Do you Favor Increasing the Topical Content of Threads? (Read OP 1st)

Would You Support a Requirement for MORE Topical Content in Every Post ?

  • Yes -- Sign Me Up --- I Hate Trolls

  • No Way -- It Would Stunt My Trolling Style

  • I Plead the 5th -- Not gonna get me to incriminate myself

  • It's Fine the Way It Is.

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Leave it alone for the following reasons:

1. From what we are told, both sides appear nearly equal in their concerns about being over moderated. That spells balance.
2. Limiting speech is censorship and that hopefully is a greater concern than frustration over a troll(s).
3. Everyone has the option of talking other posters here through moderation. Make a mini social group that way.
4. USMB is what it is because of all the things that happen here. The board could suffer post count and financial issues with a new format.
I don't like trolls much either, but trolling obviously has different meanings to different people. I've been accused of trolling just for telling someone they are breaking a rule or whatnot and explaining why. So, you will get more complaints from people feeling they are accused of "trolling" unfairly. Trolling is in the eye of the beholder apparently. I was trolled pretty harshly by a few people on this forum, and I just put them on ignore for a while because they thrive on the attention they get from their trolling. They move on to another target when you don't acknowledge them anymore (except for maybe trolls who tend more towards the psychotic side - had a couple of those too. Lol).
I think you're setting yourself up to make "good the enemy of great" if you're going to try to differentiate between the words of a troll and the words of someone who is legitimately trying to debate. One of the reasons I had the self imposed hiatus was because the memes. That seems to have dissipated so kudos on that. I understand that it is much easier to recognize than trolling. My advice is to just leave it as it is. If you want to go nuclear though; you're going to have some collateral damage. Is it worth alienating people to extinguish the nuisances? I can't answer that. But if you want to go there, I would put in a 3 strikes policy. First a week ban. Then a month ban. IF it keeps up; then the ban. It's the only "currency" that exists in this environment.
Welcome Back :)
Keep this conversation on the topic of the poll. It's NOT a gripefest about moderation or your opposing political team. The reason for this poll is to get membership feedback on a possible means to reduce the troll population. Let's be frank. BOTH sides are bitching about out of control trolls. That's a fact. Frustration levels are high.. That's NOT a USMB Moderation fault. It's the way the 2 tribes have polarized this country that is the problem.

All Zone2 and 3 rules are focused on TOPIC CONTROL. If you respect the topic -----

1) You'll hardly ever hear from moderation.
2) You're not trolling.

So if you want to REDUCE the troll population, folks need to up their up their "topical discussion" game. Currently, too many only use token references to the specific topic before they haul off and WHACK someone personally or go off onto a thread diverting rant. We could easily just change the requirement to be MOSTLY topical discussion.. That would spell doom for all trolls right there.

THINK before you vote. Every one would be focusing more on topical discussion, much less on trolling or personal flaming. So YOU are making a PERSONAL commitment with your vote.

This is NOT been discussed as a Staff Issue. There are NO PLANS to change the way we judge posts and content. So it's my neck hanging out asking the question...
I'd have to say to leave it like it is, but let those who wish start a group by invitation only as a place free from each sides trolls. So it sounds like I am asking for "safe space" and I am. We all have our own safe space which is usually our home. So why not have one here?
It could also depend on who's doing the in the member's purpose and what content is used in their OP when creating a thread......not just those who respond & how.
I think I disagree with that....?

As example: in the press, the headline is actually created by a different person than the author of the article....and their one job is to come up with a sensationalized and catchy Header to capture the attention of all..... and it may have hardly anything to do with the actual article! :eek:

So the more crazy the op is in their header/title, does what it is suppose to do....same with the op's opinion of the linked article.... it's to get the blood flowing of others, so to get more readership or more participants....

yes, it is maddening!

But it works every time!

My thought was that some members start threads under the disguise of being serious content, with or without links, but is really trolling for a fight.....not that anyone who responds is trolling......although many do. But my point with this is about the original post & the person creating it and their intent.

Then there are also other times when a thread is created with intent of serious discussion & debate that may or may not have a link, depending on what they are trying to accomplish with the thread. ......and only get trolling or bashing responses of both the poster and/or the content and a good thread is quickly ruined for further discussion.

Much of the time any trolling responses are because the responder either didn't read any linked article or didn't read any lead in by the OP, they only respond to the title.

My idea of trolling? Someone just looking for a fight, bashing & attacks just because of differing views on certain topics. AKA a well known conservative creates a thread of their interest (based on religion, politics, whatever) and a well known liberal comes in attacking either the thread author or content of the OP, with nothing of substance to contribute whether to the topic of the thread, or the course of the conversation....even if it has wandered off topic. Sometimes conversations can turn in several directions and still be within topic limits.

