do you hate the other side?

do you hate the other side?

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I must be honest and state that I hold in disdain those on the other side who are clearly racists.....Obviously not all are, but some surely are.
You ridicule all you disagree with your point of view. That's demeaning and just another form of hate. Try to be honest in your next post.....if you can.

Pot meet kettle. You REALLY need to get past yourself
No, you're silly. Who are you gonna fight, tough guy? Me? The United States Army? And what makes you think there are "tens of millions" idiots like you out there? Not everyone is a delusional paranoid.

No. You're silly alright. Silly with an apparent death wish: suicide by cop.

The NVA couldn't catch us in their own mountains so I'm not too worried about US troops finding us in ours...the White Mountains of Arizona. Sure they'd have their best combat Vets but those Vets served in the flat deserts of Iraq and the mostly treeless mountains in Afghanistan. They've never gone against anybody like us Viet Vets in forest cover...Sure, we are getting long in the tooth but we're still the best guerilla force on the planet. "suicide by cop"? don't bet on it.
No, you're silly. Who are you gonna fight, tough guy? Me? The United States Army? And what makes you think there are "tens of millions" idiots like you out there? Not everyone is a delusional paranoid.

No. You're silly alright. Silly with an apparent death wish: suicide by cop.

The NVA couldn't catch us in their own mountains so I'm not too worried about US troops finding us in ours...the White Mountains of Arizona. Sure they'd have their best combat Vets but those Vets served in the flat deserts of Iraq and the mostly treeless mountains in Afghanistan. They've never gone against anybody like us Viet Vets in forest cover...Sure, we are getting long in the tooth but we're still the best guerilla force on the planet. "suicide by cop"? don't bet on it.
You're silly. You're the silly one and I like you for your silliness!
Lol's. Science is RACISSSS! LMAO the mind of libtards is a highly amusing playground of stupidity.
Now you're just babbling and being nonsensical. However, in line with my previous post, let me introduce you to two people you have a lot in common with: Asclepias and Mickiel I wonder what its like to be white?
Asslips has been on ignore since I got here and not a clue who that other one is and nor do I care. I post facts,you refuse to even look at facts and then whine. So beat it.
Lol's. Science is RACISSSS! LMAO the mind of libtards is a highly amusing playground of stupidity.
Now you're just babbling and being nonsensical. However, in line with my previous post, let me introduce you to two people you have a lot in common with: Asclepias and Mickiel I wonder what its like to be white?
Asslips has been on ignore since I got here and not a clue who that other one is and nor do I care. I post facts,you refuse to even look at facts and then whine. So beat it.
OH LOOK! Our resident teenager liberal is on! His mommy let him on the computer! nat4900
Yes, I hate them because they are dangerous. They stand for nothing other than giving more power tot government "for your own good". Which is the opposite of what this country actually is supposed to be.
Conservatives do you hate liberals? Liberals do you hate conservatives?

I don't hate anyone unless they give me good reason to. A lot of people can be annoying, but even still, hate never enters the equation. If you really want me to hate you, do something unforgivable.

But I believe in near infinite forgiveness. I doubt anyone here with whom I've minced words with knows how forgiving I can be.
The NVA couldn't catch us in their own mountains so I'm not too worried about US troops finding us in ours...the White Mountains of Arizona. Sure they'd have their best combat Vets but those Vets served in the flat deserts of Iraq and the mostly treeless mountains in Afghanistan. They've never gone against anybody like us Viet Vets in forest cover...Sure, we are getting long in the tooth but we're still the best guerilla force on the planet. "suicide by cop"? don't bet on it.
Dream on cowboy. While you are 100% correct about guerilla warfare being very effective, it also requires a supply chain; either "We, the People" or an outside force. In Viet Nam, you were supplied by the best, most industrious nation in the world. The VC had support from the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, often down the Ho Chi Minh trail through Laos and Cambodia. How will you be supplied in your lone stand against "We, the People"?

FWIW, in such an event, I think the US military would be strongly split with most refusing to fight against fellow Americans. That's given you are just a bunch of fucking nutjobs trying to blow up a Somali apartment complex and trying to murder innocent men, women and children. Most Americans don't condone fucking child murderers.
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Meh, drink bleach, tool. I'm sick of your holier than art thou attitude, calling people out and ignoring you do the same thing
Sorry, honey, but you'll commit suicide before I will. Hate is evil and evil people often die young.

I'm Catholic you deluded dope, it's a mortal sin. You are now dismissed and if you can't stop then stop commenting to me. It's not like I take you serious anyway. Just another toad talking smack thinking I give a shit. SURPRISE!!!! ....I don't.
I'm Catholic you deluded dope, it's a mortal sin. ...
You disproved your faithfulness to Catholicism when you took the Lord's name in vain. You did it again when you advised another human being to kill himself.

Yeah look at you, toad. Weren't you the one running around calling people you don't even know racist? Goddamn hypocrite
Meh, drink bleach, tool. I'm sick of your holier than art thou attitude, calling people out and ignoring you do the same thing
Asslips has been on ignore since I got here and not a clue who that other one is and nor do I care. I post facts,you refuse to even look at facts and then whine. So beat it.
OH LOOK! Our resident teenager liberal is on! His mommy let him on the computer! nat4900
You quoted yourself when you said that. ROFLMAO
I know moron. I did it on purpose. I tagged the person it was aimed in the post....liberal=dense.
Hate and love , flip sides to the same emotion. Do you forgive? Can you transcend? We all do, isn't that the larger question?
I'm Catholic you deluded dope, it's a mortal sin. ...
You disproved your faithfulness to Catholicism when you took the Lord's name in vain. You did it again when you advised another human being to kill himself.

Yeah look at you, toad. Weren't you the one running around calling people you don't even know racist? Goddamn hypocrite
Meh, drink bleach, tool. I'm sick of your holier than art thou attitude, calling people out and ignoring you do the same thing'd all that work out for ya Divine Fart?

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