these five videos myself and politician posted in our first two posts on this thread show just how badly you have been brainwashed.You of course wont watch them.None of the trolls like agents candyass or rightwinger ever have an answer for these facts in this videos.

You have NEVER told us what YOU believe happened or how it happened. You have parroted convoluted videos that don't even agree with one another.

Go ahead, without someones Utube video tells what YOU claimed happened.

There you go lying again.I stated MANY times in my posts when I first got here YEARS ago what happened.Its just that like I just said,like all OCTA'S,you have alzheimers diseace and dont remember what i said back then so because of that,I got to post videos for you now because I get tired of having to repeat myself over and over and over again to you just to watch you run off and ignore it.:cuckoo:

oh and please pay attention just this ONE TIME okay? you want to hear what happened? just go over to Mr Jones thread here.He has spelled it out for you trolls DUMMIES STYLE on that thread in his words what happened that day and caused the collapse of the towers WITHOUT videos like you ask in this thread here.He does a much better job that I do in explaining it there so you should go over there to his thread and read all of HIS posts.:cuckoo:

Dont know what good that will do you though sense as we both know,you go into it only seeing what you WANT to see and obviously ditched junior high school science classes.Is it MY fault you ditched junior high school science classes and dont understand the laws of physics?:cuckoo:

I dont know why I bother posting this link since as we both know,you wont go over and read what he posts and if you DO,you will only see what you WANT to see and just readf PARTS of his excellent,well done posts.:cuckoo:

oh and Mr Jones is an experienced welder so he knows an awful lot about this stuff and has taken the OCTA'S like Gamolon to school on there handing his arse and others,handing it them on a platter.
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I don't believe anything the government says anymore.
The have been caught in too many lies to be thought of as a reliable source.


a pesky little fact like that is way too much logic and common sense for people like retired sargent and other official conspiracy theory apologists to'll overload and fry their brain with too much common sense logical posts like this of yours.:lmao:

Trust lost is not soon found.

I mean lets face it this government lies like a rug

Who here thinks the CPI really only went up by 1.7% in 2012?

THAT is what the government is telling SS recipients.

Do they think we don't notice that the cost of stuff is going up at a much higher rate than that?

Now they spew some god awful nonsense about how the cost of food and energy isn't part of the dailing living, but somehow buying appliances and iPods IS?
I don't believe anything the government says anymore.
The have been caught in too many lies to be thought of as a reliable source.


a pesky little fact like that is way too much logic and common sense for people like retired sargent and other official conspiracy theory apologists to'll overload and fry their brain with too much common sense logical posts like this of yours.:lmao:

Trust lost is not soon found.

I mean lets face it this government lies like a rug

Who here thinks the CPI really only went up by 1.7% in 2012?

THAT is what the government is telling SS recipients.

Do they think we don't notice that the cost of stuff is going up at a much higher rate than that?

Now they spew some god awful nonsense about how the cost of food and energy isn't part of the dailing living, but somehow buying appliances and iPods IS?

Yup, Unemployment is only 7.7% and there's no Inflation. But head to the Grocery Store and then tell me your Dollar is getting you what it used to. And 50 Million Citizens on Food Stamps and other Welfare Programs. But we're supposed to believe 92% of the Nation is Employed and doing just great. Big Brother lies. And that's the reality. Period, end of story.
Did that plane crash at full speed?

It crashed while taking off, don't know what speed. Don't know what speed the plane that supposedly hit the pentagon was going either.

The fact remains that a wood framed structure is going to offer a lot less resistance than what is essentially a concrete and steel fortress.

Still cant explain the DNA being there? Doesnt that prove the plane that crashed was AA77?

With out a real investigation there is no way to know how the DNA got there if it really was there.

How do you know DNA was discovered there? Because people connected to the deception said so?
Uh-huh. And how many 47 story buildings did you design and build in the mid 1960s?

I've never designed any steel framed buildings but I have a basic knowledge of them, enough to know they can't just fall down.

Obviously no buildings just fell down on 9/11 and just claiming that to be the case exposes you as a dishonest player, just like the rest of the loony CTs.

And from your question I can see you can't quite follow a thought. I said I demolished an Un-permitted guest house that was 60years old. The point about it being un- permitted was that it was a sub standard structure and even as such it didn't just fall down, it took a crew of four and a skid steer tractor most of a day to take it down.
Buildings don't just fall down, especially steel frame high rises, the most engineered buildings in history.

