Do You Doubt Your Salvation?

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Beloved, have you ever doubted your salvation? I have doubted my own before. One day it occurred to me that Satan would not dare tell the unconverted they were saved and right then I realized the truth. I am saved. Glory be to God. This is not unusual for new believers in Jesus Christ to have such fears. Sometimes it us comparing ourselves to some other believer's experience and other times it is the wicked one trying to rob us of the joy of our salvation. If you have ever doubted your salvation or are perhaps doubting it now...... This sermon by Charles Spurgeon is for you!

ANY persons are greatly disquieted in mind because their experience of conviction or comfort has not been like that of others. They fancy that they cannot have come to Christ aright because they have not felt precisely the same joys or expressions as certain saints of whom they have read. Now, should these good people be so troubled? We think not.

Uniformity is not God's rule of working either in nature or in grace. No two human faces display exactly the same lineaments; sons of the same mother, born at the same birth, may be as different as Jacob and Esau. Not even in leagues of forest will two leaves be found in all respects alike. Diversity is the rule of nature, and let us rest assured that variety is the rule of grace.

Mr. Beecher has given us this truth in a very beautiful form in the following lines:—"What if God should command the flowers to appear before him, and the sunflower should come bending low with shame because it was not a violet, and the violet should come striving to lift itself up to be like a sunflower, and the lily should seek to gain the bloom of the rose, and the rose the whiteness of the lily; and so, each one disdaining itself, should seek to grow into the likeness of the other?

"God would say, 'Stop foolish flowers! I gave you your own forms and hues, and odours, and I wish you to bring what you have received. O, sunflower, come as a sunflower; and you sweet violet, come as a violet; let the rose bring the rose's bloom, and the lily the lily's whiteness.'

Perceiving their folly, and ceasing to long for what they had not, violet and rose, lily and geranium, mignionette and anemone, and all the floral train would come, each in its own loveliness, to send up its fragrance as incense, and all wreathe themselves in a garland of beauty about the throne of God."

Reader, the saints are one in Christ Jesus, but they are not one in their peculiarities. Be we who we may, if we rest on the Redeemer our eternal life is sure; and if not, we are dead while we live. What is Jesus Christ to me? that is the main question. If he is my all, then all is well; if not, I may be very like a saint, but a saint I am not.

S&T Tract 17

Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.

But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.

Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.
Matthew 10:29-31


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Think back to before you were born.

That is what it will be like after you die.

You can't think back that far. As a matter of fact, you can't remember anything that happened to you before age 2. Why? Simple..............the long term memory portion of your brain doesn't form until then.

Got that little fact off of a PBS program called "9 Months That Made You". It comes in 2 parts, and if you can catch it, I highly recommend it.

Think back to before you were born.

That is what it will be like after you die.

You can't think back that far. As a matter of fact, you can't remember anything that happened to you before age 2. Why? Simple..............the long term memory portion of your brain doesn't form until then.

Got that little fact off of a PBS program called "9 Months That Made You". It comes in 2 parts, and if you can catch it, I highly recommend it.

Actually, that's kind of my point.

Before birth there was nothing, After death there will be nothing.

On the flip side.

I remember certain things back to about age one.

The brain develops, it isn't an on or off situation.
Jeremiah, I think you will go to heaven, but it is only because I will ask God to forgive you for all the hate you spread on this forum for your fellow Christians, and God will hear my prayer and He will forgive you because I will ask really nicely.

Think back to before you were born.

That is what it will be like after you die.

You can't think back that far. As a matter of fact, you can't remember anything that happened to you before age 2. Why? Simple..............the long term memory portion of your brain doesn't form until then.

Got that little fact off of a PBS program called "9 Months That Made You". It comes in 2 parts, and if you can catch it, I highly recommend it.

Actually, that's kind of my point.

Before birth there was nothing, After death there will be nothing.

On the flip side.

I remember certain things back to about age one.

The brain develops, it isn't an on or off situation.

Uncensored2008 Your thoughts that there is nothing after death remind me of something I was reading last night. Allow me to share this with you and ABikerSailor

This is from Dumitru Duduman's book, "Life in Christ."

