Do you have a problem with Tennessee's "curbs [for] trans treatment and drag for children"?

Do you have a problem with Tennessee's "curbs [for] trans treatment and drag for children"?​

Nope. Let Tennessee govern Tennessee.
The taxpayer does not exist to validate the mental illness of others.
Liberals: smart enough to split the atom but too stupid to come in out of the rain

Tennessee is putting in a place a law, Tennessee, right wing, religious, not very friendly towards LGBT.

The law bans "drag performances in front of children and restricting medical treatment for transgender youth."

Does anyone have a problem with this?
Drag performances are SEXUAL. Kids should not be going to strip clubs, they should not have anyone performing sexual or sex based dances. I even think that thinks twirking should be banned from videos that kids can get their hands on. The amount of obscene stuff that is allowed to be open to everyone seems like "free speech gone too far".

As for the treatment for transgender youths, no kid should be allowed to have such a LIFE ALTERING operation at such a young age. Most teenagers are FUCKED UP in the head going through hormone changes, they need time as an adult to make such decisions.

And most importantly they need (which they won't get in Tennessee, will they?) mental healthcare possibilities.

A lot of transgender people are dealing with mental health issues, and I believe many might think their problems will be solved by having this surgery. What is needed, and needed to start as soon as possible is a study on mental health and transgender people so that healthcare professionals can help such people as early as possible, so they don't end up destroying their lives for a mistaken hope.
Pretty much everyone one of these transgenders are still very screwed up in the head after gender affirming care. So, to argue that they need gender affirming care for their mental health is flat out bogus.
Pretty much everyone one of these transgenders are still very screwed up in the head after gender affirming care. So, to argue that they need gender affirming care for their mental health is flat out bogus.
Did your bigot astrologist tell you that? Maybe try consulting a doctor, dipshit.
You should stick with goat fucking and LEAVE THE KIDS ALONE!!!!
That little girl is pretty emphatic that she wants people like you to leave her alone. Do you imagine your fantasies of being a warrior for children are more convincing than the viewpoints of those very children you're pretending to be a warrior for? 😄
That little girl is pretty emphatic that she wants people like you to leave her alone. Do you imagine your fantasies of being a warrior for children are more convincing than the viewpoints of those very children you're pretending to be a warrior for? 😄


Not leave them alone, buy into their fantasy.
That little girl is pretty emphatic that she wants people like you to leave her alone. Do you imagine your fantasies of being a warrior for children are more convincing than the viewpoints of those very children you're pretending to be a warrior for? 😄
If that were the case he wouldn’t have made the video. Leaving people alone is a two way street and it’s the last thing you trans activists will do is leave people alone.
If that were the case he wouldn’t have made the video. Leaving people alone is a two way street and it’s the last thing you trans activists will do is leave people alone.
She made a video for little trans teens like herself. She's not the one telling you how to live your life you ignorant twat.
That little girl is pretty emphatic that she wants people like you to leave her alone. Do you imagine your fantasies of being a warrior for children are more convincing than the viewpoints of those very children you're pretending to be a warrior for? 😄

Stay the fuck away from the kids!
Keep showing yourself to be a bully of children, I'm sure that'll help your party out with your generational divide with younger voters. 😄

It isn't bullying, it's making them face reality, something your side shields them from until it is too late for them to go back.

He can NEVER be a girl, just a sad twisted copy of one.
If that were the case he wouldn’t have made the video. Leaving people alone is a two way street and it’s the last thing you trans activists will do is leave people alone.

They want to spread the mental illness to others in order to make themselves feel normal. Same thing this mother did to this child.

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