Do You Care If Seattle Burns To the Ground

Do you care if Seattle burns to the ground

  • Yes, I care.

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • No, I don't care

    Votes: 28 84.8%

  • Total voters
Wow..................conservatives like to bitch about how violent the liberals are, yet on this very thread, many conservatives are wishing for whole cities (and in some cases, entire states) to be burned to the ground.

They are also calling for liberals to be deported from this country.
We're as close to a civil war as we have been since the 1800's. Harsh words are going to happen.

Harsh words are not a concern.

It's those pesky pieces of steel and lead flying at you at high velocity that get my attention.
Nope...........I just don't want them to escape to do it again after.........Fence the dang place in and use it as a's all the place is worth.........The Far left are off the reservation.
All this back-and-forth about Seattle and federal marshalls.

Seattle sits in the state of Washington.

It is subject to both state and federal laws.

But in the end, I really don't care if the residents want to burn the place to the ground. In fact, it would be a welcome event.

The only think I care about are the federal buildings. I helped pay for those and I'd prefer that the residents of Seattle leave them alone.

As for the rest of the "worlds largest homeless shelter and toilet", I could care less.

Not anymore. The fence sitters need an object lesson of what voting Democrat will result in.
All this back-and-forth about Seattle and federal marshalls.

Seattle sits in the state of Washington.

It is subject to both state and federal laws.

But in the end, I really don't care if the residents want to burn the place to the ground. In fact, it would be a welcome event.

The only think I care about are the federal buildings. I helped pay for those and I'd prefer that the residents of Seattle leave them alone.

As for the rest of the "worlds largest homeless shelter and toilet", I could care less.
You sound like a real stand up guy

You don't.
My "yes" vote represents a feeling of guilty I sensed after 9/11 when beforehand I didn't care if NYC burned down to the ground. I'd hate to see a minority of idiots ruin things for the vast majority.
I would not waste my time to go help with the rapid oxidation of the place.
Yeah, I would kind of like to see that kind of a disaster.
I came down to the Gulf Coast area to see a hurricane the last year. I saw flooding in New Orleans in May of last year, a tropical storm in August in Galveston, and a Stage 1 hurricane last weekend, here, in Corpus Christi - working my way to the big one.
Every city and every town, burn Seattle to the ground will give me a reason to finally tour the Great North West.
I believe that Seattle can choose its own future. If there are people in Seattle who don't like the direction then they need to do something about it. They could turn out in numbers a hundred times greater than the black-hating fascists from BLM and Antifa or they could recall the mayor and governor. If they do nothing then, to paraphrase Joseph de Maistre, they get the government they deserve.

If they do nothing then, yes, let it burn. Let the homes of the right burn right along with the homes of the left. Just don't try to burn Federal property or then the military should come in and burn the rebels.
All this back-and-forth about Seattle and federal marshalls.

Seattle sits in the state of Washington.

It is subject to both state and federal laws.

But in the end, I really don't care if the residents want to burn the place to the ground. In fact, it would be a welcome event.

The only think I care about are the federal buildings. I helped pay for those and I'd prefer that the residents of Seattle leave them alone.

As for the rest of the "worlds largest homeless shelter and toilet", I could care less.
Seems to me you could care less because you're a low life piece of shit maybe?
And I'd still be a better man than you.

So please feel free to go fuck yourself at any time.
Looks like you got the whole crew of trumbots on your side on this one. Nothing to brag about. You guys are clueless about what a disaster trump is starting with his allowing the corona virus to get out of hand. Tens of thousands unnecessarily dead because of him and you guys keep licking his ass.
All this back-and-forth about Seattle and federal marshalls.

Seattle sits in the state of Washington.

It is subject to both state and federal laws.

But in the end, I really don't care if the residents want to burn the place to the ground. In fact, it would be a welcome event.

The only think I care about are the federal buildings. I helped pay for those and I'd prefer that the residents of Seattle leave them alone.

As for the rest of the "worlds largest homeless shelter and toilet", I could care less.
Seems to me you could care less because you're a low life piece of shit maybe?
And I'd still be a better man than you.

So please feel free to go fuck yourself at any time.
Looks like you got the whole crew of trumbots on your side on this one. Nothing to brag about. You guys are clueless about what a disaster trump is starting with his allowing the corona virus to get out of hand. Tens of thousands unnecessarily dead because of him and you guys keep licking his ass.

So you're saying Seattle is burning due to the coronavirus? Or you're losing the argument so badly you want to change the subject?
All this back-and-forth about Seattle and federal marshalls.

Seattle sits in the state of Washington.

It is subject to both state and federal laws.

But in the end, I really don't care if the residents want to burn the place to the ground. In fact, it would be a welcome event.

The only think I care about are the federal buildings. I helped pay for those and I'd prefer that the residents of Seattle leave them alone.

As for the rest of the "worlds largest homeless shelter and toilet", I could care less.
Seems to me you could care less because you're a low life piece of shit maybe?
And I'd still be a better man than you.

So please feel free to go fuck yourself at any time.
Looks like you got the whole crew of trumbots on your side on this one. Nothing to brag about. You guys are clueless about what a disaster trump is starting with his allowing the corona virus to get out of hand. Tens of thousands unnecessarily dead because of him and you guys keep licking his ass.

And you've got your head up Biden's.

Funny how everything becomes about the TDS that is now firmly entrenched in you tiny little mind.

Lot's more dead for other reasons that we never talk about. Overall, the increase in mortality (globally) is 2%. Big deal, especially when it is just a few countries (Europeans ) who seem intent on fucking themselves over. Back in the states, it is the Northeast that pretty much screwed up.

So, suck on it.
All this back-and-forth about Seattle and federal marshalls.

