Do You HATE illegal immigrants as much as the Nazis Hated the Jews?


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
just wondering?

How far will you insist your government go in removing them from our society for all the woes they supposedly brought on to you and our country....

Internment camps like those for the disliked Jews?

Death camps like Auschwitz etc?

Will you let your gvt insist that we citizens carry documents, papers on us at all times so we can prove we belong here every time the Gestapo decides they need them?

Will you deny illegals medical care when they are sick, even if they are willing to pay for it?

Will you deny them critical, life saving care if they can't afford it?

WHERE do you personally, draw the line in your punishment or vengeance towards them?

And for those who are religious, such as myself....Did Christ ever give the caveat of the person who was hungry or sick or needy that you needed to help as though you were helping Christ, had to be a citizen? Do 'humane'' or ''inhumane'' things only relate to legal citizens and not the rest of humanity?

Who is your neighbor according to Christ...was a border involved?

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I see something on the horizon. Oh, I know what it is:

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Internment camps like those for the disliked Jews?

No, because those are illegal.

Death camps like Auschwitz etc?

See above.

Will you let your gvt insist that we citizens carry documents, papers on us at all times so we can prove we belong here every time the Gestapo decides they need them?

We do. We carry driver's licenses, social security cards, etc.

Will you deny illegals medical care when they are sick, even if they are willing to pay for it?

If they can pay for it here, they can certainly pay for it in Mexico.

Will you deny them critical, life saving care if they can't afford it?

So our tax dollars can? No thanks.

WHERE do you personally, draw the line in your punishment or vengeance towards them?

Vengeance? Seems you are the one with the anger. Their punishment is being sent back where they came from.

And for those who are religious, such as myself....Did Christ ever give the caveat of the person who was hungry or sick or needy that you needed to help as though you were helping Christ, had to be a citizen? Do 'humane'' or ''inhumane'' things only relate to legal citizens and not the rest of humanity?

Is it humane to break the laws of our country and take advantage of our failed system?

Why is it the bleeding hearts boil every social issue down to hate?

Because I believe we should enforce our borders to the point they are impenetrable to illegal immigration and illegal drug trafficking that somehow means that I harbor hate and wish to exterminate people a la Adolph Hitler?
Do You HATE illegal immigrants as much as the Nazis Hated the Jews?

If your talking to Republicans, the answer is probably no. After all, Rush needs someone to clean his house and buy his meds.

However, if you are talking about the gays, then the Republicans will say, "More".
just wondering?

How far will you insist your government go in removing them from our society for all the woes they supposedly brought on to you and our country....

Internment camps like those for the disliked Jews?

Death camps like Auschwitz etc?

Will you let your gvt insist that we citizens carry documents, papers on us at all times so we can prove we belong here every time the Gestapo decides they need them?

Will you deny illegals medical care when they are sick, even if they are willing to pay for it?

Will you deny them critical, life saving care if they can't afford it?

WHERE do you personally, draw the line in your punishment or vengeance towards them?

And for those who are religious, such as myself....Did Christ ever give the caveat of the person who was hungry or sick or needy that you needed to help as though you were helping Christ, had to be a citizen? Do 'humane'' or ''inhumane'' things only relate to legal citizens and not the rest of humanity?

Who is your neighbor according to Christ...was a border involved?


I am for removing our military from unecessary locations around the world (Germany, Japan, Ect) and putting them on our northern and southern borders with shoot to kill orders effectively sealing the borders.

Then I'm for figuring out a way to absorb those who made it here illegally before the border shutdown. Finding them a path to citizenship like George Bush tried to do in his 2nd term (he was shut down by the conservatives AND democrats in congress).

other than that if an illegal immigrant is caught by the police or immigration they should be exported back to their home country's legal system and either set free at home or dealt with in a way their home government sees fit.

In short, no I dont hate illegal immigrants at all. If I was from a poorer country and had an opportunity to sneak into the US and make more money for my family I'd probably do it.
Internment camps like those for the disliked Jews?

No, because those are illegal.

Death camps like Auschwitz etc?

See above.

