Do You Care That Nancy Reagan Died?

Didn't know she was still alive. How many other president's wives are still alive? Nancy's husband was a criminal, though she seemed to be a nice old lady.
Wow. If Reagan was a criminal in your opinion, I can't imagine what you think of Obama. Care to share?


In Richard Nixon's administration there were 8 people indicted or convicted of crimes. Nixon is someone everyone views as a horrible man/criminal who resigned and left office in utter disgrace.

In Ronald Reagan's administration there were 138 people indicted or convicted of crimes, many in his inner circle. He got 242 marines killed in Beirut then he immediately turned tail and ran. Then invaded a tiny island called Grenada two days later to try to save face. Reagan was the worst criminal to hold high office in U.S. history. Bar none.

Obama has had 0 people indicted or convicted in his administration.

The phoney memes you cons pass around amongst each other are just that, fake. Obama has been one of the most honest president's ever.

Reagan was excrement in comparison. Not by opinion, but by fact. Soooooorrrryy.
. This proves you know jack shit and can't be counted on for an honest assement of that black turd occupying our White House. 0 indictments in the Obama crime regime? The son of a bitch had an Attorney General who wouldn't indict Clinton for crimes against the American People but indicts General Petraus for showing his appointment book to his girlfriend.

I called you out. I knew a liberal like you would answer dishonestly. Reagan was a Saint.

You don't live in reality, which is pretty much the state of modern conservatism. The facts are chiseled in stone, your 'belief' about them is irrelevant. Reagan was a criminal who surrounded himself with a crime organization. Thank god many of them were tried and convicted for their crimes against the country. As much can't be said of the crime organization that surrounded Shrub.
She really didn't have much of an impact on my life, and she was in her mid 90's when she died.

She had a good run. My condolences to the family (because it's what you're supposed to say), but other than that, I didn't know her and she didn't know me, so there was nothing to really be concerned or care about for me.

However, I really think she did a lot of damage with her "just say no" campaign.
She really didn't have much of an impact on my life, and she was in her mid 90's when she died.

She had a good run. My condolences to the family (because it's what you're supposed to say), but other than that, I didn't know her and she didn't know me, so there was nothing to really be concerned or care about for me.

However, I really think she did a lot of damage with her "just say no" campaign.
She was the archetypal hypocrite with her anti-drug bullshit. Nancy Reagan was a pill junkie. The Way Patti Sees It : While Some Question Her Motives, Davis Says She Just Wants to Tell the Truth About the Reagans
She really didn't have much of an impact on my life, and she was in her mid 90's when she died.

She had a good run. My condolences to the family (because it's what you're supposed to say), but other than that, I didn't know her and she didn't know me, so there was nothing to really be concerned or care about for me.

However, I really think she did a lot of damage with her "just say no" campaign.
She was the archetypal hypocrite with her anti-drug bullshit. Nancy Reagan was a pill junkie. The Way Patti Sees It : While Some Question Her Motives, Davis Says She Just Wants to Tell the Truth About the Reagans

It's good the truth about these people comes out, the hard-right-wing has fallen all over themselves to portray this guy as some great president, when he was the exact opposite. Now we see Nancy had a drug problem? It makes them more human for normal people, but it destroys their fake image for conservatives.

Again I thought she was just some nice old lady, misguided on many things, but past history. Rest in peace.
It's good the truth about these people comes out, the hard-right-wing has fallen all over themselves to portray this guy as some great president, when he was the exact opposite. Now we see Nancy had a drug problem? It makes them more human for normal people, but it destroys their fake image for conservatives.

It's hard to think of a more offensive irony than in spite of being married to and faithfully attending a narcotized zombie, Ronald Reagan escalated Nixon's failed War On Drugs to a level which has created more tormenting misery, utter ruin, waste and painful death to more people than has some wars.

You are so right about the willful blindness of the hypnotized right wing water carriers who were and who remain utterly bamboozled by that exalted, two-bit, grade-B movie character.

