Do You Care If Seattle Burns To the Ground

Do you care if Seattle burns to the ground

  • Yes, I care.

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • No, I don't care

    Votes: 28 84.8%

  • Total voters
I've got family up there. Plus, I don't like to see people's lives destroyed just because they believe ideas that I think are shitty.
However many many have died thoughout history precisely for that reason.
Too many.

A lot of people have died from starvation, too. I don't like to see that, either.

Well, it is their shitty ideas that destroyed their lives.

I hope all is well with your family.
The only argument I have about that is that no vote has ever been unanimous.

I live in Portland. My ideas have never been in charge of this city, and if it burns down, I don't believe that any significant portion of the responsibility will be mine, though I'm certain that I and my family would suffer during such an event.

Mass destruction inevitably hurts a lot of people who don't deserve it by any sane metric.
I've got family up there. Plus, I don't like to see people's lives destroyed just because they believe ideas that I think are shitty.
However many many have died thoughout history precisely for that reason.
Too many.

A lot of people have died from starvation, too. I don't like to see that, either.

Well, it is their shitty ideas that destroyed their lives.

I hope all is well with your family.
The only argument I have about that is that no vote has ever been unanimous.

I live in Portland. My ideas have never been in charge of this city, and if it burns down, I don't believe that any significant portion of the responsibility will be mine, though I'm certain that I and my family would suffer during such an event.

Mass destruction inevitably hurts a lot of people who don't deserve it by any sane metric.

This is where it get's tricky.

If I lived in Portland, I'd get all I could together and head down to the courthouse. I'd try to let the assholes (rioters) know I don't appreciate what they are doing in a passive way.

If they come at me, I'd beat the fuck out of them.
All this back-and-forth about Seattle and federal marshalls.

Seattle sits in the state of Washington.

It is subject to both state and federal laws.

But in the end, I really don't care if the residents want to burn the place to the ground. In fact, it would be a welcome event.

The only think I care about are the federal buildings. I helped pay for those and I'd prefer that the residents of Seattle leave them alone.

As for the rest of the "worlds largest homeless shelter and toilet", I could care less.
That about sums up my feelings as well.
I've got family up there. Plus, I don't like to see people's lives destroyed just because they believe ideas that I think are shitty.
You can’t save people from their own shitty ideas. The point is the people in Seattle voted in high enough numbers to make the rest of the state subject to their shitty ideas. So if they penance comes then so be it.
All this back-and-forth about Seattle and federal marshalls.

Seattle sits in the state of Washington.

It is subject to both state and federal laws.

But in the end, I really don't care if the residents want to burn the place to the ground. In fact, it would be a welcome event.

The only think I care about are the federal buildings. I helped pay for those and I'd prefer that the residents of Seattle leave them alone.

As for the rest of the "worlds largest homeless shelter and toilet", I could care less.
You sound like a real stand up guy

18 out of 20 don't care.
Seattle sits in the state of Washington.

It is subject to both state and federal laws.

Wrong. Seattle sits in the state of Washington, but it's not DC.

Might wanna brush up on your civics class.

Please show me where I said D.C.

I said it sits in the state of Washington.

Seattle in Washington D.C. ? You drinking ?

Nope, not drinking (much anyway), but you said that it has to comply with state and federal laws. States don't have to do that, only the District of Columbia (Washington DC to be specific). States have the right to tell the federal government to fuck off. Washington DC doesn't have that right.

Like I said.............................learn civics.

You are saying that no federal laws apply to either the state of Washington or Seattle ?

So, Washington or Seattle can print it's own currency ?

Sea-Tac Airport does not have to comply with FAA regulations ?

You are being obviously obtuse. No, they can't print their own currency, as they are part of the USA. However, states rights are over federal rights when it comes to certain things. Sorry, but the federal government has no right to censor a state.
That didn’t seem to be the case when Arizona tried to get illegals under control.
Seattle isn't going to burn to the ground.

The question was:

IF it did

Would you care.

Why don't you find someplace else to demonstrate your lack of comprehension.

I know what the question was. I just don't see the use in it.

First, it's a hypothetical situation that won't actually happen. That's neat. Some hypothetical questions are useful because they get to something, but I don't see what the point of this is. Conservatives on a conservative-leaning message board don't care if a blue city burns to the ground. Is that it? Is that what you're trying to prove? Real cutting-edge stuff there. I could have told you that.

If there's more to this hypothetical question, please enlighten me.
Seattle isn't going to burn to the ground.

The question was:

IF it did

Would you care.

Why don't you find someplace else to demonstrate your lack of comprehension.

I know what the question was. I just don't see the use in it.

First, it's a hypothetical situation that won't actually happen. That's neat. Some hypothetical questions are useful because they get to something, but I don't see what the point of this is. Conservatives on a conservative-leaning message board don't care if a blue city burns to the ground. Is that it? Is that what you're trying to prove? Real cutting-edge stuff there. I could have told you that.

If there's more to this hypothetical question, please enlighten me.

Some might care.

Just curious.

This is so typical of you. If you don't get have something to say that is meaningless.
Seattle isn't going to burn to the ground.

The question was:

IF it did

Would you care.

Why don't you find someplace else to demonstrate your lack of comprehension.

I know what the question was. I just don't see the use in it.

First, it's a hypothetical situation that won't actually happen. That's neat. Some hypothetical questions are useful because they get to something, but I don't see what the point of this is. Conservatives on a conservative-leaning message board don't care if a blue city burns to the ground. Is that it? Is that what you're trying to prove? Real cutting-edge stuff there. I could have told you that.

If there's more to this hypothetical question, please enlighten me.

