Do you have a problem with Tennessee's "curbs [for] trans treatment and drag for children"?

I am indeed. But the failure of you to provide a sensible argument for destroying a child’s fully functionial reproductive capabilities has yet to be produced for discussion.
You don't want any. You already told on yourself when you claimed it was indefensible. 😄 You have to decide if you want to try an argue like a grown up or throw shit my guy.
You don't want any. You already told on yourself when you claimed it was indefensible. 😄 You have to decide if you want to try an argue like a grown up or throw shit my guy.

So you just proclaimed me King. Now go fetch me a samwich bitch.
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No, those are your words, they aren't the reflection of the medical professional who found issues with Dr. Turbans methodology.

I was paraphrasing Turbans defense of Dr. Clarke’s criticism, not Dr. Clarke.

Again, the two points Dr. Turban made were that other studies of minority populations are flawed in the same way as his, and that only genders specialists are qualified to talk about the harmful effects of transgenderization.
Nor does that medical professional agree with your bigoted feelings towards the trans community in general. No medical professionals do.
The profiteers of the child transgenderization movement are welcome their opinion, however sincerely or insincerely held. I am welcome to mine, as a layman, just as you are welcome to your layman’s opinion.
What they might disagree with is access to treatment. Sweden and tthe UK aren't barring access to puberty blockers or hormones treatments they are just reserving them for the most severe cases and administering them in a clinical trial setting.
We should be doing that here at a bare minimum. The most severe cases would by definition be people in their early twenties, at least. According to the science of neural development, people younger than that do not have well enough developed brains to know whether such a life changing surgery is need.
Sadly, that is what it is really about. The same shit that develops the taliban to be who they're also drives these conservatives. They're anti-science freaks that only believe in stone age religious trash to shape their world views. Sadly, this means people have to fucking suffer.
Science say DNA doesn't change shut the pie hole demon!
By "rare", she means "never". So you have laws being passed against stuff that isn't happening, while ignoring the very real harms being done to children by the state's interference with the parents' rights and their physicians' guidance in their care and upbringing.

I trust these people to know what's best for these children far more than I trust idiots like YOU to decide that it's weird and sick, and should never happen, and the anti-gay/trans hate group that the Republican Party has become. For families who are dealing with the crisis of having a trans child, they are terrified as they are being legally prevented from getting help for their children, many of whom are already suicidal.
Sorry beeeyotch, trans doesn't exist and those kids need mental help just like you do!
I was paraphrasing Turbans defense of Dr. Clarke’s criticism, not Dr. Clarke.

Again, the two points Dr. Turban made were that other studies of minority populations are flawed in the same way as his, and that only genders specialists are qualified to talk about the harmful effects of transgenderization.
The beauty of modern technology is that I don't need you to paraphrase for me what you imagine Dr. Turban said, if it were real you could just quote it.
The profiteers of the child transgenderization movement are welcome their opinion, however sincerely or insincerely held. I am welcome to mine, as a layman, just as you are welcome to your layman’s opinion.

Why how generous of you. 😄 The reality is people suffering from gender dysphoria aren't consulting you or I they are consulting people like Dr. Turban and the only thing you're doing is revealing your salty feelings over that fact.
We should be doing that here at a bare minimum. The most severe cases would by definition be people in their early twenties, at least. According to the science of neural development, people younger than that do not have well enough developed brains to know whether such a life changing surgery is need.
That's not what science says or what right wingers believe so save your Simp arguments until you admit to also thinking people shouldn't drive, take out loans or own firearms until 25.
The beauty of modern technology is that I don't need you to paraphrase for me what you imagine Dr. Turban said, if it were real you could just quote it.
You quoted it without comment, and I paraphrased it to show that it was nonsense.
Why how generous of you. 😄 The reality is people suffering from gender dysphoria aren't consulting you or I they are consulting people like Dr. Turban and the only thing you're doing is revealing your salty feelings over that fact.
Yes, they are being handed over the child transgenderization industry by public school personnel who hide what they are doing from parents and that will be stopped by voters/taxpayers/parents. You will not be consulted about that decision other than in your own district.
That's not what science says or what right wingers believe so save your Simp arguments until you admit to also thinking people shouldn't drive, take out loans or own firearms until 25.
It is what the science says, and is the reason that many car rental companies won’t rent a car to people under 21, or older for some companies.

