CDZ Do you consider a country free when 62% of its people are afraid to express an opinion? Simple Yes or NO please.


of course it is.

People can CHOOSE whether or not so say what they want.

using that logic, nazi germany was free. hell, using that logic, the inmates of the death camps were "free".

right up until they were dead.
No one is getting gassed in this country for saying what they want.

No one is getting arrested

Talk about a shitty comparison
The entire NATION is on edge because of the VIOLENT DEMOCRAT PARTY and their PROPAGANDA WING.

I know it, you it, we all fucking know it.
I'm not on edge.

I say what I want when I want.

Just because other people can tell you what you said was stupid does not mean this is not a relatively free country
YOU are NOT "the rest of the nation."
You said "The ENTIRE nation is on edge"

That means EVERYONE in the nation.

Words mean things. It's ironic that in a thread about free speech you don't seem to realize that words mean things.
This is also the "CLEAN DEBATE ZONE," yet you feel the need to puke up an insult.

Talk about irony.

"The entire nation" is a generalization, and it's spot on.

If you think that was an insult then you are too sensitive.

And ALL generalizations are bad ( even that one)
Yeah, it was an insult. You basically implied I'm stupid, and that's an insult.

Generalizations are used every day, all day, by the vast majority of people on earth, and people understand what the person using the generalization means.

You are deflecting, attacking what I said, instead of disputing what I meant, which is the vast majority of people in this nation are not speaking their mind because of fear of the violent democrats and their rioting mobs of lawless ANTIFA, BLM and the like, showing up their house at 3:00AM with a bull horn, and the police do virtually nothing or don't show up at all, and if you walk outside with a firearm to protect your property and life, you get charge with a crime. The law is upside down right now, and people see it, and it's causing a lot of anxiety, so people just keep their mouths shut attempting to mitigate it, and that is NOT FREEDOM.

It was upside down before. We are now trying to level it up. There will be things that get broke by doing that.

your actions are not the actions of fixing shit, but of destroying the nation and oppressing and terrorizing good people.

I don't recall doing that but if you say so........

funny, you say "we" in your post, but when i call you on the behavior of your group, suddenly you "forget" that you were happy to be speaking for the left as a group, just a few minutes earlier.

yes, you have done that. you were bragging about it, in your previous post. too late to walk it back now.

If you see fixing a broken system as terror, so be it. Not my problem.

View attachment 376194

this is not fixing anything. and if you support terror on me, and mine, when it blows back on you, and it will, it will be your problem then.

Quit fighting a fair system. You can't win.

i can. and i'm certainly going to try. also, you claim of it being fair, is just the type of thing, to really encourage viciousness, if/when we do get the upper hand.

just saying.

you sure you want to go all in like that?

I want fair. I'm not interested in your opinion of that.
Life isn't nor will it ever be fair.

Justice is going to be.

No it won’t, never has been, never will be.

of course it is.

People can CHOOSE whether or not so say what they want.

using that logic, nazi germany was free. hell, using that logic, the inmates of the death camps were "free".

right up until they were dead.
No one is getting gassed in this country for saying what they want.

No one is getting arrested

Talk about a shitty comparison
The entire NATION is on edge because of the VIOLENT DEMOCRAT PARTY and their PROPAGANDA WING.

I know it, you it, we all fucking know it.
I'm not on edge.

I say what I want when I want.

Just because other people can tell you what you said was stupid does not mean this is not a relatively free country
YOU are NOT "the rest of the nation."
You said "The ENTIRE nation is on edge"

That means EVERYONE in the nation.

Words mean things. It's ironic that in a thread about free speech you don't seem to realize that words mean things.
This is also the "CLEAN DEBATE ZONE," yet you feel the need to puke up an insult.

Talk about irony.

"The entire nation" is a generalization, and it's spot on.

If you think that was an insult then you are too sensitive.

And ALL generalizations are bad ( even that one)
Yeah, it was an insult. You basically implied I'm stupid, and that's an insult.

Generalizations are used every day, all day, by the vast majority of people on earth, and people understand what the person using the generalization means.