We do. We carry driver's licenses, social security cards, etc.

no we do not have to carry one of these cards and IT IS AGAINST THE LAW for any police to insist you show them any of those cards.(unless driving)..they can only legally ASK YOU for your name and address and that is only if you are in suspicion to have committed a are required or maybe even a witness to a is NOT against the law in our country TO NOT HAVE ID, thank goodness! WHAT are they teaching you in school for goodness sakes...?

If they can pay for it here, they can certainly pay for it in Mexico.

they don't have to pay for it in is universal coverage, i believe?

So our tax dollars can? No thanks.

Are you saying, to not give any illegal emergency care? heart attack, let them die?

WHERE do you personally, draw the line in your punishment or vengeance towards them?

Vengeance? Seems you are the one with the anger. Their punishment is being sent back where they came from.

that's not what you said give them no medical care, even if in dire need, no?

And I agree they should be sent back to where they came from, soooo what is your plan on how our gvt can do that and at what cost to the tax payer?

And for those who are religious, such as myself....Did Christ ever give the caveat of the person who was hungry or sick or needy that you needed to help as though you were helping Christ, had to be a citizen? Do 'humane'' or ''inhumane'' things only relate to legal citizens and not the rest of humanity?

Is it humane to break the laws of our country and take advantage of our failed system?

i think you need to look up the definition of is not synonymous with illegal?
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I don't hate illegal immigrants.

If we legislate a law, it is assumed that it is for the benefit of the people. If someone breaks the law, they must be punished or the law means nothing. If the law is unjust, then we all have a path to change it.
I don't hate illegal immigrants.

If we legislate a law, it is assumed that it is for the benefit of the people. If someone breaks the law, they must be punished or the law means nothing. If the law is unjust, then we all have a path to change it.

If you want laws enforced, you must hate illegal activity, which makes you a hater.
<yes, that was sarcasm>
I do not hate illegals and I agree they just want a better life for their families. But they take a risk be breakibg the law And with all risk come consequences I do not agree with birthright citizenship If they want to work give them guest visas And then send them home with ome cash in their pockets
"Do You HATE illegal immigrants as much as the Nazis Hated the Jews?" Nope. I usually ignore inane hyperbole, but made an exception as this sounds like fun.

Why do you HATE America?

Why is it the bleeding hearts boil every social issue down to hate?

Because I believe we should enforce our borders to the point they are impenetrable to illegal immigration and illegal drug trafficking that somehow means that I harbor hate and wish to exterminate people a la Adolph Hitler?

my question is how strongly do you believe this? Strong enough to give the power to your gvt to do the same things, (as was done to the jews by the nazis or to the german citizens by forcing everyone to carry ''PAPERS'' at all times), who also felt they did not belong there in Germany, minus the holocaust...let's presume?
no we do not have to carry one of these cards and IT IS AGAINST THE LAW for any police to insist you show them any of those cards.(unless driving)..they can only legally ASK YOU for your name and address and that is only if you are in suspicion to have committed a are required or maybe even a witness to a is NOT against the law in our country TO NOT HAVE ID, thank goodness! WHAT are they teaching you in school for goodness sakes...?

God you are fucking stupid.

Where did I say there was a law required to carry ID? I said we already do. A great majority of citizens here carry those things.

they don't have to pay for it in is universal coverage, i believe?

Oh, then maybe you should move there.

Are you saying, to not give any illegal emergency care? heart attack, let them die?


that's not what you said give them no medical care, even if in dire need, no?

The two things were unrelated. But yeah, that is what I said. But "vengeance" is a word implying hate. I don't hate them. I just don't see why we should take care of them.

And I agree they should be sent back to where they came from, soooo what is your plan on how our gvt can do that and at what cost to the tax payer?

The laws are fine. They are not being enforced.

i think you need to look up the definition of is not synonymous with illegal?

No. It's not.
Most people do not hate illegal aliens. That part illegal is what is the problem. Legal means nothing to so many in our society it is sickening. Coming into a country without proper paperwork to work is illegal. What part of illegal do so many people not understand.

