Do you get the feeling the DNC has completely abandoned quality Americans for illegals and weirdos?

The Democrats have pretty much abandoned honest, decent, hard-working, law-abiding,mainstream Americans, in order to pander to criminals, perverts, illegal aliens, and other subhuman filth.
Sorry but the deplorables voted Trump.

lllegals can't vote you stupid s•••. Neither can felons in most states.

Just how f•••ing stupid are you?

They're not supposed to be able to vote. But the Democrats have been very solidly opposed to any efforts to deter them from doing so. The reason for this is rather obvious.

Faggots and trannies are allowed to vote. Violent criminals who have not yet been convicted are allowed to vote. Welfare parasites are allowed to vote. Various other forms of subhuman filth are allowed to vote. But all of these demographics are dwarfed by the mainstream, decent, law-abiding Americans whom the Democrats have alienated in order to pander to this subhuman filth.

The Democrats have turned mainstream Americans away from them, and lost our votes, in order to pander to a handful of extreme fringe minority groups, whose votes will never come close to making up for those that the Democrats have lost by alienating us, the mainstream.

Just how f•••ing stupid are they, anyway, and you for defending them?
Reagan's own words:
We shall continue America's tradition as a land that welcomes peoples from other countries. We shall also, with other countries, continue to share in the responsibility of welcoming and resettling those who flee oppression.

Illegal immigrants in considerable numbers have become productive members of our society and are a basic part of our work force. Those who have established equities in the United States should be recognized and accorded legal status.

I don't know who these assholes are today who are calling themselves Republicans. I really don't.
My father was a Republican and my mom was a Democrat. First, my dad was a nice man, never said things like these people do. And they never fought about politics, just respected each other's viewpoints. And went out and voted every election, despite sometimes canceling out each others' vote. They valued being American and living in a free society.
I believe immigrants value America more than most Americans do. After all, they went to great lengths to come here to help their families live free.

Some Fox News confirmation bias moron will be along shortly to post pictures of Mexican-Americans carrying the flag of Mexico.
If this is the case, then why o why don't these illegal moochers attempt to accept our culture, learn our language, and BECOME CITIZENS?
I wish you libs would stop accepting these moochers, and leeches.
First, I"m a Reagan/Buckley conservative. Something about which you pseudocons know nothing.

Second, people like you won't let these "illegal moochers" become citizens, dipshit.
No doubt about it
Anything white, mainstream and non government dependent is to be castigated and labeled the cause of minority woes and challenges
Reagan's own words:
We shall continue America's tradition as a land that welcomes peoples from other countries. We shall also, with other countries, continue to share in the responsibility of welcoming and resettling those who flee oppression.

Illegal immigrants in considerable numbers have become productive members of our society and are a basic part of our work force. Those who have established equities in the United States should be recognized and accorded legal status.

I don't know who these assholes are today who are calling themselves Republicans. I really don't.
My father was a Republican and my mom was a Democrat. First, my dad was a nice man, never said things like these people do. And they never fought about politics, just respected each other's viewpoints. And went out and voted every election, despite sometimes canceling out each others' vote. They valued being American and living in a free society.
I believe immigrants value America more than most Americans do. After all, they went to great lengths to come here to help their families live free.

Some Fox News confirmation bias moron will be along shortly to post pictures of Mexican-Americans carrying the flag of Mexico.
If this is the case, then why o why don't these illegal moochers attempt to accept our culture, learn our language, and BECOME CITIZENS?
I wish you libs would stop accepting these moochers, and leeches.

"why o why don't these illegal moochers attempt to accept our culture, learn our language, and BECOME CITIZENS?" They do:
In the last decade, an average of 700,000 people a year became naturalized citizens of the United States. That's roughly one each year for every 500 U.S residents, or one every 79 seconds.

That's true...Asians, Europeans and the like bust their asses to fit in here and very few suck the taxpayer tit as they take great pride in pulling their own weight.....Mexicans on the other hand....COCKROACHES!
An illegal kills another American citizen, this time a 14 year old girl riding home with her grand parents. Is there any Dem outrage? Hell no, tells you all you need to know about Dem's.
Oh fuck you. What a stupid argument. We are supposed to post outrage every time an illegal commits a crime? Really? Illegals have a lower crime rate than US citizens. Ate you saying citizens have more a right to murder children than illegals?

uhm The crime rate of /illegal/ aliens is actually 100%... they have broken the immigration laws of the nation.

Illegal immigation is a misdemeanor although conservatives think it's one of the greatest crimes ever done to the American public. We Americans actually do much worse crimes against humanity with our never ending wars in countries where we have no business in the first place. This is not to take away from the bravery and sacrifice of our military members who actually believe they're protecting us. I was hoping that Trump might be the one guy besides Sanders to back off on this warmongering which is bankrupting this country but profiting some billionaires and ..."defense"... industries. Wrong.
An illegal kills another American citizen, this time a 14 year old girl riding home with her grand parents. Is there any Dem outrage? Hell no, tells you all you need to know about Dem's.
Oh fuck you. What a stupid argument. We are supposed to post outrage every time an illegal commits a crime? Really? Illegals have a lower crime rate than US citizens. Ate you saying citizens have more a right to murder children than illegals?

uhm The crime rate of /illegal/ aliens is actually 100%... they have broken the immigration laws of the nation.

