do you hate the other side?

do you hate the other side?

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No, I think your problem is you don't know how to open a bottle of wine without a hammer.

You're a re-fried turd sock and the mods will figure you out and ban you in due time.
I think you've run out of intellectual ammunition and now you just bully people online....something you're too weak to do IRL.

I'm sure you've filed plenty of complaints to ban me. Maybe it'll work.
We are not programmed to be rational. Anyone who is not aware of that, will end up picking irrational positions unless thinking things through. Of course, an echo-chamber... the cancer hall of the day... is the breeding ground of irrational behavior.

Many people profit from these lies, unfortunately nothing except fighting against such scam artists works.
Disagreed. We have the innate ability to reason, ergo be rational. Unfortunately not everyone uses that ability or, if they are on the backside of the IQ bell curve, they would rather use emotional means such as violence, verbal abuse, hate, etc in order to get their way.

Neither side is immune to these sorts of people, but there are certainly rational people on both sides just as there was in Jefferson and Hamilton's time.
No, I think your problem is you don't know how to open a bottle of wine without a hammer.

You're a re-fried turd sock and the mods will figure you out and ban you in due time.
I think you've run out of intellectual ammunition and now you just bully people online....something you're too weak to do IRL.

I'm sure you've filed plenty of complaints to ban me. Maybe it'll work.

IRL I'm way more than you'd care to deal with, wimp. And I haven't complained about you to're one of several weaklings here trying to sound intellectual and proving you're not with every post.
Conservatives do you hate liberals? Liberals do you hate conservatives?
I noticed that Chuck Todd on NBC's Meet The Press covered this topic on their show this morning.

We have some really remarkable VIP's on this forum apparently.
Conservatism is for the most part motivated by fear – fear of change in particular, along with fear of diversity and dissent, and the errant perception that change and diversity pose some sort of ‘threat.’

The reactionaryism common to most on the right is cause for warranted, appropriate concern, the right’s propensity for authoritarianism, their desire to compel conformity through force of law, and to disadvantage those indeed perceived as a ‘threat.’

But that warranted and appropriate concern isn’t ‘hate,’ one can defend the rights and protected liberties of Americans from attack by conservatives with reason and rational discourse.
was this an "ad hoc fallacy" or a "red herring fallacy"?........
I think it is "hasty generalization".

List of fallacies - Wikipedia
We are not programmed to be rational. Anyone who is not aware of that, will end up picking irrational positions unless thinking things through. Of course, an echo-chamber... the cancer hall of the day... is the breeding ground of irrational behavior.

Many people profit from these lies, unfortunately nothing except fighting against such scam artists works.
Disagreed. We have the innate ability to reason, ergo be rational. Unfortunately not everyone uses that ability or, if they are on the backside of the IQ bell curve, they would rather use emotional means such as violence, verbal abuse, hate, etc in order to get their way.

Neither side is immune to these sorts of people, but there are certainly rational people on both sides just as there was in Jefferson and Hamilton's time.

Never said we can't reason... innately we just don't in many cases. Have you seen how some people's faces just explode when doing basic statistics/math? And how all people seem to make similar leaps of logic unless made aware of them (there are many of such paradoxes).
IRL I'm way more than you'd care to deal with, wimp. And I haven't complained about you to're one of several weaklings here trying to sound intellectual and proving you're not with every post.
No doubt you'll keep telling yourself that. If you haven't complained, then why bring it up? An empty threat? Wishful thinking? Because you're too stupid to do anything else but make anonymous threats on a forum?

You are free to think of me as you please and I you. The fact remains your threats are empty and your comments are vacuous. You're a sad old man who feels powerless and can only make himself feel better by bullying others. You shouldn't feel that way, as I'm sure some of your friends have tried to tell you, but the results are clear.
Never said we can't reason... innately we just don't in many cases. Have you seen how some people's faces just explode when doing basic statistics/math? And how all people seem to make similar leaps of logic unless made aware of them (there are many of such paradoxes).
Agreed, however I do not think that applies to everyone. At least not all the time. The 10% Rules apply here.

