Do you believe White Supremacy is a threat to our nation?

Is it the threat the left & propagandists portray?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Unsure

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It is undeniable (by any rational human) that WHITE MEN have made the greatest contributions to every valuable element in our society. Science, the arts, technology, literature, law, name it.

My knowledge of that fact - arguably making me a "white supremacist" - should not be threatening to anyone in any way. To the extent that it is, that is the problem of the other person, not me.
The real problem the Left has here is they hate Western Civilization and the race that created it. They want to see it destroyed.

This has nothing to do with White Supremacy.
No. It's just another tactic used by the left to rile up their moronic voters.

Funny how the vast majority of "racial hate crimes" are made up by the very people claiming to be the victim of racism. Jussie Smollett anyone?

The left NEEDS to create a divide by race because a divide between the proletariat/bourgeoisie tactic fell flat in America. It's a core foundation of Marxism. The left is openly engaging in a Marxist cultural revolution meant to turn America into a communist country. Only the fully brainwashed believe any of that "America is a systemically racist country" nonsense. There is a reason they are called useful idiots.
Are the white sheets coming for our nation or is the left making shit up?
The Democrat Party uses hate and fear as their main political tools.
The Democrat Party's hate, racism, corruption, incompetence, dirty propaganda games and almost total dishonesty has alienated the majority of mainsteam voters.
The last Democrat President to win the majority of white voters was Jimmy Carter.
Obama called them "people clinging to their guns and bibles".
Hillary called them "basket of uneducated, deplorable, homophobic, islamophobic......"
The infamous racist Joe Biden called Republican Senators "Nazis" and he still has not apologized.
They have a lot of trouble convincing the people whom they hate to vote for them. > troglocrats are dumb
They have now entered the area of Totalitarian Thought Crimes.
They are calling people who oppose them "domestic terrorist" and "white supremacist" to scare Democrat voters and to silcence any critics, but also as an excuse to spy on people and to abuse people's civil liberties.
The Democrats are goosestepping down a dark path.
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The FBI is reporting reality.

The FBI has long used Racial Division in its reporting ... It's how they operate ... :thup:
Do you think it was a bunch of Black Folks sitting around the table, when they first decided to use Racial Division in reporting crime statistics?

Absolutely not. White supremacists as a group are not a threat. They are disjointed and can be easily neutralized and contained. Liberals like to play them up as a threat to deflect from the terrorists they back here in this Country. All throughout 2020 they denied ANTIFA existed. Now, they acknowledge their existence but always say ANTIFA is non violent and peaceful.

The FBI infiltrates then forms a plot with them, then arrests them. Like the plan to kidnap Whitmer, which was driven by FBI informants.
Next time Bernie Sanders runs for President, they out to infiltrate his campaign as well. We’ve already had one supporter shoot up an open field of Congressional Republicans.
Are the white sheets coming for our nation or is the left making shit up?
Regardless what some might ‘think’ – it is a fact that white supremacists and other manifestations of rightwing domestic terrorism is this country’s primary terror threat.

:D You're using the NYT as your source and expect anyone to take you seriously?

Short list of lies told by the NYT:

* Claiming officer Sicknick was beaten to death using a fire extinguisher...oops, I mean, he was sprayed with bear spray (as the story was changed later), both versions were based upon "unnamed sources." Sicknick's own family said he died of natural causes that had NOTHING to do with the January 6th kerfuffle.

* Russian bounties that Trump supposedly ignored, once again written based upon "unnamed sources."

* Russian collusion

* The New York Times and other media widely suggested or implied that Trump had not paid income taxes for 18 years. Later, tax return pages leaked to MSNBC ultimately showed that Trump actually paid a higher rate than Democrats Bernie Sanders and President Obama.

* Multiple outlets including Politico, the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, AP, Reuters and the Wall Street Journal reported the same leaked information: that Trump fired FBI Director James Comey shortly after Comey requested additional resources to investigate Russian interference in the election.

* The New York Times' Maggie Haberman, CNN and numerous outlets had long reported, as if fact, the Hillary Clinton claim that a total of 17 American intelligence agencies concluded that Russia orchestrated election year attacks to help get Trump elected. Only three or four agencies, not 17, had officially done so.

