do you hate the other side?

do you hate the other side?

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I'd think that one of the manifestations of strict adherence to a partisan ideology would an inner mechanism that stirs and increases some pretty strong emotions. So a person could seem perfectly normal and reasonable one moment, and then full of rage and anger and hatred the next, given the proper stimuli. At that point, the individual simply is not thinking clearly or rationally, and attempts at traditional adult communication are essentially pointless.

Personally, knowing what happens to otherwise intelligent people struck by such an affliction, I would avoid strict adherence to a partisan ideology with the same energy as I would use to avoid a lethal virus or dangerous bacteria.
Conservatives do you hate liberals? Liberals do you hate conservatives?

Entirely depends who you are talking about. I dislike many liberals and many conservatives. Today, the regressive liberals are more of a problem because they far outnumber the conservatives and frankly have completely lost it to the point where even liberals agree there is a huge problem.
I hate anyone and everyone that's anti white in ANY form....conservative and liberal are merely labels especially since they work together so often to do nothing but harm my race. I don't see things through a republican or democrat view I look at it through a view of whether its good or bad for my race.

Totally side issue, but isn't it sad to devote your entire identity to protect a race that doesn't exist?
Not going to get into an argument with someone who denies science.
What science tells you that we not all humans, or specifically, Homo Sapiens?
just like there are HUNDREDS of different kinds of ALL animals be it dogs,cats,birds,horses,cows etc there are several different races of humans.
No, there are different breeds, but they are all the same race.....Might want to rethink your hatred.
And they all are distinct in many ways. Brain size,how easy they are to train,how violent they are prone to be,the environments they can deal with etc etc etc....go be a cuck somewhere else.
Conservatism is for the most part motivated by fear – .
Liar. That's why I hate leftists. They lie about everything. They even lie about who they are, you are not liberal by any stretch of the imagination. Highly intolerant, superior and arrogant, they lie about conservatives to feel better about themselves.
I'd think that one of the manifestations of strict adherence to a partisan ideology would an inner mechanism that stirs and increases some pretty strong emotions. So a person could seem perfectly normal and reasonable one moment, and then full of rage and anger and hatred the next, given the proper stimuli. At that point, the individual simply is not thinking clearly or rationally, and attempts at traditional adult communication are essentially pointless.

Personally, knowing what happens to otherwise intelligent people struck by such an affliction, I would avoid strict adherence to a partisan ideology with the same energy as I would use to avoid a lethal virus or dangerous bacteria.
While I agree with your observation 100%, such a person has moderate to several mental issues. This doesn't mean they are Bipolar or Schizo, but they certainly have issues with anger management and/or coping in a modern, often chaotic, world. Simple counseling or group meetings could help them calm down and cope better.
Steal a bottle of wine tonight did ya kamikaze boy?
I don't need wine to call out idiots, political partisans and Internet Tough Guys.
I'd think that one of the manifestations of strict adherence to a partisan ideology would an inner mechanism that stirs and increases some pretty strong emotions. So a person could seem perfectly normal and reasonable one moment, and then full of rage and anger and hatred the next, given the proper stimuli. At that point, the individual simply is not thinking clearly or rationally, and attempts at traditional adult communication are essentially pointless.

Personally, knowing what happens to otherwise intelligent people struck by such an affliction, I would avoid strict adherence to a partisan ideology with the same energy as I would use to avoid a lethal virus or dangerous bacteria.
While I agree with your observation 100%, such a person has moderate to several mental issues. This doesn't mean they are Bipolar or Schizo, but they certainly have issues with anger management and/or coping in a modern, often chaotic, world. Simple counseling or group meetings could help them calm down and cope better.
Yeah, that would be helpful.

I've done some research into the subconscious, and there is some agreement that even perfectly rational, intelligent people can "talk themselves into" things that they essentially should not believe. It has to do primarily with repetition and limiting their exposure to opposing opinions, facts and data, creating an echo chamber effect.

Then at some point they cross a line at which they (1) conflate fact with opinion, and (2) become hyper-defensive and even aggressive about what they perceive to be fact. At that point, they think they're arguing a fact and therefore cannot be opposed. That's why they seem so sincere in their arguments - they are!

It's fascinating to watch, it's just a shame that it's causing the country so much damage.
Hate and love , flip sides to the same emotion. Do you forgive? Can you transcend? We all do, isn't that the larger question?
I often agree about hate and love, however, Elie Wiesel's comment sticks with me: "The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference."

