do you hate the other side?

do you hate the other side?

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Prove Anarchy works above a village/tribal level.

History proves it. Contemporary examples include the ELZN, Rojava, RIAU, Catalonia, and any and all places that are self governing outside the reach of state control (which is a fucking lot of places)

Are you honestly that much of a dipshit, that you cannot conceive any possible way society can organize itself along means not contingent on rulers?

You're dreaming or on drugs if you think a world of over 7 Billion people will subdivide into villages/tribes peacefully and without conflict.

You are still suffering from the atypical statist mentality.

You see the world in terms of populations and not individuals, and therefore your mind cannot comprehend a world with no rulers without reverting back to your socially constructed collectivist ideals.

Your cognitive dissonance has made you a slave and a sycophant.
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I see you have chosen not to debate. That is fine, but note that deflection is the preferred tool of intellectually dishonest idiots.
I see you have chosen to be evasive and avoid answering questions. Not once, but several times. Fine. Your choice. There is no requirement for you to explain yourself, define your terms or answer any other questions. You are free to rant, bitch and accuse others all you like without explanation. Just know that everyone who gives a shit can see you doing it.

Prove Anarchy works above a village/tribal level.

History proves it. Contemporary examples include the ELZN, Rojava, RIAU, CNT (1936-1939), and any and all places that are self governing outside the reach of state control (which is a fucking lot of places)

Are you honestly that much of a dipshit, that you cannot conceive any possible way society can organize itself along means not contingent on rulers?

You're dreaming or on drugs if you think a world of over 7 Billion people will subdivide into villages/tribes peacefully and without conflict.

You are still suffering from the atypical statist mentality.

You see the world in terms of populations and not individuals, and therefore your mind cannot comprehend a world without rulers without reverting back to your socially constructed collectivist ideals.

Your cognitive dissonance has made you a slave and a sycophant.
More rhetoric, more ad hominems, more unexplained positions and, of course, more bullshit.
I see you have chosen to be evasive and avoid answering questions.

I love to answer questions.

Not when the intellectually dishonest idiot I am discussing with is trying to meander. Play the retard on someone else's time.
I love to answer questions.

Not when the intellectually dishonest idiot I am discussing with is trying to meander. Play the retard on someone else's time.
Obviously untrue, but believe as you wish as well as throw all the personal attacks at me that you can. No worries, I can take it. :)
Divine Wind said:
More rhetoric, more ad hominems, more unexplained positions and, of course, more bullshit.

I just answered your questions, supplemented my case with examples, and exposed a major fallacy in your moronic fucktard logic.

Stop being a intellectually dishonest idiot and start proving you can think for yourself. We have enough dipshit losers stuck in echo chambers.

I'll await an actual rebuttal to the actual arguments I just made, although I expect you to come back with your hands clasped over your ears, crying bullshit.
I just answered your questions, supplemented my case with examples, and exposed a major fallacy in your moronic fucktard logic.

Stop being a intellectually dishonest idiot and start proving you can think for yourself. We have enough dipshit losers stuck in echo chambers.

I'll await an actual rebuttal to the actual arguments I just made, although I expect you to come back with your hands clasped over your ears, crying bullshit.
Actually, not. You threw out some acronyms and a date then resorted to personal attacks. You haven't answered my question nor supported your argument that anarchy works at the national level.
History proves it. Contemporary examples include the ELZN, Rojava, RIAU, Catalonia, and any and all places that are self governing outside the reach of state control (which is a fucking lot of places)
Prove Anarchy works above a village/tribal level.

You're dreaming or on drugs if you think a world of over 7 Billion people will subdivide into villages/tribes peacefully and without conflict.
Actually, not. You threw out some acronyms and a date

Which constitutes as proof. You asked for proof, and the proof was in history.

Try and dispute the Free Territory for example, which was a land without rulers that encompassed millions of people. Or Zomia, which is a truly ungovernable land that has been out of the reach of states for thousands of years.

then resorted to personal attacks.

Truthful personal attacks, so suck it up and stop whining.

You haven't answered my question nor supported your argument that anarchy works at the national level.

Yes I did.

