Do you care about Romney's ties to Bain and what they did?

Does the Bain attack matter to you?

  • No

    Votes: 11 36.7%
  • Yes

    Votes: 9 30.0%
  • Its just a distraction

    Votes: 10 33.3%

  • Total voters
*NO* Has Zero bearing. I am not a Class Warfare/Envy type anyway.
Couldn't care less.

I vote for poilticians based on their voting history, which makes me a radical in 2012.
What a silly "poll". The desperate rw's will all make excuses that are just as lame as

I am not a Class Warfare/Envy type...

and hope that no one notices that Mittens' DAILY lies have little or nothing to do with his money or the myth of "class envy".

Bring on the next excuse for etch a sketch's despicable and DAILY lies.
I vote for poilticians based on their voting history...

So, you like Mittens because of RomneyCare and the state of Mass being 47th in job creation under his regime.


C'mon, surely you rw's can do better than this.
What a silly "poll". The desperate rw's will all make excuses that are just as lame as

I am not a Class Warfare/Envy type...

and hope that no one notices that Mittens' DAILY lies have little or nothing to do with his money or the myth of "class envy".

Bring on the next excuse for etch a sketch's despicable and DAILY lies.

This election is not about Romney. Obama is being graded on his first term. Good luck.
I vote for poilticians based on their voting history...

So, you like Mittens because of RomneyCare and the state of Mass being 47th in job creation under his regime.


C'mon, surely you rw's can do better than this.

Point me to one post where I've ever said I was going to vote for Romney, or have ever said there's anything about his voting history that I like.

He encouraged a federal mandate for healthcare during the Obama administration, of course I don't support him.
Do you care about Obamas college records?

his grades?

his birth certificate?

who he had to deal with when a community organizer?

They are just distractions huh
I vote for poilticians based on their voting history...

So, you like Mittens because of RomneyCare and the state of Mass being 47th in job creation under his regime.


C'mon, surely you rw's can do better than this.

ROMNEY CARE was a State Experiment that was changed BY democrats in The Commonwealth...and has NO BEARING on ObamaCare.They changed it after he left.

Try again.

Democrats RULE the Commonwealth Of Massechussetts dumbass.
Do you care about Obamas college records?

his grades?

his birth certificate?

who he had to deal with when a community organizer?

They are just distractions huh

Couldn't care less.

If he were fiscally responsible and pro liberty, I'd vote for him and sign up as many of my dead relatives to do the same.
Romney's work at Bain and the culture of that organization bears as much weight as Obama's membership in Rev. Wright's church.

Fair enough?
I think it basically says what most already knew, that Romney is a suit and tie, and a car elevator evidently.

Frankly I'm not thrilled with the prospect of someone that will whore himself out to corporate America more than Obama already does.
To the Obamabots, it is intended to be a take emphasis away from Obama's record of utter failure. It means nothing to me. Romney in infinitely more qualified to be our President than is the community organizer from Chicago.
Does any of this nonsense matter to you or do you consider it a distraction?

In the real world, Governor Romney has done nothing illegal. We do live in a global economic environment.

The success Bain has had with many companies is on the record. And it's a record I believe both Romney and the company can be proud of.

Distraction as far as the board goes? Most certainly. I'm witnessing a lot of flooding of the front page in Politics.
What a silly "poll". The desperate rw's will all make excuses that are just as lame as

I am not a Class Warfare/Envy type...

and hope that no one notices that Mittens' DAILY lies have little or nothing to do with his money or the myth of "class envy".

Bring on the next excuse for etch a sketch's despicable and DAILY lies.

It's a straight forward question. Nothing silly about it. Sorry you can't comprehend someone having an opinion other than yours.

Now be a good troll and move along.
I think it basically says what most already knew, that Romney is a suit and tie, and a car elevator evidently.

Frankly I'm not thrilled with the prospect of someone that will whore himself out to corporate America more than Obama already does.

Nice. Obama was and still is an EMPTY SUIT.
Do you care about Obamas college records?

his grades?

his birth certificate?

who he had to deal with when a community organizer?

They are just distractions huh

I was curious about his grades and who paid for his education yes. But all of this is moot now as the man actually has a record this time.

Your posts howevere are never anything more than a distraction.
Do you care about Obamas college records?

his grades?

his birth certificate?

who he had to deal with when a community organizer?

They are just distractions huh

I was curious about his grades and who paid for his education yes. But all of this is moot now as the man actually has a record this time.

Your posts howevere are never anything more than a distraction.

TdM is a giant distraction. I am past the shunning point to ignore. She's just plain stupid.
I think it basically says what most already knew, that Romney is a suit and tie, and a car elevator evidently.

Frankly I'm not thrilled with the prospect of someone that will whore himself out to corporate America more than Obama already does.

Nice. Obama was and still is an EMPTY SUIT.
No, no, no! Obama is a turd in a suit!

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