You are deflecting, attacking what I said, instead of disputing what I meant, which is the vast majority of people in this nation are not speaking their mind because of fear of the violent democrats and their rioting mobs of lawless ANTIFA, BLM and the like, showing up their house at 3:00AM with a bull horn, and the police do virtually nothing or don't show up at all, and if you walk outside with a firearm to protect your property and life, you get charge with a crime. The law is upside down right now, and people see it, and it's causing a lot of anxiety, so people just keep their mouths shut attempting to mitigate it, and that is NOT FREEDOM.

It was upside down before. We are now trying to level it up. There will be things that get broke by doing that.

your actions are not the actions of fixing shit, but of destroying the nation and oppressing and terrorizing good people.

I don't recall doing that but if you say so........

funny, you say "we" in your post, but when i call you on the behavior of your group, suddenly you "forget" that you were happy to be speaking for the left as a group, just a few minutes earlier.

yes, you have done that. you were bragging about it, in your previous post. too late to walk it back now.

If you see fixing a broken system as terror, so be it. Not my problem.

View attachment 376194

this is not fixing anything. and if you support terror on me, and mine, when it blows back on you, and it will, it will be your problem then.

Quit fighting a fair system. You can't win.

i can. and i'm certainly going to try. also, you claim of it being fair, is just the type of thing, to really encourage viciousness, if/when we do get the upper hand.

just saying.

you sure you want to go all in like that?

I want fair. I'm not interested in your opinion of that.
Life isn't nor will it ever be fair.

Justice is going to be.

No it won’t, never has been, never will be.

I'm sure that's what the South thought when told that slavery would end also.

of course it is.

People can CHOOSE whether or not so say what they want.

using that logic, nazi germany was free. hell, using that logic, the inmates of the death camps were "free".

right up until they were dead.
No one is getting gassed in this country for saying what they want.

No one is getting arrested

Talk about a shitty comparison
The entire NATION is on edge because of the VIOLENT DEMOCRAT PARTY and their PROPAGANDA WING.

I know it, you it, we all fucking know it.
I'm not on edge.

I say what I want when I want.

Just because other people can tell you what you said was stupid does not mean this is not a relatively free country
YOU are NOT "the rest of the nation."
You said "The ENTIRE nation is on edge"

That means EVERYONE in the nation.

Words mean things. It's ironic that in a thread about free speech you don't seem to realize that words mean things.
This is also the "CLEAN DEBATE ZONE," yet you feel the need to puke up an insult.

Talk about irony.

"The entire nation" is a generalization, and it's spot on.

If you think that was an insult then you are too sensitive.

And ALL generalizations are bad ( even that one)
Yeah, it was an insult. You basically implied I'm stupid, and that's an insult.

Generalizations are used every day, all day, by the vast majority of people on earth, and people understand what the person using the generalization means.

You are deflecting, attacking what I said, instead of disputing what I meant, which is the vast majority of people in this nation are not speaking their mind because of fear of the violent democrats and their rioting mobs of lawless ANTIFA, BLM and the like, showing up their house at 3:00AM with a bull horn, and the police do virtually nothing or don't show up at all, and if you walk outside with a firearm to protect your property and life, you get charge with a crime. The law is upside down right now, and people see it, and it's causing a lot of anxiety, so people just keep their mouths shut attempting to mitigate it, and that is NOT FREEDOM.

It was upside down before. We are now trying to level it up. There will be things that get broke by doing that.

your actions are not the actions of fixing shit, but of destroying the nation and oppressing and terrorizing good people.

I don't recall doing that but if you say so........

funny, you say "we" in your post, but when i call you on the behavior of your group, suddenly you "forget" that you were happy to be speaking for the left as a group, just a few minutes earlier.

yes, you have done that. you were bragging about it, in your previous post. too late to walk it back now.

If you see fixing a broken system as terror, so be it. Not my problem.

View attachment 376194

this is not fixing anything. and if you support terror on me, and mine, when it blows back on you, and it will, it will be your problem then.

Quit fighting a fair system. You can't win.

i can. and i'm certainly going to try. also, you claim of it being fair, is just the type of thing, to really encourage viciousness, if/when we do get the upper hand.

just saying.

you sure you want to go all in like that?

I want fair. I'm not interested in your opinion of that.
Life isn't nor will it ever be fair.

Justice is going to be.

No it won’t, never has been, never will be.

I'm sure that's what the South thought when told that slavery would end also.

I’m not talking about slavery. I’m talking about fair justice, and that will never be fair, it never hasn’t in the past and will not be in the future. I will never have the same access to justice as a Bill Gates or any rich person, just the way life is. I don’t expect life to be fair, it isn’t.

of course it is.

