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Do you feel anyone under 55 be able to direct SS deductions

to their local bank savings account? Or to be allowed to accumulate over 35 years to $300,000?

Almost anyone with financial acumen know that if a person is allowed to accumulate their Social security deductions at a modest 3% tax sheltered for 35 years would amass over $300,000. (See this simple savings calculator
Simple savings calculator -- Bankrate.com

Now if this same person directed the monthly payments of $400 deducted automatically each month for 35 years into vehicles accumulating at the average of 6%.. almost $600,000!

Again this would be CONTRARY to DEMOCRATS NOT invested in the "stock market" unless directed! NOT go in affect for anyone over 55. NOT go into affect if the person chooses NOT to be self directed.
But of course the DEMOCRATS aren't telling people that!
All the plans of knowledgeable financially aware people is that if left alone and saving at the rate of simple compound interest at 3% to 6% the INDIVIDUAL can have their OWN estate of at least $300,000 to as much as possible without the Government having to pay a dime!
NO money out by the government for these accounts directed by the employee!

An honest question.

That will not see and true consideration from the left.

Many who are not conservative who advocate for reform suggest a number of things.

First, that it is your money. You get an account and what you put in has your name on it. Move away from Paygo.

Next, you can stay with the government and in fact, you will for a base amount. No Wall Street. But you get to see the performance of your savings.

Finally, when you go, that money advances to your heirs and when they reach a certain level...they no longer need pay in.

But, the left will never let go of their mindless, pant wetting point of view that it is all about privatization so Wall Street can get rich.

It is fine if you get neither sick nor hurt. I had six days in the hospital and the bill was about $70,000. I wonder what the health insurance premium would be for someone over 65 with a heart condition?

This is where the Ryan proposal is stuck on stupid. There's a damn good reason why the government started offering a health insurance plan for those over 65 - it's because no actuarial in their right mind would ever allow a private insurer to offer health insurance to a risk pool that includes:

1) people over 65 years
2) people with disabilities
3) people with end-stage renal disease.
to their local bank savings account? Or to be allowed to accumulate over 35 years to $300,000?

Almost anyone with financial acumen know that if a person is allowed to accumulate their Social security deductions at a modest 3% tax sheltered for 35 years would amass over $300,000. (See this simple savings calculator
Simple savings calculator -- Bankrate.com

Now if this same person directed the monthly payments of $400 deducted automatically each month for 35 years into vehicles accumulating at the average of 6%.. almost $600,000!

Again this would be CONTRARY to DEMOCRATS NOT invested in the "stock market" unless directed! NOT go in affect for anyone over 55. NOT go into affect if the person chooses NOT to be self directed.
But of course the DEMOCRATS aren't telling people that!
All the plans of knowledgeable financially aware people is that if left alone and saving at the rate of simple compound interest at 3% to 6% the INDIVIDUAL can have their OWN estate of at least $300,000 to as much as possible without the Government having to pay a dime!
NO money out by the government for these accounts directed by the employee!

An honest question.

That will not see and true consideration from the left.

Many who are not conservative who advocate for reform suggest a number of things.

First, that it is your money. You get an account and what you put in has your name on it. Move away from Paygo.

Next, you can stay with the government and in fact, you will for a base amount. No Wall Street. But you get to see the performance of your savings.

Finally, when you go, that money advances to your heirs and when they reach a certain level...they no longer need pay in.

But, the left will never let go of their mindless, pant wetting point of view that it is all about privatization so Wall Street can get rich.


It's the long way of saying stuck on stupid.
Where would the money come from to pay current benefits? We're talking about trillions. That train really left the station with the election of 2,000. When we were entering a period of surpluses, and the demand for t-bills were decreasing, Clinton proposed that part of a persons SS be put into the Federal Thrift Saving plan, which offers a variety of investments, including mutual funds to money market funds. Bush chose to give a tax break to the rich instead.

Wrong, Bush pushed a SS program to put a small portion of SS funds into the market, not Clinton. The Democrats and some Republicans wouldn't pass his proposal.

NEW YORK (CNN/Money) – In the State of the Union address Wednesday evening, President Bush answered some important questions about his plans for Social Security reform and the creation of individual investment accounts.

Bush's plan for Social Security - Mar. 4, 2005

And the Bush tax cuts reduced taxes for EVERY person that worked for wages.

Once again YOU and others AGAINST people SAVING their OWN money are grossly misleading!
YES THE worker HAS the choice to put money into the stock market... KEY WORD CHOICE
but of course idiots FORGET that!
All they hear is "stock market" and they stupidly JUMP to GAMBLING!
Again over 36 years since 1975 DJIA increased 9.6% SOME f..ing... RISK!!!

I was all for the Bush plan to allow a part of the mandatory Soc Sec deduction to be put in a sellf directed fund in the market that was mine and that would go to my estate when I die. Can you imagine what it would be worth if I had been buying the market with 10% of my Soc Sec during the period when the market was down around 6000 and is now above 13,000? The method I used with my IRA was called dollar cost averaging, and I made a lot of money. It beat the hell out of Soc Sec.

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