How do you figure it's stolen money? If a town has a meeting and the majority of members decide to enact a 5% tax to pay for a sheriff and buy equipment for a volunteer fire department, is it theft for those that voted no?

It depends.

Is coercive action used to ensure that the tax gets paid? It is also important to remember that you cannot consent to an illegitimate system, and all institutions of force are illegitimate.
Agreed, however I do not think that applies to everyone. At least not all the time. The 10% Rules apply here.

View attachment 93887

I am an adherent of the 90% rule.

90% of any group pervert the message and purity maintained by the 10%. Find me an ideology where that is not true. In non-ideological associations, you still have to acknowledge that at least 90% of the human race consists of self absorbed whiny bitches that are emotionally dependent on a bunch of made up social constructions. .
How do you figure it's stolen money? If a town has a meeting and the majority of members decide to enact a 5% tax to pay for a sheriff and buy equipment for a volunteer fire department, is it theft for those that voted no?

It depends.

Is coercive action used to ensure that the tax gets paid? It is also important to remember that you cannot consent to an illegitimate system, and all institutions of force are illegitimate.
Of course it depends. Did someone hold a gun on the people to vote a certain way? If so, you are correct. If it was a free election, then that's democracy.

Please define your terms with examples in our present government to show what you mean. "Coercive action", "Illegitimate system" and "Institutions of force".
You are against majority rule and favor elitist rule of the 10%. Fascinating! Please tell me more.

I never said that. You are strawmanning a position I never supported.

I am against both majority and minority rule, which you could of figured out if you had just asked.
You are against majority rule and favor elitist rule of the 10%. Fascinating! Please tell me more.

I never said that. You are strawmanning a position I never supported.

I am against both majority and minority rule, which you could of figured out if you had just asked.
I'm asking questions, not straw manning. Why don't you explain yourself as requested? Why so vague?

If you're against both majority and minority rule (which conflicts with your 10% statement) then what do you believe? Anarchy? Sorry, but that doesn't work.
Of course it depends. Did someone hold a gun on the people to vote a certain way? If so, you are correct. If it was a free election, then that's democracy.


Democracy, or rule by the people, is inconsistent with the conception of majority rule. No majoritarian system derives true consent from the governed, and the social contract is illegitimate when applied to government in general.

Please define your terms with examples in our present government to show what you mean. "Coercive action", "Illegitimate system" and "Institutions of force".

I am not going to fuck around and meander pointlessly.

Either debate what I said or not. If you are going to ask questions, then do so in the scope of reason and stop playing the retard.
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I'm asking questions, not straw manning. Why don't you explain yourself as requested? Why so vague?

There is nothing vague, and my beliefs were not the subject of contention.

You stated that you believed in the 10% rule, and I stated that your 10% rule is bullshit. Apparently you have trouble staying on course with your own arguments.

If you're against both majority and minority rule (which conflicts with your 10% statement) then what do you believe? Anarchy?

Yes, the only way of life that is not founded on moronic fucktard logic.

Sorry, but that doesn't work.

Of course it does. It has before and it does now.
I am not going to fuck around and meander pointlessly.

Either debate what I said or not. If you are going to ask questions, then do so in the scope of reason and stop playing the retard.
Translation: Fuck off. You're not a believer nor had your drunk the Kool-Aid. You'd never understand so I won't explain myself....because I can't.

Okay, kid. Have it your way. What are you? 20ish? Early 30s?
Of course it does. It has before and it does now.
Prove Anarchy works above a village/tribal level.

You're dreaming or on drugs if you think a world of over 7 Billion people will subdivide into villages/tribes peacefully and without conflict.
Translation: Fuck off. You're not a believer nor had your drunk the Kool-Aid. You'd never understand so I won't explain myself....because I can't.

Okay, kid. Have it your way. What are you? 20ish? Early 30s?

I see you have chosen not to debate. That is fine, but note that deflection is the preferred tool of intellectually dishonest idiots.

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