Do You Disagree With Not Being Able To Buy/Own A Tank?

I have no one on ignore.

Ignores are for the mentally abused.

I'm able to ignore a member w/o having them on ignore.

I have debunked everything you have thrown out so far. They are ALL legal to own. With permits and actually having someone willing to sell them to you

Actually, you're legally allowed to own the EMPTY TUBE after it has already been fired.

I have yet to find anyplace that says you can legally own an active missile.

Is that because you aren't actually looking? You do know those weapons are not made by the military, don't you? They are made by private contractors, also known as citizens, and sold to the government. Unless the government is actually breaking the law by buying from people who cannot legally own those weapons, it is legal for private citizens to own them, and even trade in them.

Yeah, I saw an M2 at the DMV awhile back but it didn't have the machine gun ring.

Yeah, I saw an M2 at the DMV awhile back but it didn't have the machine gun ring.

As far as I know Rich's APC and Sherman are both fully functional. He doesn't keep the weaponry on the vehicles all of the time.
In my opinion instead of banning assault weapons--I would require a multi-million dollar insurance liability policy on them with a certificate of insurance to be provided to the licensed gun dealer prior to the sell.

Tell me how you feel about the government mandating peopel to buy health insurance.

The insurance company--(through prudent business measures) would have to do a birth to current mental health--criminal--and ass examination before they would ever issue a policy on this weapon

Fuck. No. I will not tolerate an insurance company of all things snooping through my personal life and deciding for their own selves what they find to be acceptable mental health history. I will NOT put myself in a position to pay more on the rest of my insurance simply because an insurance company wants to draw new non-causal correlations to the way I think and whatever excuse they come up with to justify charging me higher rates.

making assault weapons much more expensive and thereby taking a lot of the macho-miso interest out of these weapons.

In other words, you don't want to make it illegal directly. You'll settle for making it cost prohibitive. Tell me again how you feel about Obama's coal strategy?

I would also MANDATE--that no gun can be sold from individual to individual or given to another and that all trades and sales have to go through a licensed gun dealer

You've got to be fucking kidding me. It's my gun. If I want to sell it, I will, to whomever I choose, at whatever price I choose.

And that all registered owners of weapons sign a sworn statement that they will be the only one using the gun

Yep, that's sure to stop criminals. A sworn statement. That's almost as powerful as passing a law.

and when the gun is not in their personal possession that it along with the ammunition is locked in a gun safe

And why should I be required to do that? I live alone, nobody is getting my gun except me. What if I want to sleep with a gun underneath my pillow because I've been threatened by a creepy stalker who I fear may try to break into my home and harm me?

If the gun is stolen or lost that the registered owner is personally liable for any harm it does to innocents.

In other words, blame victims of theft for the deeds of criminals.

You call yourself a conservative? You're actually a joke.

Yeah, I saw an M2 at the DMV awhile back but it didn't have the machine gun ring.

As far as I know Rich's APC and Sherman are both fully functional. He doesn't keep the weaponry on the vehicles all of the time.

Sounds fun, a money pit but a heck of a lot of fun if a guy can afford it.

Hooper's been working on Saabs since I met him back in the 70's.. has 3-4 mechanics wife does the parts buying and book keeping. He gets his money.
As far as I know Rich's APC and Sherman are both fully functional. He doesn't keep the weaponry on the vehicles all of the time.

Sounds fun, a money pit but a heck of a lot of fun if a guy can afford it.

Hooper's been working on Saabs since I met him back in the 70's.. has 3-4 mechanics wife does the parts buying and book keeping. He gets his money.

Man, that's a nice setup! Good to hear.
I have debunked everything you have thrown out so far. They are ALL legal to own. With permits and actually having someone willing to sell them to you

Actually, you're legally allowed to own the EMPTY TUBE after it has already been fired.

I have yet to find anyplace that says you can legally own an active missile.