People can CHOOSE whether or not so say what they want.

using that logic, nazi germany was free. hell, using that logic, the inmates of the death camps were "free".

right up until they were dead.
No one is getting gassed in this country for saying what they want.

No one is getting arrested

Talk about a shitty comparison
The entire NATION is on edge because of the VIOLENT DEMOCRAT PARTY and their PROPAGANDA WING.

I know it, you it, we all fucking know it.
I'm not on edge.

I say what I want when I want.

Just because other people can tell you what you said was stupid does not mean this is not a relatively free country
YOU are NOT "the rest of the nation."
You said "The ENTIRE nation is on edge"

That means EVERYONE in the nation.

Words mean things. It's ironic that in a thread about free speech you don't seem to realize that words mean things.
This is also the "CLEAN DEBATE ZONE," yet you feel the need to puke up an insult.

Talk about irony.

"The entire nation" is a generalization, and it's spot on.

If you think that was an insult then you are too sensitive.

And ALL generalizations are bad ( even that one)
Yeah, it was an insult. You basically implied I'm stupid, and that's an insult.

Generalizations are used every day, all day, by the vast majority of people on earth, and people understand what the person using the generalization means.

You are deflecting, attacking what I said, instead of disputing what I meant, which is the vast majority of people in this nation are not speaking their mind because of fear of the violent democrats and their rioting mobs of lawless ANTIFA, BLM and the like, showing up their house at 3:00AM with a bull horn, and the police do virtually nothing or don't show up at all, and if you walk outside with a firearm to protect your property and life, you get charge with a crime. The law is upside down right now, and people see it, and it's causing a lot of anxiety, so people just keep their mouths shut attempting to mitigate it, and that is NOT FREEDOM.

It was upside down before. We are now trying to level it up. There will be things that get broke by doing that.

your actions are not the actions of fixing shit, but of destroying the nation and oppressing and terrorizing good people.

I don't recall doing that but if you say so........

funny, you say "we" in your post, but when i call you on the behavior of your group, suddenly you "forget" that you were happy to be speaking for the left as a group, just a few minutes earlier.

yes, you have done that. you were bragging about it, in your previous post. too late to walk it back now.

If you see fixing a broken system as terror, so be it. Not my problem.

View attachment 376194

this is not fixing anything. and if you support terror on me, and mine, when it blows back on you, and it will, it will be your problem then.

Quit fighting a fair system. You can't win.

i can. and i'm certainly going to try. also, you claim of it being fair, is just the type of thing, to really encourage viciousness, if/when we do get the upper hand.

just saying.

you sure you want to go all in like that?

I want fair. I'm not interested in your opinion of that.
Life isn't nor will it ever be fair.

Justice is going to be.

No it won’t, never has been, never will be.

I'm sure that's what the South thought when told that slavery would end also.

I’m not talking about slavery. I’m talking about fair justice, and that will never be fair, it never hasn’t in the past and will not be in the future. I will never have the same access to justice as a Bill Gates or any rich person, just the way life is. I don’t expect life to be fair, it isn’t.
pknopp Them you tell me when rich didn’t buy their justice, tell me when life was ever fair. Life isn’t fair and wasn’t meant to be fair and anyone that believes it is or will be is foolish. This world is imperfect and justice and fairness have never existed and never will. If you believe otherwise, show proof, because all the evidence in the world today tells us otherwise.

of course it is.

People can CHOOSE whether or not so say what they want.

using that logic, nazi germany was free. hell, using that logic, the inmates of the death camps were "free".

right up until they were dead.
No one is getting gassed in this country for saying what they want.

No one is getting arrested

Talk about a shitty comparison
The entire NATION is on edge because of the VIOLENT DEMOCRAT PARTY and their PROPAGANDA WING.

I know it, you it, we all fucking know it.
I'm not on edge.

I say what I want when I want.

Just because other people can tell you what you said was stupid does not mean this is not a relatively free country
YOU are NOT "the rest of the nation."
You said "The ENTIRE nation is on edge"

That means EVERYONE in the nation.

Words mean things. It's ironic that in a thread about free speech you don't seem to realize that words mean things.
This is also the "CLEAN DEBATE ZONE," yet you feel the need to puke up an insult.