Trolling is often hard to define because it can be in the eye of the beholder. For us mods determining content level is often easier.

I get the sense that sone folks want safe space, for want of a better term, to discuss things with like minded folks without the usual sideshows.

I have seen other places that have seperate sections for conservative, lib, indie only members. Maybe that is a possible solution.
Trolling is often hard to define because it can be in the eye of the beholder. For us mods determining content level is often easier.

I get the sense that sone folks want safe space, for want of a better term, to discuss things with like minded folks without the usual sideshows.

I have seen other places that have seperate sections for conservative, lib, indie only members. Maybe that is a possible solution.

Trolling is often hard to define because it can be in the eye of the beholder. For us mods determining content level is often easier.
Winner! That is why some members become upset when they have a post removed that THEY don't think is trolling but YOU did! Not attacking you, and I don't mean YOU "you", just a mod in general. That used to bother me, but know not so much. So set us up, ,you can be our mod!!!!
Keep this conversation on the topic of the poll. It's NOT a gripefest about moderation or your opposing political team. The reason for this poll is to get membership feedback on a possible means to reduce the troll population. Let's be frank. BOTH sides are bitching about out of control trolls. That's a fact. Frustration levels are high.. That's NOT a USMB Moderation fault. It's the way the 2 tribes have polarized this country that is the problem.

All Zone2 and 3 rules are focused on TOPIC CONTROL. If you respect the topic -----

1) You'll hardly ever hear from moderation.
2) You're not trolling.

So if you want to REDUCE the troll population, folks need to up their up their "topical discussion" game. Currently, too many only use token references to the specific topic before they haul off and WHACK someone personally or go off onto a thread diverting rant. We could easily just change the requirement to be MOSTLY topical discussion.. That would spell doom for all trolls right there.

THINK before you vote. Every one would be focusing more on topical discussion, much less on trolling or personal flaming. So YOU are making a PERSONAL commitment with your vote.

This is NOT been discussed as a Staff Issue. There are NO PLANS to change the way we judge posts and content. So it's my neck hanging out asking the question...
I'd have to say to leave it like it is, but let those who wish start a group by invitation only as a place free from each sides trolls. So it sounds like I am asking for "safe space" and I am. We all have our own safe space which is usually our home. So why not have one here?
A place in which the forum is used as intended is not a safe space. One shouldn't need a safe space for the rules to actually be enforced.
When has this place ever solved a problem anyway, it's a Universe all by itself.
Keep this conversation on the topic of the poll. It's NOT a gripefest about moderation or your opposing political team. The reason for this poll is to get membership feedback on a possible means to reduce the troll population. Let's be frank. BOTH sides are bitching about out of control trolls. That's a fact. Frustration levels are high.. That's NOT a USMB Moderation fault. It's the way the 2 tribes have polarized this country that is the problem.

All Zone2 and 3 rules are focused on TOPIC CONTROL. If you respect the topic -----

1) You'll hardly ever hear from moderation.
2) You're not trolling.

So if you want to REDUCE the troll population, folks need to up their up their "topical discussion" game. Currently, too many only use token references to the specific topic before they haul off and WHACK someone personally or go off onto a thread diverting rant. We could easily just change the requirement to be MOSTLY topical discussion.. That would spell doom for all trolls right there.

THINK before you vote. Every one would be focusing more on topical discussion, much less on trolling or personal flaming. So YOU are making a PERSONAL commitment with your vote.

This is NOT been discussed as a Staff Issue. There are NO PLANS to change the way we judge posts and content. So it's my neck hanging out asking the question...
I'd have to say to leave it like it is, but let those who wish start a group by invitation only as a place free from each sides trolls. So it sounds like I am asking for "safe space" and I am. We all have our own safe space which is usually our home. So why not have one here?
A place in which the forum is used as intended is not a safe space. One shouldn't need a safe space for the rules to actually be enforced.
Too much moderation limits what can be said. There is nothing wrong with having a group where like minded folks can gather that is free from those you wish to avoid for a while.
Keep this conversation on the topic of the poll. It's NOT a gripefest about moderation or your opposing political team. The reason for this poll is to get membership feedback on a possible means to reduce the troll population. Let's be frank. BOTH sides are bitching about out of control trolls. That's a fact. Frustration levels are high.. That's NOT a USMB Moderation fault. It's the way the 2 tribes have polarized this country that is the problem.

All Zone2 and 3 rules are focused on TOPIC CONTROL. If you respect the topic -----

1) You'll hardly ever hear from moderation.
2) You're not trolling.