* The New York Times' Jan Rosen reported on a hypothetical family whose tax bill would rise nearly $4,000 under Trump's tax plan. It turns out the calculations were off: the couple's taxes would go actually go down $43; not up $4,000.

* The New York Times' Magazine editor-in-chief Jake Silverstein and CNN's Hadas Gold shared a story with photos of immigrant children in cages as if they were new photos taken under the Trump administration. The article and photos were actually from 2014 under the Obama administration. Funny how they aren't saying anything about the Xiden regime having hundreds times the amount of "kids in cages."

* Labeled the satire site Babylon Bee as "far right misinformation."

* The 1619 project

Leftist twits: nuh-uh! All of those things are true! They are a trusted news source, they'd never lie!
Are the white sheets coming for our nation or is the left making shit up?
Regardless what some might ‘think’ – it is a fact that white supremacists and other manifestations of rightwing domestic terrorism is this country’s primary terror threat.

:D You're using the NYT as your source and expect anyone to take you seriously?

Short list of lies told by the NYT:

* Claiming officer Sicknick was beaten to death using a fire extinguisher...oops, I mean, he was sprayed with bear spray (as the story was changed later), both versions were based upon "unnamed sources." Sicknick's own family said he died of natural causes that had NOTHING to do with the January 6th kerfuffle.

* Russian bounties that Trump supposedly ignored, once again written based upon "unnamed sources."

* Russian collusion

* The New York Times and other media widely suggested or implied that Trump had not paid income taxes for 18 years. Later, tax return pages leaked to MSNBC ultimately showed that Trump actually paid a higher rate than Democrats Bernie Sanders and President Obama.

* Multiple outlets including Politico, the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, AP, Reuters and the Wall Street Journal reported the same leaked information: that Trump fired FBI Director James Comey shortly after Comey requested additional resources to investigate Russian interference in the election.

* The New York Times' Maggie Haberman, CNN and numerous outlets had long reported, as if fact, the Hillary Clinton claim that a total of 17 American intelligence agencies concluded that Russia orchestrated election year attacks to help get Trump elected. Only three or four agencies, not 17, had officially done so.

* The New York Times' Jan Rosen reported on a hypothetical family whose tax bill would rise nearly $4,000 under Trump's tax plan. It turns out the calculations were off: the couple's taxes would go actually go down $43; not up $4,000.

* The New York Times' Magazine editor-in-chief Jake Silverstein and CNN's Hadas Gold shared a story with photos of immigrant children in cages as if they were new photos taken under the Trump administration. The article and photos were actually from 2014 under the Obama administration. Funny how they aren't saying anything about the Xiden regime having hundreds times the amount of "kids in cages."

* Labeled the satire site Babylon Bee as "far right misinformation."

* The 1619 project

Leftist twits: nuh-uh! All of those things are true! They are a trusted news source, they'd never lie!
How is it that after all the time the NY Times has been proven to be straight up LYING in what they report that these Leftist fools keep believing them?
Are the white sheets coming for our nation or is the left making shit up?
>Do you believe White Supremacy is a threat to our nation?

No, but the false narrative about rampant White Supremacy is certainly a grave threat to our nation.

This narrative is not only being used to go after extremist groups, but also to classify all White people as benefits of "privilege," and to convince POC in trying circumstances that their difficulties are a result of a system that is inherently biased against them, and not other reasons like their failure to do their homework when they were young.

The narrative is being used to divide us and simultaneously discourage personal responsibility.

Being as it's Fathers' Day, it's worthwhile mentioning the breakdown of the traditional family and the negative consequences that has.

I'm surprised Fathers' Day hasn't been cancelled yet for not being inclusive enough, or even being a vestige of White Supremacy. When in reality, having a mother and a father raise children is the way it is naturally supposed to work.

The real damage to communities of color (COC) has been promulgated by Democrats and their polices after decades of governance. And with the Progressives and Socialists rising in popularity, it's only going to get worse for COC.

All of this racism propelled by the Left is going to destroy our country. China and other adversaries are delighted.
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The Democrat Party uses hate and fear as their main political tools.

It was ever thus.