1. unlawful; illegitimate; illicit; unlicensed. Illegal, unlawful, illegitimate, illicit, criminal can all describe actions not in accord with law. Illegal refers most specifically to violations of statutes or, in organized athletics, codified rules: an illegal seizure of property; an illegal block (in football). Unlawful means not sanctioned by or according to law: an unlawful claim to the inheritance; to take unlawful advantage of the trading situation. Illegitimate means lacking legal or traditional right or rights: an illegitimate child; illegitimate use of privileged knowledge. Illicit, which originally meant simply &#8220;not permitted,&#8221; now most often applies to matters regulated by law with specific emphasis on the way things are carried out: illicit conversion of property; an illicit attempt to control the market. Criminal most often refers to violation of the statutes of penal as opposed to civil law. All felonies are criminal as are all crimes sometimes punishable by death such as murder, arson, and kidnapping: a criminal act.
Most people do not hate illegal aliens. That part illegal is what is the problem. Legal means nothing to so many in our society it is sickening. Coming into a country without proper paperwork to work is illegal. What part of illegal do so many people not understand.

1. unlawful; illegitimate; illicit; unlicensed. Illegal, unlawful, illegitimate, illicit, criminal can all describe actions not in accord with law. Illegal refers most specifically to violations of statutes or, in organized athletics, codified rules: an illegal seizure of property; an illegal block (in football). Unlawful means not sanctioned by or according to law: an unlawful claim to the inheritance; to take unlawful advantage of the trading situation. Illegitimate means lacking legal or traditional right or rights: an illegitimate child; illegitimate use of privileged knowledge. Illicit, which originally meant simply “not permitted,” now most often applies to matters regulated by law with specific emphasis on the way things are carried out: illicit conversion of property; an illicit attempt to control the market. Criminal most often refers to violation of the statutes of penal as opposed to civil law. All felonies are criminal as are all crimes sometimes punishable by death such as murder, arson, and kidnapping: a criminal act.

i agree that they are illegal, i agree we need to strengthen our borders, i even agree we need to figure out if they really all could feasibly be deported...


Can you answer the questions i asked? all of you...
i agree that they are illegal, i agree we need to strengthen our borders, i even agree we need to figure out if they really all could feasibly be deported...


Can you answer the questions i asked? all of you...

The OP was a loaded question.
Can you ask the question without loading it?
no we do not have to carry one of these cards and IT IS AGAINST THE LAW for any police to insist you show them any of those cards.(unless driving)..they can only legally ASK YOU for your name and address and that is only if you are in suspicion to have committed a are required or maybe even a witness to a is NOT against the law in our country TO NOT HAVE ID, thank goodness! WHAT are they teaching you in school for goodness sakes...?

God you are fucking stupid.


Where did I say there was a law required to carry ID? I said we already do. A great majority of citizens here carry those things.

so, what does that mean in relation to my original question?????????

they don't have to pay for it in is universal coverage, i believe?

Oh, then maybe you should move there.

even lovlier!:clap2: how old are you, 5?


OOOOOOOOOooooooooo....even lovlier than the last silly statement! :clap2:

The two things were unrelated. But yeah, that is what I said. But "vengeance" is a word implying hate. I don't hate them. I just don't see why we should take care of them.

i am speaking of true emergency only, as explained...and you say, let them die....? Do you believe that this is constitutional, or do you really not give a crap? Do you keep criminals in jail from getting medical care? IF NOT, how come?

And I agree they should be sent back to where they came from, soooo what is your plan on how our gvt can do that and at what cost to the tax payer?

The laws are fine. They are not being enforced.

you didn't answer the question, how do you expect or plan to round up these illegals and send them back and how much do you think it will cost?

i think you need to look up the definition of is not synonymous with illegal?

No. It's not.

you got that right.

i agree that they are illegal, i agree we need to strengthen our borders, i even agree we need to figure out if they really all could feasibly be deported...


Can you answer the questions i asked? all of you...

The OP was a loaded question.
Can you ask the question without loading it?


it was intentionally loaded MM, so that we can search our souls on it....on all the questions I asked....all loaded questions, purposefully...


Can you answer the questions i asked? all of you...
Your question is a strawman and best asked of those who actually do hate illegals like the Nazis hated the Jews.

And, what part of "nope" in my post above is confusing to you? (Assume that 'nope' applies to all your strawmen.)
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