do you hate the other side?

do you hate the other side?

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No...I don't hate democrats...I feel sorry for the minorities who are the victims of democrat leaders.....and for those who suffer because of democrat to the leaders who are actually evil......I want to see them in jail.....but I don't hate them....

Yup for the life of us we will never get that

I can never figure out how a woman has a baby growing inside her and needs the government to kill it..

To weird for me.
I can never figure out how a woman has a baby growing inside her and needs the government to kill it..

To weird for me.

The government does not do the killing. They just keep it legal, and sometimes pay for it to happen.
Dream on cowboy. While you are 100% correct about guerilla warfare being very effective, it also requires a supply chain; either "We, the People" or an outside force. In Viet Nam, you were supplied by the best, most industrious nation in the world. The VC had support from the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, often down the Ho Chi Minh trail through Laos and Cambodia. How will you be supplied in your lone stand against "We, the People"?

FWIW, in such an event, I think the US military would be strongly split with most refusing to fight against fellow Americans. That's given you are just a bunch of fucking nutjobs trying to blow up a Somali apartment complex and trying to murder innocent men, women and children. Most Americans don't condone fucking child murderers.

So your loony ass is "We, the People", eh? You might want to know what you're talking about before you step to me again. What came down the HCM trail was war materiel for the NLF. The VC stole their food from rice farmers at gunpoint, conscripted their sons, and took their valuables. They were hated by most of S.Vietnam and only supported out of fear of reprisal. Then you ask how would a revolutionary force be supported in the mountains and deserts of Arizona and the southwest, northwest, prairie states, Dixie, and the old Confederacy states? By the People who'd have nothing but contempt for your shit stained government, that's who. The vast majority of people in the US know there is something very wrong going on in our government. Should a series of events make armed conflict to bring that to a stop become necessary, we'd have all the support we'd need times ten. I'm not a member of any fringe "militia" and have no idea why some yahoos tried to blow up a mess of Somalis or why they're here in the first place.
Hate and love , flip sides to the same emotion. Do you forgive? Can you transcend? We all do, isn't that the larger question?

It is the larger question and what usually stalls us from taking necessary actions before things get as out of hand as they are now. We have political whores who are advocating open borders, shooting cops, giving away our industrial might, and getting us into military conflicts without a clue how to get out of them. Our country is being run by a incestuous elite who couldn't care less which party claims power...they are always behind the controls of the machinery. We are being tamed and made complacent by video games and social media and not paying attention. They are always paying attention...they have only one goal, this bullshit one world order in which we are assigned duties to perform for them. Put Hillary Clinton in the WH and we can kiss what's left of this country goodbye.
I don't like that they want to cut infrastructure, science, r&d and education to the bone. I think their policies are bad for America but I don't hate them as people.

Seriously Matthew you do know I still post here..

What is this day 45?

That you refuse to acknowledge many more times kid...

I am a Racial Socialist. I thought Socialism was left? HAHA....I am having fun with this.

Why be a racial socialist (fascist) when you could be a national anarchist?
Not even close to being a Fascist. NA is interesting I had a phase with that but Racial Socialism and Creativity go hand in hand. Its my entire being. My religion and my political ideology.
Conservatives do you hate liberals? Liberals do you hate conservatives?
I hate anyone and everyone that's anti white in ANY form....conservative and liberal are merely labels especially since they work together so often to do nothing but harm my race. I don't see things through a republican or democrat view I look at it through a view of whether its good or bad for my race.

Totally side issue, but isn't it sad to devote your entire identity to protect a race that doesn't exist?
Not going to get into an argument with someone who denies science.
What science tells you that we not all humans, or specifically, Homo Sapiens?
just like there are HUNDREDS of different kinds of ALL animals be it dogs,cats,birds,horses,cows etc there are several different races of humans.
No, there are different breeds, but they are all the same race.....Might want to rethink your hatred.

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