Do you have a life outside this board?

with the wife going in for her second hip replacement in 46 days and recovering from my own double cataract surgeries this is pretty much it for me at the moment.
I'll say.. I had back surgery in April and oral surgery this month, pain is fun.

So you finally had that back surgery..How is that working out for you?
Great, able to walk again and the right leg which was in a state of cramping for ten years is finally relaxing to the point I can stretch it and plan on starting to rebuild next month. I am looking forward to increasing the income bracket again

Yeppeeee oh I am so happy for you.. Congrats.
with the wife going in for her second hip replacement in 46 days and recovering from my own double cataract surgeries this is pretty much it for me at the moment.
I'll say.. I had back surgery in April and oral surgery this month, pain is fun.

So you finally had that back surgery..How is that working out for you?
Great, able to walk again and the right leg which was in a state of cramping for ten years is finally relaxing to the point I can stretch it and plan on starting to rebuild next month. I am looking forward to increasing the income bracket again

Yeppeeee oh I am so happy for you.. Congrats.
Thank you, now I am going to start hitting on grandma's.

stop it with your stupid killing of animals!

you are not a kind human being!:mad-61:

Is that what he's posting? I have a VERY large yard and last year I mowed eight before my divorce. I hit a baby rabbit. I felt terrible but taunting my wife with Elmer fudd were hunting rabbits waa priceless


See? It worked on you too. Lol

I felt terrible but the resulting hot chic crying topped anything I felt .

stop it with your stupid killing of animals!

you are not a kind human being!:mad-61:

Is that what he's posting? I have a VERY large yard and last year I mowed eight before my divorce. I hit a baby rabbit. I felt terrible but taunting my wife with Elmer fudd were hunting rabbits waa priceless


See? It worked on you too. Lol

I felt terrible but the resulting hot chic crying topped anything I felt .

How many times did you slap her?
this is pretty much my social life. I am not fond of being around people and prefer being outside in the yard or off trekking (when able) with my dog. I got a garden finally planted..corn is already up 2 inches and I planted it 7 days ago. Scallions and crook neck squash and zucchini is up...waiting for the carrots to appear. I do a lot of yard work. A LOT.

When we finally get our own place, I plan to start painting again. I don't do canvas. I do anything other than that. Mainly, furniture. I have not done it in over a year now because there is not place to do it, prep for it, get it done, then sell it. We live with a space. But once we get our apartment...I plan to start in again.

Oh, and I love Bob Ross and his happy trees! If I don't fall asleep watching, lol.

This is some of my work:

whimsical stuff:




Non whimsical stuff:


(Raised design using spackle)



stop it with your stupid killing of animals!

you are not a kind human being!:mad-61:

Is that what he's posting? I have a VERY large yard and last year I mowed eight before my divorce. I hit a baby rabbit. I felt terrible but taunting my wife with Elmer fudd were hunting rabbits waa priceless


No offence to anyone, but I could never be married to a hunter... it just seriously bothers me to see a beautiful animal die like that..

stop it with your stupid killing of animals!

you are not a kind human being!:mad-61:

Is that what he's posting? I have a VERY large yard and last year I mowed eight before my divorce. I hit a baby rabbit. I felt terrible but taunting my wife with Elmer fudd were hunting rabbits waa priceless


No offence to anyone, but I could never be married to a hunter... it just seriously bothers me to see a beautiful animal die like that..

Providing food by harvesting animals is one of the most fulfilling things I've done in my life. Most of what I eat in the wintertime is animals I kill for food.

stop it with your stupid killing of animals!

you are not a kind human being!:mad-61:

Is that what he's posting? I have a VERY large yard and last year I mowed eight before my divorce. I hit a baby rabbit. I felt terrible but taunting my wife with Elmer fudd were hunting rabbits waa priceless


No offence to anyone, but I could never be married to a hunter... it just seriously bothers me to see a beautiful animal die like that..

Providing food by harvesting animals is one of the most fulfilling things I've done in my life. Most of what I eat in the wintertime is animals I kill for food.

You were raised that way in the Dakota country, which is understandable .

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