Do you believe White Supremacy is a threat to our nation?

Is it the threat the left & propagandists portray?

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The dishonest media describes anything that falls even a tiny bit short of woke orthodoxy as "white supremacist"

You want something that is ACTUALLY dangerous to our country, folks? You have it right there.
Exactly ....

Ingnorant gullible Leftist are a much bigger threat to this Country.
scum demonRATS take the cake as the biggest threat to AMERICA
Is white supremacy a threat? Possibly.

But the real threat comes from the brainless, worthless fucks who support the BLM scumbags.

Worthless assholes who riot, steal, destroy other peoples' property and think the world owes them a living are the real threat to our country.
White supremacists have been around for a long time, but in the last few years I don't think they've been the big problem that the Left portrays them to be. More than anything else, it is my opinion that the Left is trying to create a strawman that they can attack as dangerous terrorist/racists, and they're doing it to curry favor with the minority voters. Jan 6 was not a white supremacist event, there might've been some there but according to some reports there were some ANTIFA people there too. The Charlottesville thing wouldn't have turned into a violent confrontation if the Left had not bused in a bunch of ANTIFA and BLM people to agitate trouble. The WSers had a permit to be there and hold a rally, but the other side didn't. The WSers have been doing their marches and crap for many decades and most people basically ignored them until the Left decided to make a big issue out of them.

It's all about politics.
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Are the white sheets coming for our nation or is the left making shit up?
Regardless what some might ‘think’ – it is a fact that white supremacists and other manifestations of rightwing domestic terrorism is this country’s primary terror threat.

When leftists blame "white supremacy" for black people assaulting Asians, you know it's madeup bullshit.

And you swallow it whole. Gullible buffoon.
And lobotomized retards like you aren't really capable of much else anyway.
At least I could be lobotomized, with you bed wetters there's nothing to be removed.

These fetid turds actually believe there is an abundance of gringo assholes running around preaching about the supremacy of "white" people. Like anyone would even listen. Then you've got pseudo intellectuals trying to assert no one can make an honest dollar in the country unless they're part of some fuckin pick up truck driving white fraternity. Guess what assholes, the same people keeping "victims" down are the same democrook assholes bought and paid for by "the rich" who your bumper stickers claim you want to eat.

Get a fuckin clue you stupid, servile, sniveling, deliberately ignorant, repulsive, vacuous, filthy, shitheaded parasites.

When leftists blame "white supremacy" for black people assaulting Asians, you know it's madeup bullshit.

And you swallow it whole. Gullible buffoon.
Can you even believe how stupid that mother fucker is? It makes a person support abortion.
Are the white sheets coming for our nation or is the left making shit up?
Regardless what some might ‘think’ – it is a fact that white supremacists and other manifestations of rightwing domestic terrorism is this country’s primary terror threat.

:D You're using the NYT as your source and expect anyone to take you seriously?

Short list of lies told by the NYT:

* Claiming officer Sicknick was beaten to death using a fire extinguisher...oops, I mean, he was sprayed with bear spray (as the story was changed later), both versions were based upon "unnamed sources." Sicknick's own family said he died of natural causes that had NOTHING to do with the January 6th kerfuffle.

* Russian bounties that Trump supposedly ignored, once again written based upon "unnamed sources."

* Russian collusion

* The New York Times and other media widely suggested or implied that Trump had not paid income taxes for 18 years. Later, tax return pages leaked to MSNBC ultimately showed that Trump actually paid a higher rate than Democrats Bernie Sanders and President Obama.

* Multiple outlets including Politico, the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, AP, Reuters and the Wall Street Journal reported the same leaked information: that Trump fired FBI Director James Comey shortly after Comey requested additional resources to investigate Russian interference in the election.

* The New York Times' Maggie Haberman, CNN and numerous outlets had long reported, as if fact, the Hillary Clinton claim that a total of 17 American intelligence agencies concluded that Russia orchestrated election year attacks to help get Trump elected. Only three or four agencies, not 17, had officially done so.

* The New York Times' Jan Rosen reported on a hypothetical family whose tax bill would rise nearly $4,000 under Trump's tax plan. It turns out the calculations were off: the couple's taxes would go actually go down $43; not up $4,000.

* The New York Times' Magazine editor-in-chief Jake Silverstein and CNN's Hadas Gold shared a story with photos of immigrant children in cages as if they were new photos taken under the Trump administration. The article and photos were actually from 2014 under the Obama administration. Funny how they aren't saying anything about the Xiden regime having hundreds times the amount of "kids in cages."

* Labeled the satire site Babylon Bee as "far right misinformation."

* The 1619 project

Leftist twits: nuh-uh! All of those things are true! They are a trusted news source, they'd never lie!
How is it that after all the time the NY Times has been proven to be straight up LYING in what they report that these Leftist fools keep believing them?
Simple. They're told to keep believing them.
Are the white sheets coming for our nation or is the left making shit up?
Yes, absolutely. First and foremost, it makes people vote against their own best interests. So you get people like Trump, who wouldn't piss on his cult members if they were on fire.
It's funny how you leftists believe you can dictate what other people's best interests are.

No, my best interests are not keeping Democrats in power.
Are the white sheets coming for our nation or is the left making shit up?
Yes, absolutely. First and foremost, it makes people vote against their own best interests. So you get people like Trump, who wouldn't piss on his cult members if they were on fire.
It's funny how you leftists believe you can dictate what other people's best interests are.

No, my best interests are not keeping Democrats in power.
The best interests of ALL American patriots is to keep Democrats out of power.
Are the white sheets coming for our nation or is the left making shit up?
In a national sense no. There are still individual and group acts that are racist. However the left will have everyone believe we still have slavery, Jim Crow like issues such as sitting in the back of the bus etc and most white cops are KKK members and so on. The problem is this goes as follows, material discrimination as mentioned above has for the most part been done away with and we have laws on the books if and when it does surface in spite of race baiting left wing liars will tell you. What you cannot do is eliminate what I call emotional, sociological cultural discourse between races. That cannot be done by court decision, legislation or executive order. That will take time and patience on BOTH sides. Reparations are BS also, no one alive today was a slave on a plantation or a slave owner.
No more a threat to the nation than someone's toaster exploding in their face and killing them when making breakfast.

I'd guess the death toll numbers for both that and any acts carried out by "white supremacists" each year would be about the same.

Besides, the FBI, CIA, the mainstream media, social media seem to be right on top of these folks right away - whilst Antifa, BLM, the hard left get away with murder - as usual.
No one has been killed by any of those groups just by criminals, brainwashed functional morons. They are a damn disgrace.
No, it doesn't. That would make us no better than them.
Indeed... but I'm past being better than them. They're just lucky we're all better than them and believe our souls would suffer for doing what they're threatening to do to us. That's why I don't interfere with abortion causes anymore. Less liberal genetic waste wandering around benefits the earth.

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