There is no comparison between your guest house demo and the collapse of any building on 9/11. Clearly you have inflated delusions of self-importance.

Clearly you can not refute what I have said so you resort to ridicule. The comparison between the to vastly different buildings is the point that buildings are designed to stay up, not fall down. High rise buildings are the most engineered buildings in history, without a factual accounting of how building seven failed we are left with nothing more than an assertion by NIST.
More silly CTBS. Humans remains were certainly found at the Pentagon. I sure hope you are a better builder of structures than you are of conspiracy theories because everything is say is laughable BS. Everything. Are you by chance a troll who job it is to make the 9/11 CT Movement appear silly because that seems something you do well?

And yes I am a very good builder having been a license GC since 1982. Nothing I've built since then has ever failed.
No I'm not a troll. Are you paid to try to refute the observations of people like me?

So how do you explain your lying about the bodies at the Pentagon. Is that just how you roll?

You saw bodies of airline passengers?

Accusing people of lying is also weak.
Let's assume that you could find a smoking gun PROVING WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT that our government caused 911.

What would you do with it?

The newpapers and MSM wouldn't touch it. They'd spend as much media power as necessary proving that you are nuts.

The government obviously wouldn't do crap about it, either. (except, maybe, kill you).

So even if you could get the news out to the American people, (and even if they believed you 100%) what do you expect them to do about it?

Do you think the armed citizens are going to start a revolution? They haven't so far despite all the revelations about the police state, corrupt economics, open borders and on and on and on. tThe only thing they will go to war over is their precious guns.

Do you expect the military would create a coup d' etat? That's never gonna happen, either.

Are the State governments going to stand up to the Federal government? With what? national guard and state militias are federalized.

Here's my point...your most paranoid fear MIGHT be right.

So what?

Where are you going to find honest men with the power to challenge the system?


Good question. Valid points.

I'm just not toning to go on living the lie.

The perpetrators want those who question to guess at how it was done so they can sit back and pick at every suggested possibility.

I don't have all the facts, only a real investigation can garner the truth.

Lets start there, then we can figure out what to do next.

Some of the nay sayers are probably part of the cover up, doing their best to ridicule any who doubt the official story.

Ultimately they will lose, the truth will come out, this is just to big. Polls now show about 1/3 of the public think that at least some of the official story is a lie.

We're coming out of the post traumatic stupor.
It crashed while taking off, don't know what speed. Don't know what speed the plane that supposedly hit the pentagon was going either.

The fact remains that a wood framed structure is going to offer a lot less resistance than what is essentially a concrete and steel fortress.

Still cant explain the DNA being there? Doesnt that prove the plane that crashed was AA77?

With out a real investigation there is no way to know how the DNA got there if it really was there.

How do you know DNA was discovered there? Because people connected to the deception said so?

The FBI and NTSB said so and reported the bodies as found and collected the remains of the passengers.

The bodies of the military men and women were processed through the military mortuary service--the actual name escapes me at this point--they are part of the deception too?

Fascinating imagination you have there.

So, if you can blatantly accuse people whom you never met, from 3 different agencies (minimum) of lying; why is it you don't turn such a skeptical eye to this AE911 group that hasn't produced anything in 12+ years?

And oh yeah, what knocked down the light poles if it wasn't AA77?
I assume you are talking about the light poles at the pentagon (my post was about building seven) and what wreckage are you talking about?
I can't tell you how the light poles were knocked down. Are you saying the only way they could have been knocked down was by an airplane?

Yes, that is what I am saying. The wreckage of AA77 outside the Pentagon and the DNA of the passengers. Explain how they got there

Well, what took down the light poles?

Only a plane could knock down light poles?
And yes I am a very good builder having been a license GC since 1982. Nothing I've built since then has ever failed.
No I'm not a troll. Are you paid to try to refute the observations of people like me?

So how do you explain your lying about the bodies at the Pentagon. Is that just how you roll?

You saw bodies of airline passengers?

Accusing people of lying is also weak.

Here are the federal exhibits of burned bodies at the Pentagon--introduced into evidence in Federal District Court--in the Moussaui Trial:

U.S.D.C. Eastern District of Virginia

Check out exhibits P200042-P200048
Yes, that is what I am saying. The wreckage of AA77 outside the Pentagon and the DNA of the passengers. Explain how they got there

Well, what took down the light poles?