Is that because you aren't actually looking? You do know those weapons are not made by the military, don't you? They are made by private contractors, also known as citizens, and sold to the government. Unless the government is actually breaking the law by buying from people who cannot legally own those weapons, it is legal for private citizens to own them, and even trade in them.

If it's possible for a United States citizen to own a fully functional missile that is capable of bringing down aircraft, please provide a link proving it.

And........................for those that "believe" that a private citizen is able to own a fully functioning tank (meaning that it can fire heavy artillery), please provide proof and a link. I've yet to hear (or see on a YouTube video that wasn't faked) a private citizen with a fully functioning tank capable of firing heavy artillery.
Actually, you're legally allowed to own the EMPTY TUBE after it has already been fired.

I have yet to find anyplace that says you can legally own an active missile.

Is that because you aren't actually looking? You do know those weapons are not made by the military, don't you? They are made by private contractors, also known as citizens, and sold to the government. Unless the government is actually breaking the law by buying from people who cannot legally own those weapons, it is legal for private citizens to own them, and even trade in them.

If it's possible for a United States citizen to own a fully functional missile that is capable of bringing down aircraft, please provide a link proving it.

And........................for those that "believe" that a private citizen is able to own a fully functioning tank (meaning that it can fire heavy artillery), please provide proof and a link. I've yet to hear (or see on a YouTube video that wasn't faked) a private citizen with a fully functioning tank capable of firing heavy artillery.

I've seen Rich's tank. Never saw him fire the cannon.
The ATF regulates what kind of shells can be fired from a civilian owned cannon - the bullets must be of solid aluminum so as to prevent the use of high explosive and anti-personnel rounds.
The ATF regulates what kind of shells can be fired from a civilian owned cannon - the bullets must be of solid aluminum so as to prevent the use of high explosive and anti-personnel rounds.

Interestingly enough, you also have to have a special liscence if you want to fire off rockets into the air (even if it's just for research) if it goes over a certain height.

In many countries, the sale, possession, and use of model rocket motors is subject to governmental rules and regulations. High-Power rockets in the United States, are only federally regulated in their flight guidelines by the FAA. However, the motor manufacturers and National Rocketry Organizations have established a self-regulating industry through the outside help of National Fire Protection Association - NFPA. This self-regulation of industry requires a user to become certified for use before a manufacturer will sell him a motor. In North America, the two recognized organizations that provide high-power certifications are Tripoli Rocketry Association and the National Association of Rocketry, both of these organizations have three levels of certification which involves building progressively more complex and higher powered rockets and taking a test of safety rules and regulations. The U.S. government regulatory documents surrounding high-powered rocketry is FAA FAR Part 101. With the general Association bodies using TRA and NFPA 1127 safetycodes. In Canada the Canadian Association of Rocketry has a four-step certification process, but all three organizations accept the other's certifications if a flyer shows up at a high-power launch and wishes to fly under their sanction. Some states restrict the maximum impulse to a G motor, and have adopted NFPA safety codes for launch site requirements.

Level 1 certification qualifies you to purchase and use H and I engines, Level 2 certification J, K, and L engines and Level 3 certification M, N, and O engines. Note: Canada adds another step in between, and has a Level 4 which is the same as US Level 3.

In the late 1990s, the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives began demanding that individuals obtain a Low Explosives Users Permit (LEUP) to possess and use high-powered motors. On February 11, 2000, Tripoli Rocketry Association, Inc. and the National Association of Rocketry filed suit in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia claiming that the BATF applied "onerous and prohibitive civil regulations" against sport rocketry hobbyists due to the Bureau's improper designation of Ammonium Perchlorate Composite Propellant (APCP) as an explosive. APCP is used in most high-power rocket motors.

Model rocket motor classification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The government has to know the flight path of the rocket before you launch it.

Interestingly enough, the very industry that profits from the sale of those motors has decided to make sure that people are capable of being responsible for what they do with them before selling them rockets.