I’m libertarian, so I don’t oppose adults doing what they please to their bodies. But denying the science that they are not ready to make an informed decision about altering their bodies to fit a perceived alternate gender only helps the profiteer, not the patient.
While what we hear in the news is highly promoted anecdotal cases, the fact is that there are gender changing surgeries that have taken place in the United States....

Children in this study were as young as 13 years old...That's crazy to me....Why the psychiatric community feels that this sort of treatment is necessary to treat minors with gender dysphoria, a DSM indicated diagnosis of mental disorder, is criminal...

Believe or not, there are people out there that believe that they shouldn't have been born with both their arms, as example, which is called "Body integrity dysphoria, or Apotemnophilia ...The doctors that are asked to remove a healthy limb because the patient requests it, are extremely rare because, 1. they could be violating the law, and 2. people are fickle...They change their mind after their request is preformed, and then come back and sue....And believe me there are plenty of injury lawyers out there willing to take that case...

We shouldn't be casually giving in to these mental disorders, and just approving these surgeries just because it's easier than treating the mental illness...
While what we hear in the news is highly promoted anecdotal cases, the fact is that there are gender changing surgeries that have taken place in the United States....

Children in this study were as young as 13 years old...That's crazy to me....Why the psychiatric community feels that this sort of treatment is necessary to treat minors with gender dysphoria, a DSM indicated diagnosis of mental disorder, is criminal...

Believe or not, there are people out there that believe that they shouldn't have been born with both their arms, as example, which is called "Body integrity dysphoria, or Apotemnophilia ...The doctors that are asked to remove a healthy limb because the patient requests it, are extremely rare because, 1. they could be violating the law, and 2. people are fickle...They change their mind after their request is preformed, and then come back and sue....And believe me there are plenty of injury lawyers out there willing to take that case...

We shouldn't be casually giving in to these mental disorders, and just approving these surgeries just because it's easier than treating the mental illness...
The whole idea of treating a delusion by chemically and surgically altering a healthy body in an attempt to add illusion to the delusion is highly suspect to say the least. So is having their friends and family feed into the delusion.

It would be like a person deluded that they are Napoleon and the doctor - for a huge fee - were to recruit men to play the role of the patient's "general's" and plan the invasion of Russia with him.

That might reduce the suicidal ideation I suppose. Certainly any study sponsored by professional Waterloo re-enactors would claim it does.
The beauty of modern technology is that I don't need you to paraphrase for me what you imagine Dr. Turban said, if it were real you could just quote it.

Why how generous of you. 😄 The reality is people suffering from gender dysphoria aren't consulting you or I they are consulting people like Dr. Turban and the only thing you're doing is revealing your salty feelings over that fact.

That's not what science says or what right wingers believe so save your Simp arguments until you admit to also thinking people shouldn't drive, take out loans or own firearms until 25.
Gender dysphoria is another name for mentally ill, they need help, not genital mutilation!
It almost feels like we are nearing critical mass. The BMJ out with a new article, warning of the risk of overtreatment in kids and acknowledgement that the evidence is weak. How long until we get to a point where many on the loony left start claiming they never supported this shit?

The US, however, has moved in the opposite direction. An investigation by The BMJ finds that more and more young people are being offered medical and surgical intervention for gender transition, sometimes bypassing any psychological support (doi:10.1136/bmj.p382).5 Much of this clinical practice is supported by guidance from medical societies and associations, but closer inspection of that guidance finds that the strength of clinical recommendations is not in line with the strength of the evidence. The risk of overtreatment of gender dysphoria is real.


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