do you hate the other side?

do you hate the other side?

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Conservatives do you hate liberals? Liberals do you hate conservatives?
I hate anyone and everyone that's anti white in ANY form....conservative and liberal are merely labels especially since they work together so often to do nothing but harm my race. I don't see things through a republican or democrat view I look at it through a view of whether its good or bad for my race.
Racism inspires fear. Fear feeds hate. Hate destroys everything it infects. Go with God for your attitude will surely destroy you.
non white invasion,race mixing and cultural marxism leads to white genocide.
And watching old news reel clips of white "supremacists"
Should have convinced you of how utterly silly and archaic your ossified attitude is.
Preservation of my race is now "white supremacy" hilarious.
Hate is wasted energy. I rarely meet liberals in Burley Idaho
USMB is just recreation for me. Sorta like sitting Golf.
Agreed it's a waste of energy. It's also self-destructive. I know many liberals are atheists, but many conservatives claim to believe we each have a soul. As such, anyone who does believe this knows that hate darkens one's soul and moves one away from grace.
I must be honest and state that I hold in disdain those on the other side who are clearly racists.....Obviously not all are, but some surely are.
You ridicule all you disagree with your point of view. That's demeaning and just another form of hate. Try to be honest in your next post.....if you can.
just like there are HUNDREDS of different kinds of ALL animals be it dogs,cats,birds,horses,cows etc there are several different races of humans.
Dogs are not different races nor cats. The fact remains that all human beings are 99.5% alike. If you want to make a big deal of that 0.5% just to make yourself feel better, have at it. OTOH, a smarter approach, IMHO, is to admit there is only one race, the Human Race, but that we have a lot of different cultures; some good, some less good.
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I despise a "progressive" with every fiber of my being.

We know you do. You are filled with hate. Every fiber of your being is consumed with hate. "Catholic."
Anyone who claims to hate and also claims to be a Christian is in conflict since both can't be true.

Uh, what? Christians are some of the most hateful people I know.

Exhibit A: SassyIrishLass. She may be consumed with hatred, but at least she's honest about it.
just like there are HUNDREDS of different kinds of ALL animals be it dogs,cats,birds,horses,cows etc there are several different races of humans.
Dogs are different races nor cats. The fact remains that all human beings are 99.5% alike. If you want to make a big deal of that 0.5% just to make yourself feel better, have at it. OTOH, a smarter approach, IMHO, is to admit there is only one race, the Human Race, but that we have a lot of different cultures; some good, some less good.
Human races are COMPLETELY different.In brain size,function,etc in being able to live in certain areas better,in being more prone to certain diseases,in being better mentally or physically. Hell even the races skull shapes are different.
Yes, I absolutely do. I have explained my reasons in at least two threads here. They are dishonest, immature, ignorant, stubborn and completely devoid of morals or integrity. They will say or repeat any stupid thing they are told to say and will never ever admit to being wrong no matter the evidence. They lie, they worship and elect liars, and they actually like to be lied to.

They are the worst people ever inflicted on the human race.
Uh, what? Christians are some of the most hateful people I know.

Exhibit A: SassyIrishLass. She may be consumed with hatred, but at least she's honest about it.
Christians some of the most loving and forgiving people I know. In fact, many devoutly religious people. This mean all major religions. Sorry, but I can't say this for atheists. Admittedly, most people don't prance their religious beliefs (yes, this includes atheism) around in public, but, while you are correct some religious people on forums are complete fucking assholes, they aren't worse than most atheists on these same forums. Which are you?

If you want to judge all religion, all races, all cultures, all whatever by the worst examples you choose, then that is wrong IMHO. Either way, we all have the individual ability to think as we please and no one can change us. We can only change our own thoughts.
Human races are COMPLETELY different.In brain size,function,etc in being able to live in certain areas better,in being more prone to certain diseases,in being better mentally or physically. Hell even the races skull shapes are different.
Evidence please. The fact remains men and women are more different in the "brain size,function,etc " than white and black men. You're racism aside, you have more in common with a black man than a white woman.

Question: What race is Tiger Woods?
Human races are COMPLETELY different.In brain size,function,etc in being able to live in certain areas better,in being more prone to certain diseases,in being better mentally or physically. Hell even the races skull shapes are different.
Evidence please. The fact remains men and women are more different in the "brain size,function,etc " than white and black men. You're racism aside, you have more in common with a black man than a white woman.

Question: What race is Tiger Woods?
He's a mutt.

100 Facts for Differences Between Human Races
Race and Physical Differences
The Unpopular Truth: Biological differences between the races

That 3rd link has a LIST of links you can check for yourself.
Conservatives do you hate liberals? Liberals do you hate conservatives?
I hate anyone and everyone that's anti white in ANY form....conservative and liberal are merely labels especially since they work together so often to do nothing but harm my race. I don't see things through a republican or democrat view I look at it through a view of whether its good or bad for my race.
Racism inspires fear. Fear feeds hate. Hate destroys everything it infects. Go with God for your attitude will surely destroy you.
non white invasion,race mixing and cultural marxism leads to white genocide.
We already have a fix for white genocide though:


Making things white for years :D
No, hating someone because of political beliefs is pointless no matter how wrong I think they may be.

Besides, without them where would all the interesting political arguments come from?
Conservatives do you hate liberals? Liberals do you hate conservatives?
It annoys me when the rich try to get more tax cuts for themselves.

It also annoys me when they try to cut social benefits.

This is such hypocrisy on their part.

But I do not hate them for it.

They are just being greedy, which is what got them where they are in the first place.
It annoys me when the rich try to get more tax cuts for themselves.

It also annoys me when they try to cut social benefits.

This is such hypocrisy on their part.

But I do not hate them for it.

They are just being greedy, which is what got them where they are in the first place.
Thanks for reiterating the Liberal point of view.

For balance, consider how it annoys people to be punished financially for their success.

Consider how it annoys people to have others think "You have too much money, give it too me".

Consider how it annoys people to see things banned "for your own good" such as soda pop.

I'm caught in the middle, more Libertarian than "Liberal" or "Conservative"; I don't give a shit what you do, just don't do it on my lawn or make me pay for it. I don't hate anyone but I certainly resent both sides telling me what to think, what to believe, how to live and denying my family and myself our inalienable rights.

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