He writes in the last paragraph of page 106 - to next page 107 the following:

In the entire world we cannot find any proof that anything, no matter how small, just ceases to exist. There is no past that did not prepare the future, and there is no end that did not show a beginning. Every life in particular only leaves behind its aged shell when it goes into the ground, the essence having gone to unseen realms. The sun sets that it may rise once again. The stars disappear in the morning, and reappear in the night. Ages end, and then they begin again. Rivers bury themselves in seas only to be reborn in the springtime. The entire plant world dies in the fall and is reborn in the springtime. The seed dies in the ground and is reborn as grass or as a tree.
The caterpillar dies to make way for the butterfly. If all the inferior creatures are destroyed so they can be reborn, then what of man, the crown jewel of God's creation? Will he simply fall into the grave and turn to dust for no reason at all?

There is so much that speaks to us in parables about life after death: Proof can even be seen in the way God describes the soul. Without a doubt God exists because He makes Himself known to man not only in our souls, but also in nature that is all about us. He is righteous and just. He sowed into the heart of man a desire to do right and to hate evil. There are many who live a righteous life and are persecuted for it, even unto death. Yet, there are many sinners who live happy lives. If there were no life after death in which the righteous are rewarded for their faithfulness, then God would be neither righteous nor just.

For the simple fact that God is a righteous judge, there must be a day when every man, woman, and child will receive a just reward.

Life in Christ
pg. 106-107
Author Dumitru Duduman

Think back to before you were born.

That is what it will be like after you die.

You can't think back that far. As a matter of fact, you can't remember anything that happened to you before age 2. Why? Simple..............the long term memory portion of your brain doesn't form until then.

Got that little fact off of a PBS program called "9 Months That Made You". It comes in 2 parts, and if you can catch it, I highly recommend it.

Actually, that's kind of my point.

Before birth there was nothing, After death there will be nothing.

On the flip side.

I remember certain things back to about age one.

The brain develops, it isn't an on or off situation.

Uncensored2008 Your thoughts that there is nothing after death remind me of something I was reading last night, Uncensored. Allow me to share this with you and ABikerSailor

This is from Dumitru Duduman's book, "Life in Christ."

He writes in the last paragraph of page 106 - to next page 107 the following:

In the entire world we cannot find any that proof that anything, no matter how small, just ceases to exist. There is no past that did not prepare the future, and there is no end that did not show a beginning. Every life in particular only leaves behind its aged shell when it goes into the ground, the essence having gone to unseen realms. The sun sets that it may rise once again. The stars disappear in the morning, and reappear in the night. Ages end, and then they begin again. Rivers bury themselves in seas only to be reborn in the springtime. The entire plant world dies in the fall and is reborn in the springtime. The seed dies in the ground and is reborn in as grass or as a tree.
The caterpillar dies to make way for the butterfly. If all the inferior creatures are destroyed so they can be reborn, then what of man, the crown jewel of God's creation? Will he simply fall into the grave and turn to dust for no reason at all?
There is so much that speaks to us in parables about life after death: Proof can even be seen in the way God describes the soul. Without a doubt God exists because He makes Himself known to man not only in our souls, but also in nature that is all about us. He is righteous and just. He sowed into the heart of man a desire to do right and to hate evil. There are many who live a righteous life and are persecuted for it, even unto death. Yet, there are many sinners who live happy lives. If there were no life after death in which the righteous are rewarded for their faithfulness, then God would be neither righteous nor just.

For the simple fact that God is a righteous judge, there must be a day when every man, woman, and child will receive a just reward.

Life in Christ
pg. 106-107
Author Dumitru Duduman
I agree with all that but do you? Didn't Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformers teach that our good works and adherence to the Ten Commandments in this life not matter at all? Did he not teach that faith alone saves? Are you now saying that you are no longer a Protestant?
Here is another thought that Dumitru writes about that will answer your doubts...

When God created man, He planted deep inside him the tendency toward truth. Even in our will, we have the tendency to do good whenever we can. In our hearts, He planted the yearning for happiness and for fulfillment. Our minds are not satisfied with just the knowledge they obtain here on earth. What we amass in knowledge here on earth is far from complete or perfect.

We are constantly struggling toward righteousness although, we are met by many obstacles along the way. Sometimes it is difficult for the simple fact that we are not mature enough when it comes to morality. This is why many are attracted toward sin and snared into it. We each know that we will never find true happiness here on earth. If that is so, then why would the Creator plant the longing for true happiness in our hearts? Did He do it just so that it would remain something unattainable? This would be in contradiction to the goodness, wisdom, and righteousness of God.