Your desire to have me prove how anarchy works at a national level shows that you are still bound to an atypical statist mentality, in which the world is defined by abstract populations and arbitrary borders. It proves that you do not really understand the conceptualization of either statism or anarchism.

Your "national level" is an abstraction. You are viewing the world in terms of socially constructed populations. Social constructs are make believe inventions that us humans have created to simplify our thought process.

Animal species do not ask how to make anarchism work between two arbitrary lines drawn on a map, even with social species like Crows and Dolphins. If you cannot comprehend how the question asked is retarded, then you really need to attend Logic School 101.
Which constitutes as proof. You asked for proof, and the proof was in history....
Fine, wallow in your vagueness. The fact remains Anarchism doesn't work above the tribal/village level. You could move your little cult to a completely different planet lush with fields and streams teeming with wildlife and fertile for crops, but eventually, when your group grows too big, Anarchy won't work. It will fail for the singular reason of Human Nature.
Fine, wallow in your vagueness.

I just wrote a sizable post responding to your conjectural and fallacious statement. How was I vague?

The fact remains Anarchism doesn't work above the tribal/village level.

I just provided examples of when it has, and a lengthy explanation of how that question stems from a fallacious logical thought process.

Rather then acknowledging human history, you choose to stay in your echo chamber reiterating conjecture.

You could move your little cult to a completely different planet lush with fields and streams teeming with wildlife and fertile for crops, but eventually, when your group grows too big, Anarchy won't work.

Back up this conjectural statement.

Note that you are still falling victim to the fallacy where anarchism needs to adhere to invented social constructions to work.

It will fail for the singular reason of Human Nature.


Human nature is why statism has failed. All states withhold liberty and end up collapsing destructively during their short lifespan.
Conservatives do you hate liberals? Liberals do you hate conservatives?

I don't hate liberals. What I detest is that they are teaching our children that "the ends justifies the means". That it's OK to be dishonest as long as you get what you want in the end.

In the long run it is a horrific mindset.
Interesting...what State curriculum has that?
Conservatives do you hate liberals? Liberals do you hate conservatives?
I hate anyone and everyone that's anti white in ANY form....conservative and liberal are merely labels especially since they work together so often to do nothing but harm my race. I don't see things through a republican or democrat view I look at it through a view of whether its good or bad for my race. are a Drumpf supporter.
Conservatives do you hate liberals? Liberals do you hate conservatives?
I hate anyone and everyone that's anti white in ANY form....conservative and liberal are merely labels especially since they work together so often to do nothing but harm my race. I don't see things through a republican or democrat view I look at it through a view of whether its good or bad for my race.

Totally side issue, but isn't it sad to devote your entire identity to protect a race that doesn't exist?
Not going to get into an argument with someone who denies science.
What science tells you that we not all humans, or specifically, Homo Sapiens?
just like there are HUNDREDS of different kinds of ALL animals be it dogs,cats,birds,horses,cows etc there are several different races of humans.
So...cats are are a different "race" than dogs on you planet?
I despise a "progressive" with every fiber of my being.

We know you do. You are filled with hate. Every fiber of your being is consumed with hate. "Catholic."
Anyone who claims to hate and also claims to be a Christian is in conflict since both can't be true.

Yeah look at you, toad. Weren't you the one running around calling people you don't even know racist? Goddamn hypocrite
And...lookie here....
History. No anarchic system is self-sustaining past the tribal/village level. It either falls apart from within or is overrun from without.

You are literally ignoring every contention I make (including actual history) and repeating yourself like you have aspergers.

I was warned to ignore fucktards, but unfortunately I have quite the rebellious streak.
I must be honest and state that I hold in disdain those on the other side who are clearly racists.....Obviously not all are, but some surely are.
You ridicule all you disagree with your point of view. That's demeaning and just another form of hate. Try to be honest in your next post.....if you can.

Pot meet kettle. You REALLY need to get past yourself
And...once more for
Yeah look at you, toad. Weren't you the one running around calling people you don't even know racist? Goddamn hypocrite
No. "Goddamn hypocrite" = taking the Lord's name in vain. Have a nice day, lass.

Meh, drink bleach, tool. I'm sick of your holier than art thou attitude, calling people out and ignoring you do the same thing
It's the new RW christers thing...telling people to drink bleach.....

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