I wish the gun people would do the same.
How about nuclear weapons?

Is the reasoning sound not to have those available and/or otherwise accessible to citizens?

Why/why not?

Proof of the stewpud.

other than having to deal with freedom hating liberals....

we are supposed to have the same weapons available to us.

read any Founders letters about it.

Militias in Utah should have the ability to kill a million people in one shot. Yeah proof of the stewpud is right.
The really interesting part of this is I actually forgot my high school had a firing range, and I actually used it. (No cracks about age and memory, I still know more than most of the people on this forum, and some of what I know is actually true.)

No one should make cracks about age. My old school still had one when I moved in the 80s.
You don't think that massacre's of school children with todays modern weapons are exceptional enough to warrant change in gun laws?

No, because you've gone from fallacy of accident, to fallacy of equivocation.

The right to bear arms shall not be infringed. This is not an absolute right. The right to bear arms can be limited for exceptional circumstances IN REGARDS TO ARMS THEMSELVES. In other words, exceptional weapons (like nuclear weapons, biological weapons, chemical weapons, etc.) warrant exceptions to the general rule because those weapons themselves are exceptional.

Guns are not exceptional. They are normal arms. The fact that crime is committed with weapons does create permissibility under the second amendment to impede the right of people to bear normal arms.

Really? You don't thing the founding fathers would have found an AR15 an "exceptional" weapon? The ability to fire dozens of rounds in seconds would not have been considered exceptional to George Washington? Are you sure?

But nice dodge on the numbers of deaths before change should be considered.

Why not just come out plainly and say; it does not matter how many innocent people are killed. I would not support any change to todays gun laws.

At least be honest that your desire for guns outweighs anyone elses concern for safety from guns.

And you know what. If the Bushmaster rifle used by Adam Luanza had not been on the rack for his mother to buy, Adam would not have had the use of such an effiecent killing weapon to use on those kids. That's the undeniable truth.

Well dumbass, let's see what the Founders thought about HOW "We the People" should be armed shall we? Seems too many of you anti-gunnut liberals haven't a clue. You mentioned George Washington, so I'll start with what he thought about the 2nd Amendment, then get to the HOW we should armed ideas.

Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence ... From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to insure peace, security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable . . . the very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that is good" (George Washington)

"Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom of Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any bands of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States" (Noah Webster in `An Examination into the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution', 1787, a pamphlet aimed at swaying Pennsylvania toward ratification, in Paul Ford, ed., Pamphlets on the Constitution of the United States, at 56(New York, 1888))

"...but if circumstances should at any time oblige the government to form an army of any magnitude, that army can never be formidable to the liberties of the people, while there is a large body of citizens, little if at all inferior to them in discipline and use of arms, who stand ready to defend their rights..." (Alexander Hamilton speaking of standing armies in Federalist 29.)

"Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birthright of an American... The unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state government, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people" (Tench Coxe, Pennsylvania Gazette, Feb. 20, 1788)

Now there's more, but you get the idea. Now I know the next argument from the anti-gunnut liberals will be.........."Well they said a militia, they said a miltia we have one that means the National Guard", lol. Freaking lemmings the lot of you. Let's see what one of the two considered to be the Fathers of the Bill of Rights, George Mason, said concerning exactly who and what the militia is shall we.

"I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people, except for few public officials." (George Mason, 3 Elliot, Debates at 425-426)

Another Founder added; "A militia, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves...and include all men capable of bearing arms." (Richard Henry Lee, Additional Letters from the Federal Farmer (1788) at 169)

Now run along scrote, you need to go on a ban the hammer rampage seeing that according to the FBI hammers are used to murder more people than so called "Assault Rifles".
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Actually, you're legally allowed to own the EMPTY TUBE after it has already been fired.

I have yet to find anyplace that says you can legally own an active missile.