Seattle sits in the state of Washington.

It is subject to both state and federal laws.

But in the end, I really don't care if the residents want to burn the place to the ground. In fact, it would be a welcome event.

The only think I care about are the federal buildings. I helped pay for those and I'd prefer that the residents of Seattle leave them alone.

As for the rest of the "worlds largest homeless shelter and toilet", I could care less.
Seems to me you could care less because you're a low life piece of shit maybe?
And I'd still be a better man than you.

So please feel free to go fuck yourself at any time.
Looks like you got the whole crew of trumbots on your side on this one. Nothing to brag about. You guys are clueless about what a disaster trump is starting with his allowing the corona virus to get out of hand. Tens of thousands unnecessarily dead because of him and you guys keep licking his ass.

So you're saying Seattle is burning due to the coronavirus? Or you're losing the argument so badly you want to change the subject?

Give him a break.

Add meds don't always work.
All this back-and-forth about Seattle and federal marshalls.

Seattle sits in the state of Washington.

It is subject to both state and federal laws.

But in the end, I really don't care if the residents want to burn the place to the ground. In fact, it would be a welcome event.

The only think I care about are the federal buildings. I helped pay for those and I'd prefer that the residents of Seattle leave them alone.

As for the rest of the "worlds largest homeless shelter and toilet", I could care less.
Cascadia is going to get it soon anyway. We can always build another Space Needle somewhere else.
today I heard that about 240 Million people in the seattle area are selling thier home/and or moving far far away!
All this back-and-forth about Seattle and federal marshalls.

Seattle sits in the state of Washington.

It is subject to both state and federal laws.

But in the end, I really don't care if the residents want to burn the place to the ground. In fact, it would be a welcome event.

The only think I care about are the federal buildings. I helped pay for those and I'd prefer that the residents of Seattle leave them alone.

As for the rest of the "worlds largest homeless shelter and toilet", I could care less.
Cascadia is going to get it soon anyway. We can always build another Space Needle somewhere else.
today I heard that about 240 Million people in the seattle area are selling thier home/and or moving far far away!

They have 56 states to chose from.
All this back-and-forth about Seattle and federal marshalls.

Seattle sits in the state of Washington.

It is subject to both state and federal laws.

But in the end, I really don't care if the residents want to burn the place to the ground. In fact, it would be a welcome event.

The only think I care about are the federal buildings. I helped pay for those and I'd prefer that the residents of Seattle leave them alone.

As for the rest of the "worlds largest homeless shelter and toilet", I could care less.
Cascadia is going to get it soon anyway. We can always build another Space Needle somewhere else.
today I heard that about 240 Million people in the seattle area are selling thier home/and or moving far far away!

They have 56 states to chose from.
well dont come to Florida,,,we are full! go to Nevada or Ida Hoe
I believe that Seattle can choose its own future. If there are people in Seattle who don't like the direction then they need to do something about it. They could turn out in numbers a hundred times greater than the black-hating fascists from BLM and Antifa or they could recall the mayor and governor. If they do nothing then, to paraphrase Joseph de Maistre, they get the government they deserve.

If they do nothing then, yes, let it burn. Let the homes of the right burn right along with the homes of the left. Just don't try to burn Federal property or then the military should come in and burn the rebels.

We all do.

It is tough for me to imagine the citizenry of my small city allowing anything like this to occure.

I suspect that if a "protest" started that got stupid, the locals would tell the police to just patrol somewhere else while we take care of it.

We'd also notify the hospital that they'll want to staff up.
The Communist Democrat denizens of Seattle have turned on their Mayor :laugh:

No wonder the right, the Constitution, and the nation, are in such trouble. When those who pretend to be on the right think that THAT video shows a revolt by the citizens against the mayor, then we're in serious trouble.

The video CLAIMS that 300 people on a city council phone call complained about the mayor's handling of the riots... If it's true, which I doubt, 300 people on the phone is not a revolt. If you want to see a revolt, see what Antifa is doing. That's a revolt. Thousands of Antifa communists riot in the streets. 300 citizens make a phone call. Guess whose revolt wins? Guess who defines the future of Seattle?

When 300,000, or even 30,000, or even just 3000, Seattle citizens take to the streets demanding the end of the rioting and demanding that the mayor resign and demanding that the police be protected, then tell me about Seattle turning on the mayor. So far, the residents of Seattle appear to be asking for more of what they've gotten for the past 60 days.
All this back-and-forth about Seattle and federal marshalls.

Seattle sits in the state of Washington.

It is subject to both state and federal laws.

But in the end, I really don't care if the residents want to burn the place to the ground. In fact, it would be a welcome event.

The only think I care about are the federal buildings. I helped pay for those and I'd prefer that the residents of Seattle leave them alone.

As for the rest of the "worlds largest homeless shelter and toilet", I could care less.
Spoken like a true trumpanzee.
Wow..................conservatives like to bitch about how violent the liberals are, yet on this very thread, many conservatives are wishing for whole cities (and in some cases, entire states) to be burned to the ground.

They are also calling for liberals to be deported from this country.
Wow..... did you fail to notice the arson and rioting are being done by these violent leftist? Burn your city. Why should we step in and stop you?
All this back-and-forth about Seattle and federal marshalls.

Seattle sits in the state of Washington.

It is subject to both state and federal laws.

But in the end, I really don't care if the residents want to burn the place to the ground. In fact, it would be a welcome event.

The only think I care about are the federal buildings. I helped pay for those and I'd prefer that the residents of Seattle leave them alone.

As for the rest of the "worlds largest homeless shelter and toilet", I could care less.
Spoken like a true trumpanzee.

Did it piss you off ?

If so, it was worth it.

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