Only a plane could knock down light poles?

Yes. When they are 100 feet apart at the angle of approach. But another and much more important question is why would the "deceivers" as you call them add knocking down the light poles (one into a cab by the way) to their to-do list? Certainly, light poles are not part of every plane crash?

And, oh yeah, there are dozens of pictures of wreckage. How'd the wreckage get there?
Let's assume that you could find a smoking gun PROVING WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT that our government caused 911.

What would you do with it?

The newpapers and MSM wouldn't touch it. They'd spend as much media power as necessary proving that you are nuts.

The government obviously wouldn't do crap about it, either. (except, maybe, kill you).

So even if you could get the news out to the American people, (and even if they believed you 100%) what do you expect them to do about it?

Do you think the armed citizens are going to start a revolution? They haven't so far despite all the revelations about the police state, corrupt economics, open borders and on and on and on. tThe only thing they will go to war over is their precious guns.

Do you expect the military would create a coup d' etat? That's never gonna happen, either.

Are the State governments going to stand up to the Federal government? With what? national guard and state militias are federalized.

Here's my point...your most paranoid fear MIGHT be right.

So what?

Where are you going to find honest men with the power to challenge the system?


Good question. Valid points.

I'm just not toning to go on living the lie.

The perpetrators want those who question to guess at how it was done so they can sit back and pick at every suggested possibility.

I don't have all the facts, only a real investigation can garner the truth.

Lets start there, then we can figure out what to do next.

Some of the nay sayers are probably part of the cover up, doing their best to ridicule any who doubt the official story.

Ultimately they will lose, the truth will come out, this is just to big. Polls now show about 1/3 of the public think that at least some of the official story is a lie.

We're coming out of the post traumatic stupor.

If you can't explain basic physical evidence you have no case whatsoever. You're just her to try to garner the attention that you can't get in real life. Basic truther. Seen it before. It's nothing unusual
Still cant explain the DNA being there? Doesnt that prove the plane that crashed was AA77?

With out a real investigation there is no way to know how the DNA got there if it really was there.

How do you know DNA was discovered there? Because people connected to the deception said so?

The FBI and NTSB said so and reported the bodies as found and collected the remains of the passengers.

The bodies of the military men and women were processed through the military mortuary service--the actual name escapes me at this point--they are part of the deception too?

Fascinating imagination you have there.

So, if you can blatantly accuse people whom you never met, from 3 different agencies (minimum) of lying; why is it you don't turn such a skeptical eye to this AE911 group that hasn't produced anything in 12+ years?

And oh yeah, what knocked down the light poles if it wasn't AA77?

Don't know who was involved, not going to speculate. I did have a skeptical eye but the people at AE911 are far more credible than you, who ever you are. They are licensed engineers and architects. Also they have the testimony of controlled demo experts.

All have stated unequivocally that it was impossible for building seven to collapse because of fire.
With out a real investigation there is no way to know how the DNA got there if it really was there.

How do you know DNA was discovered there? Because people connected to the deception said so?

The FBI and NTSB said so and reported the bodies as found and collected the remains of the passengers.

The bodies of the military men and women were processed through the military mortuary service--the actual name escapes me at this point--they are part of the deception too?

Fascinating imagination you have there.

So, if you can blatantly accuse people whom you never met, from 3 different agencies (minimum) of lying; why is it you don't turn such a skeptical eye to this AE911 group that hasn't produced anything in 12+ years?

And oh yeah, what knocked down the light poles if it wasn't AA77?

Don't know who was involved, not going to speculate. I did have a skeptical eye but the people at AE911 are far more credible than you, who ever you are. They are licensed engineers and architects. Also they have the testimony of controlled demo experts.

All have stated unequivocally that it was impossible for building seven to collapse because of fire.

Good because it was fire and 18 floors missing as was proven to you time and again.
Physical evidence....slam dunk.
Well, what took down the light poles?

Only a plane could knock down light poles?

Yes. When they are 100 feet apart at the angle of approach. But another and much more important question is why would the "deceivers" as you call them add knocking down the light poles (one into a cab by the way) to their to-do list? Certainly, light poles are not part of every plane crash?

And, oh yeah, there are dozens of pictures of wreckage. How'd the wreckage get there?

Well, how did it get there? Are you suggesting it was planted?

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