Talk about irony.

"The entire nation" is a generalization, and it's spot on.

If you think that was an insult then you are too sensitive.

And ALL generalizations are bad ( even that one)
Yeah, it was an insult. You basically implied I'm stupid, and that's an insult.

Generalizations are used every day, all day, by the vast majority of people on earth, and people understand what the person using the generalization means.

You are deflecting, attacking what I said, instead of disputing what I meant, which is the vast majority of people in this nation are not speaking their mind because of fear of the violent democrats and their rioting mobs of lawless ANTIFA, BLM and the like, showing up their house at 3:00AM with a bull horn, and the police do virtually nothing or don't show up at all, and if you walk outside with a firearm to protect your property and life, you get charge with a crime. The law is upside down right now, and people see it, and it's causing a lot of anxiety, so people just keep their mouths shut attempting to mitigate it, and that is NOT FREEDOM.

It was upside down before. We are now trying to level it up. There will be things that get broke by doing that.

your actions are not the actions of fixing shit, but of destroying the nation and oppressing and terrorizing good people.

I don't recall doing that but if you say so........

funny, you say "we" in your post, but when i call you on the behavior of your group, suddenly you "forget" that you were happy to be speaking for the left as a group, just a few minutes earlier.

yes, you have done that. you were bragging about it, in your previous post. too late to walk it back now.

If you see fixing a broken system as terror, so be it. Not my problem.

View attachment 376194

this is not fixing anything. and if you support terror on me, and mine, when it blows back on you, and it will, it will be your problem then.

Quit fighting a fair system. You can't win.

i can. and i'm certainly going to try. also, you claim of it being fair, is just the type of thing, to really encourage viciousness, if/when we do get the upper hand.

just saying.

you sure you want to go all in like that?

I want fair. I'm not interested in your opinion of that.
Life isn't fair. never has been. never will be.

Life isn't. Justice is supposed to be.

Idealism is fantasy.

You can fight a fair system if you like. Those you are fighting have far less to lose.
There is no such thing as a fair system.

Every system of government has favored some over others and always will.

And I'm not fighting anyone because there really is no one to fight.

The people with the real power are so far beyond us mere average people that they might as well be in another galaxy.

Yes but they don't like when their things get destroyed.
none of the uber rich are getting their things destroyed

of course it is.

People can CHOOSE whether or not so say what they want.

using that logic, nazi germany was free. hell, using that logic, the inmates of the death camps were "free".

right up until they were dead.
No one is getting gassed in this country for saying what they want.

No one is getting arrested

Talk about a shitty comparison
The entire NATION is on edge because of the VIOLENT DEMOCRAT PARTY and their PROPAGANDA WING.

I know it, you it, we all fucking know it.
I'm not on edge.

I say what I want when I want.

Just because other people can tell you what you said was stupid does not mean this is not a relatively free country
YOU are NOT "the rest of the nation."
You said "The ENTIRE nation is on edge"

That means EVERYONE in the nation.

Words mean things. It's ironic that in a thread about free speech you don't seem to realize that words mean things.
This is also the "CLEAN DEBATE ZONE," yet you feel the need to puke up an insult.

Talk about irony.

"The entire nation" is a generalization, and it's spot on.

If you think that was an insult then you are too sensitive.

And ALL generalizations are bad ( even that one)
Yeah, it was an insult. You basically implied I'm stupid, and that's an insult.

Generalizations are used every day, all day, by the vast majority of people on earth, and people understand what the person using the generalization means.

You are deflecting, attacking what I said, instead of disputing what I meant, which is the vast majority of people in this nation are not speaking their mind because of fear of the violent democrats and their rioting mobs of lawless ANTIFA, BLM and the like, showing up their house at 3:00AM with a bull horn, and the police do virtually nothing or don't show up at all, and if you walk outside with a firearm to protect your property and life, you get charge with a crime. The law is upside down right now, and people see it, and it's causing a lot of anxiety, so people just keep their mouths shut attempting to mitigate it, and that is NOT FREEDOM.

It was upside down before. We are now trying to level it up. There will be things that get broke by doing that.

your actions are not the actions of fixing shit, but of destroying the nation and oppressing and terrorizing good people.