Illegal immigation is a misdemeanor although conservatives think it's one of the greatest crimes ever foisted on the American public. We Americans actually do much worse crimes against humanity with our never ending wars in countries where we have no business in the first place. This is not to take away from the bravery and sacrifice of our military members who actually believe they're protecting us. I was hoping that Trump might the one guy besides Sanders to back off on this warmongering which is bankrupting this country but profiting some billionaires and ..."defense"... industries. Wrong.
Wrong is what you are
The US military are responders and not instigators
The Democrats have pretty much abandoned honest, decent, hard-working, law-abiding,mainstream Americans, in order to pander to criminals, perverts, illegal aliens, and other subhuman filth.
Sorry but the deplorables voted Trump.

lllegals can't vote you stupid s•••. Neither can felons in most states.

Just how f•••ing stupid are you?

They're not supposed to be able to vote. But the Democrats have been very solidly opposed to any efforts to deter them from doing so. The reason for this is rather obvious.

Faggots and trannies are allowed to vote. Violent criminals who have not yet been convicted are allowed to vote. Welfare parasites are allowed to vote. Various other forms of subhuman filth are allowed to vote. But all of these demographics are dwarfed by the mainstream, decent, law-abiding Americans whom the Democrats have alienated in order to pander to this subhuman filth.

The Democrats have turned mainstream Americans away from them, and lost our votes, in order to pander to a handful of extreme fringe minority groups, whose votes will never come close to making up for those that the Democrats have lost by alienating us, the mainstream.

Just how f•••ing stupid are they, anyway, and you for defending them?

What efforts to deter illegals from voting? Certainly you aren't so stupid to refer to photo IDs.

You bigotry explains everything I need top know about you - another ignorant dumbass Trumpette.

YOU are the filth being pandered to by the POS in the Oval Office.

Your white supremacy, your bigotry, your racism is alienating most Americans.
An illegal kills another American citizen, this time a 14 year old girl riding home with her grand parents. Is there any Dem outrage? Hell no, tells you all you need to know about Dem's.
Oh fuck you. What a stupid argument. We are supposed to post outrage every time an illegal commits a crime? Really? Illegals have a lower crime rate than US citizens. Ate you saying citizens have more a right to murder children than illegals?

uhm The crime rate of /illegal/ aliens is actually 100%... they have broken the immigration laws of the nation.
Wow, I should have realized you wert too God Damn stupid to understand what was being said.
The Democrats have pretty much abandoned honest, decent, hard-working, law-abiding,mainstream Americans, in order to pander to criminals, perverts, illegal aliens, and other subhuman filth.
Sorry but the deplorables voted Trump.

lllegals can't vote you stupid s•••. Neither can felons in most states.

Just how f•••ing stupid are you?

They're not supposed to be able to vote. But the Democrats have been very solidly opposed to any efforts to deter them from doing so. The reason for this is rather obvious.

Faggots and trannies are allowed to vote. Violent criminals who have not yet been convicted are allowed to vote. Welfare parasites are allowed to vote. Various other forms of subhuman filth are allowed to vote. But all of these demographics are dwarfed by the mainstream, decent, law-abiding Americans whom the Democrats have alienated in order to pander to this subhuman filth.

The Democrats have turned mainstream Americans away from them, and lost our votes, in order to pander to a handful of extreme fringe minority groups, whose votes will never come close to making up for those that the Democrats have lost by alienating us, the mainstream.

Just how f•••ing stupid are they, anyway, and you for defending them?

And we have criminal billionaires who fund the campaigns of politicians and no squawking about that for some reason. This is never brought up during campaigns of course, except that trump said he was self funding his campaign, which was a lie. Our only hope to end this is public financing of the elections, and jail time for any politician accepting bribes like they all do now. Apologies for trying to pop the democrat bad, republican good bubble you seem to believe.

Inside the Koch Brothers' Toxic Empire - Rolling Stone
An illegal kills another American citizen, this time a 14 year old girl riding home with her grand parents. Is there any Dem outrage? Hell no, tells you all you need to know about Dem's.
Oh fuck you. What a stupid argument. We are supposed to post outrage every time an illegal commits a crime? Really? Illegals have a lower crime rate than US citizens. Ate you saying citizens have more a right to murder children than illegals?

uhm The crime rate of /illegal/ aliens is actually 100%... they have broken the immigration laws of the nation.
Wow, I should have realized you wert too God Damn stupid to understand what was being said.