They used the KKK as their paramilitary arm for nearly a century. Now they use Antifa and BLM and are attempting to d so in the U.S. Military.
Yea, it looks like the Democrats are radicalizing our public education system, the police, the fbi, the doj, the military......
Our middle class rejects Economic Marxism.
So, the Dems are using "Cultrual Marxism" aka racial division to frieghten people and to silence critics.
This is where "Critical Race" and "Cancel Culture" comes into play.
Are the white sheets coming for our nation or is the left making shit up?
Regardless what some might ‘think’ – it is a fact that white supremacists and other manifestations of rightwing domestic terrorism is this country’s primary terror threat.

:D You're using the NYT as your source and expect anyone to take you seriously?

Short list of lies told by the NYT:

* Claiming officer Sicknick was beaten to death using a fire extinguisher...oops, I mean, he was sprayed with bear spray (as the story was changed later), both versions were based upon "unnamed sources." Sicknick's own family said he died of natural causes that had NOTHING to do with the January 6th kerfuffle.

* Russian bounties that Trump supposedly ignored, once again written based upon "unnamed sources."

* Russian collusion

* The New York Times and other media widely suggested or implied that Trump had not paid income taxes for 18 years. Later, tax return pages leaked to MSNBC ultimately showed that Trump actually paid a higher rate than Democrats Bernie Sanders and President Obama.

* Multiple outlets including Politico, the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, AP, Reuters and the Wall Street Journal reported the same leaked information: that Trump fired FBI Director James Comey shortly after Comey requested additional resources to investigate Russian interference in the election.

* The New York Times' Maggie Haberman, CNN and numerous outlets had long reported, as if fact, the Hillary Clinton claim that a total of 17 American intelligence agencies concluded that Russia orchestrated election year attacks to help get Trump elected. Only three or four agencies, not 17, had officially done so.

* The New York Times' Jan Rosen reported on a hypothetical family whose tax bill would rise nearly $4,000 under Trump's tax plan. It turns out the calculations were off: the couple's taxes would go actually go down $43; not up $4,000.

* The New York Times' Magazine editor-in-chief Jake Silverstein and CNN's Hadas Gold shared a story with photos of immigrant children in cages as if they were new photos taken under the Trump administration. The article and photos were actually from 2014 under the Obama administration. Funny how they aren't saying anything about the Xiden regime having hundreds times the amount of "kids in cages."

* Labeled the satire site Babylon Bee as "far right misinformation."

* The 1619 project

Leftist twits: nuh-uh! All of those things are true! They are a trusted news source, they'd never lie!
How is it that after all the time the NY Times has been proven to be straight up LYING in what they report that these Leftist fools keep believing them?
Because the people who believe the lies are brainwashed morons. All the media needs to do is put out a fake story, a false narrative and repeat it 24/7 and it suddenly becomes true to their useful idiots. By the time the media gets around to correcting their lies, the lies have been firmly entrenched in the minds of the kool-aid chuggers. Their "news" consumers lack basic critical thinking skills and prefer having their bias (a bias fed to them by the left) confirmed, regardless if the "news" is flat out lying.

Look at the "losers and suckers" lie. The editor of the Atlantic admitted that his magazine's story wasn't true on CNN, but that doesn't stop the left from parroting the lie constantly.

Thankfully the vast majority of Americans don't trust the leftist media. As evidenced by their plummeting viewership and massively decreased traffic online. Only a small percentage of Americans are that fully brainwashed.
Are the white sheets coming for our nation or is the left making shit up?
Regardless what some might ‘think’ – it is a fact that white supremacists and other manifestations of rightwing domestic terrorism is this country’s primary terror threat.

:D You're using the NYT as your source and expect anyone to take you seriously?

Short list of lies told by the NYT:

* Claiming officer Sicknick was beaten to death using a fire extinguisher...oops, I mean, he was sprayed with bear spray (as the story was changed later), both versions were based upon "unnamed sources." Sicknick's own family said he died of natural causes that had NOTHING to do with the January 6th kerfuffle.

* Russian bounties that Trump supposedly ignored, once again written based upon "unnamed sources."

