do you hate the other side?

do you hate the other side?

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You are literally ignoring every contention I make (including actual history) and repeating yourself like you have aspergers.

I was warned to ignore fucktards, but unfortunately I have quite the rebellious streak.
What contention? All you've done is post pipe dreams and vague references to 1936-1939.

Thanks again for the personal attacks. It proves you have nothing else to offer.
The NVA couldn't catch us in their own mountains so I'm not too worried about US troops finding us in ours...the White Mountains of Arizona. Sure they'd have their best combat Vets but those Vets served in the flat deserts of Iraq and the mostly treeless mountains in Afghanistan. They've never gone against anybody like us Viet Vets in forest cover...Sure, we are getting long in the tooth but we're still the best guerilla force on the planet. "suicide by cop"? don't bet on it.
Dream on cowboy. While you are 100% correct about guerilla warfare being very effective, it also requires a supply chain; either "We, the People" or an outside force. In Viet Nam, you were supplied by the best, most industrious nation in the world. The VC had support from the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, often down the Ho Chi Minh trail through Laos and Cambodia. How will you be supplied in your lone stand against "We, the People"?

FWIW, in such an event, I think the US military would be strongly split with most refusing to fight against fellow Americans. That's given you are just a bunch of fucking nutjobs trying to blow up a Somali apartment complex and trying to murder innocent men, women and children. Most Americans don't condone fucking child murderers.
You just KNOW they'd be the ones hiding in churches...and schools...and hospitals.
Yeah look at you, toad. Weren't you the one running around calling people you don't even know racist? Goddamn hypocrite
No. "Goddamn hypocrite" = taking the Lord's name in vain. Have a nice day, lass.

Meh, drink bleach, tool. I'm sick of your holier than art thou attitude, calling people out and ignoring you do the same thing
It's the new RW christers thing...telling people to drink bleach.....
Not "new RW christers thing", just the comments of a very minor few fanatics. Taking one person's viewpoint about Christianity as a majority viewpoint is as wrong as taking Asclepias or Mickiel 's viewpoint about black Americans. It'd be a disservice to honest Americans to label them as being among the majority in their point of view.
What contention?

You have elected to ignore all these posts in favor of repeating yourself like the autistic retard that you are.

History proves it. Contemporary examples include the ELZN, Rojava, RIAU, Catalonia, and any and all places that are self governing outside the reach of state control (which is a fucking lot of places)

You see the world in terms of populations and not individuals, and therefore your mind cannot comprehend a world with no rulers without reverting back to your socially constructed collectivist ideals.

Your "national level" is an abstraction. You are viewing the world in terms of socially constructed populations. Social constructs are make believe inventions that us humans have created to simplify our thought process.

Animal species do not ask how to make anarchism work between two arbitrary lines drawn on a map, even with social species like Crows and Dolphins. If you cannot comprehend how the question asked is retarded, then you really need to attend Logic School 101.

Human nature is why statism has failed. All states withhold liberty and end up collapsing destructively during their short lifespan.

You just repeat, "Anarchy only works on a tribal/village level"

To which I respond

1. No, many historical examples show this is not true and here are a few of them(which you ignore)

2. That premise is fallacious in itself, because anarchism does not have levels. Asking how anarchism works as a state is akin to asking how an elephant becomes a girrafe. The whole point of anarchism is to reject collectivist states and arbitrary borders (which you ignore)
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No, I think your problem is you don't know how to open a bottle of wine without a hammer.

You're a re-fried turd sock and the mods will figure you out and ban you in due time.
I think you've run out of intellectual ammunition and now you just bully people online....something you're too weak to do IRL.

I'm sure you've filed plenty of complaints to ban me. Maybe it'll work.

IRL I'm way more than you'd care to deal with, wimp. And I haven't complained about you to're one of several weaklings here trying to sound intellectual and proving you're not with every post.
What contention?

You have elected to ignore all these posts in favor of repeating yourself like the autistic retard that you are.

History proves it. Contemporary examples include the ELZN, Rojava, RIAU, Catalonia, and any and all places that are self governing outside the reach of state control (which is a fucking lot of places)

You see the world in terms of populations and not individuals, and therefore your mind cannot comprehend a world with no rulers without reverting back to your socially constructed collectivist ideals.

Your "national level" is an abstraction. You are viewing the world in terms of socially constructed populations. Social constructs are make believe inventions that us humans have created to simplify our thought process.

Animal species do not ask how to make anarchism work between two arbitrary lines drawn on a map, even with social species like Crows and Dolphins. If you cannot comprehend how the question asked is retarded, then you really need to attend Logic School 101.

Human nature is why statism has failed. All states withhold liberty and end up collapsing destructively during their short lifespan.

You just repeat, "Anarchy only works on a tribal/village level"

To which I respond

1. No, many historical examples show this is not true and here are a few of them(which you ignore)

2. That premise is fallacious in itself, because anarchism does not have levels. Asking how anarchism works as a state is akin to asking how an elephant becomes a girrafe. The whole point of anarchism is to reject collectivist states and arbitrary borders (which you ignore)
Thanks for the reposts, but none of them prove Anarchy works above the tribal/village level nor that it can be sustained even on those terms. Still waiting for you proof. Meanwhile, I'll stick with what works, not what someone dreams up smoking pot in their parent's basement.
I hate anyone and everyone that's anti white in ANY form....conservative and liberal are merely labels especially since they work together so often to do nothing but harm my race. I don't see things through a republican or democrat view I look at it through a view of whether its good or bad for my race.