Agreed too about forgiveness and transcendence.
..I've done some research into the subconscious, and there is some agreement that even perfectly rational, intelligent people can "talk themselves into" things that they essentially should not believe. It has to do primarily with repetition and limiting their exposure to opposing opinions, facts and data, creating an echo chamber effect.

Then at some point they cross a line at which they (1) conflate fact with opinion, and (2) become hyper-defensive and even aggressive about what they perceive to be fact. At that point, they think they're arguing a fact and therefore cannot be opposed. That's why they seem so sincere in their arguments - they are!

It's fascinating to watch, it's just a shame that it's causing the country so much damage.
All excellent points.

This morning I was watching a commentary and the comment that the Internet was supposed to help democracy, but that it has, instead, allowed people to close their minds and focus only on certain ideals. While US politics has become increasingly partisan since the 1980s, the influence of both the Internet and cable television cannot be dismissed as causal factors in that partisan divide.
After 60 years of indoctrination and propaganda, not many understand.
Only those on the wrong side of the IQ bell curve. Those above 100 often understand just fine. ;)

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who are the "loudest" ones, the ones with the lowest incomes and the ones who are screaming conspiracy theories.



Totally side issue, but isn't it sad to devote your entire identity to protect a race that doesn't exist?
Not going to get into an argument with someone who denies science.
What science tells you that we not all humans, or specifically, Homo Sapiens?
just like there are HUNDREDS of different kinds of ALL animals be it dogs,cats,birds,horses,cows etc there are several different races of humans.
No, there are different breeds, but they are all the same race.....Might want to rethink your hatred.
And they all are distinct in many ways. Brain size,how easy they are to train,how violent they are prone to be,the environments they can deal with etc etc etc....go be a cuck somewhere else.
Variety does not change the fact that they are the same species, or race, just as humans of all breeds are the same species or race. However, the easiest way to tell for those who want to ignore that fact, is simply have a child with one of the other "races". If they were not the same race, you'd not get an offspring from mating. That alone is proof that humans are humans, regardless of the color of their skin.

This is basic stuff that most three year old children learn. I've already spent to much time explaining the obvious to you.
Variety does not change the fact that they are the same species, or race, just as humans of all breeds are the same species or race. However, the easiest way to tell for those who want to ignore that fact, is simply have a child with one of the other "races". If they were not the same race, you'd not get an offspring from mating. That alone is proof that humans are humans, regardless of the color of their skin.

This is basic stuff that most three year old children learn. I've already spent to much time explaining the obvious to you.

I'd think that one of the manifestations of strict adherence to a partisan ideology would an inner mechanism that stirs and increases some pretty strong emotions. So a person could seem perfectly normal and reasonable one moment, and then full of rage and anger and hatred the next, given the proper stimuli. At that point, the individual simply is not thinking clearly or rationally, and attempts at traditional adult communication are essentially pointless.

Personally, knowing what happens to otherwise intelligent people struck by such an affliction, I would avoid strict adherence to a partisan ideology with the same energy as I would use to avoid a lethal virus or dangerous bacteria.
While I agree with your observation 100%, such a person has moderate to several mental issues. This doesn't mean they are Bipolar or Schizo, but they certainly have issues with anger management and/or coping in a modern, often chaotic, world. Simple counseling or group meetings could help them calm down and cope better.
Yeah, that would be helpful.

I've done some research into the subconscious, and there is some agreement that even perfectly rational, intelligent people can "talk themselves into" things that they essentially should not believe. It has to do primarily with repetition and limiting their exposure to opposing opinions, facts and data, creating an echo chamber effect.

Then at some point they cross a line at which they (1) conflate fact with opinion, and (2) become hyper-defensive and even aggressive about what they perceive to be fact. At that point, they think they're arguing a fact and therefore cannot be opposed. That's why they seem so sincere in their arguments - they are!

It's fascinating to watch, it's just a shame that it's causing the country so much damage.

We are not programmed to be rational. Anyone who is not aware of that, will end up picking irrational positions unless thinking things through. Of course, an echo-chamber... the cancer hall of the day... is the breeding ground of irrational behavior.

Many people profit from these lies, unfortunately nothing except fighting against such scam artists works.

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