I don't recall doing that but if you say so........

funny, you say "we" in your post, but when i call you on the behavior of your group, suddenly you "forget" that you were happy to be speaking for the left as a group, just a few minutes earlier.

yes, you have done that. you were bragging about it, in your previous post. too late to walk it back now.

If you see fixing a broken system as terror, so be it. Not my problem.

View attachment 376194

this is not fixing anything. and if you support terror on me, and mine, when it blows back on you, and it will, it will be your problem then.

Quit fighting a fair system. You can't win.

i can. and i'm certainly going to try. also, you claim of it being fair, is just the type of thing, to really encourage viciousness, if/when we do get the upper hand.

just saying.

you sure you want to go all in like that?

I want fair. I'm not interested in your opinion of that.
Life isn't fair. never has been. never will be.

Life isn't. Justice is supposed to be.

Idealism is fantasy.

You can fight a fair system if you like. Those you are fighting have far less to lose.
There is no such thing as a fair system.

Every system of government has favored some over others and always will.

And I'm not fighting anyone because there really is no one to fight.

The people with the real power are so far beyond us mere average people that they might as well be in another galaxy.

Yes but they don't like when their things get destroyed.
none of the uber rich are getting their things destroyed

They will.

No, we are not free if they are firing people and destroying their businesses when they speak their minds.

of course it is.

People can CHOOSE whether or not so say what they want.

using that logic, nazi germany was free. hell, using that logic, the inmates of the death camps were "free".

right up until they were dead.
No one is getting gassed in this country for saying what they want.

No one is getting arrested

Talk about a shitty comparison
The entire NATION is on edge because of the VIOLENT DEMOCRAT PARTY and their PROPAGANDA WING.

I know it, you it, we all fucking know it.
I'm not on edge.

I say what I want when I want.

Just because other people can tell you what you said was stupid does not mean this is not a relatively free country
YOU are NOT "the rest of the nation."
You said "The ENTIRE nation is on edge"

That means EVERYONE in the nation.

Words mean things. It's ironic that in a thread about free speech you don't seem to realize that words mean things.
This is also the "CLEAN DEBATE ZONE," yet you feel the need to puke up an insult.

Talk about irony.

"The entire nation" is a generalization, and it's spot on.

If you think that was an insult then you are too sensitive.

And ALL generalizations are bad ( even that one)
Yeah, it was an insult. You basically implied I'm stupid, and that's an insult.

Generalizations are used every day, all day, by the vast majority of people on earth, and people understand what the person using the generalization means.

You are deflecting, attacking what I said, instead of disputing what I meant, which is the vast majority of people in this nation are not speaking their mind because of fear of the violent democrats and their rioting mobs of lawless ANTIFA, BLM and the like, showing up their house at 3:00AM with a bull horn, and the police do virtually nothing or don't show up at all, and if you walk outside with a firearm to protect your property and life, you get charge with a crime. The law is upside down right now, and people see it, and it's causing a lot of anxiety, so people just keep their mouths shut attempting to mitigate it, and that is NOT FREEDOM.

It was upside down before. We are now trying to level it up. There will be things that get broke by doing that.

your actions are not the actions of fixing shit, but of destroying the nation and oppressing and terrorizing good people.

I don't recall doing that but if you say so........

funny, you say "we" in your post, but when i call you on the behavior of your group, suddenly you "forget" that you were happy to be speaking for the left as a group, just a few minutes earlier.

yes, you have done that. you were bragging about it, in your previous post. too late to walk it back now.

If you see fixing a broken system as terror, so be it. Not my problem.

View attachment 376194

this is not fixing anything. and if you support terror on me, and mine, when it blows back on you, and it will, it will be your problem then.

Quit fighting a fair system. You can't win.

i can. and i'm certainly going to try. also, you claim of it being fair, is just the type of thing, to really encourage viciousness, if/when we do get the upper hand.

just saying.

you sure you want to go all in like that?

I want fair. I'm not interested in your opinion of that.
Life isn't nor will it ever be fair.

Justice is going to be.

No it won’t, never has been, never will be.

I'm sure that's what the South thought when told that slavery would end also.

Actually, the impression i get from history, is that they saw the writing on the wall, which is why they were so desperate.

you seem to think that desperation is a powerful weapon. mmm

of course it is.

People can CHOOSE whether or not so say what they want.

using that logic, nazi germany was free. hell, using that logic, the inmates of the death camps were "free".

right up until they were dead.
No one is getting gassed in this country for saying what they want.