Life In Christ
Page 107
Author Dumitru Duduman
Beloved, have you ever doubted your salvation? I have doubted my own before. One day it occurred to me that Satan would not dare tell the unconverted they were saved and right then I realized the truth. I am saved. Glory be to God. This is not unusual for new believers in Jesus Christ to have such fears. Sometimes it us comparing ourselves to some other believer's experience and other times it is the wicked one trying to rob us of the joy of our salvation. If you have ever doubted your salvation or are perhaps doubting it now...... This sermon by Charles Spurgeon is for you!

ANY persons are greatly disquieted in mind because their experience of conviction or comfort has not been like that of others. They fancy that they cannot have come to Christ aright because they have not felt precisely the same joys or expressions as certain saints of whom they have read. Now, should these good people be so troubled? We think not.

Uniformity is not God's rule of working either in nature or in grace. No two human faces display exactly the same lineaments; sons of the same mother, born at the same birth, may be as different as Jacob and Esau. Not even in leagues of forest will two leaves be found in all respects alike. Diversity is the rule of nature, and let us rest assured that variety is the rule of grace.

Mr. Beecher has given us this truth in a very beautiful form in the following lines:—"What if God should command the flowers to appear before him, and the sunflower should come bending low with shame because it was not a violet, and the violet should come striving to lift itself up to be like a sunflower, and the lily should seek to gain the bloom of the rose, and the rose the whiteness of the lily; and so, each one disdaining itself, should seek to grow into the likeness of the other?

"God would say, 'Stop foolish flowers! I gave you your own forms and hues, and odours, and I wish you to bring what you have received. O, sunflower, come as a sunflower; and you sweet violet, come as a violet; let the rose bring the rose's bloom, and the lily the lily's whiteness.'

Perceiving their folly, and ceasing to long for what they had not, violet and rose, lily and geranium, mignionette and anemone, and all the floral train would come, each in its own loveliness, to send up its fragrance as incense, and all wreathe themselves in a garland of beauty about the throne of God."

Reader, the saints are one in Christ Jesus, but they are not one in their peculiarities. Be we who we may, if we rest on the Redeemer our eternal life is sure; and if not, we are dead while we live. What is Jesus Christ to me? that is the main question. If he is my all, then all is well; if not, I may be very like a saint, but a saint I am not.

S&T Tract 17
I found a typo in the OP which I have to correct. This is what I meant to say, Satan would not dare tell the unconverted that they were not saved.......

It should read then......

Beloved, have you ever doubted your salvation? I have doubted my own before. One day it occurred to me that Satan would not dare tell the unconverted they were not saved and right then I realized the truth. I am saved. Glory be to God. This is not unusual for new believers in Jesus Christ to have such fears. Sometimes it us comparing ourselves to some other believer's experience and other times it is the wicked one trying to rob us of the joy of our salvation. If you have ever doubted your salvation or are perhaps doubting it now...... This sermon by Charles Spurgeon is for you!

You can see that this makes a great amount of sense. Satan won't tell the unconverted that they are not saved because he doesn't want them to repent and turn to Christ.

He only tells those who are saved that they are not saved in order to rob them of their joy, their peace and their assurance that God hears their prayers and is well pleased with them.

Satan is the Father of lies. No one should expect Lucifer to tell them the truth. Speaking the truth is a virtue. The devil has no virtues.
Beloved, have you ever doubted your salvation? I have doubted my own before. One day it occurred to me that Satan would not dare tell the unconverted they were saved and right then I realized the truth. I am saved. Glory be to God. This is not unusual for new believers in Jesus Christ to have such fears. Sometimes it us comparing ourselves to some other believer's experience and other times it is the wicked one trying to rob us of the joy of our salvation. If you have ever doubted your salvation or are perhaps doubting it now...... This sermon by Charles Spurgeon is for you!

ANY persons are greatly disquieted in mind because their experience of conviction or comfort has not been like that of others. They fancy that they cannot have come to Christ aright because they have not felt precisely the same joys or expressions as certain saints of whom they have read. Now, should these good people be so troubled? We think not.

Uniformity is not God's rule of working either in nature or in grace. No two human faces display exactly the same lineaments; sons of the same mother, born at the same birth, may be as different as Jacob and Esau. Not even in leagues of forest will two leaves be found in all respects alike. Diversity is the rule of nature, and let us rest assured that variety is the rule of grace.