So if you want to REDUCE the troll population, folks need to up their up their "topical discussion" game. Currently, too many only use token references to the specific topic before they haul off and WHACK someone personally or go off onto a thread diverting rant. We could easily just change the requirement to be MOSTLY topical discussion.. That would spell doom for all trolls right there.

THINK before you vote. Every one would be focusing more on topical discussion, much less on trolling or personal flaming. So YOU are making a PERSONAL commitment with your vote.

This is NOT been discussed as a Staff Issue. There are NO PLANS to change the way we judge posts and content. So it's my neck hanging out asking the question...

The problem with this is that many posters consider political disagreement trolling.

Most threads devolve quickly into partisan bickering and ad hominems. If you cracked down on that, traffic would be cut by half or more.
Keep this conversation on the topic of the poll. It's NOT a gripefest about moderation or your opposing political team. The reason for this poll is to get membership feedback on a possible means to reduce the troll population. Let's be frank. BOTH sides are bitching about out of control trolls. That's a fact. Frustration levels are high.. That's NOT a USMB Moderation fault. It's the way the 2 tribes have polarized this country that is the problem.

All Zone2 and 3 rules are focused on TOPIC CONTROL. If you respect the topic -----

1) You'll hardly ever hear from moderation.
2) You're not trolling.

So if you want to REDUCE the troll population, folks need to up their up their "topical discussion" game. Currently, too many only use token references to the specific topic before they haul off and WHACK someone personally or go off onto a thread diverting rant. We could easily just change the requirement to be MOSTLY topical discussion.. That would spell doom for all trolls right there.

THINK before you vote. Every one would be focusing more on topical discussion, much less on trolling or personal flaming. So YOU are making a PERSONAL commitment with your vote.

This is NOT been discussed as a Staff Issue. There are NO PLANS to change the way we judge posts and content. So it's my neck hanging out asking the question...

The problem with this is that many posters consider political disagreement trolling.

Most threads devolve quickly into partisan bickering and ad hominems. If you cracked down on that, traffic would be cut by half or more.
And ''the Business'' of this site IS THE TRAFFIC, or revolves around it!
Trolling is often hard to define because it can be in the eye of the beholder. For us mods determining content level is often easier.

I get the sense that sone folks want safe space, for want of a better term, to discuss things with like minded folks without the usual sideshows.

I have seen other places that have seperate sections for conservative, lib, indie only members. Maybe that is a possible solution.
Who wants to talk only with people that agree with you?

Can it get any more boring?
Keep this conversation on the topic of the poll. It's NOT a gripefest about moderation or your opposing political team. The reason for this poll is to get membership feedback on a possible means to reduce the troll population. Let's be frank. BOTH sides are bitching about out of control trolls. That's a fact. Frustration levels are high.. That's NOT a USMB Moderation fault. It's the way the 2 tribes have polarized this country that is the problem.

All Zone2 and 3 rules are focused on TOPIC CONTROL. If you respect the topic -----

1) You'll hardly ever hear from moderation.
2) You're not trolling.

So if you want to REDUCE the troll population, folks need to up their up their "topical discussion" game. Currently, too many only use token references to the specific topic before they haul off and WHACK someone personally or go off onto a thread diverting rant. We could easily just change the requirement to be MOSTLY topical discussion.. That would spell doom for all trolls right there.

THINK before you vote. Every one would be focusing more on topical discussion, much less on trolling or personal flaming. So YOU are making a PERSONAL commitment with your vote.

This is NOT been discussed as a Staff Issue. There are NO PLANS to change the way we judge posts and content. So it's my neck hanging out asking the question...

The problems is polemics go to the heart of politics. How can one argue a point of passion without offending others?

One form of troll that I find so toxic is the person who holds opinions which differ from mine, for example, and flood the thread with off topic and even on topic spam, using in a phrase or single sentence comment which lack a point, are not substantive (don't more a topic forward), nor are they thoughtful or attempt to get the reader to think.

If you like, I'll name them
Just what we need more speech 'regulation'......Hey sometimes you just gotta troll a troll.
A place in which the forum is used as intended is not a safe space. One shouldn't need a safe space for the rules to actually be enforced.

You could take it a step further and not have rules, except the ones from government regulating message boards. This implies personal responsibility and integrity, which is in short supply these days, hence rules...
A place in which the forum is used as intended is not a safe space. One shouldn't need a safe space for the rules to actually be enforced.

You could take it a step further and not have rules, except the ones from government regulating message boards. This implies personal responsibility and integrity, which is in short supply these days, hence rules...

The OP does not refer to no rules it is about adding extra regulation.
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