do you hate the other side?

do you hate the other side?

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Conservatives do you hate liberals? Liberals do you hate conservatives?

I never hate liberals because I was once one of them in some aspects I am still a liberal.

But I always vote my wallet, what's in it for me, liberals just want to take take take...
Certainly, a black person can't get into college without affirmative action, right Mr Racist F*ck?
Sure they can, but since that is true, why is there a need for Affirmative Action?

Do you foresee a date when AA will end or will it go on forever even when "whites" are in the minority?
I am one not to hate very much. I prefer mirth instead maliciousness.
For me there isn't an other side. It is hard to hate most people given they are just disenfranchised and confused by the system.

I do hate how everyone is sustaining a machine which dehumanizes us, fucks with our lives, and engages in institutionalized terror throughout the world. As far as I am concerned, you are all guilty by association.
I never hate liberals because I was once one of them in some aspects I am still a liberal.

But I always vote my wallet, what's in it for me, liberals just want to take take take...
While I disagree with hate and your position, I understand it. The most virulent anti-smokers are former smokers. We have former Republicans who are equally hateful of all those to the right of their position.

I was a Republican from 1974 until around 2010. It was a gradual transition to being an independent/moderate who found the Libertarian party representing my interests more than the Republican party. Obviously the Democrats represent even fewer of my interests.
We cannot afford to keep making excuses for those leading the march to our collective destruction.

They need to change course or die. Not that it would bring me pleasure, but it is a necessity.
I never hate liberals because I was once one of them in some aspects I am still a liberal.

But I always vote my wallet, what's in it for me, liberals just want to take take take...
While I disagree with hate and your position, I understand it. The most virulent anti-smokers are former smokers. We have former Republicans who are equally hateful of all those to the right of their position.

I was a Republican from 1974 until around 2010. It was a gradual transition to being an independent/moderate who found the Libertarian party representing my interests more than the Republican party. Obviously the Democrats represent even fewer of my interests.

Yea I find myself drifting towards the independent, libertarian side.

First I was a liberal democrat, then I was a staunch conservative..then you kind of dift into the middle. But Damn democrats don't offer me nothing I see ..
No...I don't hate democrats...I feel sorry for the minorities who are the victims of democrat leaders.....and for those who suffer because of democrat to the leaders who are actually evil......I want to see them in jail.....but I don't hate them....
I am a Racial Socialist. ...
You are free to choose to be whatever you like, but if you cross the line, you'll end up like Gavin and Curtis.


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