Mr. Beecher has given us this truth in a very beautiful form in the following lines:—"What if God should command the flowers to appear before him, and the sunflower should come bending low with shame because it was not a violet, and the violet should come striving to lift itself up to be like a sunflower, and the lily should seek to gain the bloom of the rose, and the rose the whiteness of the lily; and so, each one disdaining itself, should seek to grow into the likeness of the other?

"God would say, 'Stop foolish flowers! I gave you your own forms and hues, and odours, and I wish you to bring what you have received. O, sunflower, come as a sunflower; and you sweet violet, come as a violet; let the rose bring the rose's bloom, and the lily the lily's whiteness.'

Perceiving their folly, and ceasing to long for what they had not, violet and rose, lily and geranium, mignionette and anemone, and all the floral train would come, each in its own loveliness, to send up its fragrance as incense, and all wreathe themselves in a garland of beauty about the throne of God."

Reader, the saints are one in Christ Jesus, but they are not one in their peculiarities. Be we who we may, if we rest on the Redeemer our eternal life is sure; and if not, we are dead while we live. What is Jesus Christ to me? that is the main question. If he is my all, then all is well; if not, I may be very like a saint, but a saint I am not.

S&T Tract 17
I thought you said the saints of the Catholics are not Christians?
Beloved, have you ever doubted your salvation? I have doubted my own before. One day it occurred to me that Satan would not dare tell the unconverted they were saved and right then I realized the truth. I am saved. Glory be to God. This is not unusual for new believers in Jesus Christ to have such fears. Sometimes it us comparing ourselves to some other believer's experience and other times it is the wicked one trying to rob us of the joy of our salvation. If you have ever doubted your salvation or are perhaps doubting it now...... This sermon by Charles Spurgeon is for you!

ANY persons are greatly disquieted in mind because their experience of conviction or comfort has not been like that of others. They fancy that they cannot have come to Christ aright because they have not felt precisely the same joys or expressions as certain saints of whom they have read. Now, should these good people be so troubled? We think not.

Uniformity is not God's rule of working either in nature or in grace. No two human faces display exactly the same lineaments; sons of the same mother, born at the same birth, may be as different as Jacob and Esau. Not even in leagues of forest will two leaves be found in all respects alike. Diversity is the rule of nature, and let us rest assured that variety is the rule of grace.

Mr. Beecher has given us this truth in a very beautiful form in the following lines:—"What if God should command the flowers to appear before him, and the sunflower should come bending low with shame because it was not a violet, and the violet should come striving to lift itself up to be like a sunflower, and the lily should seek to gain the bloom of the rose, and the rose the whiteness of the lily; and so, each one disdaining itself, should seek to grow into the likeness of the other?

"God would say, 'Stop foolish flowers! I gave you your own forms and hues, and odours, and I wish you to bring what you have received. O, sunflower, come as a sunflower; and you sweet violet, come as a violet; let the rose bring the rose's bloom, and the lily the lily's whiteness.'

Perceiving their folly, and ceasing to long for what they had not, violet and rose, lily and geranium, mignionette and anemone, and all the floral train would come, each in its own loveliness, to send up its fragrance as incense, and all wreathe themselves in a garland of beauty about the throne of God."

Reader, the saints are one in Christ Jesus, but they are not one in their peculiarities. Be we who we may, if we rest on the Redeemer our eternal life is sure; and if not, we are dead while we live. What is Jesus Christ to me? that is the main question. If he is my all, then all is well; if not, I may be very like a saint, but a saint I am not.

S&T Tract 17
I found a typo in the OP which I have to correct. This is what I meant to say, Satan would not dare tell the unconverted that they were not saved.......

It should read then......

Beloved, have you ever doubted your salvation? I have doubted my own before. One day it occurred to me that Satan would not dare tell the unconverted they were not saved and right then I realized the truth. I am saved. Glory be to God. This is not unusual for new believers in Jesus Christ to have such fears. Sometimes it us comparing ourselves to some other believer's experience and other times it is the wicked one trying to rob us of the joy of our salvation. If you have ever doubted your salvation or are perhaps doubting it now...... This sermon by Charles Spurgeon is for you!

You can see that this makes a great amount of sense. Satan won't tell the unconverted that they are not saved because he doesn't want them to repent and turn to Christ.

He only tells those who are saved that they are not saved in order to rob them of their joy, their peace and their assurance that God hears their prayers and is well pleased with them.