No dummy he's saying the illegal on American citizen crime rate should be 0% because illegals should not be in our country in the first place. This 14 year old girl and thousands of other American's killed by illegals should still be alive today. The 6 year old girl an illegal raped in her own bed after breaking into a home should not have been raped. That you lowlife scum defend illegals is obscene.
It certainly seems as though all their time, effort and energy is spent on illegals, barely legals / DACA, trannies and the like.
Meanwhile we have homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets, we're $20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs and all Chuck and Nancy seem to want to do is talk about is how we can better serve illegals and DACA trash. This has gone on for nine years now...will it ever end...will the DNC ever put Americans first?
How and the hell can anyone with any class, decency and American pride continue to support a political party that shits all over our Constitution and clearly puts illegals ahead of their own countrymen?

THIS is why a Democrat should NEVER be in the White house again!!
It certainly seems as though all their time, effort and energy is spent on illegals, barely legals / DACA, trannies and the like.
Meanwhile we have homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets, we're $20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs and all Chuck and Nancy seem to want to do is talk about is how we can better serve illegals and DACA trash. This has gone on for nine years now...will it ever end...will the DNC ever put Americans first?
How and the hell can anyone with any class, decency and American pride continue to support a political party that shits all over our Constitution and clearly puts illegals ahead of their own countrymen?

THIS is why a Democrat should NEVER be in the White house again!!

All sane people know this now and Donny T will continue to expose the Dirty DNC publicly....You gotta love it!
uhm The crime rate of /illegal/ aliens is actually 100%... they have broken the immigration laws of the nation.

Illegal immigation is a misdemeanor although conservatives think it's one of the greatest crimes ever done to the American public.

I do not know anyone who claims that illegal immigration is “one of the greatest crimes ever done to the American public.” It is, however, a crime, and it puts the lie to the claim of filthy traitors that these invading foreign criminals are in any way law-abiding.
BluesLegend and Bob Blaylock are on the right track with my statement and my feelings on the subject.

I have no issue with immigrants in general, but they need to come in legally and they need to be checked out; not be security risks, not be criminals, not be traitors and subversives, they need to be be good candidates to forward American"ism" (aka willing to follow /our/ rules and culture; which includes respecting freedom, being a legal immigrant, paying state and federal taxes, and basically having the capacity to do some "good" for America - rather than just abusing the good will of our citizens.)

I have no fucking idea why D's are willing to support the mass import of people who have no respect for this nation, it leaves me shaking my head regularly. I get why the politicians do it, for votes, but I don't know why the individual lefties do it. I guarantee you that not one of them would be happy if a stranger broke into their homes, no way they'd let them stay there, no questions asked, and then feed & clothe them and their entire family; yet they're totally cool with, and in fact violently for, illegal immigration. I guarantee you that they would have a fucking cow if their /invited/ "roommate" wasn't paying their fair share of the rent, or if they were shitting on the living room floor, or stealing from them, but they'll happily throw their fellow American's to the wolves to help a foreigner - even when that foreigner has no respect for the rules, even when that foreigner is taking money straight out of the American economy and feeding it to Mexico's, even when that foreigner is publicly stating they are "taking over/back" the country. They're fucking morons on this subject, that's really all there is to it.
I have no fucking idea why D's are willing to support the mass import of people who have no respect for this nation, it leaves me shaking my head regularly. I get why the politicians do it, for votes, but I don't know why the individual lefties do it.

It's called brainwashing. Their leaders tell them what to think and they parrot whatever those leaders say. They can't explain their position, they can't rationalize their position, they can't reasonably defend their position. Brainwashing can't make people use logic. All they know is what they were told to know.
Dems may have stopped looking at the big picture, there are some valid reasons for concern. the rep's seem to be drawing facts out of thin air, that's scary.
Dems may have stopped looking at the big picture, there are some valid reasons for concern. the rep's seem to be drawing facts out of thin air, that's scary.

I think this is a good point here. Modern D's, progressives, pathological altruists, "adult" children who haven't grown up yet but [unfortunately] can vote, impatient and spoiled by the speed of modern life - they're blind to the long term effects and results of their actions (if they even think about it at all.)
Something Fox News won't tell you: Contrary to Trump’s Claims, Immigrants Are Less Likely to Commit Crimes

A central point of an executive order President Trump signed on Wednesday — and a mainstay of his campaign speeches — is the view that undocumented immigrants pose a threat to public safety.

But several studies, over many years, have concluded that immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than people born in the United States. And experts say the available evidence does not support the idea that undocumented immigrants commit a disproportionate share of crime.

Illegal immigrants responsible for almost three-fourths of federal drug possession sentences in 2014
An illegal kills another American citizen, this time a 14 year old girl riding home with her grand parents. Is there any Dem outrage? Hell no, tells you all you need to know about Dem's.
Oh fuck you. What a stupid argument. We are supposed to post outrage every time an illegal commits a crime? Really? Illegals have a lower crime rate than US citizens. Ate you saying citizens have more a right to murder children than illegals?

Because US CITIZENS commit more crimes does not justify allowing foreigners into this country to commit crimes. That's the most stupid logic I ever heard.

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