Do you consider it a compliment when someone refers to you as “MAGA” or as a “MAGA”?

I don’t see how anyone can view such a label as an insult. Am I missing something?
Isn’t MAGA extreme patriotism?
Isn’t MAGA American nationalism?
Isn’t MAGA embracing and defending America’s right to sovereignty?
Isn’t MAGA the support and or display of core American values?

Why would anyone even half sane harbor disdain for those whom are MAGA?
It seems that our nation was at its best when the majority were MAGA…no?

I don't view it as anything other than a descriptor.

‘MAGA’ is illiberal, anti-democratic, authoritarian, and neo-fascist.
Dems forced people who already had COVID to get multiple injections with vaccines which don't work and have serious side effects, and they refer to their political opponents as extremist Fascists who are a threat to Democracy.
‘MAGA’ is reactionary – fearful of, and hostile to, positive, beneficial change, diversity, dissent, and inclusion.
Dems deny women the chance to compete fairly in the sport of their choosing and achieve their life's dreams and perhaps scholarships. They want to redefine women, and encourage them that instead of raising a family, they should abort their child so they can continue working at Amazon.
‘MAGA’ is nativist, racist, bigoted, and hateful.
On the contrary, we believe in equal opportunity and the same standards for all, consistent with the teachings of the great Reverend Dr. MLK Jr.

Leftists want POC to think they are oppressed and cannot achieve the same greatness of others without lowering standards or getting some free crumbs.
‘MAGA’ seeks to compel conformity at the expense of individual liberty.

‘MAGA’ has nothing to do with making America great – it has to do with white grievance politics, racist replacement theory, and dividing the American people.
No, no, no.

I am MAGA. You or Biden can't try to redefine me.

I voted for Trump and would do so again, because he had a message that resonated with American's like me.

We were tired of America trying to be the world's peace keeper.
We were tired of terrible trade deals taking advantage of our country.
We were tired of the most diverse nation on Earth being demonized as racist and oppressive while people from all over the world were literally dying to come in.
We were tired of government overreach on our civil liberties and useless and/or harmful regulations.
We were tired of our hard earned money being viewed as a slush fund for lazy people who vote for Democrats.
We were tired of fake media, demonizing law enforcement, kneeling for the anthem, and putting LGBTQ rights above those of the normal folks.

We were sick and tired of all the lies, and we wanted a politician who promised to do his best to work for us, not his cronies or the Globalists, and one who would put us back on a path to the greatness which naturally comes when you make your country the best one on the planet.
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I would wear a MAGA hat & shirt to any prog infested city I went to just to see the meltdowns & gnashing of teeth.
I prefer America First but nothing these proglodytes can say insults me, much like I never base my viewing choices on a childs opinion on TV shows.
Neither know enough or have the capacity for an actual informed & well reasoned decision on anything.
If they did say it to my face, I would laugh, thank them & then ask them politely to go fornicate themselves
I'm sure you different than you wearing this sign:
Remember 5 years ago or so when the Nazis got into their 'Murka thing? That was all about the Nazis showing their deep contempt for America. Them attempting to make MAGA an epithet is the same. To someone like occupied (insurrection is his name!) the very idea of America as great outrages him. Among the Nazis, the greatness of America is something they are united in fighting.
We've all watched as the right abandoned core principals time and again for the sake of supporting Trump in his actions. In the end you would support Trump trashing everything you think you believe in.
What core principles?

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