No one is getting arrested

Talk about a shitty comparison
The entire NATION is on edge because of the VIOLENT DEMOCRAT PARTY and their PROPAGANDA WING.

I know it, you it, we all fucking know it.
I'm not on edge.

I say what I want when I want.

Just because other people can tell you what you said was stupid does not mean this is not a relatively free country
YOU are NOT "the rest of the nation."
You said "The ENTIRE nation is on edge"

That means EVERYONE in the nation.

Words mean things. It's ironic that in a thread about free speech you don't seem to realize that words mean things.
This is also the "CLEAN DEBATE ZONE," yet you feel the need to puke up an insult.

Talk about irony.

"The entire nation" is a generalization, and it's spot on.

If you think that was an insult then you are too sensitive.

And ALL generalizations are bad ( even that one)
Yeah, it was an insult. You basically implied I'm stupid, and that's an insult.

Generalizations are used every day, all day, by the vast majority of people on earth, and people understand what the person using the generalization means.

You are deflecting, attacking what I said, instead of disputing what I meant, which is the vast majority of people in this nation are not speaking their mind because of fear of the violent democrats and their rioting mobs of lawless ANTIFA, BLM and the like, showing up their house at 3:00AM with a bull horn, and the police do virtually nothing or don't show up at all, and if you walk outside with a firearm to protect your property and life, you get charge with a crime. The law is upside down right now, and people see it, and it's causing a lot of anxiety, so people just keep their mouths shut attempting to mitigate it, and that is NOT FREEDOM.

It was upside down before. We are now trying to level it up. There will be things that get broke by doing that.

your actions are not the actions of fixing shit, but of destroying the nation and oppressing and terrorizing good people.

I don't recall doing that but if you say so........

funny, you say "we" in your post, but when i call you on the behavior of your group, suddenly you "forget" that you were happy to be speaking for the left as a group, just a few minutes earlier.

yes, you have done that. you were bragging about it, in your previous post. too late to walk it back now.

If you see fixing a broken system as terror, so be it. Not my problem.

View attachment 376194

this is not fixing anything. and if you support terror on me, and mine, when it blows back on you, and it will, it will be your problem then.

Quit fighting a fair system. You can't win.

i can. and i'm certainly going to try. also, you claim of it being fair, is just the type of thing, to really encourage viciousness, if/when we do get the upper hand.

just saying.

you sure you want to go all in like that?

I want fair. I'm not interested in your opinion of that.
Life isn't fair. never has been. never will be.

Life isn't. Justice is supposed to be.

Idealism is fantasy.

You can fight a fair system if you like. Those you are fighting have far less to lose.
There is no such thing as a fair system.

Every system of government has favored some over others and always will.

And I'm not fighting anyone because there really is no one to fight.

The people with the real power are so far beyond us mere average people that they might as well be in another galaxy.

Yes but they don't like when their things get destroyed.
none of the uber rich are getting their things destroyed

They will.
OK Carnac

The problem is both sides, particularly the left, sorry, demonize the opinion of people that share different viewpoints. They make it personal

of course it is.

People can CHOOSE whether or not so say what they want.

using that logic, nazi germany was free. hell, using that logic, the inmates of the death camps were "free".

right up until they were dead.
No one is getting gassed in this country for saying what they want.

No one is getting arrested

Talk about a shitty comparison
The entire NATION is on edge because of the VIOLENT DEMOCRAT PARTY and their PROPAGANDA WING.

I know it, you it, we all fucking know it.
I'm not on edge.

I say what I want when I want.

Just because other people can tell you what you said was stupid does not mean this is not a relatively free country
YOU are NOT "the rest of the nation."
You said "The ENTIRE nation is on edge"

That means EVERYONE in the nation.

Words mean things. It's ironic that in a thread about free speech you don't seem to realize that words mean things.
This is also the "CLEAN DEBATE ZONE," yet you feel the need to puke up an insult.

Talk about irony.

"The entire nation" is a generalization, and it's spot on.

If you think that was an insult then you are too sensitive.

And ALL generalizations are bad ( even that one)
Yeah, it was an insult. You basically implied I'm stupid, and that's an insult.

Generalizations are used every day, all day, by the vast majority of people on earth, and people understand what the person using the generalization means.