Is that because you aren't actually looking? You do know those weapons are not made by the military, don't you? They are made by private contractors, also known as citizens, and sold to the government. Unless the government is actually breaking the law by buying from people who cannot legally own those weapons, it is legal for private citizens to own them, and even trade in them.

If it's possible for a United States citizen to own a fully functional missile that is capable of bringing down aircraft, please provide a link proving it.

And........................for those that "believe" that a private citizen is able to own a fully functioning tank (meaning that it can fire heavy artillery), please provide proof and a link. I've yet to hear (or see on a YouTube video that wasn't faked) a private citizen with a fully functioning tank capable of firing heavy artillery.

Well considering that there is no prohibition on buying the armor itself and that with the right federal licensing for a destructive device you can own funtioning mortars, artillery pieces and recoiless rfles, I see no problem with buying a functioning tank.
The really interesting part of this is I actually forgot my high school had a firing range, and I actually used it. (No cracks about age and memory, I still know more than most of the people on this forum, and some of what I know is actually true.)

No one should make cracks about age. My old school still had one when I moved in the 80s.

Where I grew up, on Orcas Island, you were considered gay or mentally retarded if you didn't own at least one gun. We all had firing was called your back 40 or your front 40 or your left or right 40's :lol:
-- That's it? You don't want to defend or explain your premise here?
Shit, you were doing so well. Don't give up now...
I thought it was a fairly simple concept. Guess I need to start writing at, say, a 4th-grade level?

Guess it was a flash in the pan then. Too bad, here I thought you were progressing beyond the drive-by.

Too much to expect... :sad:

You REALLY didn't understand my point? Honestly?

Actually, you're legally allowed to own the EMPTY TUBE after it has already been fired.

I have yet to find anyplace that says you can legally own an active missile.

Is that because you aren't actually looking? You do know those weapons are not made by the military, don't you? They are made by private contractors, also known as citizens, and sold to the government. Unless the government is actually breaking the law by buying from people who cannot legally own those weapons, it is legal for private citizens to own them, and even trade in them.

If it's possible for a United States citizen to own a fully functional missile that is capable of bringing down aircraft, please provide a link proving it.

And........................for those that "believe" that a private citizen is able to own a fully functioning tank (meaning that it can fire heavy artillery), please provide proof and a link. I've yet to hear (or see on a YouTube video that wasn't faked) a private citizen with a fully functioning tank capable of firing heavy artillery.

The government is giving Stingers to cops, does that count, or do you think cops are different from civilians?

As I pointed out, Stingers are manufactured by Raytheon, not the government. Unless you can prove that Raythoen is actually the government, I already proved that private citizens can own fully functional weapons. The only weapons the US government actually makes are nuclear devices, which are manufactured at a top secret government facility.
I'm insinuating that a government who has something to fear from its citizens thinks twice before doing stupid shit and stripping people of their freedoms. Whereas now it is a citizenry afraid of their government and all sorts of tyranny is going down.
I just about every given time in history, the government has means of overpowering it's citizens.

Certainly today.

To think otherwise is nuts.

And what makes you think the U.S. Military will arbitrarily side with progressive tyranny against Americans... I'd say that sort of thinking is what really qualifies as nuts. :lol:
Kent State is a miniature example of what we can expect from the military. Municipal police agencies, which are and have been increasingly militarized, are even better examples.

One very good reason to reinstate the draft is a conscript army is a People's army while the all volunteer, de facto mercenary army we have now is loyal to the government that supports it.

This website will provide more insight:
Will U.S. Troops Fire On American Citizens? :
The really interesting part of this is I actually forgot my high school had a firing range, and I actually used it. (No cracks about age and memory, I still know more than most of the people on this forum, and some of what I know is actually true.)

No one should make cracks about age. My old school still had one when I moved in the 80s.

Where I grew up, on Orcas Island, you were considered gay or mentally retarded if you didn't own at least one gun. We all had firing was called your back 40 or your front 40 or your left or right 40's :lol:

Everyone, living on an island, and shooting, must have been interesting.

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