Satan is the Father of lies. No one should expect Lucifer to tell them the truth. Speaking the truth is a virtue. The devil has no virtues.
Sorry, you can't change what someone else stated because you don't agree with it..that makes it a mis-quote and delineation of the original persons notation..
Before birth there was nothing, After death there will be nothing.

This is an absurd pronouncement since how would one know this to be true. I call this thinking - 'waving the magic wand'.
I am sure that the hint is when Jesus stated that when you die, you sleep and know nothing until you are called for judgement day...

First of all, this comment wasn't made in a Christian context. Even so your own comment concludes there is NOT "nothing" after death.
Before birth there was nothing, After death there will be nothing.

This is an absurd pronouncement since how would one know this to be true. I call this thinking - 'waving the magic wand'.
I am sure that the hint is when Jesus stated that when you die, you sleep and know nothing until you are called for judgement day...

First of all, this comment wasn't made in a Christian context. Even so your own comment concludes there is NOT "nothing" after death.
John 11
11 After he had said this, he went on to tell them, “Our friendJ)" data-cr="#cen-NIV-26535J" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0.625em; line-height: 22px; position: relative; vertical-align: top; top: 0px;"> Lazarus has fallen asleep;K)" data-cr="#cen-NIV-26535K" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0.625em; line-height: 22px; position: relative; vertical-align: top; top: 0px;"> but I am going there to wake him up.”
Beloved, have you ever doubted your salvation? I have doubted my own before. One day it occurred to me that Satan would not dare tell the unconverted they were saved and right then I realized the truth. I am saved. Glory be to God. This is not unusual for new believers in Jesus Christ to have such fears. Sometimes it us comparing ourselves to some other believer's experience and other times it is the wicked one trying to rob us of the joy of our salvation. If you have ever doubted your salvation or are perhaps doubting it now...... This sermon by Charles Spurgeon is for you!

ANY persons are greatly disquieted in mind because their experience of conviction or comfort has not been like that of others. They fancy that they cannot have come to Christ aright because they have not felt precisely the same joys or expressions as certain saints of whom they have read. Now, should these good people be so troubled? We think not.

Uniformity is not God's rule of working either in nature or in grace. No two human faces display exactly the same lineaments; sons of the same mother, born at the same birth, may be as different as Jacob and Esau. Not even in leagues of forest will two leaves be found in all respects alike. Diversity is the rule of nature, and let us rest assured that variety is the rule of grace.

Mr. Beecher has given us this truth in a very beautiful form in the following lines:—"What if God should command the flowers to appear before him, and the sunflower should come bending low with shame because it was not a violet, and the violet should come striving to lift itself up to be like a sunflower, and the lily should seek to gain the bloom of the rose, and the rose the whiteness of the lily; and so, each one disdaining itself, should seek to grow into the likeness of the other?

"God would say, 'Stop foolish flowers! I gave you your own forms and hues, and odours, and I wish you to bring what you have received. O, sunflower, come as a sunflower; and you sweet violet, come as a violet; let the rose bring the rose's bloom, and the lily the lily's whiteness.'

Perceiving their folly, and ceasing to long for what they had not, violet and rose, lily and geranium, mignionette and anemone, and all the floral train would come, each in its own loveliness, to send up its fragrance as incense, and all wreathe themselves in a garland of beauty about the throne of God."

Reader, the saints are one in Christ Jesus, but they are not one in their peculiarities. Be we who we may, if we rest on the Redeemer our eternal life is sure; and if not, we are dead while we live. What is Jesus Christ to me? that is the main question. If he is my all, then all is well; if not, I may be very like a saint, but a saint I am not.

S&T Tract 17
I thought you said the saints of the Catholics are not Christians?

There are no saints of Roman Catholicism - the Pope canonizes those who best served the angel of light - Lucifer. Have a look at the mass murderers Pope Francis recently canonized as "Roman Saints." The Catholic church is Satan's masterpiece because it has deceived so many people! The saints of God are born again believers and we're alive and living on earth, the rest are in heaven - thanks for asking.

To be clear - there are former Catholics who are now born again Christians and they are part of the number of God's saints. To God be the glory, I pray many more will be delivered. Especially when they realize that witches are no longer hiding the fact that the goddess they serve (Semiramus) is the same "Mary"( another Mary) of the Roman Catholic Occult. Amazing times we are living in. Very exciting!
I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over this thread and destroy the works of witchcraft operating against it, In Jesus name.

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