You are deflecting, attacking what I said, instead of disputing what I meant, which is the vast majority of people in this nation are not speaking their mind because of fear of the violent democrats and their rioting mobs of lawless ANTIFA, BLM and the like, showing up their house at 3:00AM with a bull horn, and the police do virtually nothing or don't show up at all, and if you walk outside with a firearm to protect your property and life, you get charge with a crime. The law is upside down right now, and people see it, and it's causing a lot of anxiety, so people just keep their mouths shut attempting to mitigate it, and that is NOT FREEDOM.

It was upside down before. We are now trying to level it up. There will be things that get broke by doing that.

your actions are not the actions of fixing shit, but of destroying the nation and oppressing and terrorizing good people.

I don't recall doing that but if you say so........

funny, you say "we" in your post, but when i call you on the behavior of your group, suddenly you "forget" that you were happy to be speaking for the left as a group, just a few minutes earlier.

yes, you have done that. you were bragging about it, in your previous post. too late to walk it back now.

If you see fixing a broken system as terror, so be it. Not my problem.

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this is not fixing anything. and if you support terror on me, and mine, when it blows back on you, and it will, it will be your problem then.

Quit fighting a fair system. You can't win.

i can. and i'm certainly going to try. also, you claim of it being fair, is just the type of thing, to really encourage viciousness, if/when we do get the upper hand.

just saying.

you sure you want to go all in like that?

I want fair. I'm not interested in your opinion of that.
Life isn't fair. never has been. never will be.

Life isn't. Justice is supposed to be.

Idealism is fantasy.

You can fight a fair system if you like. Those you are fighting have far less to lose.
There is no such thing as a fair system.

Every system of government has favored some over others and always will.

And I'm not fighting anyone because there really is no one to fight.

The people with the real power are so far beyond us mere average people that they might as well be in another galaxy.

Yes but they don't like when their things get destroyed.
none of the uber rich are getting their things destroyed

They will.
OK Carnac

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I didn't see the story about Wal Mart getting shut down until after I posted this.
Of course not.

Between the hyper-partisan political environment we're in, PC, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture, I can't blame anyone for keeping their mouths shut.

Freedom of expression is the most liberal of all American values, and we're going in exactly the opposite direction.

Again, you act like this is something new..

I remember growing up in the 1970's, when people said it wasn't polite to talk about religion or politics in social settings.

Still waiting for you to tell us that that all important thing the PC Police won't let you say.

What is your implement of choice to vandalize cars with Trump stickers?
The problem is both sides, particularly the left, sorry, demonize the opinion of people that share different viewpoints. They make it personal
All the right wing seems to know how to do is make up right wing fantasy not valid arguments. False witness bearing is immoral and we have a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge.

of course it is.

People can CHOOSE whether or not so say what they want.

using that logic, nazi germany was free. hell, using that logic, the inmates of the death camps were "free".

right up until they were dead.
No one is getting gassed in this country for saying what they want.

No one is getting arrested

Talk about a shitty comparison
The entire NATION is on edge because of the VIOLENT DEMOCRAT PARTY and their PROPAGANDA WING.

I know it, you it, we all fucking know it.
I'm not on edge.

I say what I want when I want.

Just because other people can tell you what you said was stupid does not mean this is not a relatively free country

Not at a large number of companies right now are you free to speak.. Not that politics is a good work topic, but you can protest if your company is doing work for DOD --- but NOT if they're doing even more evil stuff with China.... Not really "free" to get hired at FB/Google/NBC news/NYTimes either... They won't bring it up in interviews -- because they'll check your social media FIRST !!!

People of faith have a hard time organizing and fighting back against all the abuse that THEY receive.. Because they don't want the soldiers of correctness doxxing or "cancelling" their congregations or churches...

So I'm calling you and JoeB131 on those braveheart rants about "saying what you want --- when you want" claim...

Cato is correct. The dicing and mincing of America is ALMOST complete..
The problem is both sides, particularly the left, sorry, demonize the opinion of people that share different viewpoints. They make it personal
Yep, the Left has made an art form of it, but you see it from both ends.

We would much rather attack, punish and intimidate others for their views than actually discuss them like decent adults, because it's just much easier.

It's no coincidence that we're in decay. This is a big part of the reason. You can't fix problems if you can't honestly communicate about them.

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