Totally side issue, but isn't it sad to devote your entire identity to protect a race that doesn't exist?
Not going to get into an argument with someone who denies science.
What science tells you that we not all humans, or specifically, Homo Sapiens?
just like there are HUNDREDS of different kinds of ALL animals be it dogs,cats,birds,horses,cows etc there are several different races of humans.
So...cats are are a different "race" than dogs on you planet?
On your planet, felines are the same as canines? Oh, I forgot. You never left the cartoon stage and think that CatDog is a real animal.
Thanks for the reposts, but none of them prove Anarchy works above the tribal/village level

1. Repetition

nor that it can be sustained even on those terms. Still waiting for you proof.

2. Ignoring arguments

Meanwhile, I'll stick with what works,

3. Adhering to a false premise that statism works

what someone dreams up smoking pot in their parent's basement.

4. Personal attack after hypocritically scolding others for using personal attacks

5. Obvious deflection

Conclusion: Stuck in an echo chamber
Thanks for the reposts, but none of them prove Anarchy works above the tribal/village level

1. Repetition

nor that it can be sustained even on those terms. Still waiting for you proof.

2. Ignoring arguments

Meanwhile, I'll stick with what works,

3. Adhering to a false premise that statism works

what someone dreams up smoking pot in their parent's basement.

4. Personal attack after hypocritically scolding others for using personal attacks

5. Obvious deflection

Conclusion: Stuck in an echo chamber
Translation: I can't prove my way works, so I'll continue to insult you and bitch about the old way.

Awesome, kid. When you actually have some solid evidence your way is better, I'll listen. Until then, you're just another pothead with an opinion. You do smoke pot, right? 2-3 times a week? Daily? I could be wrong. Please be honest.
Conservatives do you hate liberals? Liberals do you hate conservatives?

I don't hate liberals. What I detest is that they are teaching our children that "the ends justifies the means". That it's OK to be dishonest as long as you get what you want in the end.

In the long run it is a horrific mindset.
Interesting...what State curriculum has that?

Ahhhhh, the Progressive State.
Translation: I can't prove my way works, so I'll continue to insult you and bitch about the old way.

Awesome, kid. When you actually have some solid evidence your way is better, I'll listen.

Don't give me that shit.

You know as well as I do that you completely bypassed every argument I made, because you are too much of a fucking moron to debate me, kid.

Until then, you're just another pothead with an opinion. You do smoke pot, right? 2-3 times a week? Daily? I could be wrong. Please be honest.

No dipshit, I don't smoke pot.

I love your blatant hypocrisy though. You had the nerve to lecture me about personal attacks and intellectual honesty, and here you are trying to discredit the arguments I made by labeling me as a pothead.

Mission accomplished. You successfully deflected from answering any and all points presented, and the reward is that you get to bask in your own blissful ignorance. Those with half a brain cell will call you out for what you are, which is a fucking moron.
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Don't give me that shit.

You know as well as I do that you completely bypassed every argument I made, because you are too much of a fucking moron to debate me, kid.
All I did was ask for proof that the entire planet switching over from present forms of government, mainly constitutional democracies, to anarchy would work. History shows it can't be sustained above the village/tribal level. It either collapses from within or is destroyed from without.

Instead of providing evidence, all you can do is sling insults and personal attacks. Fine. I know it's all you have since you know as well as I do that the evidence I've repeatedly asked you to provide doesn't exist.
No doubt you'll keep telling yourself that. If you haven't complained, then why bring it up? An empty threat? Wishful thinking? Because you're too stupid to do anything else but make anonymous threats on a forum?

You are free to think of me as you please and I you. The fact remains your threats are empty and your comments are vacuous. You're a sad old man who feels powerless and can only make himself feel better by bullying others. You shouldn't feel that way, as I'm sure some of your friends have tried to tell you, but the results are clear.

You challenged me, wimp. :gay:
No doubt you'll keep telling yourself that. If you haven't complained, then why bring it up? An empty threat? Wishful thinking? Because you're too stupid to do anything else but make anonymous threats on a forum?

You are free to think of me as you please and I you. The fact remains your threats are empty and your comments are vacuous. You're a sad old man who feels powerless and can only make himself feel better by bullying others. You shouldn't feel that way, as I'm sure some of your friends have tried to tell you, but the results are clear.

You challenged me, wimp. :gay:
And you reacted like an out-of-control bull; all brawn, no brains.

Have you ever been arrested for domestic violence or assault?

No run off and report me. Maybe I'll be banned and you can be proud of doing something with your life.
Why not though. It's so instinctive, and easy
Only for people like Abbie Normal. Not most people above the age of 25. Mostly people on the wrong side of the IQ Bell curve; people who are intellectually stunted and driven by their base animal natures.

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