* Russian collusion

* The New York Times and other media widely suggested or implied that Trump had not paid income taxes for 18 years. Later, tax return pages leaked to MSNBC ultimately showed that Trump actually paid a higher rate than Democrats Bernie Sanders and President Obama.

* Multiple outlets including Politico, the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, AP, Reuters and the Wall Street Journal reported the same leaked information: that Trump fired FBI Director James Comey shortly after Comey requested additional resources to investigate Russian interference in the election.

* The New York Times' Maggie Haberman, CNN and numerous outlets had long reported, as if fact, the Hillary Clinton claim that a total of 17 American intelligence agencies concluded that Russia orchestrated election year attacks to help get Trump elected. Only three or four agencies, not 17, had officially done so.

* The New York Times' Jan Rosen reported on a hypothetical family whose tax bill would rise nearly $4,000 under Trump's tax plan. It turns out the calculations were off: the couple's taxes would go actually go down $43; not up $4,000.

* The New York Times' Magazine editor-in-chief Jake Silverstein and CNN's Hadas Gold shared a story with photos of immigrant children in cages as if they were new photos taken under the Trump administration. The article and photos were actually from 2014 under the Obama administration. Funny how they aren't saying anything about the Xiden regime having hundreds times the amount of "kids in cages."

* Labeled the satire site Babylon Bee as "far right misinformation."

* The 1619 project

Leftist twits: nuh-uh! All of those things are true! They are a trusted news source, they'd never lie!
How is it that after all the time the NY Times has been proven to be straight up LYING in what they report that these Leftist fools keep believing them?
Because the people who believe the lies are brainwashed morons. All the media needs to do is put out a fake story, a false narrative and repeat it 24/7 and it suddenly becomes true to their useful idiots. By the time the media gets around to correcting their lies, the lies have been firmly entrenched in the minds of the kool-aid chuggers. Their "news" consumers lack basic critical thinking skills and prefer having their bias (a bias fed to them by the left) confirmed, regardless if the "news" is flat out lying.

Look at the "losers and suckers" lie. The editor of the Atlantic admitted that his magazine's story wasn't true on CNN, but that doesn't stop the left from parroting the lie constantly.

Thankfully the vast majority of Americans don't trust the leftist media. As evidenced by their plummeting viewership and massively decreased traffic online. Only a small percentage of Americans are that fully brainwashed.
Clearly these brainwashed morons are the REAL threat to America's Democracy.
You mean like the right made up the Antifa bogeyman?

In all seriousness - I think they are a threat, like any other extremist group that is willing to utilize violence. What could make them more of a theat is if their views become "normalized" in the mainstream right.
you mean the antifa thats done over two billion dollars in property damage and attacked hundreds of people even killing a few???
Are the white sheets coming for our nation or is the left making shit up?
White supremacy is a threat when it seeps into our politics. It’s been trending out of politics for the last few decades but has taken a turn in the wrong direction as of late
It's trending in politics because leftist politicians and media outlets talk about it.

Well let’s give them nothing to talk about then, shall we?
I do not know what a "White supremacist" is.

But I DO know they are not our biggest threat.

I think our biggest threat is uncontrolled violent crime.


If a "White supremacist" is someone who believes that Caucasians are superior, that is their right to think that. But how is that a threat? They are usually what people describe as losers. They are only a threat to themselves.
On one hand they claim that White supremacists are toothless moronic inbred hillbillies from Appalachia, then in the next breath, well organized leaders of a vast conspiracy.
This is what happens when folks let CNN rot whatever is left of their brains.
You mean like the right made up the Antifa bogeyman?

In all seriousness - I think they are a threat, like any other extremist group that is willing to utilize violence. What could make them more of a theat is if their views become "normalized" in the mainstream right.
Are you REALLY pretending to be this stupid?

Seriously... This is ultra Rye Catcher level stupidity, and I know it's well below you. We can accept your apology anytime you're finally embarrassed enough to admit you replied with a foolish response and retain some dignity.

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In the hyper partisan idiocy climate of today anyone who does not agree with you on everything is considered a serious domestic terrorist threat to the nation. The biggest threat to this nation is that so many now cannot accept someone can have an honest sincere disagreement about a political policy or social issue and they have to label them as a dangerous radical extremist bent on destroying the nation.

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