As my profane German nana sometimes said, "Der Teufel est schoen!". (The devil is handsome.)
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Sure, it's sad when people die. I don't care enough that I would cry because I don't know her, but I still think it's sad when someone dies. They are gone forever.
I would agree it's sad when some people die. But there logically needs to be a reason for the sadness. I don't know about you, but I can't think of any reason to be sad because a cypher like Nancy Reagan died.

The most I can say for her passing is it made room for someone else.
It's good the truth about these people comes out, the hard-right-wing has fallen all over themselves to portray this guy as some great president, when he was the exact opposite. Now we see Nancy had a drug problem? It makes them more human for normal people, but it destroys their fake image for conservatives.

It's hard to think of a more offensive irony than in spite of being married to and faithfully attending a narcotized zombie, Ronald Reagan escalated Nixon's failed War On Drugs to a level which has created more tormenting misery, utter ruin, waste and painful death to more people than has some wars.

You are so right about the willful blindness of the hypnotized right wing water carriers who were and who remain utterly bamboozled by that exalted, two-bit, grade-B movie character.

As my profane German nana sometimes said, "Der Teufel est schoen!". (The devil is handsome.)

Yeah its fine to note someone's positives, but you have to acknowledge their overall negatives, especially if they are especially bad.

Nixon visited China and opened up relations with them, a positive. But he used his powers to spy on and attempt to harm the opposing political party for political gain. A trampling of the Constituiton. This qualifies as high crimes.

Reagan was told by Congress, you cannot help any of the various factions in central America that you happen to like with any American money, and you cannot sell arms to Iran.
Reagan ignored Congress and went behind their back and sold weapons to Iran and used the money to fund one of the groups fighting in central America. A clear trampling of and violation of the Constitution that also qualifies as high crimes. His administration was basically a criminal organization. Any adult human being cannot just ignore these things and say "well I thought he was a saint".

It is self-delusion and mental lying on a grand scale.
She really didn't have much of an impact on my life, and she was in her mid 90's when she died.

She had a good run. My condolences to the family (because it's what you're supposed to say), but other than that, I didn't know her and she didn't know me, so there was nothing to really be concerned or care about for me.

However, I really think she did a lot of damage with her "just say no" campaign.
She was the archetypal hypocrite with her anti-drug bullshit. Nancy Reagan was a pill junkie. The Way Patti Sees It : While Some Question Her Motives, Davis Says She Just Wants to Tell the Truth About the Reagans

It's good the truth about these people comes out, the hard-right-wing has fallen all over themselves to portray this guy as some great president, when he was the exact opposite. Now we see Nancy had a drug problem? It makes them more human for normal people, but it destroys their fake image for conservatives.

Again I thought she was just some nice old lady, misguided on many things, but past history. Rest in peace.
What's sad and telling is how the right has sought to politicize someone's death.
Granny says, "Not particularly...

... she broke up his marriage to Jane Wyman...

... an' den swooped in like a vulture to claim him.

... Don Regan saw right through her."
She really didn't have much of an impact on my life, and she was in her mid 90's when she died.

She had a good run. My condolences to the family (because it's what you're supposed to say), but other than that, I didn't know her and she didn't know me, so there was nothing to really be concerned or care about for me.

However, I really think she did a lot of damage with her "just say no" campaign.
She was the archetypal hypocrite with her anti-drug bullshit. Nancy Reagan was a pill junkie. The Way Patti Sees It : While Some Question Her Motives, Davis Says She Just Wants to Tell the Truth About the Reagans

It's good the truth about these people comes out, the hard-right-wing has fallen all over themselves to portray this guy as some great president, when he was the exact opposite. Now we see Nancy had a drug problem? It makes them more human for normal people, but it destroys their fake image for conservatives.

Again I thought she was just some nice old lady, misguided on many things, but past history. Rest in peace.
What's sad and telling is how the right has sought to politicize someone's death.

What's even worse, and more telling, are the vile comments by members here of the left immediately following her death.

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