Some might care.

Just curious.

This is so typical of you. If you don't get have something to say that is meaningless.

You're curious? You couldn't have predicted this? Meh, well good for you being curious I guess. I'll put in my vote just for you.

Here's a question for you: Would you care if the state of Wyoming burned to the ground?
Seattle isn't going to burn to the ground.

The question was:

IF it did

Would you care.

Why don't you find someplace else to demonstrate your lack of comprehension.

I know what the question was. I just don't see the use in it.

First, it's a hypothetical situation that won't actually happen. That's neat. Some hypothetical questions are useful because they get to something, but I don't see what the point of this is. Conservatives on a conservative-leaning message board don't care if a blue city burns to the ground. Is that it? Is that what you're trying to prove? Real cutting-edge stuff there. I could have told you that.

If there's more to this hypothetical question, please enlighten me.

Some might care.

Just curious.

This is so typical of you. If you don't get have something to say that is meaningless.

You're curious? You couldn't have predicted this? Meh, well good for you being curious I guess. I'll put in my vote just for you.

Here's a question for you: Would you care if the state of Wyoming burned to the ground?

Good question.

If the state was suffering from a lot of lawless riots and they did nothing about it, probably not.
Seattle isn't going to burn to the ground.

The question was:

IF it did

Would you care.

Why don't you find someplace else to demonstrate your lack of comprehension.

I know what the question was. I just don't see the use in it.

First, it's a hypothetical situation that won't actually happen. That's neat. Some hypothetical questions are useful because they get to something, but I don't see what the point of this is. Conservatives on a conservative-leaning message board don't care if a blue city burns to the ground. Is that it? Is that what you're trying to prove? Real cutting-edge stuff there. I could have told you that.

If there's more to this hypothetical question, please enlighten me.
The point you are missing is do any of us feel compelled to come help rescue a left wing city from their own self induced problems. Clearly that answer is no. Your entire city may not burn down. Don’t bother asking for help to rebuild it. You already know better than to ask for our help in stopping the results of your politics.
All this back-and-forth about Seattle and federal marshalls.

Seattle sits in the state of Washington.

It is subject to both state and federal laws.

But in the end, I really don't care if the residents want to burn the place to the ground. In fact, it would be a welcome event.

The only think I care about are the federal buildings. I helped pay for those and I'd prefer that the residents of Seattle leave them alone.

As for the rest of the "worlds largest homeless shelter and toilet", I could care less.

Burn the drug addict, white trash city of “punk land “ too
Good question.

If the state was suffering from a lot of lawless riots and they did nothing about it, probably not.

Ok. So you probably don't care.

So let's say that there is lawless riots there and the state officials are doing nothing about it.

You have a close aunt who lives there. Do you care now?
Good question.

If the state was suffering from a lot of lawless riots and they did nothing about it, probably not.

Ok. So you probably don't care.

So let's say that there is lawless riots there and the state officials are doing nothing about it.

You have a close aunt who lives there. Do you care now?


She'll be out of there.
Seattle isn't going to burn to the ground.

The question was:

IF it did

Would you care.

Why don't you find someplace else to demonstrate your lack of comprehension.

I know what the question was. I just don't see the use in it.

First, it's a hypothetical situation that won't actually happen. That's neat. Some hypothetical questions are useful because they get to something, but I don't see what the point of this is. Conservatives on a conservative-leaning message board don't care if a blue city burns to the ground. Is that it? Is that what you're trying to prove? Real cutting-edge stuff there. I could have told you that.

If there's more to this hypothetical question, please enlighten me.
The point you are missing is do any of us feel compelled to come help rescue a left wing city from their own self induced problems. Clearly that answer is no. Your entire city may not burn down. Don’t bother asking for help to rebuild it. You already know better than to ask for our help in stopping the results of your politics.

The question didn't say anything about being "compelled to help".
Good question.

If the state was suffering from a lot of lawless riots and they did nothing about it, probably not.

Ok. So you probably don't care.

So let's say that there is lawless riots there and the state officials are doing nothing about it.

You have a close aunt who lives there. Do you care now?


She'll be out of there.

She chooses to stay there. It's her home.

Do you care?
I've got family up there. Plus, I don't like to see people's lives destroyed just because they believe ideas that I think are shitty.
You can’t save people from their own shitty ideas. The point is the people in Seattle voted in high enough numbers to make the rest of the state subject to their shitty ideas. So if they penance comes then so be it.
I've already stated the same about bearing responsibility based on voting in leaders that would allow the city to burn, in that scenario, but the question wasn't whether or not it would be a just ending for those people who had a hand in it. I'm just saying that I wouldn't like to see it. I hope those crazy morons pump the brakes before things get much worse.

I'm as pissed at the lefties as the next sane individual for this rioting, and I'm well aware of the sort of hard sentiments we all tend to throw around when we're this pissed at faceless masses of people ostensibly committing horrific acts. But the up close reality of a dead kid and a grieving mother will absolutely haunt just about anyone that's not completely broken or psychopathic, and what we're discussing is that multiplied by many thousands. If it happened, the satisfaction of I told you so probably wouldn't cushion you from that sinking, empty feeling in your gut if you actually had to bear witness to such a thing.
Good question.

If the state was suffering from a lot of lawless riots and they did nothing about it, probably not.

Ok. So you probably don't care.

So let's say that there is lawless riots there and the state officials are doing nothing about it.

You have a close aunt who lives there. Do you care now?


She'll be out of there.

She chooses to stay there. It's her home.

Do you care?


She does not leave....I'll be there with others to ensure she is O.K.

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